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Always Yours by Heather Nicole Rose (11)

Chapter 11

My favorite holiday has always been Halloween. It falls on a Tuesday this year but most places are having parties tonight and tomorrow. It is the one day of the year I actually enjoy spending a little extra time getting ready to go out. Kenzie thinks I am crazy and tells me so as we get ready for a party at her favorite bar. It is the first time I have been back there since the night Mychal and I got together. It's Friday, I left work and came straight here to get ready. Mychal and Tyler are going to meet us there in about an hour.

When the guys decided they wanted something simple and easy, we girls chose a Grease theme. Miss Blondie over here will be Sandy after her makeover; Tyler completes her costume by being Danny. I will be Rizzo and Mychal will be Kenickie. It should be fun. I was able to find clothes similar to what she wore in the closing scene: pink shorts, wide red belt and a red-button up shirt with a collar; the only thing I had to do was add the RIZ to the shirt. I am thankful it is not terribly cold out yet, but I am also hoping the bar is warm.

We are just about ready when I hear my phone's text alert from the other room.  Telling Kenzie I will be right back, I head out to the living room where I left my purse.

As I am reaching in for my phone, I notice a manila envelope. Not knowing where it came from, I pull it out. On the front is a handwritten message that reads:

Piper, just thought you should know what you are getting into. Tara

I don’t want to open it, but I feel like I must. My hands are shaking as I peel back the metal clasps. Inside I find photos, lots of photos.

Each one features Mychal. Mychal with numerous girls, multiple girls. Some photos have him with three and four girls at a time. Everyone is naked. Everyone is in various sexual positions. Some of them show Mychal and Drake having threesomes with the girls.

I’m unaware I am crying until a tear falls on my hand. Snapping out of it, I shove the photos back into the envelope and into my purse.

I grab my phone and head back toward Kenzie when I feel the bile rising; I am going to be sick. I run as quickly as I can to the bathroom, barely shutting myself in and making it to the toilet. I vomit until there could not possibly be anything left inside me; then I begin to dry heave. My body trying to purge the images from my system in any way it can. If only that were possible. I fear those images are embedded permanently into my mind. The heaving finally subsides, and I hear a soft knock on the door.

“Piper? Are you okay? Can I come in?” She opens the door, not waiting for me to answer. “What's wrong?” She rushes to me

“I'm not sure. I don't think my lunch settled with me very well.” I lie.

“Are you okay? We don't have to go out tonight.”

“I’ll be fine. I just need to brush my teeth and wash my face. I'm feeling better already now that everything is out of me.” I lie again.

“Okay. But if you get sick again, we are staying home.”

I nod in agreement as I grab my toothbrush. She heads back out giving me some privacy.

Seeing those photos was like a slap in the face. I know Mychal has a past, but I never thought I'd be confronted with it. And how did Tara get them? Has she been with him too? Mychal made it sound as if he didn't know her. Would he lie to me? I force my tears back as these thoughts race through my head.

I will pretend, at least for the next few hours, that I never saw these photos. When Mychal and I are alone I will give them to him and ask him about Tara. His past is his past. I want to be his future and that's what matters, but I need to know if he was dishonest with me. Shaking off all these thoughts, I put a smile on my face and head back out to my best friend, vowing to make the best of the night.

As I am putting the finishing touches on my makeup, I realize I never checked the text. Grabbing my phone, I see that it was from Mychal.

Mychal: Hey Baby, my meeting is running longer than expected. I called Tyler; he is going to meet you girls and I will be there as soon as I can. I love you.

I send him a quick reply before heading out the door with Kenzie.

Me: See you soon. I love you.

Once we arrive, my spirits lift. I love seeing everyone in their costumes. There are people everywhere. Several I recognize, others it is impossible to decipher their identity behind their disguise. You have your classics... witches, vampires, etc. You also have your non-too surprising, much too revealing costumes that look more like lingerie than anything else. I make a mental note to find something sexy to wear for Mychal, blushing at the thought.

Tyler arrives shortly after we do. They pull their costumes off well, perfect as Danny and Sandy. He even surprised us by darkening his hair with colored hairspray. I offer to get our first drinks and head to the bar.

