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A Daring Desire (Dare Menage Series Book 4) by Jeanne St. James (6)

Chapter 6

Gryff groaned as his cell phone lit up and a certain person’s—who happened to be the one he was trying to avoid—name came up.

Why did he even program that number into his phone? Why did he even want the temptation?

He could ignore the call, or… He grimaced at his lack of willpower as he swiped his finger across the screen. “What.”

“Damn, that’s not a very friendly greeting.”

“I could have ignored the call.” And you. And went back to my formally normal life.

Silence greeted him.

“What do you want?” he demanded, not having the patience to deal with Trey this morning.

“I was just talking to Rayne

Of course you were.

“And she said you'll have to assign another attorney to my case.”

“That’s correct.”


He lowered his voice since his office door was wide open. “Because we saw each other naked.”

Yeah. And?”

And yeah.”

“Is it illegal?”

“Let’s just say it’s extremely frowned upon.”

“Okay, so then we’re good.”

“No. I’m good. You’re not. You’re still in a jam.”

“Yeah, but you and Rayne will get me out of that.”

“No promises.”

“Okay, how about promising me that you two will still represent me.”

“The five-hundred K retainer was only for one of us.”

Silence again. Then a low whistle. “So, a cool mil for both of you.”

“You don’t need both of us,” Gryff corrected him.

“I need both of you.”

Gryff didn’t think he was talking legal representation anymore.

He sighed, leaned back in his chair and stared at the ceiling. “Look, Trey, I’m one of the top firms in the area. I’d like to keep it that way by not getting involved in any type of ethical dilemma.”

“I get it. You have a spotless reputation and I’m a spot,” Trey answered quietly.

What the fuck. Now he felt... bad.

Though, he shouldn’t. Trey probably only played him by using the “poor me” card. There was no reason to feel sorry for an overpaid sports figure.

“I need the best,” Trey said.

“Anyone who represents you from my firm will be the best.”

“But you’ll stick me with someone else.”

“You won’t be stuck, you’ll have one of my well-qualified, well-experienced associates to negotiate on your behalf. And we’ll advise them.”

“All because I saw you two naked.”


“Okay, because my dick slipped into Rayne and my tongue slipped in your mouth and around your dick.”

Gryff closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Jesus. Yes. Yes. Yes. That’s why, Trey. Yes. Because of that.”

“What if it doesn’t continue?”

Gryff’s eyes popped open in surprise. Wait a minute… “What?”

“What if it never happens again?”

He was not expecting that. And he also wasn’t expecting his own reaction to those words. He frowned. He should be elated. But he wasn’t.

Trey continued, “Yeah, we’ll just keep it professional.”

Gryff suddenly remembered the press of Trey’s lips on his, their tongues meeting, tangling. “Well, uh

“It’s probably what you want, anyway.”

He pictured Trey on his knees, sucking him until he came down the man’s throat. “I, uh

Trey chuckled in his ear. “See? I knew you wanted me.”

“Fuck you, Trey,” Gryff muttered and jabbed the End button on his cell. He tossed the phone onto his desk blotter and stared at it, scowling.

After his discussion with Grae, he actually considered exploring that side of himself to see if it was simply Trey that turned him on or men in general. He wanted to know if he was truly bisexual or heterosexual. Being in his mid-thirties, you’d think if it was men in general, he would have had a reaction before. Maybe he had and ignored it. Trey made himself hard to ignore.

Gryff even went as far as pulling some gay porn up on his laptop that night to see what his reaction would be. He discovered while it hadn’t turned him off, it didn’t completely do it for him either. It seemed to be Trey that did it for him. His body clearly reacted to the quarterback.

He guessed that was no different from his reaction with women, though. Rayne turned him on instantly. Dani, not at all. All women didn’t turn him on. All men didn’t turn him on.




Gryff leaned his head back against the leather headrest of his office chair and closed his eyes. Memories of the other night’s activities played in his mind like a movie. When he got to the part where Trey fucked Rayne over the end of the couch, he realized that had turned him on the most. And still did.

The evidence grew in his lap. His body was a traitor.

However, now he couldn’t shake that image from his mind. He needed to clear that memory. Maybe replace it with a new one.

