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A Daring Desire (Dare Menage Series Book 4) by Jeanne St. James (11)

Chapter 11

Trey stared at the Jack and Coke that Rayne had handed back to Gryff before her departure. “You know, Gryff, we haven’t discussed it since when I asked about your tattoo two weeks ago. But...” He rubbed a hand over his forehead, worried about how the man would take his next question. “Should you drink?”

Gryff cocked an eyebrow at him. “Really? Suddenly you’re going to be the responsible one?”

“I’ve lived through this before. I don’t want to live through it again.”

Gryff frowned, his brows furrowing. “What are you talking about? Were you an addict?”

“No. My mother was a drunk.”

“You never said anything.”

Trey swallowed the lump in his throat. “No. Unlike you, I try to forget my past.”

“How bad was it?”

“Bad. My sister and I practically grew up in the local bars. Why they even allowed kids in there, I’ll never understand. They were holes in the wall, with sketchy regulars. I doubt those bars cared about any rules or regulations. When you’re selling cheap draft or well drinks, you make money on quantity not quality.”

“You have a sister?”

“Yeah. She took off at sixteen. I have no idea where she is. I haven’t heard from her since. I don’t even know if she’s alive.”

“You can afford to find her.”

Yes, at this point in his life, he could afford to hire someone to find her. But… “It’s not like I can’t easily be found. I’m the quarterback for the Bulldogs, for fuck’s sake. If she wanted to contact me, it would be easy. So, I assume she doesn’t want to be found.”

“What about your dad?”

He shook his head. “He died right after my sister was born. That’s why my mother started drinking.”

“Damn, I’m sorry. Does Rayne know?”

“I didn’t tell her, but somehow your P.I. dug up the info on my mother and gave it to her.”

Gryff frowned. “Eli wasn’t supposed to dig into your past.”

“But he did.”

Gryff closed his eyes. “Fuck.”

He felt the same way about it. A little disappointed that Rayne had to find out about his past that way. Not that he would hide it from her. Or Gryff. But he would have rather told her when he was ready. He was a bit surprised that Rayne never passed the information on to her boss. And their lover. “Yeah. However, the reason I’m bringing this up is... Once an addict, always an addict. Right?”

“I’m not like your mother. I was never an addict. Yes, I chased the high, and yes, I did stupid shit. But it was that stupid shit that got me caught. And I was caught early enough before I was completely lost. I was more of a chipper than anything.”

Trey had no idea what he was talking about.

“Casual user. Not long term. Not an addict. Though, weekends were my downfall. I started partying Friday nights and didn’t stop until Monday morning when I was supposed to go to school.”

“You were lucky then.”

“Yes, and I admit that. Plus, I had parents that cared and noticed. But before they could step in, I got arrested for possession and burglary. Luckily, I hadn’t entered the house with the other guys since I was the lookout. And I didn’t have a weapon like a couple of the others. Not to mention, it helped that I was a first-time offender and was underage.”

“Your stars were aligned.”

“I guess so. Let me just say that the whole thing was a smack in the face and a kick in the ass. I don’t have an addictive personality, which helped. So yes, I can drink moderately without a problem. Not everyone can.”

Trey studied the man before him. Gryff was one of the most upstanding men he knew, along with his brother Grae. His parents had done an excellent job at raising their sons to become men.

Trey guessed that he was a bit lucky, too. Though his upbringing was shit, he could have turned out a lot worse. “If it wasn’t for a football coach in junior high that had taken me under his wing, things might have turned out disastrous for me. I could have been chasing my own dragons.”

Though, he wouldn’t have been as lucky as Gryff. No one would’ve had his back. Especially a football coach who wasn’t a relative. Even he had his limits.

“And to stay in good standing with my coach, I did things—” Things that were in no way legal for an adult to do with a teenage boy.

Gryff visibly stiffened. “What sort of things?”

Trey gave him a look. “Let’s just say, no one cared when I spent the weekend, or even school nights, at my coach’s house. My mother was just glad to get me out of her hair.”

Gryff scrubbed a hand over his hair. “Jesus.”

“Our relationship lasted throughout junior high until graduation. And once I got a scholarship to college, I left and never looked back. Never came home during the summer or even on breaks. I never went home ever again.” Like his sister, he abandoned his surviving so-called parent.

Then Grae recruited him his junior year in college, but told him he had to finish his degree first. And if he did, he was guaranteed a spot on the team.

The first year, he was third string and never got off the bench. The second year, he was second string and only filled in when necessary or during pre-season games. His third year, the first string QB got injured and Trey stepped in to finish out the season with a good record. And from there... he became not only starting quarterback, but a star player.

