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A Worthy Man (The Men of Halfway House Book 5) by Jaime Reese (31)


After spending almost three weeks with the design team, learning the process, their strengths, and what was needed, Vann finally felt comfortable enough in the department and with the team to stand his ground.

He knocked on the open door before walking into Sean’s office. He hated giving the egotistical man any sort of power over him, but he had a job to do. And if being the departmental gopher and Sean’s shadow granted him access to the knowledge he needed, then so be it. He’d grin and bear it until he had a chance to discuss a plan with Dray. “Here are the renderings for your latest design.”

He set the file on Sean’s desk and waited. Sean’s designs were good, and some would even argue they were great. But they were a stark difference in style to Vann’s original sketch that set the expectations for the line. Vann would never openly admit it, but Sean’s designs could easily launch a new brand or sustain one that hadn’t been so firmly defined. But they wouldn’t work for the VannGuard brand of cars.

An odd thought crossed Vann’s mind about how the styles matched the men. Sean’s designs were sleek and had a smoothness to them that appeared modern and fresh, almost contemporary and light, while Vann’s designs were full of sharp, more…in-your-face harsh lines with purpose. Even the curves he used in his designs were extreme and served a role. Sean’s designs looked like museum cars or prototypes for something futuristic and space-like. Vann’s designs growled on the page, waiting for their chance to roar down the road and take charge.

Just like Vann was ready to do.

Over the last few weeks, he’d learned enough about the process and team to know the one obstacle inhibiting progress stood in front of him. While Sean had tried to tweak a few things to make it work, in the end, his artistic style was firmly entrenched and would never be a match to the style Drayton wanted to continue with the line. A subtle change with the introduction of a new model might work, but a radical difference in style for the new models would run the company into the ground.

“These look great,” Sean said, looking at the contents of the folder. Of course you think your design looks great, you narcissistic asshole. But they won’t work. “I’ll go meet with Drayton.”

“Do you want me to make that call?”

Sean cocked his head. His lips twisted into a lopsided grin he probably thought looked flattering. He stared at Vann, his green eyes alight with a hint of a challenge…and something else Vann couldn’t quite peg, but it was enough to send off a warning flare to his senses. “You’re wasting your time.”

Something was brewing in that pea-brain of his and it was enough to raise Vann’s hackles. “How’s that?”

“With Drayton.”


Sean’s jaw muscles twitched and his smile faltered. “Yes, really. Back off.”

Vann raised an eyebrow. “Or what?”

“He’s mine.”

A bubble of laughter rose in Vann’s throat. “Um. No. He’s not.” He planted his hands on his hips, debating if he should entertain this delusional prick any further. He shook his head and walked out of Sean’s office, deciding against engaging in a pissing contest with the jerk. He’d barely taken a few steps out into the department floor when the man started following him, yapping away again, doing his best Chihuahua impersonation.

“You don’t stand a chance with a man like him.”

Vann whipped around, standing in the center of the open department space, not caring about the chatter that quieted around them from the others in the department. He was tired of this game, and he wasn’t going to play a tug-of-war where Drayton was concerned, not after a lost decade. Not now. Not ever. “You don’t know him. And you sure as shit don’t own him.”

“Fuck you. You’re just an entry-level peon working the mailroom who got lucky with an internship here. No other designer is going to work for Drayton but me.” He took a step closer, a glint of something malicious sparked in his eyes.

Vann reined in the slow building rage threatening to possess him. He could read people well, and he was receiving Sean’s message like a fucking bullhorn piercing his eardrum. Sean’s next words eliminated any doubt in his mind.

“I’ve made sure of that.”

Challenging environment. A phrase he remembered from a phone call Drayton had had with another designer he’d solicited. That about summed up the experience working with Sean, but it seemed this self-centered son of a bitch was proactively making sure no other designer set foot in the department to challenge him.

