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Alpha by Tiya Rayne (15)


I was having the best dream ever. I was living on a farm with Alpha. In my dream, I tasted the warm spring air. I felt the breeze against my skin and smelled the fresh cut grass. We were lying in a large grass field, our children were laughing and running around us. I had never felt so content and happy in my life. It was the best dream I’d ever had.

“Morgan!” My dream Alpha was calling my name, but I couldn’t answer him.

I felt kisses on my face and a warm caress on my back.

“Morgan, wake up.” The voice came again.

This time, dream Alpha faded away, and I realized it was the real Alpha that was waking me. My eyes slowly opened, and I took in Alpha’s face. He looked just as amazing as I remembered.  He greeted me with a dazzling smile and then a heated kiss on the lips that had me moaning and ready to have him again. Alpha grunted but pulled back from me. We were laying on our sides facing each other with me wrapped tightly in his arms.

“We must not. They will come for you soon.” He nodded towards the door, and I frowned.

I didn’t want to leave him. I wanted to stay in his arms forever. I even told him this.

“Don’t make me go back. I want to stay with you.”

Alpha closed his eyes for a brief second and then looked back at me. Those silver eyes said more than his mouth ever could. I think this was just as hard for him as it is for me.

“I wish you could,” he admitted.

I didn’t argue or complain, I knew that Alpha was just as much a prisoner in this place as I was. Especially with that device that Dr. Strong called "The Boss”. Even if Alpha did survive the tranquilizers and the special made bullets, I don’t think he would be able to overcome that kill switch, so instead of letting the tears fall, I sucked them up. Our time would come. When I get out of here, I’m determined to take Alpha with me.

I leaned forward and kissed him again, my mouth opened the moment his tongue brushed against my lips. Alpha deepened the kiss, his fingers gripping the back of my neck. I leaned up on my elbow and placed my hand on his jaw, not once releasing his lips. He rolled over on his back and pulled me on top of him. My heat cradled his swollen erection. I grounded down on top of him, and he threw his head back and moaned. There was nothing like the pride I felt knowing that I was bringing him pleasure. I continued to roll my hips allowing my slick opening to glide over his shaft. I felt like fire was running through my veins. I wanted Alpha so bad I couldn’t think straight.

“I need you,” I moaned as I again rocked my hips allowing his engorged cock to brush against my sensitive clit.

 Alpha sat up wrapping one hand around my back. He wrapped his hot mouth around my erect nipple and twirled his tongue around the sensitive tip. I moaned and tossed my head back. He lifted me slightly and lined his cock up to my opening. I slowly started to slide down the thick length, when suddenly, a loud rumbling came from my belly. I’ve had my stomach growl before, but never like this. It even made my belly flutter. Alpha stopped and looked down at my stomach, a wide smile broke over his face. He nodded his head and looked up at me.

“He’s hungry.”

I laughed at him calling my growling belly a he.

“I’ve been hhhhhhhungry before, my stomach can wait.”

I leaned down to kiss him again, my tongue rolling over his, then another loud grumble from my stomach accompanied by the little flutter. This time Alpha laughed out loud. For a moment, I was stunned by how handsome he looked. I’d seen him smile, but watching him laugh was amazing. Never did I think I would be sharing a moment like this with a man like Alpha.

He looked down at my gurgling belly. “Impatient,” he teased.

Alpha lifted me up and climbed off the bed. He went to the mirror and knocked three times. He came back to the bed and stood me to my feet.

“Promise me you will eat,” he demanded, placing a kiss on my forehead.

At this point, I'd promise him anything.


He smiled, bent down and grabbed my robe off the bed then placed it around me. The moment he tied the sash, the door opened up, and Asim and seven guards dressed in green fatigues walked in. Alpha gave me another kiss that made me want to snatch this robe off and climb back in the bed with him. Too soon, he let me go, and I walked to Asim while the guards surrounded Alpha. I was about to tell them not to hurt him, but Alpha smiled and nodded, telling me to go. I allowed Asim to escort me out of the room.




We didn’t take the usual route that led back to my room, and thankfully, we didn’t head in the direction of Dr. Strong’s private quarters. We were going a different way. Before I could build up the courage to ask, my question was answered when we walked through double doors that read “Private Sector”. The moment the doors opened, I realized this was where the breeders were being held. Tons of women in blue jumpsuits filled the hallways. It reminded me of my college dorms. Guards dressed in green fatigues stood at the ends of the hallways and in clusters in front of doors. Their watchful eyes always on the women. Asim walked us through the crowded hallways. Eyes turned to us out of curiosity and interest. I ignored the judgmental stares of the females and the inappropriate gazes of the males.

Asim took a right at the end of the hallway, and soon, another set of double doors came into view. He stopped us before we reached the doors and turned to look at me. His dark brown eyes seemed to study me.

“May I ask you a hypothetical question?”

I was a little taken off guard by this. He never really spoke to me. It was only when Strong demanded him to do a task that he ever acknowledged me, but I could tell this wasn’t a request of Dr. Strong.