Until his current legal mess.

He looked at his attorney and lover. They had both started life in two completely different directions and eventually ended up standing in the same living room. Life was funny like that.

And for that, he was grateful.

He may be fighting for his career, but he had the best backing him. And he had what he considered the best in his bed. Tonight, he would make sure that Gryff followed through and that he not only enjoyed it, but that he would want more.

He wouldn’t give Gryff the opportunity to regret his decision. And he wouldn’t regret being with Trey. Trey swore to himself that he would not be the spot marring Gryff’s reputation. Ever.

“I care about you, boss man. Just so you know.” Trey said. “I’ve told you this already and I’ll keep repeating as necessary... Only do what you feel comfortable with. I don’t want to wait. But if I need to, I will. Because I know it’ll be worth it. But let me just say this... I want you. I want you more than any other man I’ve been with. And that says a lot that I’m willing to wait. Just know that.”

“I know, Trey. But you don’t have to wait. Let’s go upstairs.” And with that, Gryff turned and headed toward the stairs, not even waiting for Trey.

A thrill ran through Trey from his head to his toes. Holy shit. The man was really ready. All those baby steps had been worth it.

But it wasn’t baby steps he took up the stairs. He took the steps two at a time until he caught up to Gryff, nearly knocking the guy down in his excitement.

* * *

Gryff knelt on the bed watching Trey and Rayne kiss, while Trey cupped her breasts, playing with her nipples. He watched Trey make her squirm, make her moan and beg for more.

He was hard. So hard that he couldn’t help but stroke himself. Though he admitted it turned him on to watch the two of them together, he still had to fight back the jealousy trying to edge in.

Every instinct he had was to claim the woman as his and his alone. No other man should touch his woman. It was a hard disposition to break. In the nights they’d spent together, he had caught himself tensing, his fingers curling into fists and he had to consciously make the effort to relax, to push past his possessiveness. Hell, his caveman, chest beating, hair pulling, tendencies.

Gryff heard Trey say something, but his mind had wandered and he needed to hear whatever he said again. “What?”

“Tonight, it’s all going to be about trains,” Trey repeated, not taking his eyes or hands off Rayne.

“What are you talking about?”

“Everything we do will be like a train. Just let me be the conductor. You’ll like it. I promise.”

Rayne wrapped her arms around Trey’s neck, and while meeting Gryff’s eyes, sank her teeth into Trey’s shoulder. The man’s back bowed, and he groaned. “Oh... fuck... me.”

Gryff’s cock twitched in his palm, and he swirled the bead of precum around the crown.

Trey turned lazy eyes to Gryff. “Tonight, me and you will always be connected. One way or another. You okay with that?”

Gryff wanted to say yes, but his lungs felt empty, his heart pounded, and he still struggled to admit what he wanted.

“Boss?” Rayne prompted.

He nodded his head, still trying to suck oxygen into his lungs.

Trey smiled and asked, “Ready?”

Oh, God, was he ready?

He nodded again.

“Baby, sit against the headboard, knees up, thighs spread. Let me see that pretty pussy of yours.”

When Rayne did as told, Gryff could see how wet she was. Her folds were swollen in need, shiny with arousal, ready for one or both of them. When she slipped two fingers inside herself, he groaned and gave his cock a yank. He was ready, too, to be in between her sweet, sweet thighs.

“Open up for us. Let’s see it,” Trey said. “That’s it. Fuck. You look delicious. Right, boss man?”

Gryff swallowed hard. He needed to stop acting like a blithering idiot. “Hell, yes. I want to taste her.”

“That’s the plan,” Trey said, backing away from Rayne’s spread legs and making room for Gryff. “On your hands and knees, boss man.”

Gryff blinked at his gruff command. He did not just

“Boss, come to me,” Rayne begged quietly.

He blinked again and swung his gaze to her. She played with one of her nipples with one hand, while she offered the other to him. His jaw loosened, and his fingers uncurled, and within seconds he was between her thighs, inhaling her female scent, spreading her wide, tasting her sweetness. He took long, lazy strokes with his tongue and her mewing became music to his ears.

“Ass up,” Trey said, smacking his hip.

If Trey thought he was going to

“Ass. Up,” Trey repeated, more firmly this time. “Don’t worry, if there isn’t a condom on my dick, you’re safe.”

Gryff had to assume his dick wasn’t wrapped and reluctantly lifted to his knees, his ass in the air. Vulnerable. The blood rushed in his ears, but he wanted to concentrate on Rayne. He flicked her clit with his tongue, then sucked it hard, pleased when her hips jumped off the bed.

