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Stand By Me Box Set: Books 1-3 by Brinda Berry (45)


Current Day


We arrive at the address in St. Louis for Veronica’s wedding. Although the wedding happens at 4:00, we’re supposed to arrive by 2:00. The house is gorgeous.

I don’t tell Gunner how much I dread attending a wedding today. Usually, I’m the one who wants to attend, even if I barely know the bride and groom. There’s nothing more beautiful than a bride walking down to meet the person she’s to spend the rest of her life with.

Gunner’s fingers tighten around mine, his grip making my rings bite into my flesh.

“I’m not going anywhere,” I say. “Loosen up.”

He relaxes his fingers. “Yeah. Sorry.”

I nod. “Let’s have fun. Don’t break my fingers. You’ve got me. I’m sure you could catch me if I made a run for it. And remember that I agreed to pretend for today. I’m all yours.”

He gives me an uncomfortable smile bordering on a grimace. “Sure. OK.”

The door opens before we ring the doorbell. The dark-haired girl who answers it tilts her head. “You must be Gunner.”

“Yes. Is Veronica here?” He looks over her shoulder into the house.

“Come in. I’m Malerie,” she says, stepping back so we can enter.

“Thanks.” He walks inside and releases my hand. Before I can miss it, he places his hand on the small of my back. “And this is my girlfriend Kiley.”

I love the sound of the introduction—fake or not—and restrain my goofy grin.

“Hi,” Malerie says and walks backward. “I know Veronica will be so happy you’re here. She’s been antsy that you wouldn’t show.”

“Of course I’d come. Where is she?” he asks. His gruff tone surprises me.

Malerie doesn’t seem to notice. “She’s upstairs. You guys make yourselves at home.” Malerie waves in the general area of a room to the left. “I’ll get her.”

We walk into the next room and take a seat on the sofa. “What a great house,” I say.

“Hm,” he answers. He sits arrow straight and uncomfortable.

We’ve returned to the monosyllabic Gunner, and I try not to let it bother me.

I rest my hand on his knee and squeeze. “Relax.”

He leans back to recline with me on the sofa. “I’m fine.”

“Liar,” I say, my mouth curving into a smile at his denial. Men. So weird.

“Gun?” A blonde stands in the threshold, looking like an angel in a long, white dressing gown with a mass of curls waving gently down her back.

He doesn’t answer, but stands.

She runs forward and flings her arms around his chest. “You came.”

“I said I would.” He smiles down into her face. “Nicky-girl, everything OK?”

“Better than OK,” she answers. She places her head against his chest. “I’ve missed you.”

The moment stretches out for hours, a definite figment of my imagination as I wish it were me in Gunner’s arms.

He pulls his head back and looks at her. “I want you to meet Kiley.”

She lets her arms fall and takes a step back. “You brought a girl. I’m so glad.”

Then she does the most unexpected thing. She grabs both my hands in hers and kisses me on the cheek. “Hi,” she says. “I’m Veronica.”

Her friend Malerie steps forward. “I hate to break up this reunion, but Gunner needs to go out back with the guys so he can get instructions on giving away Veronica. Ace and Collin are in the pool house.”

“OK.” Gunner can’t take his gaze from his sister. “You look beautiful.”

“Gun! I’m in my robe. Go on so you’ll know what to do and I can get into my gown.” Veronica gives him a friendly shove.

“Kiley?” he asks.

Veronica grabs my hand. “Kiley comes with us. I need help with my hair and getting into the dress.”

I gulp past the giant lump in my throat. This scene isn’t anything like I’d expected. I’d thought we would be ushered into a place to wait for guests to arrive. It’s also a surprise that he’s giving away the bride. Had I missed that detail when he invited me?

Somehow, I don’t think so.

Veronica rushes away and talks the entire time. Malerie walks behind her and throws glances over her shoulder to make sure I’m still following. She gives me looks that say she’s amused at her friend’s non-stop chatter.

“How long have you known Gunner? Did you know he’s on a television show? I really can’t believe he would agree to do such a crazy thing. Do you watch it?” Veronica doesn’t even pause to listen to my answers.

We walk through double doors at the end of a long hallway. The suite is huge with clothes strewn everywhere.

Malerie closes the door. “You’re Kiley Vanderbilt,” she says.

