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My Saviour. by Tanya Ruby (6)




My high-school years were not my best, I desperately wanted them to be.

They were the memories that stuck with you forever.

I mean yeah, I had some good day’s along-side the bad. I had my first ever kiss in high-school although, that kinder sucked, way too much saliva, then again, he had the dorkiest name ever, Dudley I mean who called their kid Dudley, it sounded more like a dog’s name although it explained the awful sloppy kiss.

Dudley was a sweet boy, but it wasn’t working out, we were better as friends; it was funny I said that I hadn’t spoken to him since year ten, pretty sure he was pissed at me for breaking up with him. Again, I kinder said it like sorry it not you it was me yes, I used that cliché line, then added there’s plenty more fish in the sea, you’ll find someone, if you go to beach hey I was trying to make light of the situation and believe it or not I made the situation ten times worse, I patted him on the back, that was awkward.

The good memories consisted of my two best-friends being in most of them, they stuck with me through everything and I couldn’t thank them enough for that, I relied on them to keep my spirits up and help bring me out from my darkness, I knew sometimes my moods could be somewhat difficult to deal with, but I tried my hardest to hold it together and I did.

Life was much better; my mum’s cancer was gone, I wouldn’t necessarily say it was cured, because she was at a considerable risk for it coming back, but right now, she was healthy, she had hair, she had weight and she was smiling.

I was an adult now, kind of, I was still a teenager, just with added extra’s, I was eighteen so therefore, I could legally drink, buy cigarettes if I decided to smoke that was, it wasn’t what I would call a life goal of mine.

I wouldn’t lie and say I had never touched a drop of alcohol because of course I had, I was invited to parties, what am I meant to drink, juice or water, that was the definition of party pooper. Couldn’t say alcohol was a good friend of mine, we had some pretty shit times together, it made me act recklessly stupid and much too confident, I had been in some awful states, I would hate to have seen what I had looked like, but if the stories were anything to go by, I was bad, real bad.

I was starting my first year at college. Studying Creative writing, health and social care and sports, three subjects I had always enjoyed during high-school.

I had made a promise to myself, I was to work harder, concentrate more, keep my head down and stay out of everyone else’s business, and if there were mean girls, I may shoot them.

Today I felt excited, I was pleased to start a much more positive chapter in my life and what was even better, I had my two-beautiful best-friends Elaine and Liv by my side. Who happened to have chosen the same courses as me.

Today was the introduction day.

We were getting introduced to our teachers and the subjects we had chosen and what our outcome and expectations were to be through-out the year, a laid-back kinder day. Nothing stressful, I was told by my brothers, the teachers at college preferred to ease you in to your courses, rather than throw you under the bus.

Speaking of my delightful brothers. Of course I was being sarcastic, that was what sisters were for. My three brothers were attending the same college as I, they had been there a few years now. Caleb studied business, which he conquered with that genius brain of his. Josh and Callum, studied sports and were close to getting their diplomas, I couldn’t be prouder of the three of them.

“Mum I’m now leaving,” I shouted over my shoulder and opened the front door. I said this would be my new positive chapter, but me being the unreliable me, I got up late this morning, I had to skip breakfast and my morning coffee to get ready, you could say that I was running a tad bit behind.

“Ok honey,” she peaked her head around the door frame. “I’m off to work soon. Text me when you get there,” I rolled my eyes, I was eighteen and she still treated me like a ten-year-old “Have a good first day, If I’m not home when you get back, I’m on a twelve-hour shift, so you’ll have to cook your own tea.”

“Yeah that’s fine mum, I am capable of cooking don’t worry I promise to not burn the house down, that’s the boys job,” she chuckled. “Love you mum, have a good day” I blew her a kiss.

“Love you to sweet,” she blew me a kiss. Smiling, I left.

A car horn startled me. Turing around, I shook my head at Elaine and gave her the middle finger, she threw her head back laughing.

I climbed into the passenger seat and buckled in.

“We picking Liv up on the way?” I asked.

“We are indeed,” she smiled. “Looking good Eva.”

“I look the same as normal,” I arched my brow. I looked down at my attire, I was wearing casual clothes, a peach pink t-shirt, with a black leather jacket over the top, black skinny jeans and my small healed Chelsea boots,

“Still girl you look hot.”

“Elaine, your ridiculous,” I laughed. “I love you anyway, you look pretty smoking yourself.”

She laughed, “I know.” I shook my head and turned the radio on, filling the car with music. We drove a short drive to Liv’s, to pick her up, reaching her house, Elaine beeped the horn, alerting our arrival.

Liv came out of her front door beaming, looking as pretty as ever. Her dark curls framed her small shaped face, her beautiful bright blue eyes shined with happy emotion, her short little frame, dressed in a similar style to my own, she looked lovely.

Reaching the car, she climbed into the back and buckled herself in.

“Good morning” she sang.

“Wow, your chipper this morning.” I laughed.

“It’s our first day of college, nothing but positivity,” Liv beamed.

“Yes,” Elaine added. “I couldn’t agree with you more.”

“Hey,” I furrowed my brows. “You saying I’m not positive now?”