“That’s it, baby. I want to hear you. I want to see you pinch your nipples. Yes, like that. Oh fuck. You like his mouth on you, don’t you?”

Then Trey became quiet which made Gryff suspicious, nervous even. When Trey’s hands grabbed his thighs, Gryff’s heart jumped into his throat. Then Trey’s hot mouth encased his sac, his hand squeezed the root of his cock and he stroked. Gryff peeked between his knees and saw Trey on his back, his head between his thighs, his tongue stroking his balls.

Holy fuck.

Fingers pressed between the strip of skin between his balls and his anus.



Trey used Gryff’s thighs to pull his body farther between them, then took the head of his cock into his mouth.

Gryff groaned into Rayne’s pussy, which pulled a groan from her. The harder Trey sucked on him, the faster Gryff licked and sucked Rayne’s pink, plump folds. He buried his face deeper and then gasped when a finger teased his hole. Yeah, that hole.


Before Gryff could worry about hearing the opening of the lube, Trey raked his teeth over the crown of his cock and then licked the length. He couldn’t control the forward thrust of his hips.

“Boss, concentrate on me,” Rayne begged, trying to pull his attention away from what Trey was doing. Which was sliding a slick finger up and down his crease, pausing on his tight hole at every pass. Pressing, circling, then

Oh fuck.

The finger of the star quarterback, whose hands were worth an unknown fortune, broke that virgin plane and pressed deep inside.

That was not supposed to happen tonight.

“Relax,” Rayne whispered, wrapping her hands around his head and pulling him tighter against her. “Make me come, boss. I want you to make me come.”

He did, too. But... But...

When Trey slipped a second finger in, he scissored them, stretching Gryff. The sensation felt weird, strange, new... not unpleasant. He was tight, most likely because he had tensed, but the more Trey worked him, the harder his dick became, the looser his muscles became, until finally, Gryff could take a breath and appreciate everything that Rayne and Trey were offering him at the moment.

As he sucked Rayne’s clit, he slipped two fingers in, fucking her as Trey fucked him.

He felt it coming. He couldn’t fight it. His balls got tight, his cock got even harder. He was about to explode. When Trey curled his fingers inside of him and stroked his spot, he curled his and stroked her spot.

Quickly, he pulled his mouth away and shouted as he blasted down Trey’s throat. He had no idea what he shouted, he probably sounded like a babbling fool. But right now, he didn’t care. He was doing everything he could not to collapse on Trey and smother him.

His arms trembled, his thighs shook, and he growled, “Move.”

Trey rolled out and away from him. With a grunt, Gryff collapsed to the bed, all the bones in his body suddenly missing.

Holy fuck.

His cheek laid on Rayne’s thigh and he looked up her body to see her face flushed, her eyes liquid, and her mouth parted.

“I’m sorry if you didn’t come. I got...distracted.”

“That was so fucking hot,” she answered softly, sounding breathless. “For the record, yes, I came.”

“I came, too, if anyone cares.” Trey sprawled across the end of the bed on his back, his belly full of his own cum. He grinned at Gryff. “I think that’s the first time I ever came without anyone touching my dick, even myself. That was so awesome.”

Gryff shook his head at the excitement in Trey’s voice and in his expression.

“I just need a few minutes to recover. Then we’re getting back on the train.”

A few minutes.

Gryff might need more than that. He may need a damn nap. And a sports drink full of electrolytes.



“Can you get me a washcloth so I don’t drip all over Gryff’s carpet? I don’t think he can move.”

She smiled as she extracted herself from beneath Gryff’s weight. “That’s the second time tonight you’ve asked me to serve you. Let’s not make a habit of it.”

“I’ll make it worth your while in a little bit. I promise.”

She sighed as she went to the master bathroom. Gryff had the strength to move at least his eyes to follow her. If he wasn’t so spent, he’d get a hard-on just watching her naked hips rock and roll as she moved.

When she came back into the bedroom with a wet washcloth in hand, she looked at Gryff and laughed. “Damn. You’re wrecked.”

“I had fingers up my ass while he sucked me dry, as well as my mouth on you. Of course, I’m spent. I’m in my thirties, not my twenties. Hell, when I was eighteen I could’ve come and kept going strong until I came again. Not any longer.”

“I hear that,” Trey mumbled. “But don’t worry, baby, us manly men will take care of your business shortly. Promise.”

She refused to hand him the washcloth, instead taking her time to wipe his skin clean. Trey’s eyes closed, and he sighed.

Then the green monster took a little bite out of Gryff again.

He rubbed a hand over his eyes and he turned his face away so he didn’t get worked up over something he knew he needed to just let go of.