He was not going to let this prick sabotage Drayton or let him think—for a single fucking second—that he held any claim on his Dray. He turned to Li and scribbled a quick message: You win the bet. Email the unicorn’s office and let Mia know she can finally use that letter she’s been saving. He returned his focus to Sean. His jaw hurt from holding back every word he wanted to say. He clenched his fist at his side, controlling the spike of fury he wanted to unleash on this son of a bitch.

Sean huffed a laugh, as if in victory. “This is my department. Don’t you forget that.”

“No. It’s not,” Vann said through clenched teeth. “This department is mine.”

Sean laughed and crossed his arms. “Mailroom’s on the ground floor, asshole.”

The rage boiling in Vann’s veins simmered, overtaken by a swell of confidence he hadn’t felt since he was a teenager. He set his hesitations aside and focused on Drayton, the empire he’d spent a decade building, the company and all the workers who respected his mind, and this department filled with staff members he now called friends. He looked around, making eye contact with each of the members of the team who excelled at what they did and were anxious to play their role in the future Drayton was going to shape with that new motor. He turned to Sean. A future this prick was trying to sabotage.

“Li, did you send that message?”

“They should be here any minute.”

He’d battled with this in his mind for weeks. Struggled with the desire to help and the fear of failing. But now, the timing and decision was crystal clear in his mind. Vann straightened to his full height, feeling a swell of confidence that only came with absolute certainty in one’s actions. “You were warned to not disrespect your fellow employees.”

Sean smirked and straightened his stance, seemingly unfazed by Vann’s words.

“Consider this your formal notification. You’re officially fired.”

Sean laughed so hard he bent over, planting his hands on his knees for balance. “You’re insane. You have no authority—”

He stopped when Vann raised a hand. He glanced over his shoulder as Mia entered the department room with security guards in tow. Vann returned his focus to Sean and felt a surge of confidence commanding his actions. “Security will escort you to gather your personal belongings and Mia will check any items to ensure you aren’t taking anything confidential. If anything requires further inspection, Drayton will review it and send it to you via your forwarding address. Mia, did I miss anything?” he asked, his focus never wavering from Sean’s piercing green eyes.

“For now, I need him to sign a release of employment.”

Vann reached his hand back like a marathon runner reaching for a baton, taking the page from Mia. He extended the paper toward Sean, refusing to let his guard down and break the stare-down with the man carefully watching his every move. “Sign it.”

“No. You don’t have the authority.”

“Yes, I do.”

“He does,” Mia eagerly added.

The smile slid from Sean face as his focus jumped from Vann to Mia and back again. “What the hell is going on here?”

Vann looked at the page still in his hand and quickly scanned the letter, smiling at the signature block. He grabbed a pen from the neighboring desk and signed above his name. He then handed the sheet back to Sean who snatched it from his hold.

Sean quickly scanned the letter and slowly glanced up, his mouth gaping, at Vann.

“I’m not sure if we’ve been formally introduced. I’m Shaw. Vannguard Shaw,” he said, emphasizing his first name with a pause. “I’m Drayton Shaw’s partner.” He stressed the word, enjoying how that clearly implied a whole hell of a lot more than just the business end of things. “Sign it.”

Drayton is mine, you fucking son of a bitch.

Vann took a step closer, resisting the urge to grab Sean by the shirt collar. He gritted his teeth to bite down the anger waiting to be set free.

Sean took the pen and signed the paper before handing it to Mia.

“I’ve changed my mind. Get out now. We’ll mail you your personal belongings.”

“Security will escort you out,” Mia said, instructing the guards who quickly stood at Sean’s side, bookending him.

“You don’t have a clue what the hell you’re doing,” Sean said. He glanced over Vann’s shoulder. “You’re going to fail. You won’t have a model release in time.”

Vann turned and saw Drayton standing by the doorway. His heart thundered, wondering how much Drayton had heard and seen.

“Vann, will I have a model release in time?” Drayton asked, without an ounce of stress or worry in his tone as he casually stepped over the threshold of the department.

