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Wicked Winter Box Set by Robin L. Rotham (34)

Chapter Eight


Ice circled her nipple, the peak ruched into a tight, hard bud. Kiara moaned into the ball gag in her mouth.

“Cold, princess?” Reis murmured.

She melted a little at the pet name, which was a new addition as of this morning.

Yesterday, he’d been careful and thorough. Today he was ruthless. He’d been toying with her for nearly an hour, first spanking her with a fur-covered paddle, then putting her on the St. Andrew’s cross and using the paddle to stroke her naked flesh and lightly spank her breasts. By the time he was done, every inch of her was pink and sensitive, until even the lightest brush of his teeth or tongue was enough to make her shiver.

Now he had her bound to a simple wooden chair, her wrists together behind the back, her calves and ankles strapped to the front legs of the chair. The position kept her legs parted just enough to leave her sex exposed.

Cold water ran down the curves of her breasts, dripping onto her stomach. The path the droplets painted on her skin seemed to mirror the route her desire took, snaking down from her breasts towards her pussy. Her labia swelled and her clit pulsed.

The other nipple received the same ice bath, and she moaned once more. Spit slid from behind the gag, over her lower lip. She turned her head to the side, wiping her mouth on her shoulder. He grabbed her chin, forcing her to face forward.

“Are you cold, princess?”

She nodded emphatically. The ice cube had melted to a thin sliver, which Reis rubbed against her lips until it was gone.

“I’m going to change your position now. I want better access to that sweet pussy.”

Again she nodded.

Reis chuckled and loosened the rope that bound her to the chair. When she was unbound, he helped her rise. Kiara swayed towards him for a second, before she forced herself to stand straight. Reis stroked her hair back from her face, where the gag was still in place.

“Lean on me. Take a moment.” There was a pregnant pause. “If you want.”

I want. I want.

Kiara pressed herself against his chest, tucking her head down so she was sheltered against his body. His body heat was delicious against her ice-tormented nipples.

Reis wrapped his arms around her, holding her close as he kissed the crown of her head.

“You’re so beautiful like this. So beautiful when you submit.”

The sweet words…no, not just sweet. They were loving words. Words that made her throat tighten up. That made her want to rip the ball gag off so she could tell him that she trusted him with her body, and was starting to trust him with her heart.

This moment was a type of intimacy she’d never had the chance to experience before in a BDSM scene. Not that she hadn’t been held or stroked as part of aftercare, but there was always part of herself she had to hold back. Now there wasn’t. She didn’t have to hold anything back. They were in the middle of a contracted scene, but after this was over he wouldn’t walk away from her.

“Ready for more?” he asked.

And with nothing more than that simple question, spoken in his rich, deep voice, warm and tender feelings disappeared to be replaced by hot and demanding need.

She lifted her head, pressing her cheek to his, and wound her arms around his neck. She lifted one leg, curling it around his hips, trying to hook her heel into the waistband of his leathers so she could cling to him.

Reis growled, the sound vibrating through her chest. He grabbed her ass, lifting her. Behind her, a camera clicked.

Kiara wrapped her other leg around him while he took most of her bodyweight in his hands. She hooked her ankles together at the small of his back and hiked herself up, until her head was higher than his and she was looking down at him, her hands clinging to his shoulders.

He grinned up at her, digging his fingertips into her ass, spreading her cheeks wider, making her aware that he had yet to play with her ass today.

“I think it’s time to fill your ass with ice cubes. Would you like that?”

She shook her head to say no, even as she started breathing harder from desire.

“Oh, I forgot. You’re not in charge here, are you, princess?”

She lowered her gaze submissively…which meant she stared at his mouth and thought about how much she wanted to kiss him.

He lowered his voice to an even deeper growl. “I’m in charge here, and I want to push ice cubes into your cute little ass until you beg me to stop. And that’s what we’re going to do. Do you understand?”

She nodded meekly.

He briefly let go of one cheek so he could spank her. It was a hard spank, too, and she squealed.

“I said do you understand?”

She nodded emphatically.

“Good girl. Now I’m going to let you down, and take off your gag. You go over to the tree stump and kneel on it while I get what I need. While I’m gone I want you to pinch and pull at your nipples. Keep them hard and aching for me.”

Kiara unhooked her ankles and he lowered her to the ground. She stood submissively before him, chin lowered, as he reached behind her head and unbuckled the gag. As he pulled the gag out, she turned her head, brushing his hand with her lips. He paused, dropping the gag to the ground.

He cupped her cheek, and his touch was more than gentle, it was reverent. She placed her hand over the back of his, pressing it against her cheek before kissing his wrist.

Could they weave this sort of intimate, loving tenderness into their scene, or would kissing his hand stop the momentum? She didn’t want that. She wanted him to master her, control her, hurt her. She wanted that as much as she wanted him to cherish her.