He rolled off the bed and held his hand out. “I’ll take it back to the bathroom.” Rayne gave him a questioning look, but handed the washcloth to him. He strode into the bathroom, shutting the door firmly behind him.

He threw the damp cloth into the hamper, then braced himself on the sink, staring into the mirror.

Someone he didn’t know looked back at him and blinked. Someone who just had another man’s fingers up his ass. Someone who just had another man’s mouth on his cock and swallowed his load.

And he fucking liked it.

Gryff dropped his head because he couldn’t look at that person anymore and took a shuddered breath.

He closed his eyes, wondering if he could do what Trey wanted. Could he do this? Did he even want to do this?

“Damn it,” he muttered.

“Boss?” came the soft voice from the other side of the door.

“Rayne, just give me a minute.”

Then he heard nothing else.

He had no idea how long he stood there, a war being fought deep within him. Then the door flew open, Trey latched onto his arm and he jerked hard. Gryff, not expecting it, fell forward but Trey caught him and dragged him farther into the bedroom.

“Stop being a shit. Stop questioning yourself. You’re going to fuck me while I fuck Rayne. Do you hear me? And you will like it.”

What. The. Fuck.

Gryff ripped his arm out of Trey’s grasp. “Fuck you, Trey.”

“Yeah. I’m waiting. Do it.” Trey jammed both palms against Gryff’s chest, making him stumble back. Gryff caught his balance and braced himself for Trey’s next onslaught. “Stop being a fucking pussy.”

But none came. Trey stood in the center of the bedroom, his fists clenched, his breath rapid and ragged. His eyes flashing in anger.

“Tell me you don’t want me. Tell me and I’ll leave,” his voice no longer held anger, but something else.

Gryff frowned.

“Tell me, Gryff, and I’ll leave you alone. I’ll stop pushing. I don’t want to be where I’m not wanted.”


Trey’s mom hadn’t want him. Her buzz was always more important than her own son. Her own children.

Now he thought Gryff didn’t want him, either. He could see that Trey was fighting to keep the hurt from his eyes. But he could see it, recognize it. And he was the one that put it there.

He didn’t want to be that person. He didn’t mean to be that person. It was his own insecurities that made him keep pushing the other man away.

“Get on the bed,” Gryff said, his voice rough, raw. “I want you, Trey. I’ll show you just how much.”

Trey’s expression changed. From disappointment and hurt to relief and a bit of excitement.

“Get on the bed,” Gryff repeated.

“The lube... The condoms...”

“Get the fuck on the bed.”

“Okay,” Trey said softly, his gaze sliding to Rayne, who sat up against the headboard, a worried look on her face. “Do you want me to expla

“Shut up, and get on the bed.”

“Okay.” Trey climbed on the bed and moved closer to Rayne, who cupped his cheek and gave him an encouraging smile. When the two of them kissed, Gryff followed Trey onto the bed. He grabbed Trey’s ankles and pulled him down the bed away from Rayne.

“What were your plans?”

Trey looked over his shoulder at Gryff.

“What were your plans?” Gryff asked louder, firmer.

“To fuck Rayne while you fuck me.”

Gryff gave a sharp nod and found the lube and condoms waiting on the nightstand. Rayne must have put them there earlier in preparation.

“Then fuck her.”

Trey grabbed his semi-hard cock and pulled at it. “But I

“Fuck her now.”

Then, suddenly both of them were hard. Trey from Gryff’s commands. Gryff from anticipation.

He no longer questioned what he would do. He now knew with certainty what he would do. And he wouldn’t put it off any longer. “I’m going to fuck your ass, Trey.”

“Goddamn,” Trey whispered.

“That’s what you want, right?”


“You want me to be hard for you? Well, I’m hard. You see this? You’re getting all of it. Every inch.”

Yes... I...”

“I don’t see you fucking her yet.”

Trey scrambled up onto his knees, “Baby, normally I’d give you more foreplay, but I don’t think I’ve got the time. Are you ready?”

“Hell, yes,” Rayne answered, sliding down the bed, a giggle slipping from between her lips. “I’m so ready for you.”

Trey kissed her hard. “I’ll make it up to you another time. I promise.”

“Just fuck me,” she murmured as he settled between her thighs. “And I promise you won’t hear any complaints from me.”

“None from me, either. Because in a couple minutes, I will be the luckiest guy in the world.”

Trey let out a long sigh as he slid slowly into Rayne. He cupped both of her breasts and kissed the tip of each nipple. Then sucked one of them deep. Rayne’s fingers dug into his hair, holding fast, her hips lifting and falling with his.

