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Wicked Winter Box Set by Robin L. Rotham (20)

Chapter One

The gasp for air filled the quiet room, followed by panting mixed with muffled moans and sighs of pleasure.

“Shit baby, you’re so hot.” The man’s voice sounded desperate.

Another moan rattled the silence that fell after the slap of flesh against flesh.

Pam turned her head to the side, her face sinking into the pillow and her fingers grasping the blue silk sheets on the bed. She wanted to scream with each wonderful violating thrust deep inside her. The juices from her sex seeped between her legs and she began to feel the rising heat of passion. She loved how this part of sex felt, how her body tingled and became sensitive, how everything seemed so alive.

Rob’s hot cock swelled inside her and with a final thrust he cried out in pleasure. Each burst of his seed spurted within her pussy, coating the walls with his essence. Finally it ended and she felt herself begin to relax.

His arms wobbled as he held his weight above her and looking down, he smiled. Their escape into this reckless abandon was over for now. He took a deep breath and pulled his cock free.

Pam just lay on the bed, her inner thighs sore where Rob’s hips had pounded against them. The internal burn of irritation was a reminder of how long it had been since they last had sex.

He had just come back from a business trip. It had been poorly timed, since it had left her with the planning, organizing, phone calls and millions of other little details for their plans move into the bigger apartment before their winter wedding.

Now it was his turn. “I can’t believe you’re going away for two weeks. We’re moving soon, Pam. Why do you have to go now? I just got back and we haven’t had sex in like—a year!” Rob lay on his side, propping his head up on his hand as he talked to her.

Pam pulled the long strands of hair away from her face. She felt like a cross between a sheepdog and Cousin It from the Addams Family. Her hair was all over the place. “Oh quit whining, you baby. You were only gone for a little over a week.”

“Well it felt like a year. I had to talk to Willie every night to assure him we’d get laid again.” He grabbed his cock with a grin.

She rolled her eyes. “Look, after being stuck with all the wedding plans I need a break. There’s the cake, the disc jockey, the church, the reception, the decorations, the favors, groomsmen tuxedos, bridesmaid dresses, hair appointments, getting registered. Then there’s picking the food menu, the stationery, having the invitations spell my parents name as Cocks instead of Cox, not to mention dealing with your mother. And getting the gown was a fucking nightmare.” Pam put her hands to her face as the stress swamped over her again.

“I didn’t know. I’m sorry.” Rob paused. “What happened with the dress?”

“The old lady who was fitting it said I needed to get a smaller ass. Then she said that if I was going to wear a white dress I needed to be a virgin. Celia spewed her cappuccino all over the floor and laughed when I said I was a virgin. Then the woman took forever pinning it and I had to pee so bad I felt like a hot water bottle. She pulled the fastenings real tight and it squeezed so hard I farted - and almost peed myself.” She winced.

“Jesus. That bad?”

“Yeah. Good thing she left me alone for a few minutes. And a damn good thing they had a large empty soda cup there, because I couldn’t have managed to find a rest room or use it with all those pins in the dress. But then the manager came in and picked up the cup by mistake, took a sip after I’d peed in it and said the tea tasted funny.” Pam shuddered. “It was horrible.”

Rob tried to think of something humorous to say but decided against it. He figured if he made fun of wedding things he might never see Pam’s pussy again. Ever. “Well I kinda like your ass the way it is.”

“I told you Rob, I really want to go see my grandma before we get married. She might not be able to make it to the wedding with all the snow coming and I haven’t seen her in a while. When I was little I’d go to their house and really clear my mind and relax. I need some time to think.” She untangled her legs from the sheets and rolled onto her back.

Rob kept looking at Pam’s nipples as they stood up from her breasts. He clenched his teeth together against the intense urge to rub them with his fingertips. “Think about what? Are you changing your mind? What’s wrong? Why—?” Rob quickly shut up when Pam glared at him.

“I just want to go see her. You know how close we are. She practically raised me. Nothing’s wrong.” She sighed loudly and continued. “You go have fun with the guys and your little bachelor party. I’m going to stay with her for a bit, and then I’ll come back.”

“Well, if you’re sure. Alex told me he has a few surprises lined up. He said he’s hired this girl that can open twist-off caps from beer bottles with her…um, never mind.”

Pam raised her eyebrow and snorted in disgust. “Keep it up numb-nuts and I’ll never do that little trick with a cherry stem again.”

