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Alpha by Tiya Rayne (10)



“What, Asim?” I didn’t turn away from the tablet in my hands to answer him.

It’d been four days since I cut off the lights and turned up the air in Morgan’s room. I’d been watching her like a hawk, waiting for her to break. She had yet to fucking submit. I watched as she readjusted once again on the floor. After the first day, I had someone remove her bed and covers out of the room. She was now lying on the cold concrete floor. Her back was to the wall as she wrapped her arms around her knees.

“Sir, I just want to give you an update.”

I finally looked away from my tablet placing it on my desk. I gave Asim my full attention. From the strained look on his face, I could tell he had bad news to give me.

“This morning, we lost twenty-seven breeders.”

“WHAT!” I shouted shooting to my feet. “What the hell do you mean we lost them? What happened to them?”

“It is unclear. Around noon, the first female began to show signs of hemorrhaging. Then it spread like wildfire to the others. It started suddenly, almost like something triggered it. The last breeder was just pronounced dead five minutes ago, but there is something else.”

What the fuck else could it be?”

“The doctors say that upon further evaluation, it seems the bleeding was coming from their uterus, yet the doctors can’t explain how it started. The only thing that the breeders had in common, is that they were recently placed in the mating rotation.”

“What do we pay these doctors for if they can’t even figure out how and why we‘re losing breeders?”

“Sir, it isn’t that easy. They have been busy all morning fighting to keep these women alive...”

“I don’t give a shit about what they were doing. I want answers before whatever the hell this is wipes out all my goddamn breeders.”

Asim sighed, running his hands through his thick, wavy, jet-black hair. “Sir, with all due respect, I think what we need to do is get Mrs. Downs in a breeding room with Alpha. I’ve been studying these subjects for a while, and I think getting Alpha to mate will be the breakthrough in this second phase of project X.”

“No!” I simply replied, waving his theory and suggestion away.

Asim walked further into the room. “Dr. Strong, as of two days ago, the other subjects have refused to mate. Alpha is growing more agitated by the day, and it feels like the subjects are sensing his mood and are growing increasingly frenzied. We’re losing breeders, and you still have to prove to Scott that these subjects are worth the funding. Maybe, allowing Morgan to bond with Alpha isn’t the worst thing. At least she keeps him calm.”

I sat back in my seat exhaling.

“Do you know why I named him Alpha?”

Asim looked confused. “Because he was the first?”

“No! I named him Alpha because that’s what he is. He’s a leader. A dominant. In the animal kingdom, Alpha would be the head of the pack. It is in his DNA to lead. That is why it is important to establish dominance over him. I’m the only one that can do that, and the way I do it is by controlling his female. If I allow Morgan to bond with Alpha, I lose the power I have over her and him. It is impervious that I stay in command. That means Morgan must fear and obey me. Right now, I have to keep her under my control.”

Asim shifted his weight from one foot to the other. “Well…. Um…..Sir, are you sure that’s what’s happening?”

I scowled at him, and he quickly back pedaled out of his earlier statement. “I only mean that, we still have little time to get the subjects ready for Scott’s mission, and the girl has yet to break. Maybe you should try another technique?”

This time, I stopped to consider Asim’s words. Time was running out. Before long, Scott was going to come calling, and I needed Alpha on a leash quick. Asim was right. It was time to see just how useful Morgan could really be, no matter how pissed I was at her for disobeying me. For a month I invited her into my private quarters and spent an hour with her, and not once did she speak with me. Watching her purposely ignore my demands as she told Alpha all about herself. Her playful laughs and flirtatious smiles further infuriated me.

“Fine, bring Alpha out of his isolation cell and allow him to join the others.”

“……Are you sure?” Asim looked at me as if I had lost my mind. “His behavior isn’t really suitable to be around others. He will be in a rage after the first ten minutes.”

“That’s what I’m planning on. Set him up to join the other subjects in the cafeteria for lunch. I need you to keep an eye on him.” I stood to my feet with my plan already in motion. “Also, have Donovan collect Morgan. Make sure he has her dressed and ready. It’s time to really put her to work.”