He pushed to his feet in a hurry, yanked at his tie to loosen it slightly, then rushed out the door. “I have a meeting with Rayne about the Holloway case,” he announced to Dani in passing. “Hold my calls.”

Gryff didn’t wait for a response, his long legs eating up the real estate between him and Rayne’s office. As he pushed open her door, he had a fleeting thought of how he needed to install locks on the private offices.

She looked up in surprise at his abrupt entry and covered the mouthpiece of the phone she held to her ear.

“Need something, Boss?”

The B word shot lightning down to his balls. Gryff’s gaze narrowed in on the cleavage that mounded out of her blouse. Why she didn’t button up the last few buttons, he’d never know. He would have to talk to her about it. All that flesh on display was inappropriate for his office. He would have to make sure she complied with the dress code.

Even though there wasn’t a dress code.

He’d have to make one up.

Because no one else should get the eyeful he was. Only him.

Fucking damn.


Gryff slowly lifted his eyes to her amused green ones.

“Who are you on the phone with?”

“A client.”


Her eyes avoided his for a moment as she pointed her gaze to the window behind him.

So telling.

“Trey,” he answered for her.


Billable time?”

She hesitated, still avoiding his gaze. “No. I’ll hang up.”

He stepped around her desk and snagged the phone from her and said to Trey, “I should have known you’d call her back after talking to me.”

His low chuckle grated on his nerves.

“If you’re calling her at the office, then those will be billable hours. Do you understand?”


“But since you’re on the phone, stay on the phone. I want you to listen to something important.”

Gryff cut off his “What?” by jabbing the speaker button and hanging up the handset.

“Can you hear me?” he asked Trey.

“Yes. What’s this about?”

“Just stay on the line.”

No answer. But Gryff didn’t care. He knew Trey would do just that.

He moved his attention back to Rayne. Grabbing her wrist, he pulled her out of her chair to her feet. She wobbled on her ridiculously high heels, but he caught her with an arm around her back, pulling her smack against him.

“You feel that?” he asked, his voice low, gravelly, looking down into her eyes. She didn’t avoid his gaze now.


“Yes, what?” No, now she met his eyes and held them.

“Yes, Boss. I feel you.” Her words came out on a breath and her nipples pebbled noticeably under her snug blouse.

“What you’re wearing is inappropriate for this office. I want you to take it off.”

Make me.”

Fuck. His cock jerked at her defiance. His mind spun and his fingers twitched with the urge to just rip open her blouse and let the tiny pearl buttons fly. However, he still had enough reasoning left in his bloodless brain to realize that would be hard to explain when she left the office. He doubted she kept extra clothes here.

“Take off your blouse or you will leave here today in nothing but your bra.”

He heard a noise from the direction of the phone but he ignored it.

“You’d like that, wouldn’t you? You’d like for me to strut down the hall in nothing but my panties and bra, wearing my high heels. You’d love for all the other men in this office to watch me do it. You’d love to have them all fuck me with their eyes and masturbate to the memory later that night. Is that what you want, Boss?”

Ah, fuck. No. No, that’s not what he wanted. He wanted her all to himself. He didn’t want anyone else to see her naked. Or even in her lingerie. And those heels of hers made her legs look endless. Legs that needed to be wrapped only around him as he thrust into her

“I don’t want anyone else to see her like that but us, Gryff,” came from the phone.

“Shut up,” he muttered to Trey as he realized Rayne just messed with his head.

“So, if you want me to undress, you do it.”

“Are you going to fight me?” God, his balls couldn’t get any tighter, his cock any harder.


“Fuck! Can you wait until I get there?” Trey yelled through the phone.

“No!” they both answered in unison.

“What the fuck! I can’t listen to this. I want to be there.”

“I’ll hang up the phone if you don’t shut up, Trey,” Gryff warned without breaking Rayne’s defiant, but glittering eyes. She enjoyed this.

But then, he did, too.

His lips tilted up at the corners. “You must not value that blouse then.”

“I love this blouse.”

“But you love getting fucked more.”

“And I keep a change of clothes here. Just in case.”

“Just in case your blouse gets ripped off?”

“That hasn’t happened yet, Boss.”

Gryff twisted the emerald-colored satin fabric in his fingers and yanked. She gasped, her torso jerking with the pull as buttons flew onto the floor, over her desk, pinging off the phone and the wall.