Asim looked to his left and then back to me.

“If you had to decide between Alpha and your child, who would you choose?”

I know how babies are made. I know that by having unprotected sex and allowing Alpha to ejaculate inside me could definitely cause pregnancy. However, even Dr. Strong spoke on how unsuccessful they had been in having a successful pregnancy. I’m not so naïve that I would believe that I was going to be special and carry the first child. I’m not even sure I would want to. The thought of having a child excited me, the thought of having Alpha’s child was the greatest thing I could think of, but knowing that any child I brought into this situation would be taken from me and caged just like its mother and father, made me angry. I hope that this part of the project continued to remain a failure and no children were born into this mess, but I still offered Asim my honest answer.

“I would choose my child.”

Asim looked disappointed at my response, I didn’t care or want to know why my decision to save my child would disappoint him.

“What wwwwwould you do?” I turned the question back on him. “If your wife or girlfriend were with child or had a baby, and she had to choose between the two of you. Who would you want her to choose?”

He looked confused for only a moment before he shook his head. “That is different. You are asking me, a human, what I would choose. Of course, I would want her to choose our child, but Alpha is not…”

“Says who? You? Dr. Strong?” I didn’t wait for him to answer because I didn’t care about his reply. “I think everyone’s first problem is in thinking they’re different or better than Alpha. I don’t care what genes Dr. Strong cooked up in that lab, Alpha is still just as much of a man as anyone here. He has shown more kindness and humility than all of you combined. You didn’t have to ask what I would do, Asim, you just needed to think about what you would do.”

I left Asim standing in his spot as I walked past him to the new set of double doors. These doors had gun toting guards in front of them. Asim came up behind me, but he didn’t speak to me again. One of the guards nod at Asim before turning to the panel on the door and punching in a code. The doors swish open, and although the hall way is the same as the one we just passed, this one is noticeably quieter. There are no women walking amongst the halls chatting and laughing. There are even fewer guards walking up and down the hallway. Their boots making clicking sounds against the linoleum is the only noise you hear. Asim leads me down the hall and stops in front of one of the doors. One of the guards appear and uses a key to unlike the door. The room is dimly lit and much smaller than the single room I was in. There is a bunk bed and a large green footlocker at the foot of the bed. In the corner, huddled in a tight ball, is an unmistakable female shape.

I recognized her right away.


Ashley looked up from her spot in the corner, she looked at me with those almond shaped light brown eyes and sprung to her feet. She rushed into me, wrapping her arms around me in a tight squeeze. I tried to ignore the dark bruise on her cheek and the fact that I could feel her ribs poking me.

Ashley let me go and tears tracked down her face.

“What have they done to you?” She asked the question that I wanted to ask her.

Admittedly, I’d been through hell, but I’d also had a little leniency because despite how insane Dr. Strong was, he’d needed me. I couldn’t imagine what Ashley had been subjected to.

“I’m fffffffine. Don’t worry about me. Have yyyyou been eating?”

Ashley lowered her head and shook it. Didn’t look like she’d eaten in a while.

I turned to Asim. “Can you please bring ffffffffood for Ashley and myssssssself.”

Asim looked at me for a moment. He didn’t respond at first, initially I thought he was going to say no. He didn’t seem like the type to do anything without direct orders from Dr. Strong, but he surprised me by replying. “Yes!”

He started tapping away on that tablet that I don’t think I’d ever seen him without.

“Can you make sure that you bring it in?” Her voice was quiet as she spoke with her head down.

Asim and I both turned towards her. The guard behind us chuckled and I watched as the effect made Ashley tense up.

“I’ll see what I can……” Asim was cut off by the loud noise coming from out in the hallway.

It sounded like yelling and running. We all rushed out of the room to see what the commotion was. Headed straight for us, was the large brown skinned super soldier along with the green eyed one they called Gamma.

I heard Asim shouting into his walkie talkie, he’s calling for back-up. When he realized that back up wouldn’t get here fast enough, he stumbled on his feet trying to back away. Asim hit the wall behind me then took off in the opposite direction of the hall leaving Ashley and I there with only the three guards.

“Who are they?” Ashley asked behind me.

It seemed seeing the super soldiers for the first time had the same effect on Ashley that it did on me. There was no denying how beautiful they were.

The two super soldiers stood in front of me. We were all surrounded by the guards, their shaking guns aimed at the two men in front of me.  Both men dropped to one knee and lowered their heads. Everyone looked on in confusion. I had no idea what was going on. They were acting like I was some kind of royalty or something. Then it dawned on me, the last time I was in a room with these men, the brown skinned one told me that he was a friend of Alpha’s and that I did not have to worry.

“Ddddddid Alpha send you?” I asked.

Brown skin looked up at me and smiled. They both stood to their feet and for the first time I noticed the large white sacks over their shoulders. Gamma offered me his bag, I took it and looked inside. I immediately started to laugh. There was so much food inside the bag that I couldn’t even see the bottom. Bags of chips, fruit, donuts, snack pies, and I even think I saw a few water bottles among the pile. It’s like they raided the pantry.