Asim nodded and headed out to do as I asked. I went to the locked cabinet in my office and plugged in my combination. At the bottom of the cabinet, past the clear glass bottles and syringes, I pulled out the bundle of clothing I had stashed back there. Balled up in the large blue jumpsuit, was a thin pair of cotton white underwear. I clutched them in my hands for a moment before balling them up and placing them in my pocket. I stuffed the clothes back down at the bottom of the cabinet and locked them back up. I headed out of my office on a mission.

“Soldier!” I called out to a young stocky fella walking past me.

He saluted me, and I nodded, allowing him to relax. “What’s your name?”

“Brooks, sir.”

“Brooks, I need a favor.”

“What can I do for you, Doc?”

He had a country accent and seemed very eager to help. He’s young, maybe nineteen or twenty.

I pulled the white cloth out of my pocket and handed it to him. “I need you to hold on to this for me.”

The guard stuck the unknown fabric in his pocket.

“Make sure you give it to Asim when you see him.”

“Sir, I’ll take it to him right away.”

I held up a hand. “No, don’t rush, soldier.” I smiled convincingly. “He’s heading to lunch in a few. Just give it to him then.”

The guard nodded, still so eager to please me. I walked away from him. I had a few more stops to make before my lunch break.



I walked into the cafeteria where guards, staff, scientists, and subjects are all gathered to eat. I spotted Asim standing near the wall, his eyes were trained on Alpha.

Alpha seemed calm as he sat at the long table surrounded by the other subjects. At all times, there were fully trained and prepared guards around the subjects. This time was no different. I took a seat quietly at the back of the cafeteria. The moment Brooks walked into the cafeteria, I turned to Alpha. It took only a few seconds before Alpha lifted his head and turned toward the soldier. His eyes narrowed as he watched the young man. Brooks spotted Asim, and right away headed towards him. I picked up my walkie-talkie and dialed into Donavan.

“Start this way,” I said into the device.

It crackled for a second before he responded, “On the way.”

Brooks approached a confused looking Asim and pulled the white fabric out of his pocket. Asim looked down at it for just a second, before the roar of Alpha had every one in full alert. Alpha was on his feet, seething. The guards were preparing to put Alpha down like usual when he went into a rage fit. However, this time, I held up my hand to stop them. Alpha charged in full speed towards Brooks. Asim looked down at the fabric in his hand, and finally realized what he was holding. His eyes widened as he dropped the fabric. He turned towards me in shock and disappointment. Alpha had Brooks by the neck and slammed the young man’s body into the wall beside Asim. The first slam killed the young guard, the second slam cracked his skull like an egg. The other subjects were on their feet. Alpha’s anger had them riled up.

For just a moment, I wondered if this plan might have been a bad one. If Morgan couldn’t calm Alpha down, we may have a disaster on our hands. Alpha bent down and grabbed the underwear off the floor. He brought them to his nose and inhaled, his eyes closing momentarily as he took in her scent. When his eyes popped open, they were burning with anger. He looked to Asim, and Asim stumbled, trying to back away from him.

I gave the signal for the guards to engage. This was going to be bad. They tried to surround Alpha, one guard got too close, and Alpha snatched him by the head snapping his neck with ease. The tranquilizer guns went off, yet they did nothing to stop him. He grabbed another soldier and tossed him through the air. The other subjects were standing to their feet making an unusual grunting noise. I’d never heard them do this before. It sounded like the aggressive territorial grunting that a gorilla makes.

I grabbed my walkie-talkie again. “Where the hell are you?”

His reply was immediate. “We’re moving as fast as we can. She’s extremely weak.”

“You pick her ass up and get her here. NOW!”

“Got it.” The walkie-talkie went dead.

The sound of the grunting picked up as Alpha took out more guards. Asim was hiding under a table while the other scientists and staff were running out of the cafeteria.  Meanwhile, more guards were filling the room trying to get as many shots off as possible. Then it happened. Donavan rushed through the door, Morgan in his arms like he was carrying a bride over the threshold. I rushed over to the two of them, snatching her out of his arms. Her skin was icy cold, and her usually enticing brown skin had a gray hue to it.

“Morgan!” I demanded, getting her attention.

She could barely stand, so I let her fall down to her bottom. I got down on her level. Her body shook, and her teeth clattered as her large, sad eyes looked at me.

