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Fluffer by Shae York (3)


Running alongside Trent wasn’t what I had planned for today. All I wanted was time to think about his proposition. The fact that I was even considering such an insane request boggled my mind. How in the world could I watch him having sex? It was bad enough that I was afraid to press play on my DVD player, let alone seeing it up close and personal.

Everything about the man screamed sex. It wasn’t as though I was blind and hadn’t noticed before. Hell, Tommy even told me he wished Trent batted for the other team. Each of Trent’s movements was seductive—maybe it was an occupational hazard, but after talking to him last night, he seemed genuine. Ugh, last night.

The doors slid open, and Trent swung his hand forward. “Ladies first.” I shook my head right before we entered the elevator. If I hadn’t just run for five miles, I would have opted for the stairs.

On my exhale I took a tentative step, pressed the button to our floor, and said a silent prayer it didn’t get stuck again. The way his skin glistened with sweat, and his muscles rippled from exercise, made my lady parts wake up and take notice.

For the first time in my life, I wished for elevator music. Trent hadn’t said much to me since I ran with headphones on, and now that they were dangling around my neck rather than in my ears, all I could hear was his breathing.

What seemed like hours later, we arrived on our floor. Tommy stood in the hallway, just outside our apartment door with the key perched in the deadbolt. “Well, hello there.” He drawled in a deeper voice than normal unlocking the door for me that he had just locked. “It’s good to see you, Mr. Hudson... I mean, Baker.” His eyes narrowed studying Trent’s arm and aimed his index finger at it. “Didn’t you used to have a tattoo?”

Trent glanced down as if he didn’t know what Tommy was talking about. “No, I’ve never had one. Why?”

“I thought you ...” His voice trailed off until he was silent.

No. He didn’t. He wouldn’t. Tommy looked at me with mischief in his eyes. Shit. He did.

When Trent’s eyes met mine then swung to Tommy, realization dawned. “Oh. That was applied specifically for that shoot. Did you enjoy the movie?”

Tommy’s lips twisted into a grin. “Very much so. Your costar I could have done without.” My darling roommate offered a quick goodbye, said he would be out all day, and rushed toward the elevators like he was barefoot and the carpet was made of glass.

On that note... “I need to shower.” I hastily turned to escape into my apartment. “Have a good day.”

“Watch it with me.” Trent’s deep, sultry voice derailed my quick getaway. Hell if I knew why every cell in my body suddenly sparked to life. “You’ll be better prepared come Monday. Unless you’d like to see me naked now?”

If the man could affect me as he did by just speaking, by just insinuating of what I’d witness come Monday, then there was no way I could encourage my libido by entertaining his request. “I don’t think I’ll be coming to the studio.”

“But I need to... come that is.” My eyes cut down to his hand as he shamelessly adjusted himself. “See? It never fails whenever I’m near you. Please, just give it a shot. With me sitting in the same room, you’ll see it isn’t real. Picture sitting next to Henry Cavill.”

I cocked a brow. “Huh?”

“What I mean is, do you think he’s going to put on his Superman costume and fly off to save someone? It’s all pretend, Molly.” When I didn’t argue his point, he added, “So, what time should I bring the popcorn over?”


This was certifiably insane. It didn’t matter that we were sitting on opposite ends of my sofa, the fact was, as soon as I lowered my finger and pressed the arrow on my remote, I’d be watching Trent having sex.

“It works better if you press play.” His smile, accented by the faint lines around the corners of his eyes, did little to calm me.

“Give me a minute.”

“Take all the time you need.” Trent took a long pull of his beer as I swallowed half a glass of wine in one gulp. “Better?”

No. Not even close. Fine, I’d rip off the bandage. One little click and the screen came to life. Trent shifted calmly bringing his right ankle to rest on his left knee. Meanwhile, I felt as though I just did one thousand jumping jacks. If I could hear my heart slamming against my ribcage, could he?

Trent appeared on screen, standing in a steam room wearing a white towel around his waist. Holy shit, the outline of his package was visible as clear as day. He had those muscles on his hips, the ones that acted like an arrow pointing right to how well endowed he seemed to be. I’d only seen them on models in magazines. Then again, the man sitting next to me could have been on those pages.

The appearance of his name scrolling along with others in a small font forced me to hit pause. “Why Hudson?”