“Fuck. Me,” Trey groaned.

Her chest heaved under his gaze as more of her cleavage came into view. He tugged the blouse from the waistband of the pencil skirt that hugged her curves and when he went to push it off her shoulders, she knocked his hands away. He reached again and she grabbed his wrists and held them away.

She wanted to play rough. She gave him a wicked smile that made his heart pound, his blood rush.

“You know what happens to naughty women?”

“No, what?” she asked, then bit her bottom lip.

Gryff almost groaned, but he caught it before it escaped. “You’ll find out if you keep resisting.”

“Sounds like a challenge, Boss,” she said, her voice husky, low, driving him mad.

“Turn around.”


Fuck. Me, Gryff echoed Trey. He grabbed her hips and spun her, and before she could fight him, he yanked the zipper of her skirt down and shoved it down to her ankles.

“Holy fuck,” he murmured.

“What?” Trey yelled.

“She’s wearing thigh-high stockings.”

Trey groaned loudly. “I hate you. I’m going to hang up. I can’t take anymore.”

“Don’t you dare,” Gryff growled, unable to pull his gaze from her luscious thighs wrapped in sexy stockings. He was definitely not removing those. No fucking way. Because he planned on running his tongue around the lacy tops if it was the last thing he did.

And it just might be since all his blood had rushed south and pooled in his cock.

“Are those inappropriate, too?” she asked over her shoulder.

Oh, yes. Yes, they are. But he couldn’t form the words. There was no blood left in his brain. Instead, his fumbling fingers unclipped her bra and before it could fall forward, she caught it and held it to her, keeping her breast covered.

“Let it go, Rayne.”


With a rush of adrenaline, he swept his arm across her desk, knocking most of the items onto the floor. He sat on the edge and yanked her over his lap, and before she could react, he smacked her bare ass. That’s right, bare. Because the woman hadn’t even worn panties today.

So inappropriate.

He smacked his palm against her flesh once more and she gasped at the stinging contact and struggled in his lap, which did not help his erection. At all.

He heard a strange noise come from the phone which had been pushed to the edge of the desk. He could have sworn it was a whimper.

Each ass cheek now sported a red mark. He swore his head was going to blow off. Both the one attached to his neck and the one attached to his dick. He traced his fingertip over the thick lace band at the top of her stockings. He ran a finger underneath it and snapped it, then leaned over and kissed each cheek.

“What are you doing?” came the strangled question from the object he might have to smash into pieces.

“Wouldn’t you like to know,” Gryff mumbled.

“Is her ass pink? Oh, fucking fuck! Can we at least Skype?”


“Oh, you suck, Gryff. This is so unfair.”

“Then hang up.”

Silence. Yeah. Thought so.

He slipped a finger along the crease of her ass and through her slick folds. She was soaking wet.

“Let me go,” she finally said, wiggling across his lap. Jesus, if she continued to do that, he’d lose it in his pants.

Beg me.”

Please, Boss, let me go.”

“Not until you come first.”

“But I don’t want to come,” she whined.

Damn, he liked this game. “No?”

“No,” she answered, then gasped as he slid two fingers into her.

“You don’t like that?”


No, what?”

No, Boss.”

A groan slipped from Gryff’s lips as she tightened around his fingers. He pressed his thumb against her clit and circled it until she squirmed over his lap, then ground her hips against his.

He wouldn't last long like this. Leaning over, he sank his teeth into her ass cheek and she cried out, squeezing him tight. He felt a gush of warmth before she convulsed around his fingers, crying out once again.

“Oh, my God, did she come? Gryff! Did she come? Rayne, did you come?”

Gryff was so hard that it was painful and with Rayne’s beautiful, just-orgasmed body draped over his lap, he was afraid to move. Literally, afraid to even breathe. But they weren’t done yet. Not in the least. He needed to sink deep inside her to wash away that memory of Trey doing the same thing. He wasn’t done torturing Trey yet, either.

He should be ashamed at his perverse pleasure of tormenting the man. But he wasn’t.

“Stand up,” he told her and helped her to her feet. Her face was flushed, her reddish-blonde hair a wild mane, and her bottom lip looked red and puffy as if she had been biting it. Oh, but he wanted to bite it instead.