“You have to calm him down, Morgan. I need you to help me.” There was resistance in her eyes, but when she cut her brown eyes over to Alpha, they softened. She leaned away from me, and I stood to my feet. She used her hands to pull her weak body a little closer towards him, and with a soft voice—barely louder than a whisper—she called his name. Alpha immediately stopped, dropping the soldier in his hands to the ground. Even the other subjects stopped the weird chanting noise, and they all turned towards her.

Her focus was only on Alpha as she gave him a weak smile, her lips wobbling as her teeth chattered.

“Hey!” she whispered.

He moved faster than I’d ever seen him move before as he came to kneel in front of her. He growled when he took in her state. I saw the pure rage fill his eyes again. He was about to go into another fit, but then Morgan placed her hand up. It was the same way she did the day they met in the viewing room. Alpha placed his palm to hers, and she giggled. He responded with a smile, then her hand dropped back down weakly, and Alpha scooped her in his arms standing to his feet with her.

The guards all looked to me for guidance. I’ll admit, I have no idea what the next move should be.

“I’m tired, Alpha. I need to rest,” Morgan told him.

Alpha started to walk out of the cafeteria with Morgan clutched in his arms. We all followed.

“Have you ever seen this behavior?” I stated in wonderment when Asim caught up to me.

  He didn’t reply. I could tell he was still pissed about the stunt with the underwear. I didn’t have time to baby him. I had other things to worry about.

Alpha headed towards the stairway. He was taking Morgan down to the lower floors where the breeding rooms were. Donovan, Asim, myself, and a line of guards quietly followed them down all twelve levels. Alpha pushed open the door to the final level and walked through. He took her right to the room they were in the other day. He stood patiently at the door waiting for someone to let him in.

I shoved Asim to the room next door. “Get that goddamn door open.”

Asim stumbled but got to the room next door to hit the switch that unlocked the door. Donavan slowly approached Alpha with his hands up. He opened the door for Alpha and Morgan to enter the room, and we followed. Alpha placed Morgan down on the bed gently. I directed the others to leave the room.

“Alpha,” I called out to him.

He didn’t take his eyes off of Morgan’s trembling body.

“Alpha, you know the rules. I can’t let you keep her.”

He turned to me so quickly, I took a cautious step back. “But I’m willing to make an exception this one time. However, you will have to do something for me. Do you understand?”

His silver eyes narrowed, then he nodded slightly. I didn’t yet bask in the triumphant feeling. I still needed to assure him of my dominance.

“I will allow you to keep the girl for tonight only. No mating.” Alpha’s body tensed, and I quickly went on to explain. “She’s too weak tonight. In the morning, I will come back to collect her, and then you will start training for a new mission. No incidents, Alpha. I need you to train and be on your best behavior.”

He stared at me, that blank look in his eyes. I wonder if he understood me. Maybe I used too many words, but then Alpha simply nodded at me. He turned back towards Morgan, dismissing me. I looked over at her lying on the bed. Her fragile body was curled up in a ball. Maybe it wasn’t a great idea to leave her with him. Part of me wanted to take her back upstairs. I even took a step forward, but Alpha’s warning growl reminded me of the greater purpose. I needed Morgan to control Alpha, and so far, she was proving capable of the job. I took a step backwards, Alpha’s eyes stayed on me until I was out of the room. I closed the door sealing them off.

I turned to Donavan. “I want guards at this door at all times. Have them load up with the special ammo. No more tranquilizers.”

“Do you think it would come to that? You think we will need to put Alpha down for good?” I heard the doubt in Donavan’s voice.

I don’t want to kill Alpha, but if I need to get into that room quickly, I at least needed them to be prepared. I told Donavan this.

“I want you to be in charge.”

Donovan nodded at me. We had an entire night, sixteen hours, to be on high alert in case something went horribly wrong. This was a huge risk, but I was willing to take it. I slipped into the room next door. Asim was seated at the large double-sided window.

I took a seat next to him, neither of us spoke. After silently watching the room next door, I finally addressed the elephant in the room.

“I had it under control.”

Without turning to look at me, he replied solemnly, “Of course, you did.”

We allowed the silence to slip back in. For now, we had solved our issue.




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