When I return, the table is empty. Sitting our drinks down I look around, laughing when I find my friends already on the dance floor. Not wanting to go out there and make a fool of myself, I hang here and wait for Mychal.

I am lost in thought, thoughts I don’t want to think about tonight... or ever... when I hear, “a hickey from Kenickie is like a Hallmark card” just before Mychal kisses my neck.

I giggle. He is so cute... hot is more like it, in his leather T-birds jacket. “Quoting the movie, huh? I would never have taken you as a Grease fan.” I say laughing some more.

“I had to watch it, so I could get into character.” He defends.

Taking a seat beside me, he eyes my glass before grabbing it and taking a drink. “Expecting something other than 7up?” I ask rolling my eyes, knowing he is checking to see if there is alcohol in it.

“I was thirsty.”

“You are a shitty liar.” I laugh. “And now you owe me another one.”

“After a dance.” He states simply, grabbing my hand.

“Mychal,” I begin “This is a fast song... you know I can't dance. You will look like an idiot.” I argue.

He brushes it off, “Just follow my lead... fast song or not, I'm going to be holding you the entire time.” He winks before leading, no, dragging me to the dance floor.

He is an amazing dancer, and he does not let me down. You would never know I am one of the worst dancers to ever grace this bar. It is hot, his moves are sexy. I am assuming this is considered dirty dancing.

It isn’t long before I have tuned everyone else out and it is just the two us. The way he has our bodies moving together, I am beyond turned on. This man can make me want him so easily. I do not know how long we have been out here when I say in a breathy whisper, “Mychal, we need to either sit for a few... or you are going to have to fuck me right here on this dance floor.”

The way he looks back at me, I can tell he is both surprised and turned on by what I have just said. He clears his throat and swallows before leaning his forehead against mine. “As much as I'd love to fuck you right here, right now... I don't want any of these people... especially not my sister or Tyler... to get that floor show.”

He pulls me against him and I gasp when I feel the evidence of just how badly he wants me. “Just walk in front of me back to the table.”

Leading the way with him holding onto my hips, I giggle. When we get to the table he sits, pulling me onto his lap.

Kenzie smiles, “You two looked great out there. I didn't even know you could dance, Piper.”

“I can't. That was all your brother.” I laugh.

“Hey Mychal, you want a beer?” Tyler asks.

“Please.” He says.

Tyler turns to me, “Piper?”

Before I can answer, Mychal jumps in, “I drank her 7up, so I owe her another one. Would you mind?”

“No problem, man.” He says and heads off to the bar.

Kenzie shoots Mychal a look. “Wow, possessive much?”

“What?” He asks.

“It's a party, what if she wanted more than just pop? You didn't even give her a chance to answer.” She rolls her eyes.

Before this can escalate, I interject laughing, “Hello? I'm right here guys... Kenzie, I love you, thank you for sticking up for me... but you know I don't really drink. And your brother did drink my one from earlier.” I say jabbing him with my elbow.

“Ow!” He yelps. This seems to have returned the light-hearted mood.

Tyler returns with our drinks. I take a big gulp of mine before leaning back and kissing Mychal.

I feel his hand slide up my thigh. I want him to continue, but I halt him feeling awkward.

He looks at me, and I subtly shake my head and smile.  “I gotta pee.” I tell him. He chuckles and pats my hip as I go to stand.

When I go to walk around him, he grabs my wrist pulling me down to him. “Hurry back to me, Baby.” He says before kissing me.

I give a quiet moan only he can hear, and nod before heading to the back of the bar for the restroom.

As I'm leaving the bathroom, I see Tara in some sort of zombie bride looking costume. It’s as if she were waiting for me. We lock eyes for a brief moment, then she grins, heading for the back door.

My thoughts from earlier rush back, and I am instantly pissed.

Without thinking, I follow her. My desire to confront her fueling my rage as I rush outside. “What the hell, Tara? Why did you give me those photos?”

All she does is turn and wave before getting into her car, speeding off. I’m even more pissed now. I turn to go back inside, realizing it is one of those doors you can only exit from unless you’ve left it propped open. “Great!” I growl at myself.

