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Rock Me: Royally Complicated #1 by Katz, Avery (5)



A swarm of loud, excited fans greeted us at the airport. They wave their posters at us, begging for autographs. I already felt jet lagged and tired as hell. I was hardly in the mood to smile and pose for selfies. That was the last thing on my mind. Cassie was freaking relentless as well. She kept latching herself onto my arm. I had it up to here with that woman.

“Where the hell is our ride?” I grunted as our two bodyguards cleared the way for us.

“The Moonstones, right?” A deep, baritone voice sliced through the screams and chants.

I turned around and the rest of the band followed.

Fuck me. Who was that hottie?

My heart skipped a beat when I saw the gorgeous blond who stood there to greet us. He was a few inches shorter than me with baby blue eyes, high cheekbones, and broad shoulders. He had perfect posture and a disarming smile that made me want to kiss those soft looking lips.

He started talking to our manager but his words drifted to the background. I was too busy taking notes of the excited glint in the young man’s eyes. He introduced himself as Daniel and told us that he was stoked for our visit. His exuberance spilled over and infected most of the band. He shook everyone’s hands starting with Eric who was one second away from losing his shit. The man did not shut up about the million dollars we were about to earn. He was walking around the jet with dollar signs flashing in his eyes.

Cassie suddenly moved from beside me to get closer to the prince. I felt a pang of jealousy hit me out of nowhere. “So, are you really a prince?” She asked, giggling and tossing back her purple curls.

Daniel turned pink at her words. It was fucking adorable. “Yes, but you can call me Danny. Royal titles are only used in ceremonies and formal occasions really.” He said with a laugh.

It was finally my turn to shake his hand. A jolt of electricity flowed between us like some kind of magic.

Startled, I looked into his eyes and saw him staring at me with the same lustful expression on his handsome face.

Shit. I had to have this blond eye candy all to myself.

Prince Daniel guided us to a limousine. I checked him out from behind while he walked to the driver and gave him the keys to his car. He apparently drove a Mini Cooper. Everyone here drove a freaking Mini Cooper. They were everywhere.

“You will be all staying at my estate. I hope this is okay with you.” He told us, flashing the group an apologetic smile. ”Princess Lizzie, the bride, has no idea that you’re coming and I would like to keep it that way.”

“No problem. We are simply happy to be here.” Eric replied on our behalf.

“Good to know.” The Prince ushered us into the limousine before getting behind the wheel. I thought he was going to follow us with his car but he seemed to be taking this whole royal hospitality thing seriously.

“Shotgun!” Cassie jumped into the passenger seat with a loud squeal.

What a loud, obnoxious person she turned out to be. I felt a cocktail of relief and disappointment. A small part of me wanted to ride next to that royal beefcake. He seemed like an interesting guy and humble as hell. Were all Raplen royals like him?

I sat next to Scott and glanced out the window. Raplen was a lot different than the States. It had old, historical churches and medieval towns. There were no towers or skyscrapers. Instead, the landscape was picturesque with pine trees and hills. Everyone was taking pictures with their phones. We came across two lakes, a waterfall and a herd of wild horses. They looked stunning against the backdrop of emerald mountains.

“Raplen is rad, man.” Adam, the bassist remarked beside me.

We all heard something pop before the limo titled sideways.

“Fuck. We blew a tire, didn’t we?”

The prince parked the limo on the side of the road and apologized to everyone. I climbed out of the car and volunteered to change the flat tire. It felt like the decent thing to do after everything he did for us. Calvin helped me carry out the spare and place the jack under the car. I took off my shirt to protect it from grease and Cassie was instantly on me all over again. She leaned against the passenger door and watched me loosen the lug nuts.

“Thirsty?” Calvin teased her. “Because I saw you drooling over the prince.”

“Of course I am. Have you seen the guy?” She said.

“Make up your mind then. You can’t have both men, Cass.”

Prince Danny walked up to us with a playful smile playing on those pillowy lips. “Well, you may have one man but not yours truly.” He told her. “Actually, I’m gay. Sorry.”

The limo went silent all of a sudden. My interest peaked and my mouth went dry at his confidence. He was so casual about his sexual orientation. It was fucking refreshing to hear him say it out loud. This is too good to be true. Christmas came early this year in the shape of this fine man. My band mates piled into the back of the limousine without a word. See? That was why I was so terrified of coming out of the closet. Their cold reaction was hostile as is.

I quickly changed the tire and joined the others.

“What the hell. I did not come all this way to be hit on by a prince.” Ryan commented.

“Don’t flatter yourself. I highly doubt you’re his type anyway.” I told him, feeling a lot more irritated than usual. How did I put up with him all these years?

“And you are?” Ryan raised an eyebrow at me.

“Shut up.” I looked away, pretending to be uninterested. “And don’t cause any trouble. The last thing we need is to lose this gig because of your homophobic ass. Let’s enjoy our time and make the most of our stay with the prince. Three more days and we’ll be back home where we can all enjoy our break.” The words left a bitter taste in my mouth. I wanted to get to know Daniel and spend more time with him.

He was a rare find, like a unicorn or blue diamonds.

Fuck. He made me think about unicorns.