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All In: Graham Carson 3 (Locked & Loaded Series Book 5) by Susan Ward (97)


Oh, so that was what this was about. I pursed my lips to keep from smirking. “How charmingly unexpected. You’re jealous.”

Miles’s face contorted into revulsion. “Of him? You can’t think that?”

My amber eyes locked and glowed. “No, hon, over me.”

He tossed down his food container on the table. “God, your ego. I don’t even know why I bother trying to be a friend to you. Between your libido and your vanity nothing gets through to you.”

That annoyed me. “Friends? Is that all we are?”

He shrugged. “What’s wrong with that, if it is? Some of my best relationships have started out as friends.”

I didn’t like that he was marginalizing what I was to him. “My best relationships have started out as lovers.”

“Maybe you need to adapt to a new way, Colin. You don’t see us having sex, do you?” he shot back smugly.

“I remember a time that we did,” I countered salaciously. “That makes us already lovers in my book. No reason not to fuck again.”

He stood up, cracking his neck. “I’ve got to get going, Colin. I’m behind in the polls, remember?”

I laughed, though my insides were rapidly deflating. Bright spot of my day ending, as always, in a stalemate. But I wasn’t going to make it pain-free for Miles to leave me.

“I’ll walk you out.”

I slowly rose to my feet, stepping into him to surround him with the feel of me without touching. Miles looked up at me, and a thrill ran along my nerves by what I saw on his face. It was what I looked for, the little breaks in his armor, an expression I’d seen on more than one occasion: the look in his eyes when he fucked me.

“I need to be with you again. Soon,” I told him, staring fiercely into Miles’s eyes.

I reached out for him—and sweet mother of all that’s glorious—he let me guide him up against me until I was holding him against the arch of my body and the press of my erection.

“It wasn’t bullshit, hon,” I whispered close to his ear. “I haven’t been with anyone since you.”

A loud gush of oxygen left his lungs.

The air around us crackled.

I nipped at his ear and he shivered. Miles tried to move his head back from me so I ran my tongue down his neck.

“Colin…”A sharp moan overlaid his words. “I’m not there yet.”

Not there yet? I wasn’t sure what he meant. He’d already had me. What was there to be reluctant about?

“Well, I am, Miles. This time I’m the one ready for you.”

The words from that long-forgotten vessel inside me called honesty shocked us both. Me because I wasn’t sure what I was saying to him, and Miles because for some reason that held the feel of something he’d waited for.

I closed my hands on his face, pushing him up against the wall, kissing him savagely while grinding my erection into his. Oh yeah, he was thick as a brick in his pants, and all I needed was a little push to get the Holy Grail of all pleasure.

With clever moves, in a disarming storm of my mouth and hands, I managed to move him back in the bus with the pressure of my body to the bedroom and the bed. I pinned him to the bed with my hot body, cock rubbing like a thirteen-year-old boy dry-humping on the family couch, but even with our clothes on, my hungry appendage was ready to explode.

Grunting and pumping into him, through my seeking mouth, desperate to ravish him, I whispered. “You don’t want the Hyatt, hon? Let me fuck you here.”

At this point both our cocks were so hard I was pretty sure Miles’s leaving wasn’t an option for either of us. Rolling my lower body in a steady stream of fuck moves, I felt a shudder of surrender from him and the excitement that followed was disorienting and combustible as his mouth answered my demanding want, his tongue shooting in to fuck mine as I thrust, thrust…

Oh fuck—it wasn’t possible.

I fought as hard as I could to stop it.

This wasn’t how I’d planned this to go down—I was Colin Rand sex symbol and giant of the hard fuck—no, no, this wasn’t how my cock was supposed to end this now that I finally had Miles on my bed after months of working to get him there.

Shaking, my body let go and I was dry-humping him into climax. My briefs were flooded with my jizz, because I really hadn’t had sex since January—well, not unless you counted the hundred times a day I slapped off to the thought of Miles—and just the touch of him sent me out of my head, crazy with want.

It took a moment for my mind to clear and realize I was a lump of weight atop Miles and we were no longer kissing or humping.

Inwardly cringing from my humiliation—it was a pretty fucking humiliating moment, outside of my life experience, and I hadn’t a clue how a man rallied from having prematurely exploded while trying to seduce his reluctant wannabe lover—I lifted my face from his shoulder and dared a glance.

And before I could say a word, his beatific smile claimed both his lips and his eyes, heating me to my core.

His palm closed on my face. “Ready for me? OK, Colin, I believe that one.” He untangled himself from my limbs and sat up. “Don’t feel badly. I came, too. The second your wet sank through my pants it was a done deal. Thank you for lunch. Thank you for the near fuck. But like I said, I’m not there yet.”

There it was again, that phrase: not there yet.

Standing up, he inspected the wet spot we both contributed to on his crotch. He took off his drab suit jacket and folded it over his arm, holding it in a way to hide that we’d come in our pants during our frenemies lunch.

“Like I said, I’ve got to run, Colin.” He leaned down and kissed me, and I hated how casual he was about this.

He was at the door before I said, “What do you mean not there yet?”

Those penetrating black eyes riveted on me. “Ready to dare the train wreck that’s you, Colin. You’re still figuring things out. Hardly a good place to start anything serious with a man. And I’m figuring out if you’re worth it, hon. We’re both not ready for us yet.”

If you’re worth it, hon? That one hurt. As for the word “hon,” I hated it when said to me.

I turned onto my hip, lying on the bed in a way I knew looked sexy. “Believe me, I’m worth it, baby. Every fucking nine inches of it.”

He stared at me, frustrated, and then laughed. “It’d happen faster if you could stop with cheap dirty talk and the frat boy horny tackles, and started saying things I want to hear. And behaving like a man who knows who he is and what he wants.”

“I’m Colin Rand. I’m your next lover.”

Miles shook his head. “No, you’re the guy who just came on my pants.”