“To be honest, you have a face of a slapped arse right now,” Liv stifled a grin.

“I do fucking not!”

“You do fucking to,” Elaine nodded vigorously.

“Look,” I sighed, “I haven’t had a coffee this morning.”

“You what?” Elaine screeched.

“Oh my god Eva,” Liv said. “How on earth are you surviving right now?”

“No bloody clue,” I admitted.

“We have to render this situation right bloody now, we’re stopping at Starbucks,” Elaine declared.

“Won’t we be late though?”

“Nah plus it will only take two minutes,” she had a point.

We made a quick trip to Starbucks and of course I ordered a very strong, very tasteful Americano, don’t judge, I needed this to fuel my day.

Elaine drove through the college gates, and wow, this college was huge, I had to crane my neck backwards to take in the height of the building.

Welcome to Grove college hung on a banner across the antique looking building, the architecture was not modern, more vintage and Victorian, but it didn’t make the building any less spectacular.

My nerves started to kick in, my belly swarmed with butterflies, my hands were clammy, and my heart was beating at an irregular speed. Walking towards the reception Elaine grabbed mine and Liv’s hand giving them a comforting squeeze, I turned my head slightly and smiled.

Climbing the steps to the building I took a few calming breaths.

I’m fine, this was a fresh start, all was well with the world, I kept reciting those words over in my head as I entered the building.

We retrieved our timetables from the receptionist along with a map of the building. I didn’t think this map was going to help at all, it looked complicated.

“Ok am I the only one that thinks our health and social care teacher is totally awesome?” Elaine said. I nodded in agreement.

Miss Robinson, she was funny, witty and completely nuts. I loved it.

“She was hilarious and so down to earth,” Liv added.

“That’s the type of teacher we want in all of our courses,” I said, adding. “It would also make college a hell of a lot easier and less stressful.”

“Yeah totally,” Elaine agreed.

We had a fifteen-minute break before returning to the lecture hall, we’ve had an hour introduction into health and social care and had one more to go, I was enjoying it that much, I could spend the entire day in there, I was looking forward to studying this subject, even more so than I was before.

We located somewhere to sit a few feet from the lecture hall, we each took a seat surrounding a small rounded table, I placed my bag in front of my feet and grabbed my snack breakfast bar, ripping open the packet I took a large bite, god, I had needed this, my stomach was rumbling throughout the introduction, I was surprised nobody heard, it was furiously loud.

“I’m glad I chose this subject,” Liv smiled. “I have a good feeling about this.”

“Me too,” Elaine nodded.

“What’s after health and social again?”

I grabbed my time table to check, then answered Elaine. “A half an hour break, then we’ve got introduction to P.E for two hours with a fifteen-minute break in between, after that an hour’s lunch, then creative writing.”

“Wow,” Elaine breathed. “That’s tiring.”

“Yeah, it is,” Liv laughed. I zoned out of the conversation and grabbed my phone, unlocking it, a text sat on the screen from mum shit, I forgot about that.

Mum: You get there ok Eva?

Me: Yeah, sorry I forgot to text you. All is good, I’m here. You on a twelve-hour shift then?

I went to put my phone away when I got a reply instantly, wow that was quick for mum.

Mum: Good. Yes. See you later luv u.

Me: Love you to mum.

Locking my screen, I placed my phone in my bag and zipped it up.

“Want tea at mine tonight? I’m cooking.”

“Hell yeah,” Elaine shouted almost.

“Alright calm down,” I laughed, “what about you Liv?”

“Of course,” she grinned.

Standing up, I threw my bag over my shoulder. “Come on we better go back in, we want to make a good impression by being early,” they nodded in agreement.

We walked the few feet back to the lecture hall. Entering the room Miss Robinson greeted us. “Well your keen aren’t you girls,” she winked.

“What can we say trying to make a good impression on the teach,” I grinned.

“I like you girls, I can tell we’re going to get on just great.”

The three of us smiled and located our seats. Sitting down, we pulled our notepads out ready for when she began with further introduction.

It didn’t take long for the lecture hall to be filled with happy, chatty students.

She shushed the class nicely and proceeded with introductions to the subject and what we shall expect to learn throughout the year.

I happily took notes while she talked.

I was pleased with how today had gone so far, I had a feeling this would be my year.

I was dragging, that’s how tired I was, who knew an introduction day could be this tiring, one more hour to go. This was my first day, I shouldn’t complain, but man, this was knackering, my head was all but ready to explode with how much information I had taken in.

I brought a new notepad last week and it was nearly full. I think I may had been a tad bit excessive on taking notes, what could I say I like to be prepared.

Sports was great fun. I knew it wouldn’t always be fun, it was going to be demanding work, challenging and aggressive.

Our Sports classed was mixed with both females and males. A unisex class, I was surprised we weren’t split apart from the boys, but at least now we knew the college wasn’t sexist. It would be good fun to be in competition with the boys, I knew how competitive their nature could be, after all I had three brothers. I looked forward to kicking some arse. Our sports teacher Mr Greyson was hard faced and grumpy, if he smiled, his face would crack.

