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Adrenaline (Speed #2) by Kelly Elliott (35)

THINGS FINALLY HAD CALMED DOWN and I felt like I could breathe again. I had done a few interviews about why I decided to walk away from racing. Job offers for commentating came in and I declined each of them. Now I know what Emmit went through. My knee was at about ninety percent and the pain had receded to a dull ache.

Paislie had given her notice at work and had accepted a position at Baylor University in the Physical Therapy department. She also got her period, which caused us both to celebrate with a trip to the doctor and a new prescription for birth control pills. Then a stop at Walgreens to buy a mega-size box of condoms, a bottle of cheap wine, and hot sex in the back of my truck on the ranch under the stars rounded out the evening.

The door opened and I glanced up to see Emmit standing there. “It’s about damn time. You’re late, asshole.”

Shutting the door behind him, he laughed and reached for my hand, giving me a quick shake. “The only person here is you so I’m not late. You try moving your pregnant wife and a son who can’t sit still for five minutes from North Carolina to Texas.”

“Stop being a pussy.”

Emmit dropped into a seat and shook his head. “I fucking can’t wait until you have a baby.” A grin appeared on his face as he let out a dry laugh. “Is it wrong if I start going to bed at night and pray you have triplets and all girls?”

My heart dropped as I pointed to him. “Fucker. Don’t be praying for shit like that!”

The door to the conference room opened and Mr. and Mrs. Russell walked in along with two lawyers. Emmit and I both stood and shook hands all around. As we took a seat, Mrs. Russell gave me a sweet smile.

“So, the two of you want to take over our family vineyard?”

With a nod of our heads, I replied, “Yes, ma’am.”

Mr. Russell leaned back in his chair and looked between the two of us. “Now, Malcolm, you’ve been coming to our place since you were a little boy. I remember you following me around in the barn talking my ear off about how you were going to take over my job and have a much better go at it.”

My face was suddenly hot. “I . . . I forgot about that.”

Mr. Russell smiled. “I haven’t. I also haven’t forgotten the countless times you walked through the vineyard because you said it helped settle your thoughts. You’re comfortable in the environment and I have no doubt you won’t take what my great granddaddy started and continue to make it thrive.”

He turned his attention to Emmit, who promptly squirmed in his seat. “Now you, son, I don’t understand. You enjoy wine?”

Emmit replied, “Yes, sir, very much.”

“I heard you took a trip to Europe to tour some vineyards and spent some time in the hill country touring some newer vineyards.”

“Yes, I did. I enjoyed the trips immensely. It was very educational.”

Mr. Russell nodded his head and looked at his wife before turning his attention back to us. “What are your plans, boys? Are you going to turn it into a tourist trap and have people traipsing all through our family’s beloved home?

Emmit and I both sat up straighter as I spoke first. “No, sir. Not at all. Our intentions are to keep the vineyard as it is, selling to the local wineries. We have no desire to get into the winemaking business, but we would like to expand beyond the vineyard and try new things.”

His eyebrows rose. “Expand?”

Clearing his throat, Emmit said, “The ranch that backs up to the vineyard is rumored to be getting ready to go on the market. Malcolm and I would like to make them an offer and look into staring an olive orchard. My wife loves to cook and is obsessed with olive oil. It would be more of her baby to get that up and running.”

Mrs. Russell smiled. “I love that idea and think it is amazing to see your wife taking such an interest as she is.”

Emmit beamed with pride.

Mr. Russell lifted his hand and his lawyer slid a file over toward our lawyer.

“Everything is as exactly as we agreed upon. The suits here have both looked it over and if you’re both ready, we are ready to sign on the dotted line.”

Emmit and I looked at each other. Who would have imagined that two years ago we were trying to run each other off the racetrack and exchanging insults, and today we’re purchasing a vineyard and another ranch if all works out.

Glancing over to Emmit, he nodded his head as I smiled and looked back at my old friend. “Where do we sign?”

Walking into the kitchen, I smiled at the sight in front of me. Paislie was holding Landon as Clarisse and Adaline were both gathered around the stove cooking something.

I couldn’t pull my eyes away from Paislie as she danced and sang while Landon laughed. I’d never experienced such an overwhelming love before as I looked adoringly at my future.

“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say that was a look of man who sees his future right in front of him.”

Warmth radiated throughout my body as Paislie’s eyes caught mine. When she smiled, I swear the earth shook. “I do believe you’re right on this one, Lewis.”

With a chuckle, he slapped my back and said, “Welcome to my world, buddy.”

Emmit headed over to the stove and wrapped Adaline up in his arms as I glanced back over to Paislie. I made my way over to her and leaned down to look into Landon’s eyes.

“Hey, Landon. That’s my girl whose heart you’re trying to steal.”

He laughed and looked back at Paislie. My heart was pounding so loudly I could hear it in my ears. “How was your meeting?” Paislie asked, pulling me out of my daydream of her holding our own child.

“It went perfectly,” I replied as I took a few steps back and looked over to Emmit. Adaline knew that we were buying the vineyard, but Paislie had no idea. My biggest fear was of her and Adaline not getting along. “How was your day with Adaline and Landon?”

Paislie’s face lit up. “Adaline taught me how to make the perfect hard-boiled egg.”

My mouth fell as my gaze bounced between Adaline and Paislie. “Okay, I hadn’t realized you couldn’t boil an egg.”

Emmit let out a roar of laughter. “Damn dude, that’s one of the first things you find out . . . can they cook?”

Adaline lightly punched Emmit in the stomach as Landon struggled to get down from Paislie’s arms.

“That’s not all we did. We actually had a wonderful time hitting all the little stores in Waco.” Paislie spoke as she put Landon down.

Adaline turned and placed her hands on her stomach that was showing the signs of her pregnancy. “I can’t believe how much we have in common.”

Paislie nodded her head. “We really do!”

With a quick peek at Adaline, she gave me a wink. She knew I was worried and this was her way of letting me know all would be okay.

“Hey, Paislie, you up for running an errand with me?”

I could practically feel Adaline about to go crazy as she attempted to hold her excitement in.

Paislie smiled and gave me a shrug. “Sure. Adaline, did you need me to help with anything?”

“Nope. Emmit’s here, so he can entertain the little monster while Clarisse and I cook up a feast for dinner. I think we’ll even break out some bubbly!”

Pinching her eyebrows together, Paislie was about to say something when I took her hand in mine and pulled her out of the kitchen.

I concentrated on my breathing as we walked out to my truck. The last thing I wanted was for Paislie to figure out what was going on. Even with her leaving Dallas, changing jobs, and living with me, I wasn’t sure if she might think I was moving too fast.

“Is everything okay?” she asked as I opened the truck door for her. “Did you and Emmit get into a tiff?”

With a dry laugh, I kissed the tip of her nose and winked. “Far from it.”

As I walked around the truck, I rehearsed what I wanted to say one more time.

Blowing out a breath, I whispered, “God, please let me get this right for her.”