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Daddy Dearest by Isabella Starling (29)



Her skin almost looked luminous in the darkness. I turned on a single light, dimming it just enough to keep the atmosphere in the room a little mysterious. Angel looked scared as hell as her eyes took in the room.

I’d been going easy on her for much too long. I should’ve shown her this room on the day I brought her home. I felt like a jackass for waiting this long. She needed to learn her place – something both of us tended to forget.

“Pick something you want to use,” I said in her ear.

I could feel her panic coming off her in waves, so I nudged her gently and she moved forward.

She walked between the various pieces of equipment, her fingers touching the leather, the wood. She seemed curious but frightened at the same time, and I felt my cock responding to her natural instincts.

“I don’t know what any of this stuff does,” she said, looking at me over her shoulder.

I raised my gaze from her pert little ass to those beautiful eyes.

“Would you like something simpler?” I asked her. I couldn’t believe the words coming from my mouth. Was I actually giving her a choice? This girl was messing with my head, and the worst part was, I wasn’t sure I hated it.

“Yes, please.” She came to stand closer to me, her eyes dancing over my face nervously. She wanted to say something, but she was anxious, and I was eager to find out what it was.

“Tell me what’s on your mind, little girl,” I said softly, my fingers touching her cheek.

“I’m scared you’ll hurt me,” she admitted. “I’m afraid of pain.”

“But you hit me,” I reminded her with a grin. “How else am I supposed to punish you, Angel?”

“I’m sure there’s something,” she said. “You can think of something, can’t you?”

She reached for me with her small hands, but seemed to change her mind halfway. I stared at her wrists held together like that and got the perfect idea of what I was going to do to her. My cock stiffened at the thought of it.

“Follow me,” I told her, and she fell into step behind me meekly as I led her deeper into the playroom.

I walked over to some hanging equipment and picked my favorite rope off it. It wasn’t too rough against the skin, but it was strong enough to hold her tight when she was bound. There was no way she could break free from it.

“Sit down,” I told her, patting a leather bench in a corner of the room. “Right here, Angel, come on.”

She only hesitated for a moment before sitting down demurely and making me laugh out loud.

“Not like that,” I told her. “Spread your legs. I want you to ride it.”

She blushed but did as she was told, and I knelt down next to her, tying her ankles first. I made sure she couldn’t move them, binding them to the legs of the bench as tightly as I dared. Her wrists followed next, and I tied them together in front of her. She seemed to exhale in relief before I raised her hands above her head.

“W-what are you doing?” she asked as I fastened the ropes around her wrists to a hook above her head. “Please… I don’t understand.”

“Just something to keep you on your toes,” I told her simply, and she whimpered as I secured her arms above her head, stretching her skinny body tight. “Remember, this is a punishment, Angel. I can’t let you get away with everything.”

Of course, we both knew I was lying. It was minimal, what she’d done. A reaction she couldn’t have stopped, something that came from her dream not her fear of me. But I should’ve punished her much more for what she’d done in the kitchen. And my God, I wanted to do it now. If the scent coming from her was a clue, I knew she was excited as well.

I stepped back to admire her, and she arched her back under my eyes, her tits jutting out for me so beautifully. My cock ached just looking at her like that, but I’d already decided not to fuck her that night. She didn’t deserve it, not yet. The next time I got to be inside her, I wanted her begging for it so desperately it made her cry.

“You look beautiful like that, Angel,” I told her, and she blushed, but didn’t look away, almost daring me to say more with those eyes of hers. “You know, I have a feeling I know something about you.”

“What’s that?” Her voice was breathy already, catching with need. I didn’t even need to look at the leather of the bench to see she was getting wet for me. It was so obvious in her shaky, needy tone.

“I think you’re going to come so easily for me,” I told her. “I think you barely need anything to do it, barely any stimulation. Do you think I’m right, little girl?”

She finally looked away, so I walked closer and tipped her chin back. Her eyes danced wildly across my face and I wondered whether I’d just discovered a secret she’d desperately tried to hide from everyone, including her damn self.

“I think I am right,” I said. “And I want to see how many times we can make you come tonight.”

“How is that a punishment?” she asked, her voice raspy and making me laugh out loud.

“Oh, little girl,” I said with a grin. “You’re about to see.”

I took off my shirt, and her eyes drank in every inch of my body as I tossed it to the floor. I realized she hadn’t really seen me like that. The first time I’d fucked her she was on her knees in front of me, and I was almost fully clothed. She stared at me openly, looking at every pore blackened with ink. She didn’t ask a single question though, and I wanted her to. I wanted to explain every single tattoo that marred my skin, and I promised myself in that moment that eventually, I would.

“I bet it’s hard to sit like that,” I told her gently, moving behind her. Her shoulders tensed when she felt my breath on her neck. “I bet you want to feel me touching you… Making you feel better. Your body must feel tense like that.”

I could feel how badly she wanted to speak, but she kept her mouth firmly shut. I almost wanted to commend her for it, but I changed my mind. Not yet. Not until she really proved what a good girl she was for me.