She knows who I am. So much for pretending to be dating Gunner. A set of French doors lead to the back lawn, framing a wonderland that I can see from across the room. The decorations seem elaborate for a small backyard wedding.

I hadn’t thought through how I’d be received or if anyone would recognize me.

Veronica twirls around. “I know that name. You’re Kiley from the show? The Matchmaker?” She frowns.

“The one and only.” I stand awkwardly to the side of the door. “Gunner asked me to come along as a friend. I went to school with him,” I add awkwardly.

Malerie examines me with a knowing look, but doesn’t say a word. I’m so paranoid that I imagine everyone has seen the social media. Maybe not.

Veronica sits on a long chaise at the end of the bed. “You went to school in Shelby City?”

She seems unfazed by the fact that I’ve been named the harlot tempting her brother.

“No. I’m from Nashville.” I walk to the window and look out at the lawn. There’s an area at the far end with gas lamps lined up on each side of a purple velvet runner. At the end, massive standing floral decorations in apricot and white mark both sides of a trellis wrapped in white lights.

Beyond, white tents shelter tables with covered serving platters. Lanterns hang from all the trees. Even in the daylight, it’s enchanting.

A stage flanks the right side of the tents.

“How many guests are there?” I begin to panic.

“Only a few. Veronica wanted it to be small.” Malerie studies me. “Beautiful, huh?”

Veronica sighs happily. “I’m surprised Gunner brought you. You must be very special to him.” She hands Malerie her hairbrush and several clips while tilting her head back to look at her friend. “Do your magic.”

“He thinks you’re pretty special.” We make eye contact in the mirror.

Veronica gives me a tight smile. “I worry about how he is. Since I left home, he doesn’t talk to me much.”

I raise an eyebrow. “Did you guys fight over something?”

She lowers her gaze and searches through the makeup on the countertop. “No. Gunner had a fight with my ex-boyfriend. You could say I ran away from home after it happened. Gunner didn’t deserve that, me shutting him out. We’d been close.”

“I can tell he’s happy to be here.” I stare at this beautiful girl and experience an overwhelming desire to be in her place. Ready to join lives with a man she loves.

She looks up and smiles. “There’s not a better wedding present in the world he could’ve given me. I think he’s forgiven me for letting him down. I’m so glad he’s here. And so happy he has you.”

Heat rises into my cheeks. “We’re only friends.”

“You’re more than that. Gunner wouldn’t bring someone who’s only a friend.”

I want more. This girl is the key to everything I want to know about Gunner. “I think you’ve got the wrong idea. I’ve matched him with Melanie on the show. She’s so into him. And I think he’s into her. They’ve had more than one date.”

Veronica wrinkles her nose. “Oh, sorry.” Her brow wrinkles. “Melanie from the show is OK, I guess.”

Now, my curiosity’s peaked. “You don’t think she’s the one.”

Veronica hands Malerie a hairclip. “I know she’s not. Watch the last show of their date. He smiles at her like he would his teacher. You know, respectfully.”

“Oh,” I say.

“Has he touched her back like he did yours?”

“I don’t know. They went on a date. Surely he touched her.”

“He likes you a lot.”

I give her a tight smile. “No, I told you. We’re

“Just friends,” she finishes. “OK. Maybe I’m making all that other stuff a bigger deal than it is. But the truth is he’d have found a way to bring her to my wedding if he really saw a future with her. Instead, he brought you.”

“You’re sweet.”

“So you really like him a lot, too. Gunner needs someone who can be true to him and never waver. He needs someone special. He deserves someone devoted to him. I hope that person is you.”

My heart slams against my chest. “A girl would be lucky to have his love. It’s my job to find her.”

“Maybe you’re looking too far.” Veronica pulls a strand of blonde hair down to curl along her neck and Malerie shakes her head at the unsolicited help.

“I have a job to do.” I look out the window so I won’t have to meet her gaze.

Veronica inspects her hair in a hand mirror. “Some things in life are more important than a job. Now, I need help getting into my wedding gown without messing up my hair or makeup.”

Malerie exits the room and returns with an apricot colored creation, a breathtaking swath of fabric. “Let’s get this girl married today. Kiley? Can you help?”

Veronica stands and removes her dressing gown. “I’m ready.”

* * *

Less than twenty people sit in the chairs to witness the wedding. I sit on the front row beside Malerie. I’ve never been to a wedding without bridesmaids or groomsmen.

