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Rock Me: Royally Complicated #1 by Katz, Avery (14)



That was one hell of a wedding ceremony. The palace gardens were fucking incredible. They rivaled the gardens at Versailles. I was blown away by the landscape and the large horse statues at the entrance. There were guards everywhere dressed in traditional Raplen clothes. Cassie tried to take selfies with them but they told her they were part of the security detail. There were so many aristocrats and rich folks around us. I also spotted three peacocks wandering around like they owned the place. I went to check on the equipment and set up my shit and noticed Danny standing there out of the corner of my eye. He was hanging out with his cousins and brothers. He looked dapper in his brown suit with his blond hair brushed to the side.

When the bride finally showed up, cameras started flashing and a young woman with a violin started playing this really cool rendition of Coldplay’s Yellow. She marched down the aisle in a lace and chiffon dress with her strawberry blond hair flowing like a river behind her. I watched from the stage as the groom held her hand and read out his vows. It was a very touching moment. They were deeply in love with each other.

I heard that she fell in love with him online. Nowadays, that was the norm for some people. I was shocked that she was marrying an American guy from Florida of all places. How the fuck did he manage to capture the heart of a princess so easily? I snuck a glance at Prince Danny. Images of our lovemaking flashed through my mind as I feasted my eyes on his perfectly symmetrical face. He looked like a mannequin from afar.

I noticed a couple of women drooling over him from their seats. There were around five hundred guests in that garden. I was blown away by how organized the wedding was. There was a dark haired woman with too much attitude yelling at the staff earlier. I felt sorry for them. Danny hardly made any eye-contact with me during the ceremony. I knew he was doing what I asked. What happened between us can never see the light. The last thing I needed was for my band mates to ride my ass about being gay. They were already making inappropriate comments about the princes behind their backs.

My decision to keep things on the down low was bothering me for some reason. I sighed and watched as Lizzie kissed her groom. The crowd began cheering and clapping like crazy. They even released a bunch of doves into the air. Danny and his brothers ushered their guests towards the nearby reception tent.

“That was fucking awesome,” Cassie exclaimed from beside me. “How dreamy was that scene just now? With the doves and everything? I wish I could snag a prince or two for myself.”

Danny helped a couple of old ladies into their seats. I wanted to walk up to him and kiss him in public like a normal human being. I wanted to hold his hand and show him off. That was all I could think about while I watched the party unfold.

Was I trapped in a prison of my own making?

“So, does everyone have a copy of the tracklist?”

“Yup.” Scott replied from behind me.

I took a deep breath and fiddled with my guitar. We were about to perform our love song compilation. I had to sing the hell out of those lyrics. Love was in the air and I wanted to give an unforgettable performance for our Raplen audience.

“Nathan, are you alright buddy?” Calvin pulled me out of my thoughts.

I cleared my throat and readjusted my microphone. “Yeah. I was just thinking about drowning you in that lake over there.”

“Haha. Very funny.” He rolled his eyes at me.

The bride and groom walked around the elegant tent to personally greet their guests. Danny followed at a distance, spreading his boyish charm wherever he went. He made the women giggle and caught the attention of a few men too. I wanted to climb off the stage and tell them to back off.

One of the staff gave us the green light to start our set. Fireworks erupted from behind the stage, drawing the crowd’s attention to us. We decided on a slow jam for Lizzie and her groom to dance to. They walked hand in hand to the dance floor and started swaying to the rhythm of our mellow beat.

Balloons and glitter fell from the overhead net while Cassie played her first guitar solo. I adjusted my earpiece and concentrated on the beat. “Congratulations to Lizzie and Mark.” I smiled down at the newlyweds. They laughed and waved back at me.

“This first song goes out to you. It’s called Love Eternal.”