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Alpha by Tiya Rayne (20)




Journal Entry: #550

Number dead since last Entry: count unknown

Number missing: 25

“This is the voice recordings of Dr. Ryder Strong. It has been a month since I allowed Alpha into that room with Morgan. He thought that he had won, all the grunting and banging he allowed them to do, but he did not win. I am still in charge.”

I stuck the needle into the glass medicine vile, filling the barrel up with the clear liquid.

“She is good, though. The game she plays when I am around has caused me to grow restless. Her attempts to ignore me have become so obvious. I see her in the hallways watching me, begging me to look at her and touch her. I fight against her desperate plea for me, I am stronger than she is, but with each day I become weary. I hear her voice calling for me. She begs me to touch her glistening sex and to make love to her the way she pretends he does. Right now her scent still lingers in the room. I know she has been here. She sneaks in when I am gone to leave me small messages. She moves my things around and paints the room in her succulent fragrance. It drives me mad.”

The plunge sends the clear fluid pushing through my veins. The short burn of the meds run through my body, then the euphoric feeling hits.

“It has come to the point….”

Knocking at my office door had me clearing my desk of the needles and medicine vials.

“Come in.” I called to the person at my door.

The door opened and in walked, Dr. Harvey Thompson. He was the lead geneticist and oversaw the breeding. Harvey was a tall man with mouse like features and dark brown eyes he hid behind large glasses.

“Dr. Strong, you’re a hard man to get in contact with.”

I frowned slightly at his comment.

“What seems to be the problem Harvey?”

“I thought that when you finally found out we had a viable pregnancy you would be much happier.”

Now I understood the shit eating grin on his face. I leaned up from my chair. Could this be real? Could we truly have a successful offspring?

“Who, who is the father?” My excitement had me stumbling over the words.

Harvey grinned proudly as he handed me his tablet. The moment my eyes register the name on the screen, he answered my question out loud.


The desire to celebrate evaporated. Though I had told Morgan countless times that Alpha had been with other women, he had not. The last attempt to trick Alpha into betraying her backfired on me. That meant, there was only one female that could be carrying his offspring.

“And the breeder?” I asked the question already knowing what the reply would be.

“Breeder number 1362, Morgan….”
“Downs.” I finished his sentence.

She’s pregnant by him. She’s fucking pregnant by that monster. I couldn’t describe the angry rage that flowed through me. I felt like my blood was boiling.

“How can this be?” Asim gave her the morning after pill and he was supposed to start her on the birth control. “She is only supposed to carry my child.” The words came out without thought.

Harvey looked at me alarmed. My mind was telling me that I was saying things I shouldn’t, but I couldn’t find reasoning.

“Does Asim know?”

Harvey looked too afraid to answer. “I…I…” he stuttered over his words. “I told him of this information a week ago.”

“A week. A FUCKING WEEK?” I shouted jumping to my feet.

Harvey took a cautious step back. “Why am I just hearing about this?”

“I…I….I notified Asim multiple times to see what you wanted me to do about this. I thought you would be happy.”

I flipped my desk over. The contents falling to the floor. Harvey tripped over his feet running towards the door.

My secretary rushed into the room. Her eyes widened at the mess.

“Get me Asim. NOW!” I barked at her.

She ran out of the room followed by Harvey.

How the fuck did this happen? I rushed to my locked cabinet. I didn’t stop to worry about the lock, I yanked at the metal snapping the lock off. I reached into the bottom drawer and pulled out two small medicine vials that are filed with the gene altering serum I used to create my subjects. I quickly inserted the syringe into the vial and sucked up the medicine. I tossed the bottle onto the floor shattering it into sharp pieces. I quickly absorbed the second bottle into the needle and inserted it into my arm. It didn’t burn nearly as much as the first one. Again that anger seemed to cloud my thoughts. I tossed my head back and allowed the medicine to do its job.

“You called for…….” Asim appeared in the doorway. He looked around at the destroyed office. His eyes hitting the scattered papers, the broken lock, and the flipped over desk. 