Only the groom stands underneath the trellis with the woman minister.

A wedding song begins and we turn. Gunner escorts Veronica down the outdoor carpet runner leading to them. My breath catches in my throat. Veronica’s a vision with her arm linked through his elbow. He occasionally glances down at her with overwhelming affection on his face.

Such love in the way his eyes crinkle in the corners.

I’ve attended hundreds of weddings, yet this single moment surpasses the sweetness of all the others. Veronica’s focus is on two men today—Gunner at her side and the dark-haired man standing beneath the trellis.

I should be enjoying all the tiny details of the wedding—the flowers, the fairy lights hanging from trees, the rock ballad playing as they walk.

But instead, I’m mesmerized by Gunner.

Malerie sniffles beside me. It would be totally ridiculous to cry at the wedding of someone I’ve only met today.

My eyes water and I quickly blink back threatening tears. I thank the cosmetic gods for waterproof mascara.

Gunner turns his head. The moment his gaze meets mine, I lose my ability to hold back. I feel the weight of the world on my chest, smashing into my ribs and crushing my ideas about my future beneath an overwhelming realization.

I cannot take my eyes off Gunner. His crooked, jubilant smile feels like helium in my heart.

He could be the one, my forever.

We’ve both chosen to play a silly game of matchmaking for money or fame or whatever reason, and I don’t want to play anymore.

Because my heart can’t understand why he feels so right when others felt so wrong.

My previous vision of my future was clear.

My future husband woos me and knows I’m the only woman in the world for him. We talk until dawn because we have so much in common. He introduces me to his friends as the woman he knew he’d marry from the moment we met.

None of this fits Gunner.

Gunner scoffs at the institution of marriage and the idea of love.

I try to get out of the crazy thoughts in my head. The tears flow down my cheeks. I’m going to be a mess.

Someone hands me a tissue.

Gunner puts Veronica’s hand in her future husband’s. He nods at the man I know is Collin.

An empty chair waits for Gunner beside me. When he sits, he places a hand on his knee. He flips his hand up indicating he wants to hold mine. I thread my fingers through his, but return my attention to the couple reciting their vows.

“You may now kiss the bride,” the minister says.

As Collin kisses Veronica, a loud rock song from Jelly Bean Queen blasts from hidden speakers and Malerie hops up from her seat. She begins clapping and gives a few wolf whistles.

“Time for champagne!” she yells. She and her husband Ace wave us to follow them. I begin to stand, but Gunner pulls me to stay.

He leans forward and puts his lips to my ears. “I’d like to go.”

His hot breath tickles the shell of my ear. “Already?” I ask.

“Yes. I want to be alone with you. They won’t expect us to stay.” He strokes his thumb along my hand he still holds.

A thrill of anticipation dances in my belly. “OK.”

He’s still holding my hand as I use my free one to wave at Malerie. She seems to accept that we’re sneaking away. This is far from my normal concept of a wedding with mandatory congratulations and tradition.

What about the cake? And the first dance?

None of that matters. I catch a last glimpse of Veronica embracing her husband, kissing him as if there are no guests.

Gunner releases my hand, but flings his arm around me and hugs me to his side. “Trust me?”

“Scary things come after a phrase like that.”

“Everything worth something is scary. So, I’ll ask again. Trust me?”

“OK. I guess.”

He laughs. “You don’t trust me one bit, but I can deal with it.”

As we drive away, he reaches across to grab my hand again. He brings my knuckles to his lips and places a soft kiss on them.

“Are we still pretending?” I look out my window instead of at him. It’ll be dusk soon and time to head back to Nashville. It will be a long drive if he plays with my heart the entire way back.

“I think I’m getting better at it,” he says and leaves a kiss on the back of my hand. “Am I doing this in-love thing right? Guys aren’t born knowing the rules of romance.”

“Practice makes perfect,” I say under my breath as we pass a small-time carnival.

“I’m very competitive.”

“Stop,” I yell and point at a Ferris wheel, its festive lights glowing in the dimming evening.

“Lord, woman. What is it?”

“That!” I wrest my hand from his and point like a kid. “Please Gunner. I haven’t been on one in years. That’s romance.”

He squints at me and shakes his head. “OK. But it’s going to be tough to find someone who’ll ride it with you.”

I poke him hard in the ribs. “You owe me for this wedding.”