I had enjoyed my course introductions so far, the students were more determined to achieve, they were friendly and more interested in working rather than being inquisitive about your personal life, which was great news for me, hopefully it meant I wouldn’t have to deal with any bull-shit this year and people would keep themselves to themselves, because that was the mindset I was sticking with.

I had spoken to a few people today, mostly idle chat about the course and why we had chosen to study it, most people had already entered the room with their group of friends, possibly whom they were friends with from school, just like my girls and me.

One hour left of creative writing and we were done, only for today that was, I inwardly groaned at the long week ahead. Creative writing was a course I was keen on taking, because I loved to write and talk books, I could talk for hours about this subject and not get bored, today however, I wanted my bed, I felt so damn lazy, I needed to get into the swing of things, like yesterday.

Mrs Thompson rambled on and on about what we were to achieve by the end of this year. I was half listening and the other half of me was thinking about what I should make for tea, I was not bored, I was kinder, but that was only because the teacher had spent most of the time talking rather than involving us in activities, I swear this teacher enjoyed the sound of her own voice, she was sweet, but a little annoying, with a very high-pitched voice, that could easily grate on my nerves.

I nudged a nearly sleeping Liv on my right “Hey” she jumped, I stifled a laugh “what’s the time?”

“Quatre past two.”

“What it’s only been fifteen minutes!” I ran a hand down my face, “this is going to be the longest hour of my life”

“Tell me about it,” Elaine grumbled.

“Ah that reminds me,” Liv exclaimed. “What you both doing this Friday night?”

“Nothing,” Elaine and I said in unison.

“There’s a new club in the centre of London opening called Tamed, fancy checking it out?”

“Yeah,” I nodded. “Why not?”

“You know me I never say no to a good dance,” Elaine smirked.

“Cool, it’s settled then. Because I booked us tickets like a month ago, there was a huge waiting list, apparently, this high well-known bachelor from America owns it, he runs tones of businesses, oh and he is like really hot,” Liv gushed.

“You know what he looks like?” Elaine asked.

“No, I just heard that he is hot, he doesn’t like to show his face much, he likes to stay in the background.”

“Huh,” I furrowed my brows… “strange.”

“That’s what I thought,” Liv nodded.

“Erm excuse me?” the teacher cleared her throat, we turned our attention back to the front of class. “I’m not going to have any problems with you girls, now am I?

“Err no Miss,” I told her. “Sorry, we won’t do it again.”

She smiled and resumed her speech. Us girls nudged one another, and quietly chuckled under our breaths.

Forty-five minutes to go and we were out of here.

Elaine, Liv and I are sat around my kitchen table, munching on the chicken salad I threw together for tea. I never planned a meal, I winged it and hoped for the best and if it happened to be edible then I done a good job.

I only made enough for the three of us, because no one was home. Josh and Callum were out probably causing havoc somewhere and Caleb, I had no idea what he did with himself nowadays, he was hardly around, maybe I should ask what he did with his spare time, come to think of it he would probably tell me to fuck off and mind my own business he was polite.

“This is so good,” Elaine moaned around a mouthful.

Liv nodded enthusiastically. “Mmhmm, really good.”

“Thanks,” I smiled. “I didn’t know what else to cook, so I threw pretty much anything together.”

“I’m shit at cooking.”

“That you are Elaine,” I laughed.

“Hey,” she glared. “That was the part where you tell me, I’m not as bad as I think I am, so much for comforting friends.”

I shook my head. “I’m a good best-friend I don’t lie to you and tell you, your good at something when you’re clearly not like Liv,” I waved a hand over her. “She can’t sing to save her life.”

“Bitch,” she muttered. Elaine and I burst out laughing.

“Tell us more about this club then?” Elaine asked, sobering.

“What do you want to know?” Liv placed her fork down, beside her cleaned plate.

“What shall we expect?”

“Well,” she began. “It’s an expensive club I can tell you that much, I heard that the man that runs this business is a very successful club runner and he knows how to meet young people’s expectations in making the club thrive. Apparently, there has been many famous faces attend his club’s openings, he’s pretty much a genius of the business world.”

“Let’s hope you brother, doesn’t decide to open a club Eva.” Elaine told me, “Because he would have some serious competition.”

“Yeah,” I nodded. “He really would, but you don’t know how old this guy is, he could have been in the business for years, so he knows what he is up against and what he’s doing.”

“See that’s what I thought,” Liv furrowed her brows. “But I’m told he is not much older than us.”

“Shit,” Elaine whistled.

“Who is your bloody resource for all of this information?” I arched a brow.

“Erm,” Liv cleared her throat. “The internet.”

“Fuck sake Liv,” I laughed. “You can’t believe everything you read on the internet, for all you know it could be some dive bar we’re going to, with a fat bald man that runs it.”

“Eva,” she laughed loudly. “I can assure you this information is true.”

“Ok,” I sighed, “whatever.”

“Now we’ve spoken about that, can we talk about how hot the boys are in Sports, err hell yeah.”

Liv and I exchanged looks and groaned loudly. I better get comfortable, this was going to take up most of the evening.