Rob cleared his throat and closed his legs together. “Yes dear.”

“Besides, waiting two weeks will make the honeymoon that much better.” She smiled and leaned over to kiss his cheek.

“Yeah but my balls sure won’t be happy about it.”

“Aww, poor little Willie…” she reached over and patted his cock.

Little? You said it was just right!”

* * *

The three-hour drive to her grandmother’s relaxed Pam. The roads were all clear but the chill in the air was a reminder that the seasons changed. It gave her time to think about the many changes that were about to happen in her life. Getting married was a big step. Next to graduating from college and losing her virginity to James ’Donkey Dick’ Patterson at the senior prom, this was one of the big three major milestones in her life.

Overall, her life with Rob was fine.


The word hit her like a bug on a windshield. She thought of that analogy when she saw a flying bug splattered in front of her face. She figured the last thing to go through its mind was its asshole.

Fine…that word again. When she first met Rob things were crazy. She couldn’t help smiling as she remembered how they’d met at her friend Celia’s wedding. She’d been one of the bridesmaids and Rob was a groomsman. They both got pretty drunk and she’d bumped into Rob during the reception. He had helped her to the ladies’ room. After she went inside and took a much-needed pee, she’d come out to see him waiting for her like a true gentleman.

It was so cute and old fashioned. Of course, after a few more hours at the bar there was nothing old fashioned about the way she’d given him a blowjob then fucked him while still wearing her bridesmaid dress in the back of the limousine parked outside.

That spontaneity, the excitement they both had for the first year or so, were incredible. There were no boundaries to the uninhibited fun they shared. They would play and joke all the time—not just when it came to sex part, but in daily life as well. Of course sexually the two of them were adventurous. There weren’t too many places or things they didn’t try.

The time on the wood bench in the park had been a bad idea. Especially when the bench broke and Rob had to get those wood splinters taken out of his balls.

But over time something changed. They moved in together, became more comfortable and more successful in their careers and things slowed down. The fun times became a little more serious and sex for Pam became more of a routine. She couldn’t remember the last time Rob had thoroughly seduced and fucked her like he used to do. They were both exhausted and simply forgot all the fun things that drew them so close together. Now they were a settled couple, taking the next logical step and getting married.

She loved Rob with all her heart. He was a good man and she knew he loved her too. But Pam was taking the biggest step in her life and she really needed time alone to decide if this was right. Was Rob Mr. Right or just Mr. Right Now?

She had no problem finding the way to the country home of her grandparents—the roads hadn’t changed. But other things had. The little piles of snow along the roadsides sparkled in the lights. Everyone in the family had moved away except her. She hadn’t visited in a few years but going to see them gave her the feeling of coming home. This was her little mental vacation.

As she pulled up the driveway it was as if a weight seemed to lift off her shoulders. Then all she could see was a wide familiar smile and a big set of open arms enveloping her like a blanket. Her grandmother cried as she hugged her tightly.

“Hello Grandma.”

The old woman wouldn’t let go. “It’s been way too long, honey. Since Grandpa passed I’ve been so lonely. I missed you and the rest of the family.” She paused and wiped her eyes. “Except your brother’s wife Tessa, Lord that woman is a bitch. I’m tempted to slip some laxatives in the brownies I make for them at Christmas, but I’m always scared the kids will eat them.”

Pam got her bags from the trunk, took them inside and spent the day catching up. What little she’d brought with her unpacked easily into the same room she’d stayed in as a child. Even though everything seemed so much smaller now.

She couldn’t help but grin as she opened the closet and peeked to the corner floorboard. Kneeling down she popped the board up with her car key. Reaching into it she pulled out the small wooden doll her grandpa had carved out of an oak branch she brought him. Grandma made a little dress for the doll out of some cloth she had left over from the drapes she was sewing for the kitchen.

Memories like this are forever.

There was even the tin that had her weed stash for her “girl’s nights” out. Oh those were the days. She even remembered some of them.

The afternoon went by quickly and soon turned into a beautiful early evening—after dinner they went outside to the large wood porch that overlooked the front of their land. It was so beautiful to see the snowcapped mountains and how the moon would set along the landscape.