Gryff watched the two of them, Trey’s hips thrusting, Rayne’s hips rocking to meet him. He stroked himself as Trey’s glutes flexed and tightened with each move. Before he could let his doubts creep over him again, he snagged the lube and a condom off the nightstand and sheathed himself.

“Don’t be stingy with that stuff, boss man. You’re not small. Just saying.”

Gryff didn’t answer him, instead popping the top on the tube and smoothing the cool gel over his cock. When he finished, he walked on his knees and settled behind Trey.

Then took a deep breath.

Trey reached around and smacked his own ass cheek. “Right there, big boy. Give it to me like you mean it. A little finger action wouldn’t hurt first, though.”

“Fuck you, Trey.”

“Yeah. Whatever.”

Trey stilled when Gryff separated his cheeks and liberally applied the lube, and did as asked, working some in with the tip of his finger.

“Damn. Damn,” Trey groaned, suddenly pumping harder into Rayne. “Fuck, it’s been too long.”

That admission surprised Gryff and made him pause. “How long?”

Trey shook his head.

“How long, Trey?”

“Since the coach.”

Fuck. He did not want to hear that. Not now.

“You always top?”


“Trey...” Gryff whispered, now questioning this whole thing once again.

“Just do it. I want you inside me.”

Gryff closed his eyes for a second, blew out a breath, then grabbed Trey’s hips, positioning the head of his cock against his tight rim. Once he was there, once Trey offered himself, Gryff couldn’t resist any longer.

“Oh, God,” he whispered, scared and excited at the same time. He pressed forward and Trey opened to him, relaxing his muscles, no longer moving within Rayne. He panted. Gryff felt like panting, too. Instead, he gritted his teeth and carried on, pressing forward, going deeper.

He was tight. Trey was a snug fit and his muscles squeezed him. Trey cursed and shifted, then released a low moan.

Finally, when Gryff was fully seated within the man, he breathed. Trey breathed.

“You okay?” Gryff asked him.

“Yes. Good. I’m good.”

Good wasn’t the word for how it felt to be inside Trey. A calmness overcame him, like it felt right. This was where he belonged. Not only with Rayne, but with Trey. They were pieces of a puzzle that just simply fit.

Then Trey shifted again and the urge to thrust swelled, so he did. He moved within the man beneath him and as his hips pushed, so did Trey’s, making Rayne squirm and cry out. Gryff dug his fingers into Trey’s glutes, holding on while he moved, while Trey controlled the pace. Tentatively at first, then faster, harder.

“Are you okay?” Gryff heard Trey ask Rayne. That’s when he realized she was bearing the weight of the two of them. He dropped his hands to the bed to hold himself up, to relieve Trey and Rayne of his bulky weight. That gave Trey leeway to move freer, which drove Gryff to the edge of madness.

“Aw, Christ,” he groaned, knowing it would take only a few moments before he’d lose it. He’d never fucked anyone so tight before. With a grimace, he tried to keep himself under control, tried to make it last just a little bit longer. He wanted them all to come together.

But, he didn’t think it was possible. He was at his breaking point. When Trey slammed against him once, twice... the third time, Trey cried out that he was coming. Gryff wanted to thank any deity listening.

He tried to say Rayne’s name, but it came out strangled.

“Baby, tell him you’re coming. He needs to hear it.”

“Gryff,” was all she cried out before his vision blurred, his mind spun, his balls drew tight, and he grunted as he came hard. Then came some more, especially when Trey reached around and squeezed his sac, milking every last drop from him. His dick throbbed and Trey’s canal hugged him even tighter.

The only sound for a few moments was heavy breathing, and a long satisfied sigh from Rayne who was trapped under Trey’s collapsed body, though it didn’t look like she minded.

A smile curled Gryff’s lips as their eyes met over Trey’s shoulder and she smiled back. Then he leaned over and kissed her thoroughly, sweeping his tongue over her lips and into her mouth. When he pulled away slightly, she brushed a bead of sweat off his forehead.

“That was crazy,” she whispered.

“I was never into trains as a kid. Now, I appreciate them,” Gryff mumbled. “Are you being crushed?”

“A little.”

Gryff hooked an arm around Trey’s waist and twisted the both of them up and off of her, onto their sides, but still keeping them locked together. He didn’t rush to take his arm away. In fact, he tightened it around the man, bringing him closer.

“Better?” he asked her.

“I don’t mind the weight of one of you. Both is a bit much.”

“I didn’t know you liked to spoon, boss man.” Trey ran his fingers along the arm that kept him tight against Gryff.

Gryff shifted his hips slightly to remind Trey whose dick was in whose ass. “Do you want me to let you go?”

“No, but I’d rather snuggle after we all clean up. Should we draw straws to see who gets the middle?”




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