The tension within Vann’s body eased; the trust in those pale gray eyes recharged his confidence. “Hell yes.”

“We’re finished here,” Drayton said to the security team, his voice booming with authority.

Sean launched forward, stopped only by the force of the security guards restraining him as he fought the hold. They escorted him out as he yelled and cursed until his voice faded down the hall.

Vann swallowed heavily, walking over to Drayton. “I’m sorry I stole your thunder. I know you wanted to fire him,” he whispered, trying to keep their conversation away from the other curious members of the design team.

Drayton took a step forward and slid his hands into the pockets of his slacks. A subtle, barely-there smile made an appearance. “Welcome to the team.”

Relief filled every crack and crevice in Vann’s soul. “I was always on your team, you snarky little shit.”

“I’m not little.”

Vann bit his lip, holding back a grin. “No, you’re not.”

“I heard you. Did you just out yourself as my partner?” A hint of playfulness brightened those pale gray eyes.

Vann stepped closer.

Drayton’s eyebrows twitched. “What are you doing?”

“Don’t move.” His heart raced. There were almost a half dozen pairs of eyes on him. People he wanted to respect him for his skills.

“You’re going to kiss me, aren’t you? In front of everyone?”

“Don’t. Move.” He fought with every argument, shooting down every excuse to step away. Maybe he could talk his way out of what the team had heard him say. He could shrug it off as some wisecrack joke he’d said to challenge Sean and his arrogance. He could cook up some bullshit excuse about being a business partner, not really a “partner” in every sense as he had intentionally implied. They already knew he had a twisted sense of humor, so they’d buy most of the excuses he’d dish out. They’d laugh and go with it. And it wouldn’t be because he was cozying up to the boss.

“Just kiss me. Don’t think about it so much,” Drayton whispered, knowing him well enough to recognize the raging battle in his mind and the arguments and excuses he shot down with each passing millisecond.

“Give me a sec.” If Dray moved, maybe everything would fade away. Maybe this was a dream. A mirage. Had he really just put himself out there in front of everyone?

“You’re killing me, Vann. You’ve got this whole teasing thing down to a science.”

Had he just fired a key member of the team and actually thought he could stand in and do the job? Yes…he had. He was finally going to man up and face his fear head on. He had outed himself and stood up to that little shit—for himself, for Drayton, and for everything they represented. This was about him and Dray. Us. It didn’t matter what other people thought. All that mattered was the synergy and strength of the Shaw team. If they stood alongside each other, they would stand strong against anything and overcome whatever hurdle the following few months would bring with the new model launch. And the people in this room would stand by their side…by choice.

He reached up, his fingers hesitating before they finally made contact with Drayton’s warm skin. He closed his eyes and exhaled. The excitement thrumming through his body overpowered the fear and hesitation, awakening a steady surge of strength in his veins. This was real. They were together. They were a team. And he was sure as shit ready to broadcast it to the world.

He pulled Drayton in and planted a kiss on his lips, sealing their partnership for all to see. He firmly gripped Drayton’s face and plunged into his mouth, branding him enough to fuel the office gossip so it would spread like wildfire and let everyone know the Shaws were a package deal. A muffled groan escaped when Drayton’s hand landed on the small of his back and tugged him closer.

He pressed a soft kiss to Drayton’s cheek before finally pulling away.

Drayton sighed. “You can’t talk your way out of that one now.”

Vann steadied his pounding heartbeat and looked up to meet those pale gray eyes. He smiled at the love staring back at him and the huge smile and dimple on Drayton’s face. He chuckled and shook his head. Fucking Dray was a hopeless romantic. He reached for Drayton’s hand and laced their fingers together. “C’mon.”

“Where are we going?” Drayton asked, letting himself be led to the desk of one of the team members.

“I want to introduce my unicorn to our team.”

Our team. He definitely liked the sound of that.