I handed the bag over to Ashley and she peeked inside then squealed in delight. Without waiting, she reached into the bag to grab a pack of Oreo cookies. She peeled the wrapper off and put two cookies in her mouth at one time. She moaned around the cookies and again I reminded myself to ask her questions about her eating habits. I turned back to the two soldiers standing in front of me. Only this time, only one of them had their eyes on me.  A pair of green eyes stared at Ashley. Gamma watched her the way Ashley was looking at the third Oreo she’d just stuffed in her mouth. Or, the way Alpha looked at me.

“What’s yyyyyour name?” I asked brown skin when he handed me his sack.

However, without answering me, his name just popped into my head. It just appeared out of nowhere. Brown skin was named Beta.

“Nice to meet you, Beta.” I said holding out my hand towards him. Beta looked at my hand and then back up to me. He looked completely confused.

“You just shake.” Ashley said around a mouth full of Oreos. “Like this.” She turned to me and awkwardly shook my hand while still holding onto the white sack and another pack of Oreos in the other hand.

Both soldiers looked to each other and then held out their hand tentatively. I shook Beta’s first.

“Nice to formerly meet you, Beta.” I turned and shook Gamma’s hand. “You too, Gamma.” Gamma nodded at me and then quickly turned those sea green eyes back to Ashley.

“Can you tell Alpha I said Thank……”

The doors burst open again and this time thirty or more guards rushed through the door with their guns aimed at Beta and Gamma. At the sight of all the guards, Ashley tensed. Her second pack of Oreos forgotten as she cowered behind me.

Beta and Gamma turned towards the guards. I couldn’t tell if they were ready for battle or not. Their stance seemed somewhere in the middle of causal and defensive. The guards separated, and standing in front of them now was Dr. Strong. I hated that my body reacted to him. Fear coated me and the urge to cower made me shake. I hope to God that he wasn’t here to take me back to his quarters.

“Beta, Gamma, you know you aren’t allowed back here. This section of the facility is off limits to you.” Dr. Strong said.

He kept his eyes on the super soldiers, not once glancing at me. Thank God for small miracles.

Neither Beta nor Gamma responded. Not that I was expecting them to. I didn’t think any of the super soldiers really talked. Even Dr. Strong seemed surprised to hear Alpha speak to me that day in the breeding room.

“You need to leave peacefully, or we will force you to leave.”

Gamma took a step towards Dr. Strong with a snarl, but Beta placed a hand on Gamma’s shoulder to calm him. Beta held up his hands like he was surrendering. The guards started to converge on the super soldiers and Ashley squealed beside me in fear. Beta and Gamma turned to look at the startled skinny girl beside me, they both turned back to the guards and Gamma let out a growl that could have rivaled Alpha’s. The guards stopped moving and again aimed their weapons. Beta turned to me and nodded his head towards the open door of my new room. Just like before when their names popped in my head, the words; “Take her inside” appeared out of the blue. I grabbed the white bag full of food at my feet, then lead Ashley back into the safety of our room. The intensity of his stare was what made me turn to look at him. I briefly caught the menacing eyes of Dr. Strong. He looked angry, almost like a scorned lover. I turned away from him and closed the door to our bedroom sealing the super soldiers and Dr. Strong outside. I listened to the sound of Beta and Gamma being escorted out of the hallway. I sighed in relief when the hall grew quiet again.

“They aren’t monsters.” Ashley whispered.

She sat on the bottom bunk, her head down and the white bag between her knees. She looked even tinier now. Her light brown almond shaped eyes turned to me.

“The guards…..” She shivered when she mentioned the guards. “They told us that they were monsters. They said that the test subjects were aliens and that they would rape us and beat us. But, they don’t look like monsters.”

“No, Ashley. They aren’t monsters.” I explained sitting down beside her.

“The real monsters are the guards.” She whispered this information like she was afraid that they would hear her from outside the room.

“Wwwwwwhat have they ddddone to you.” Her eyes filled with tears as she glanced up at me. “You don’t want to know." She looked back down at her feet. “Some girls have had it worse than me. They’ve only recently started to mess with me. It’s harder for us captured girls.”

“Captured girls?” I had no idea what she was talking about. Weren’t we all captured?

“Didn’t you see the difference when they brought you down the first hallway?”

I nodded.

“Those are the volunteer girls. They signed up for this assignment. After they are cleared in two years, they walk away from this with thousands of dollars. The guards treat them like queens, while we are starved if we don’t comply with their sexual advances.”

It broke my heart to know that she’d been going through this. I’d been through hell here myself, but at least I had someone on my side. Alpha had been my biggest supporter since the first day he came to my rescue on that terminal. I’d had at least one person in my corner, but Ashley had been alone. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and pulled her towards me.

“Don’t worry. I’m hhhhhhhere now.”




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