Pam sat quietly, the cold country air refreshing and soothing as she swayed on the comfortable porch swing. Its wicker back crackled with every movement. Being on the outer edges of the country sure had its perks, and Pam knew that after her marriage, any time to enjoy the simplest of pleasures would have to take a back seat to life. The rhythmic creaking of her grandma’s rocker and the peaceful silence between them gave her a glimpse of contentment.

She could remember when Grandpa had been out here too. The peace had been the same, warm and loving.

That was what she wanted…true love.

“Pammy, why did you really come out here to see me? Is everything okay?” Grandma always had a way of reading her grandchildren.

After a pause, Pam sighed. “I’m just thinking. I needed some time away and this house always was so quiet and peaceful. Maybe I’m just not sure about getting married. I don’t know.”

With a reassuring smile, Grandma nodded.

“Grandma, when did you know that you met your true love?”

“Oh dear. That was so long ago and you know, it’s damn funny how at times I can’t remember squat. But I will always remember meeting my true love.” She tucked a light knitted blanket around her knees and leaned her head back against her chair.

“Sweetheart, you’ll know when the man you love is really Mr. Right. You’ll feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Also your little lady parts will tingle, if you know what I mean. Everything will be as it should and you will be truly happy.” She paused with a wicked smile across her face. “Just thinking back to those times makes me horny.”

“Er...okay then.” Pam decided to let that one go. “Tell me about falling in love, Grandma.” She leaned against the porch swing as it swayed in the breeze. She was comfortable, cozy, had a tall mug of fresh, hot coffee and a soft afghan wrapped around her like a cocoon. It was a perfect time to hear a romantic story.

Grandma took a sip from her cup and sighed. “It was the summer of ’58. Rock music was the rage and everyone wanted to dance and go to the lake to make out. Everyone but me, of course. I was brought up in a strict house. Your great-grandpa was a Christian man and believed that people shouldn’t do all these sinful things teenagers were doing at the time. He was a typical prude. Actually, now I come to think about it, my father was an asshole.”

Leaning closer to Pam she continued, “It’s no wonder my mom was screwing the milkman. You never heard about your great-grandma, did you? I could tell you stories about her and milkman Mark. When it came to home service, he serviced mom well. We never paid for milk…ever!” She snickered to herself, then drew back into the story.

“Anyways, I loved to sneak out and go to my friend Lucy’s. We were inseparable, us girls. They used to say our names together. Kris and Lucy. Krisandlucy, all in one, you know? We did everything together. Except share boyfriends. You know if I was inclined, I bet she and I would have ended up lesbians. But back then those things were never discussed.” Another pause. “Pity. I’ve often wondered...”

Pam had no idea what was coming next. But apparently Grandma decided to leave that alone and get back on topic.

“Every once in a while you meet people that connect with you on every level. Then things go beyond the normal and get almost supernatural because you think, act and do things the same. Kinda scary if you ask me. Lucy and I were like that.”

Pam smiled as she listened to her Grandma pull what was obviously a great memory out of her past.

“Anyway, about sucking dicks.”

Pam almost spewed her coffee all over herself. Where the hell had that come from? Oblivious to her granddaughter’s surprise, the old woman continued her line of thinking.

“There’s a right way and a wrong way to suck a dick. Men will never tell you this because to them…any hole they can stick their dick in will suffice. If you ever get asked to do a wax job, say no. Ears are not made to have peckers poked in. Most men are narrow-minded, too. Their focus is on that narrow corridor between your legs. It’s like a gynecologist with tunnel vision, it gets pretty damn pathetic.” She sipped again.

“Where was I? Oh yeah, sucking dicks.” Grandma was on a roll. “This can make or break your marriage. If you ain’t in the mood and you feel all yucky, not feelin’ at all sexy, just blow the guy and he’ll be happy. I know things are different now than when I was younger, but there was many a time when sex was the last thing I had on my mind. So a blowjob always seemed to ease the pain of that man, and stop all that whining and pouting and acting like a fucking baby because he felt his pecker was neglected.”

“Grandma, that’s a little too much info. I don’t need to know about you and grandpa’s sex life.” Pam knew she probably had an awkward look on her face visualizing what grandma was saying.

“You know a man can have grey hair everywhere but his pubic hair is black as night. Weirdest thing.” Grandma paused and swigged her iced tea some more. “Sorry dear, you asked about true love. Okay honey, bundle up, sit back and relax. Let me tell you about true love.” With a deep breath, grandma began her story.





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