“You know?” he finally looked at me and said.

“I know? That’s all you have to fucking say to me?”

“Dr. Strong, I was….”

I held up a hand to stop him. I didn’t want to hear what he had to say. It didn’t matter. This would be handled. Just like I had to handle every goddamn thing around here, this would be no different.

“Call up to the hospital unit. Get an operating room prepped. We will terminate the pregnancy immediately.”

Asim gasped. His eyes widened as he stared at me in shock.

“You can’t do that. Think about this, Dr. Strong. You’ve done it. You have finally achieved what you set out to do. In 6 to 7 months you will have a living breathing unstoppable genetically enhanced soldier with all the attributes and mannerisms of a human. All your life’s work is in Morgan’s belly. Why would you throw it away?”

“NOT HER! It can’t be HER!” Her scent surrounded me. I turned to the left spotting her in the corner of my office. She smiled at me, beckoning me to come to her like always. She wanted me to destroy the parasite inside her. I could see it in her eyes. “I’ll do it for you, Morgan. I’ll take care of it.”

“Dr. Strong?” I turned back to Asim, he’s looking at me strange. “Who are you talking to?” He asked.

I turned towards Morgan and she was gone. She must had left when I didn’t solve her problem fast enough. She thought I wouldn’t do it for her. She thought I wouldn’t help her. She was angry with me again.

I heard Asim walk further into the room, but I didn’t pay him any attention. I had to find Morgan. I had to tell her that I would take care of our problem. I would make her better.

“What is this?”

I turned to the sound of Asim’s voice. He’s holding up one of the glass vials from my secret stash.

“That is none of your business.”

Asim looked to me and shook his head. “It all makes sense now. I knew something was off about you. Your fits of rage, your sporadic thought pattern, even the way you have become obsessed with Morgan.”

“I am not obsessed with Morgan. We are in love.”

Asim took a step back. “You are sick, Ryder. Do you remember the results the soldiers had after taking the serum? It caused delirium and bouts of uncontrollable rage in the human subjects. It’s why we had to shut down the project. Why would you purposely insert this into your bloodstream?”

I laughed at his question. This was always the problem when you worked with common men. They didn’t understand your genius. They didn’t know the risk one had to take to be great.

“Why wouldn’t I? The first round of serum wasn’t flawed. By the time we perfected the serum for Alpha, we had already stopped experimenting on humans. But I knew that the new serum would work on human subjects. It would just take time. Instead of injecting large amounts, I just needed smaller doses spread out over time. I have no side effects, and I am as strong and as indestructible as Alpha.” I held my hands out at my sides to show him how well the drug had benefitted me.

Asim shook his head. “You are in denial. You have the same side effects as the soldiers from the earlier trials. The only difference is your symptoms took longer to manifest. You are not like Alpha.”

His words, though spoken calmly, really pissed me off. He thought Alpha was better than me. He believed that Morgan would be better off with Alpha. He wanted to take Morgan away from me.

“Don’t let him separate us, Ryder.” Morgan whispered in my ear.

She never stutters when she was with me. I made her calm, unlike her husband and Alpha. My presence put her at ease.

“I’m sorry, Sir. But I am going to have to report you. You are unstable and not thinking straight. You need help.”

Asim turned to leave, I was on him before he could think about it. I smashed his head against the wall leaving a bloody smear. He fell to the ground. Unlike that beast Alpha, I didn’t have to do it twice. I knew that one time was enough to kill him. I had restraint. Which proved that the serum worked better on me. I was the true super soldier, not them. I no longer need any of them.

“You don’t, baby. All you need is me. Just take care of this little problem for me, and then you and I can be together. Just like I always wanted us to be.” Her sweet voice pleaded with me.

I knew she wasn’t here in the room with me, it was just my impeccable new hearing that allowed me to know what she wanted. And I was going to provide it for her, but first, I needed to secure our future.





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