Kiara stepped back, chin lowered submissively, and backed away from him before turning and walking over to the mock stump. She knelt on it, this time entirely naked, no boots, and then cupped her own breasts. They felt heavier than normal, as if the ache of her need had made them swell. She squeezed each breast, gently first, then digging her fingers into her flesh. As she did, she watched Reis.

He was in the same outfit as yesterday—leathers and ice-blue shirt worn open over his well-muscled chest. His brows were lowered, almost in a frown, as he watched her.

She lifted her breasts, arching her back, offering herself to him. Even across the eight feet of space that separated them she could hear the sound he made—something between a growl and a moan. It was a sound of longing and possession.

She bit her lip to hold back the smile, then swiped her thumbs across her nipples. A bolt of pleasure shot through her, but it wasn’t as good as it would have been if he’d been touching her.

“I said pinch, princess, not pet.”

Obediently, she pinched her nipples between thumb and forefinger, twisting them gently.

“Now pull. Harder.”

Kiara pulled on the sensitive tips of her breasts until they were distended and hurting in a delicious way.

“Pinch harder,” he commanded. “Pull again. A bit more. More, I said.”

Kiara obeyed, whimpering now. Her pussy pulsed with need and the desire to obey. To accept this sweet, dark pain and trust that he would mingle it with physical pleasure, even as the very act of obedience was pleasure in and of itself.


She released her nipples, her breasts jiggling as she let go. Her nipples, which had gone slightly numb from being pinched so hard, started to throb as blood returned to them.

“Good. Now do it again. Pinch. Pull. Twist. I want your nipples to ache.”

“Yes, Master.” She reached for her nipples, focused on positioning her fingers so she could twist the pink buds.

“Say it again.” His voice was ragged, almost pained.

Kiara looked up, nipples held tight between her fingers. “Sir?”

“No. You don’t call me ’Sir.’ Not anymore.”

It was only then that Kiara realized what she’d said. “Oh.”

“If you meant it, say it again.”

She swallowed, raising her gaze to meet his. Even as she made her confession, even as she made herself vulnerable to him, she continued to pinch and twist her nipples. “I did mean it, Master. You are mine.”

Reis smiled, and damn if he look like some Celtic warrior smiling in victory. If she looked closely she could see the relief in his eyes, and that made her feel powerful.

“I think that’s my line.”

“Probably,” she agreed. “But that’s what I want. You’re mine. I’m yours.”

His smile turned predatory. “Oh, you are mine, princess. And I can make you regret surrendering to me.”

“Never,” she assured him.

“We’ll see about that.” He winked. “Don’t stop playing with those nipples. I’ll be back soon.”

Kiara tugged at her breasts and he turned and walked away with long sure strides. Summer, whom Kiara had totally forgotten about, crept closer, camera in front of her face. She took close ups of Kiara’s breasts, and Kiara obligingly slowed her motions, twisting her nipples slowly, then stretching them one millimeter at a time, so Summer would be able to take good photos.

By the time Reis returned, Kiara’s nipples felt like they were on fire, and she was biting hard on her lower lip.

Reis used his thumb to pry her lip from between her teeth.

“Hurting?” he asked.

Kiara desperately wanted to stop tormenting her abused nipples, but he hadn’t told her he could. She twisted them brutally, whimpering as she did so. “Yes, Master.”

He looked down at her nipples, which were bright red from the abuse. He watched her for a moment. “Well done, princess.” He brushed her hair back from her face. “Just a bit more. I want you to keep playing. I want your nipples to ache for me.”

“They do, Master.”

“Do you want to stop?”

Kiara swallowed her instinctive “yes” instead saying, “Not if you want me to keep going.”

Reis kissed her forehead, and the pain in her breasts morphed to sweet pleasure that only another submissive would understand—the pleasure of the power exchange, of trusting another person with one’s body and mind. Of focusing on pleasing her Dom, and knowing that in the end, he would focus on pleasing her. All she had to do was give him everything. It was as simple, as terrifying, as that.

“Stop,” he ordered.

Kiara dropped her hands, gasping in relief. She leaned forward, asking without words for reassurance. Reis stepped closer, guiding her head to lay against his chest as she still knelt on the stump.

“Good girl,” he told her, stroking her cheek.

“Thank you, Master.”

“Sit back, let me look.”

She leaned away, making sure her posture was perfect, her body a straight line from her knees to her shoulders. Reis bent, looking at each nipple in turn. When he reached out to take hold of them she couldn’t help but flinch.

“Ah ah ah,” he warned her.

“I’m sorry, Master.”

His right hand drew back, then swung underhand. He spanked the mound of her pussy. Kiara yelped both from the sting of the slap and because even that was enough stimulation to have her clit throbbing.

This time she held perfectly still when he gently pinched her nipples.

“Arms up, lace them together behind your head.”