“When I was a waiter, I was told on more than one occasion that I looked like Rock Hudson. My grandmother would watch his movies, plus he’s an icon in the actor world.” He pulled his phone from his back pocket, tapped something on the screen and flipped it around to show me. “This is him.”

“Hmm... you’re better looking. But, I can see a slight resemblance.” My eyes widened at my admission. Palm meet face... face meet palm. “You know what I mean.”

He nodded once before I pressed play. There wasn’t any tacky porn music. He wasn’t kidding when he said this was raw footage. A woman walked through an open door wearing nothing. She was a stunning and very well-endowed blonde with perfect breasts, stomach muscles, and super long legs. In stilettos, she practically stood eye to eye with him.

Steam enveloped them almost creating a curtain of sorts... a curtain I wished would get the hell out of the way. They exchanged a look, a smile, and then... holy shit. Goodbye towel, hello Mr. Hudson.

If I had any function of my motor skills, I would have slammed my hand over my eyes, but at this point, I wasn’t even sure I could blink.

They kissed. She moaned. He cupped her breasts and mine felt it. The heavy kissing, petting, moaning, and grinding went on and on. And during, electric tingles filtered across my entire body from my toes to the roots of my hair. The director called, “Cut,” off camera and Trent slid on a condom. “Action” was then announced, and by the time Trent finally laid her down on the bench I tried my hardest to hide my squirming.

It was easier said than done. Watching him do his thing turned me on more than I was prepared for it too. Trent had one of the biggest dicks I had ever seen in my life. My core throbbed in anticipation, my nipples hardened watching his fingers tweak hers. Just when I thought I couldn’t take any more of the foreplay, the way he stared into his costars eyes as his thumb circled her clit and his fingers stroked her intimately send a shudder to rumble from my crotch and down my thighs.

I came... I just came while watching the man currently sitting in my apartment finger fuck another woman on camera.

As I struggled with my own internal embarrassment, in one fell swoop he entered her on a deep throaty groan. His tight ass flexed with each thrust and roll of his hips, and I could feel it in my core. Her nails raked up his back leaving narrow red streaks, and I imagined my own fingers running up his smooth skin.

All of a sudden he snatched the remote and the picture paused, right when she was panting and moaning incoherently, clearly on the way to orgasmic bliss. With it, my own libido came to a screeching halt.

“See the camera and the boom operator?” Trent stood and pointed to the two people on the screen. I hadn’t even noticed them before.

“Yes.” My voice sounded raw even to my own ears. I cleared my throat and added, “I see them now that you pointed them out to me.”

He grinned. “Like I said, come Monday it will be similar to this, less the steam. During, you can expect the director to yell cut, as he rearranges us. Or you might even see an interruption because makeup needs to be touched up, all choreographed like a regular movie... except for the...” His large hand waved toward the paused image. “You know, sex.”

“I’m sorry.” I shook my head adamantly. “I just don’t think I can do this.”

“Why? Did you get turned on? Did you like watching me fuck her?”

“No!” I scoffed.

“Prove it.”


“Monday. Prove it on Monday. If this didn’t affect you at all, it shouldn’t be a problem with you standing there.” He just threw down a threat that was impossible to meet. If I did go, what kind of person did that make me? If I didn’t, he would know I couldn’t handle it impartially. “Please, we’re neighbors, we should help each other out.” At my widened eyes, he grinned and shrugged. “It’s all I got.” The way he could morph from hot, sexy porn star to an adorable, charmer had danger written all over it. He was just the kind of guy I could fall for... except for his profession.

“Are you insane? If you’d like to borrow a cup of sugar or an egg, have at it, but this...” I pointed a shaky finger at the TV. “Has nothing to do with being neighborly.”

“Okay, I understand. It was worth a shot.” He stood, walked over to my BluRay player and ejected the disc, coming back to stand beside me where I remained on the couch. “See you around, Molly Higgins. Thanks for the beer.” With that boyish grin, he leaned down and placed a kiss on my cheek before leaving my apartment.

The door clicked shut, and I sat for far too long staring at a blackened TV screen, yet still seeing his naked body as clear as day. And while picturing every thrust, stroke, and kiss, irrational anger filled me over the fact he took the DVD with him.