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The Way Back to Us by Howard, Jamie (38)

Bianca’s Mercedes was like a silver bullet racing down the highway. I slammed my hands against the roof of the car as we zoomed around a tractor trailer truck. “Urgency is important, but—” I flinched as we cut in front of a minivan. “—I’d also really like to make it there alive.”

In the front seat, Ian sat with eyes closed, lips moving though I couldn’t hear what he was saying. It was probably the rosary or something similar in case we all died in a fiery explosion.

Daphne was in back with me, arms spread and pressed against the backseat, her eyes bugging out.

“Regretting leaving Concord, yet?”

“You have no idea.”

“Brakes!” I shouted as the red lights flashed from the taillights in front of us.

We cut right.

“I saw them.” I caught Bianca rolling her eyes at me in the rearview mirror.

The car started ringing like it was a giant cell phone.

“What is that?” Daphne’s eyes went impossibly wider.

“Relax, it’s only my phone.” She pressed a button on the steering wheel. “Bianca Easton.”

“Ms. Easton, I am so sorry to bother you. I know you’re at a wedding this weekend and you said—”

“Get to the point, Gia.” My assistant, she turned to mouth over her shoulder, which ignited a fresh wave of panic in me and almost had me jumping for the wheel. “Please,” she added as an afterthought.

“Well, you said to call in case of an emergency. And I think this really is one. I’m not really sure why, given that this is a non-profit, but—”

“Gia, please. What is the emergency?”

“There’s a . . . hold on.” Papers rustled. “An Autumn Parker who . . . one second.”

“Oh my God!” Daphne threw her hands up in front of her face as a slow-moving car meandered into our lane like it had no regard for its life.

Bianca slammed on the brakes and we all jerked forward, then left as she swung into the middle lane and gunned it. Through the car’s speakers the ever-loquacious Gia was still stuttering through her haphazard notes on the emergent call.

My phone started ringing. I had to remove one of my hands from the ceiling to fish it out. Sandwiching it between my shoulder and ear, I said, “Hello?”

“Gav, it’s Rachel. I think I’ve got something.”

“What? How?” There was no way on God’s green earth that they’d managed to get back to the city ahead of us unless they’d frickin’ teleported.

“The search. I got something on the search.”

“You have Wi-Fi in the car?”

There was a beat of silence in my ear and I managed to catch Gia’s next lovely tidbit. “She’s calling from a police station. I swear I wrote down which precinct she’s at.”

“Do you seriously want to hear about how I access the Internet in the car?”

“Of course not.”

“Then why did you ask,” she practically screeched in my ear.

“Sorry. I’m a little frazzled over here, fearing for my life.”

“Gavin, does the name Autumn Parker mean anything to you?”

My mouth hung open. “Autumn Parker?”

Bianca turned around. “What? Who’s Autumn Parker?”

“Good Lord woman, turn around!”

Then Gia on the car phone. “Me? Why? There’s nothing behind me.”

Rachel was shouting in my ear. “What’s happening?”

“Everybody, please chill out for just one second.”

Everything went completely silent. I blew out a breath. “Rach, Bianca’s assistant just called saying an Autumn Parker was calling from the police station asking for her.”

I flipped her over to speakerphone so Bianca could hear her response. “That’s the name that popped up in my search. Autumn Olivia Parker. She’s the right age.” Some tapping on her keyboard filtered through. “I don’t have any pictures of her other than a blurry picture on this missing poster. But . . . it could be her.”

“Missing poster?” Ian asked, eyes still closed.

Rachel sucked in a breath. “Gavin, I’m not sure you’re going to like what I have to say.”

“The twenty-fifth precinct!” Gia’s voice blared through the speakers.

“That’s gotta be her,” Daphne said, still clinging to the seat for dear life.

“Rach, tell us what we need to know.” I cringed before I even said it. “Bianca, you get us to the twenty-fifth precinct as fast you can. Preferably in one piece.”