“Come here,” he murmured, snagging her wrists and pulling her to him. He captured her lips with his, licking that bottom lip of hers, soothing it with his tongue before dipping it inside her mouth, exploring.

“What are you doing now?” Trey shouted from the phone.

He yanked the bra from her hands and pinched both of her nipples, twisting them between the pads of his fingers. She moaned into his mouth. Then bit his bottom lip. He jerked away in surprise and pain.

“I’m not going to make this easy for you,” she said, her eyes hooded, unfocused. Her breathing shallow.

“You better not,” he agreed with a smile. He wiped his lip and noticed a tinge of red on his fingers.

Unfastening his belt, then his pants, he pulled his cock from his boxer briefs. He fisted himself once, then stood. “I'll show you who’s boss.”

“Holy fuck,” came the groan from the phone. “I’m so fucking hard right now. This is so unfair. So unfair.”

“I'll fuck you until you beg me to stop.”

“Not going to happen,” she said, backing away slowly.

“Which part? The fucking or the begging me to stop?”


Gryff rushed her, pushing her back into the wall. Her breath left her in a rush. He pinned her there, grabbed behind her thighs and lifted her legs up and around his waist.

She released a low laugh until he drove deep inside her on the first thrust. Then she cried out, arched her back and closed her eyes. He fucked her against the wall, pounding her hard, deep and relentlessly. He wouldn’t be surprised if he had to have the drywall patched after the impact.

“What are you doing? What’s going on?” came Trey’s impatient voice.

Little mews of pleasure escaped her lips every time he hit the end of her and couldn’t go any further.

“Is that too much for you, Rayne?” he grunted.

“No. Give me more.”

“You can’t take anymore.”

“Fucking give it to me. I want it.”

He dug his fingers into the flesh of her ass, her weight held up by his strength and the wall. He took long, deep strokes, feeling her insides hug him tight, get slicker by the second. Squeeze, release.

He was going to lose his mind. Her arms wrapped around his neck, one hand pushing his head closer and he kissed her thoroughly, roughly. He conquered her mouth until both of them were breathing too hard to keep their lips sealed together. He pulled away just enough to drop his forehead to hers, his breath ragged, his heart pounding out of his chest. His balls squeezing tight, his cock becoming as hard as steel. He was about to blow.

“Tell me when you’re going to come.”

“I’m going to come,” yelled Trey.

“Not you, asshole,” Gryff yelled. Then he dropped his head and sucked a nipple between his lips, scraped the tip with his teeth and she cursed while her hips did a little dance against him.

He was becoming unraveled and wanted to release inside her... like yesterday. But he had to wait. He had to hold off. Just a little while longer. He could do it.

He shoved a hand between them and tweaked her clit, then rubbed it furiously until she made a sound that just about made him blow his load. Her hips rocked against him, grinding him deeper inside her.

Her wet heat hugged him, then he felt it change, ripple, her G-spot hardened, and he knew he was in the clear. She was about to climax.

Thank fucking God.

Tell me.”


He wanted to laugh but he couldn’t. “Tell me.”


Now he wanted to cry. She would fight him until the end. “Tell me,” he said thrusting even harder. So hard he was surprised they didn’t crash through the wall into the next room, which, luckily, was a supply closet and not another associate’s office. Because that would be awkward.

When she didn’t answer him this time, he knew he had her. She was there. Then, she exploded around him, unable to contain her cry, unable to hide her body’s response.

And finally... Finally, he let himself go. He released inside her, making her his once again.

Despite his arms and legs trembling, he continued to hold her tight against the wall. Not wanting to leave her, not wanting to separate. He wanted to remain one with her a moment longer. For as long as his body would allow it.

Which, unfortunately, wasn’t long enough. As his dick decided enough was enough, he slipped from her. As he reluctantly released the hold he had on her ass, her feet finally touched the floor. He caught her when she wobbled against him and pressed his lips softly against her forehead, then her lips, before capturing her chin in his fingers and looking at her seriously.

“I’m sorry, this isn’t a competition,” he murmured.

She tilted her head slightly and studied him. “If I didn’t want you to fuck me, I would say no.”

“But, after the fact, I feel like I’m disrespecting you by taking you against the wall or bent over my office chair.”