She obeyed, knowing that raising her arms would also raise her breasts, making them more vulnerable. She watched him with trepidation as she assumed the new posture.

Reis focused on her, his gaze like green fire. “I will not be easy on you because of my feelings for you.”

“Of course not, Master.”

“I am a bit of a sadist, and you’re a masochist.”

Kiara nodded. “Yes, Master.”

Reis grabbed her nipples, pinching hard.

Kiara threw her head back and screamed, her clenched teeth trapping some of the sound.

The urge to lash out, to push him away, was there, but it was buried by her need to submit to her master.

Her master.

The words rang inside her head like the tolling of a gong.

The scream died and she panted through the pain, relaxing into it. As she did, it morphed into sweet heated pleasure. The sort of pleasure that made dark hidden parts of her soul wake up and take notice.

He twisted her nipples, sending another jolt of sensation through her. She no longer knew if it was pleasure or pain, and she didn’t care. She wanted it. Needed it. Needed him.

He twisted her nipples further, and she could feel him watching her. This was a Dom in control—his attention focused on her, watching and judging what she needed, what she could take.

He pulled hard once, jerking on her nipples before releasing them. Kiara swayed, but held her position.

“Well done. Good girl, princess.” He gently cupped her breasts, pressing them together. “Look at how pretty your nipples are.”

Kiara looked down to see the tips of her breasts were now berry-pink and swollen looking, her areoles seeming larger than usual.

“Now, I want you to stick that sweet ass out, and bend forward. Stay kneeling, just bend at the waist and press back.” His hands guided her into position.

“Spread your knees a bit, well done.” He walked around the stump, examining her. “You can brace your hands. No, put your hands together. Lovely.”

When he was done positioning her, Kiara’s palms were between her knees, her thumbs touching, her arms straight. This brought her upper arms in, and her breasts were pressed together, her abused nipples on prominent display. Her knees were bent at an acute angle, and she bent forward at the hips, her ass thrust back behind her.

Reis stepped back, giving Summer a moment to take photos. Then he picked up something she hadn’t noticed before. A small blue ice chest.

Reis circled around behind her, carrying the ice chest.

“I haven’t had a chance to play with this sweet ass yet today,” he said casually.

A shiver worked its way down her back.

“Do you want me to play with your ass?”

“Yes, Master.”

“Are your nipples hot, burning?”

“Yes, Master.”

“Then I’ll help cool them.” There was a faint rustling and then the snap of gloves. Kiara liked that sound.

A click, then slick, lubed fingers slid between the cheeks of her ass.

The lube was cold.

“I refrigerated the lube. What do you think?”

“I think you’re diabolical, Master.”

“Diabolical? I like that.”

The tip of one finger circled her anus, and Kiara focused on relaxing. Reis placed his free hand on her lower back, pressing down. She arched, adjusting the angle of her pelvis.

The tip of his finger entered her. Kiara sighed happily, pressing back, pushing herself onto his finger.

“Eager for more?”

“Yes, oh yes. Please, Master.”

He made a happy growling noise, but withdrew his finger.

Kiara whimpered in disappointment.

“Patience, princess.”

He stroked her buttocks, then something hard and oh-so-cold pressed against her anus. She clenched reflexively, but that only made him press harder.

“Relax,” he barked.

Kiara obeyed, and the thick cold ice cube forced open the ring of muscle. He held it there for a moment, her rear entrance stretched wide.

“How does it feel?”

“Cold, so cold,” she gasped.

Reis pushed the ice cube fully into her. Cold, melted ice water slid down from her ass over the hot, swollen lips of her sex. Goosebumps formed on her arms and legs.

“Please, Master, I need you.”

“What do you need?”

She wanted to beg for his cock in her pussy, for his fingers on her clit.

“I need…I just need you,” she said.

He stroked her thigh. “And I need you.” He pressed a second ice cube into her. “That’s two.”

“How many are you going to put in me, Master?”

He let out an evil little chuckle. “As many as it takes.”

“As many as it takes?”

“To make you beg.” He pushed another ice cube in, though this one was smaller than the first two, and Kiara shivered. She felt the new cube clink against the ones that were already inside her.

It was cold, so cold. She could feel melted ice running down the backs and insides of her thighs.

Another ice cube.

Now she was starting to feel full as well as cold. She shifted her pelvis from side to side, shivering. Her intestines started to cramp a bit.

“Uncomfortable?” he asked.

“Cramping,” she replied quietly.

He pushed a finger into her ass and started thrusting it in and out, casually finger fucking her. After a few minutes, the cramping faded and she was back to trying to fuck her ass on his finger.

“I want you to take a few more. You’ll do that for me, won’t you?”

Men like him, questions like that, had tempted better women than Kiara to their doom.

“Yes, Master.”

