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Blue Alien Prince's Captive Bride: A Sci-Fi Alien Romance (Royally Blue - Celestial Mates Book 4) by Zara Zenia (10)

Chapter 10


I had gone to bed the night before thinking that the shine of a new day would bring new beginnings and cooled off tempers.

The dust would settle and I could work on convincing Marissa further to stay and be mine forever.

Wow, was I ever fucking wrong on that idea.

I woke up thinking I’d hear the sound of birds chirping out the window, welcoming the new day. Instead, I heard the sound of loud voices in the sitting room outside my bedroom.

What the fuck, who was yelling at this hour?

I groaned and rolled over—carefully—as not to wake Marissa, who, thankfully, was still sleeping next to me in the bed. She stirred slightly but didn’t wake.

I let out a sigh of relief and rubbed my groggy, sleepy eyes before I threw open the door to my bedroom in heated frustration. Whoever was disrespecting my morning was going to get their asses handed to them, and quickly.

I charged full steam ahead, my stride at a rapid pace. I practically barreled through the door to the sitting room. Surprised, I stopped dead in my tracks.

“Dakir? What the hell are you doing here this early in the morning?” I asked in confusion to my brother who was apparently arguing with one of my guards. So that’s what the noise had been.

“Well, well—if it isn’t the token trophy man of the hour!” Dakir threw his hands up sarcastically and pointed directly at me.

“What the fuck are you talking about? Why are you yelling?”

“Your asshole guard wouldn’t let me in, that’s why. I’m family! What a disgrace.” Dakir’s face turned dark and I wasn’t sure if he would try to pounce on Rodney, my guard.

“Okay, take it easy,” I said. “I’m here now. Rodney, you can go.” I dismissed a reluctant Rodney and he closed the door behind him.

I looked back to Dakir. “Now, do you think you could tell me what this is all about?”

“Oh, thank you, I feel so honored to be in your presence. Allow me to show you how humbled I am.” Dakir’s voice was laced with bitterness as he bowed before me vindictively.

“Just spit it out already, Dakir. I am giving you the benefit of the doubt now, but if you don’t cut this hateful shit out, I’m going to have Rodney come back in here to kick you out.” I only half meant that statement. Dakir could get crazy and I didn’t want to put him to the test.

“Fine,” Dakir snarled and bared his teeth. “Are the rumors true?”

I scoffed. “What rumors?”

Dakir inched closer to me. “I’m talking about the rumors that you are engaged to be married. Please tell me it’s a lie.”

I puffed out my chest and beamed with pride. “For once, I can say the rumors are in fact true.”

Dakir let out a half laugh, half wail. “Are you fucking kidding me?”

“No, I’m not kidding. In fact, we are trying to get pregnant now.”

I smirked at him, even though I had stretched the truth to almost farfetched proportions when I remembered Marissa’s sentiments toward me last night. I still had hope hanging in the balance.

“So when is your wedding supposed to take place to this so-called wife?” Dakir spit furiously at me.

“In seven days.”

“Seven days? As in, seven days from today?

“That’s right, you heard me.” I wouldn’t crack.

“Kadic, please realize the huge mistake you are making. You are only rushing to get married so you can take over the throne.”

“You can’t presume to know my intentions.” I glared at him forcefully.

He pressed on, “You are being overly ambitious. You better watch your back.”

I laughed venomously. “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”

“Humans aren’t cut out for this planet. They have no idea how to act and they don’t know our language.”

“So?” I raised my eyebrows.

Dakir narrowed his eyes and gave me a look that made my blood run cold. “I’m just saying, dearest brother of mine, you never know when your fiancée might end up touching the wrong plant and winding up dead.”

I leaned in so close I could feel his hot breath on my cheek. “Is that a threat?”

Dakir sneered, testing my patience. “I’m just warning you, that’s all.”

“This conversation is over. Get out.” I glared daggers at my brother.

“You don’t mean that.”

“Get out!” My voice boomed through the room and sliced through the air.

“Fine, I’ll leave. But think about it before you do something you’ll regret, Kadic,” he said menacingly as he pointed a rigid finger at me.

He slammed the door shut behind him and a painting fell off the wall. It was a painting of my father’s beloved deceased Darailtar. I swear he had loved that animal more than he had Dakir or me.

I placed it back on the wall and took a few deep breaths, seething. I tried to come down from the anger before I went back to the bedroom where I hoped Marissa would not be awake yet.

Dakir was the biggest prick on the planet. Screw him and his vague threats. I would never allow anything dangerous or harmful to happen to Marissa, not on my watch.

I glanced out the window. The sun was rising and illuminating the sky with its magnificent orange hues. I had newfound renewal of even further urges and desire to make Marissa my wife now.

I just had to convince her to feel the same way.

I couldn’t allow any force to come between us, whether that be a person or an object. I had set my eye on the prize and my goal was Marissa. I knew I’d never be able to find another woman on this planet who compelled me to live better than Marissa.

And the sex!

Fuck, the sex was hot, steamy, and amazing. I’d dreamed of her pussy and could taste her juices even without actually being in the moment with her.

After a few minutes of picturing Marissa naked, I’d calmed down enough to head back to bed. Hopefully I’d get at least an hour or more of sleep before I had to get up and on with the day.

I opened the door as carefully and quietly as I could.


Marissa was sitting, fully clothed, on the edge of the bed. So much for returning to find her still naked and asleep.

“Good morning,” I said cheerfully, trying to play off any remnants of anger I’d had. I wanted to give her the impression that everything was just delightful on this fine day on the off chance that she’d not heard any of my conversation with Dakir through the walls.

But once I noticed her body language, I froze. Her arms were crossed and she was glaring at me.

I was busted, and, by the look on her snarling face, I knew I was in big trouble.