“I bet you want to feel my fingers on you instead of my breath,” I told her, and she exhaled softly. “I bet you want me to ease all this fear from your shoulders.”

I inhaled her scent, needy and sweet at the same time, and I fought my own urges. I wanted to bury myself inside her. I’d already decided I wouldn’t fuck her that night, but I needed to do something. I needed to feel some part of her on my skin.

I moved back in front of her and she stared at me, her eyes open so wide they were watering.

I touched her cheek and she gasped, leaning against my palm right away. She was so needy for attention it almost made me worry what Savage had done to her before. It felt as if she’d been isolated for years, and just hungered for that touch now, hungered to be satisfied in the most primal way possible.


I wanted to touch her more.

“Do you like my voice, little girl?” I asked her, and she nodded against my palm. “Do you think my voice alone could make you come?”

She cried out and I ignored it, letting go of her pretty face and pushing my pants down without hesitation. My cock sprang free and she hissed when she saw it, her eyes so wide those tears slipped down her cheeks.

“Words, Angel,” I reminded her. “Respond with fucking words.”

“I-I don’t know,” she whispered, her voice breaking.

“We’ll see, won’t we?” I stepped out of my pants, burying my hand in her messy hair. I held her hair back just out of reach of my cock and she mewled as I reached for my balls with my free hand, weighing them in my palm.

“You know I want to fuck you, don’t you, Evangeline?” I asked her. “You know how fucking heavy my balls feel when I’m around you? I just want to fucking come inside you, it’s driving me fucking insane.”

“Please,” she whispered, licking her dry lips.

She was inches away from my cock. Inches away from tasting me, and yet I wouldn’t let her. And all tied up like that, she was completely helpless, just the way I wanted her. She stared at my cock so hungrily I felt a vein throb along my length.

“Please what?” I asked her gently, but she wouldn’t answer.

I grabbed my cock in my fist and tugged on it, hard. Her eyes followed my every movement, and when she looked back up at me, her eyelids fluttered open and closed, open and closed, over and over again.

“I…” she said. “I’m close now.”

“You’re close?” I leaned down next to her, my breath hot against her cheek. “Close to coming already, little girl? I’ve barely even fucking touched you.”

“Let me come,” she whispered, so fast I could barely make out the words. “Let me come, please.”

It took me by surprise and I stared at her. She could have just come right then and there, but she asked me for permission first. Either someone had taught her to do that or it was some kind of submissive instinct ingrained inside that pretty little head of hers.

“You can come as much as you want, Angel,” I whispered in her ear, and the moment the words left my lips she came apart in her ropes, grinding against the leather bench and covering it in her sticky sweet juices, grunting and shuddering as she came. It only took seconds.

“Good girl. Count them out loud, a number every time you come,” I ordered her, my hand jerking my cock.

“One,” she whispered, her voice shaky. “One. Thank you, Dad– Thank you.”

I couldn’t even respond with words, I just groaned and stared at her. It was insane what she did to me with a single sentence, absolutely insane. None of the toys I’d had before her had been able to do this to me.

“Remember, as much as you want,” I told her, and she nodded, her hair falling forward and her arms shaking. “Lean back now, watch what you’re doing to me just sitting there.”

She did, and her eyes devoured my cock as I stroked myself, long, excruciatingly slow movements that made me throb so much I had to force myself to slow down before I exploded all over the floor.

“Please,” she whispered again, followed by a little cry.

“Please what?” I asked, and she whimpered needily.

“Touch me,” she said. “Just a little, I don’t care where, just touch me, please.”

I reached for her with my free hand, my fingers wrapping tightly around her swan neck. And I squeezed. She came in seconds. Fucking seconds to make her soak the bench she was sitting on all over again.

“Two,” she whispered. “Thank you.”

I hadn’t even told her to thank me, and yet I craved for her to do it again just so I could hear her say it. Just so I could pray she’d slip again and call me what I wanted her to, so fucking badly I had to bite my tongue before I ordered her to do it.

“Do you think we can make double digits tonight, little girl?” I asked her, squeezing my fingers around her pretty neck once again.

“Yes,” she said. “Please, you have to. I want to. I have to.”

“How many times do you want to come?” I leaned in close and stared her down, and she struggled in her ropes. “Tell me the number, Angel, I promise you can have it.”

I knew what would inevitably happen after the first few, but she didn’t have a clue. Her mind was so clouded with need, she had no idea she’d be exhausted by number five and begging me to stop at eight. But I did, and I planned on taking full advantage of it.

“Twenty,” she begged. “Twenty, I want to come twenty times, will you please let me?”

“Yes,” I said right away. “I will, I promise.”

I let my fingers travel down her neck, over the hollow in her throat and down to her collarbone.

“Come,” I told her simply, and before the word was fully out, she fucking did, so loudly.

I stared at her as she came down, my cock throbbing so painfully in my fist it felt like a sin not to fuck her.

She was special. A special little girl.