One by one, he pushed three more cold, hard ice cubes into her ass, making sure to hold the cube in place as he pushed it in, stretching her anus around each.

Her anus was so cold she was slightly numb, but she could feel the pressure and stretching when he pushed his fingers into her.

“I love playing with this ass.” He used two fingers this time as he casually finger fucked her, each thrust making ice cubes clink together. “Once you move in with me, I’m going to keep this ass plugged and played with.”

Kiara nearly fell over. “Move…in with you?”


For a moment Kiara nearly safeworded out of the scene, not because of what he was doing, but because of the panic his words caused.

“Reis,” she gasped. “I don’t want to be a 24/7 slave.”

His fingers pulled out of her ass and he stripped off the gloves as he came around. He crouched so he was looking up at her.

“Hey, hey. That’s not what I meant.”

Kiara sagged in relief.

Reis stroked her cheek, her lower lip. “I’m not saying you have to move in with me now. And I’m not such an ass that I would assume you’d move into my place. We could find our own place, when we’re ready for that step.” He shrugged. “I’m a Dom, I like to plan ahead.”

Kiara relaxed, and another shiver swept over her. Reis’s gaze sharpened, his eyes traveling over her naked body. He rose and grabbed something out of the ice chest. She recognized the clink of ice cubes.

“Are your nipples still aching?” His voice was dangerously smooth, like the edge of a sharp knife.

“Ah, nope, I’m fine.”

Reis chuckled, knelt, and then reached up to her dangling breasts, pressing an ice cube against each.

Kiara yelped and bucked, nearly falling off the stump.

“Back in position,” Reis snapped.

“Cold, cold,” Kiara whimpered.

“I can help you with that.” Reis kept ice on her right nipple, but he took it away from her left, instead covering that abused peak with his mouth. Kiara gasped in pleasure at the warmth of his wet tongue as it slid over her, then gasped again in pain when he started to suck on her nipple, which was still hyper-sensitive.

His right hand moved, coming up between her legs, pressing the ice cube to her mons, and then wiggling it between her labia.

“Master!” Kiara squirmed, but he was relentless. He pressed the hard cube of ice between her labia, until it met her clit.

The hard pressure and burning cold on her clit, the fullness from the ice in her ass, and the sweet ache of her nipples overwhelmed her senses. She stopped fighting, instead letting herself go, accepting everything he wanted to give her.

“Master, may I come?”

“Yes,” he murmured into her breast. He rubbed the ice in a tight circle around her clit and her world exploded into shards of ice-blue ecstasy.



Reis carried Kiara to the section of the set they hadn’t used yet—a bed amid the trees, covered in faux fur blankets. The bed had a black wrought iron headboard and footboard, and gold holiday lights had been woven through the frame. The trees pressed in close to the edges of the bed, giving the space a cozy, intimate feel.

He could have taken her to the bathroom, let her expel the now-mostly-melted ice, but he wasn’t ready to fully end the scene, not yet. It felt too good, too right.

Instead he laid her on her side on the bed, then dropped a blanket over her hips, leaving her breasts exposed. He wanted to look at them.

He put one knee on the bed and touched her cheek. “When you’re ready, turn onto your back and raise your arms above your head.”

She blinked up at him. “More?”

“Yes, Kiara. We’re not done.” He pinched her right nipple in a gentle reprimand. “Mind your manners, princess.”

She winced, but then she inhaled deeply, forcing her breast against his hand. “Yes, Master.”

“When you’re ready.”

Without hesitation she rolled onto her back and raised her arms. Reis tugged at the lights, freeing a loop which he wound around her wrists. It wasn’t a practical restraint, but it looked good. Besides, his sub—damned if he didn’t like thinking of her like that—didn’t need to be restrained. She’d be a good girl. His good girl.

Reis pulled the blanket away, leaving her naked, her flesh pale against the dark-brown furs under her. Looking at her like this, he could imagine that she was his captive, a spoil of war he’d hauled home to his lair.

His cock was rock hard, the tip wet with pre-come that would have stained fabric pants. He wanted to find a space between her legs and fuck her, see if he could feel the cold of the ice from within her pussy.

But penile penetration had been prohibited in their contract. He couldn’t fuck her the way he wanted.

So he’d settle for the next best thing.

“Bend your knees, legs spread.”

She obeyed without hesitation, exposing the pink inner folds of her pussy.

He took the small glass plug from his pocket; it had been in the ice chest, and was still cold, though not freezing. There was still lube, so without hesitation he pressed the short, fat plug into her ass in one hard thrust. She yelped, back arching off the bed, then moaned in pleasure. He could see the muscles of her sex clench in response to what he’d done.

He settled down on his stomach, used his thumbs to keep her labia spread, and bent his mouth to her pussy.

My sub in her bondage, and I in my leathers,

Were just settling in for a long winter’s pussy licking

This holiday season was going to be very jolly indeed.