“Do I look offended? Or do I look satisfied?”

He studied her and then ran a knuckle down her flushed check. “You look like someone who’s been thoroughly fucked.”

“And that’s not a bad thing.”

“No, but next time I want us to take our time and enjoy each other.”

“I enjoyed this.”

“You don’t want to have sex in a bed?”

“I’d like that, too. On the floor, on the bed, over your knee, in the shower. Any way you want to give it to me, Gryff, I won't say no. Unless you like it when I’m obstinate.”

He smiled then. She was something else. “I like it when you’re willing. I like it when you’re fighting me. I’ll take it any way you want to give it to me, Rayne.”

“Me, too,” came Trey’s weary voice. Gryff was sure he found his own release while they found theirs.

“I almost forgot you were there, until you opened your big mouth.”

“You’ll never forget me, Gryff, admit it. Especially my big mouth.”

“Fuck you, Trey,” Gryff growled, and moved to the desk to pick up the receiver and slam it back on the base.

Rayne smothered her laugh. “That wasn’t nice.”

“I’m sure he got his rocks off.”

“Wasn’t that the point of putting him on speaker phone? Or was it just to rub this in his face?”

“Mostly the second part.”

“Well, at least you’re honest,” she said pulling on her skirt and turning so he could zip it closed for her.

“That I am.” Funny that how in the heat of the moment, he had no problem with that tiny zipper, but now? His fat fingers had the hardest time gripping the little zipper tab. He finally finished securing it, then snagged her before she could pull away. He lifted her hair up and kissed the back of her neck. Her smooth, delicate skin tasted slightly salty when the tip of his tongue darted out.

“Should I finish getting dressed or are we going for round two?”

With a sigh, he let her go, and glanced down at his flaccid dick, which still hung out of his pants. With a tug, he tucked it away and pulled up his underwear. “No. I need to get back to working on Peter Martin’s case.”

She nodded her head and when she turned as she secured her bra into place, she looked somewhat disappointed. “Can we do this again soon? And not in the office?”

“When do you have plans to hook up with Trey?”

He didn’t miss when her expression changed, though, she quickly hid it from him. “I have no plans to meet up with him at this point.”

Why not?”

She shrugged, then picked her destroyed blouse up off the floor. She looked at it for a moment, then headed to her office closet. “Because you interrupted our conversation,” she said, her back to him as she pulled a spare blouse off of a hanger. She shrugged it on and began to button it.

He wanted to see her face. “Rayne...”

“Boss?” she whispered, still refusing to turn.

“Were you going to make plans with him?”

Her shoulders lifted slightly and finally she turned around, her blouse closed. He realized all her lipstick was gone from their kissing and the pink in her cheeks was not makeup. Her natural look made his breath catch. This was what she would look like waking next to him in the morning. Hair mussed, face makeup free. Smoky green eyes watching him.

His heart squeezed, then resumed a heavy thumping. He had never wanted any kind of commitment from a woman. Nor did he ever want to commit.

Until now.

He wanted her.

And she wanted him. But not only him. Trey, too.

Either way, he had to accept that fact, or he had to fight for her. “Let me take you to dinner Friday night.”

“You mean like an actual date?”

“Yes. Just me and you. I’ll pick you up and escort you to one of the best restaurants in the city.”

Her eyebrows rose. “It’s impossible to get reservations this late in the week.”

She was right. But that wouldn’t deter him. “You let me worry about that.”

His eyes dropped to the V of her blouse. This one was no better in covering her than the one he ripped off of her. He couldn’t resist tracing a finger over the soft mounds of her flesh. Then he curled his fingers into fists and stepped away, heading toward the door. “I’m going to draft a dress code.”

“You better not.”

Gryff opened the door and chuckled as he shut it behind him. He leaned against the door for a second and blew out a breath. Then straightened his spine as he snapped back into work mode.

As he walked past Dani’s desk, she asked, “Is everything all right? It sounds like that meeting got a little heated.”

Gryff kept his expression blank. “We just disagreed on the course of action in Holloway’s case, that’s all.”

“Well, hopefully you got everything worked out,” she said with a smirk.

“We did,” he assured her and rushed into his office, keeping the door shut for the rest of the afternoon.