Before I can head back around to the front entrance, someone grabs me from behind. They have covered my mouth so that my screams are nothing but muffled noises only I can hear. Before I know what's happening, I am shoved against the back of the building face first. I wince as my face scrapes the rough brick while struggling to free my arms. “Well, well, well. Rizzo. Ah, sweet Rizzo. You look the part, now it's time to get into character.” It’s Drake's voice I hear at my ear. I try once again, in vain, to scream.

“Now, I see why you pushed me away before... you wanted Mychal to break you in. It's probably a good idea... I like it a lot rougher than he does.” He says this while grinding his body… his erection against me. “But now, it's time for me to take my turn.” My body stills.  This is different than his previous advances.

I can smell the alcohol on his breath and plead, “Drake, you’re drunk. Please don't do this.” His laugh his maniacal as he turns me around. He is sure to keep my arms pinned behind me, securely wedging them between my body and the brick.

“No! You see, I've been watching the two of you the past hour or so, and you know what I think? I think, by the looks of things, he should have you nice and warmed up for me.”

“NO!” I scream trying to push against him, but without my arms he is an immovable force.

“You are going to shut the fuck up.” He says just before the back of his hand makes contact with my face. The impact forces my head against the building. For the first time in my life, I truly understand the term 'seeing stars' as bursts of light flash behind my eyes. His hands are rough as he helps himself to my body, touching, squeezing, exploring. It hurts.

“Please stop.” I beg feeling the tears fall from my eyes.

“Nope, I’m taking my turn. Didn't Mychal tell you? We always share our women. Oh wait, he wouldn't tell you... no, you'd never go for that.” He breathes out the words between his grunting, all while continuing to grope me. “No, that's why I had Tara give you the photos. Hot, weren't they?” He uses one hand to rip the buttons from my shirt exposing my chest, the other to hold my face as he tries to kiss me. I fight. I may not be able to escape, but I will not stop fighting.

When he realizes I will not give in and cooperate, he takes the hand holding my face and moves it to my belt. “Stop! Please, Drake! Just let me go!” I continue to cry hoping someone will hear me. It is dark back here, and the music is so loud that I fear he will get away with what he is trying to do. I have never seen this side of Drake. I have never been so terrified. The alcohol seems to have made him stronger.

He has managed to unbuckle my belt, but in the process, has loosened his hold just enough I can get one arm free. I push, but still, it is just not enough. When his hand moves to the top of my shorts I grab for his wrist, trying to keep him from touching me there. It doesn’t matter, his hands are everywhere; no matter how hard I try, I am unable stop him.

His mouth is at my neck... kissing, biting, sucking. When he slides his hand into my shorts, I lose all hope. “Please stop! Don't do this!” I continue to cry, but my voice has grown hoarse. In return, all I hear are his moans and grunts; my begging and pleading doing nothing but fueling him.

Suddenly, the back door to the bar flies open, and I hear Mychal's voice. “Get the fuck away from her!” He shouts. “I will fucking kill you!”

In an instant, the pressure is gone. No longer being forced against the wall, my legs give out and I collapse to the unforgiving ground. I am freezing. I wrap my arms around myself unable to stop the tears; wishing I could wake from this nightmare.

I hear people shouting; it sounds so far away.

“Piper? Piper? Sweetie, look at me.” Kenzie's voice is gentle as it finally grabs my attention. Her tears bring on fresh ones for me.

“I'm sorry. I begged him to stop. I came out here to confront Tara about the photos... but she was gone... and then I couldn't get back in... and... and then Drake... he was here... and... he grabbed me... oh god, Kenzie... he wouldn't stop!” I ramble, my words a jumbled mess as I continue to cry.

She pulls me into her arms. “Shhh, Piper, sweetie. Here, let me wrap this around you.” I feel the weight of someone's jacket being placed over my shoulders.

“No! Don't touch me!” I scream, when I feel my belt being tugged on.

“Piper... Piper... stop... look... it's just me. I need to get your belt buckled for you, okay?” Kenzie speaks softly as if she were speaking to a traumatized child.

I nod my head trying to take in everything that is going on. “I want to go home.” I sob.

“Soon, honey. The police are going to want to talk to you.”

“The police?” I panic. “No. No, Kenzie please. I don't want to talk to anyone... please, just take me home.” I can't breathe. I jump as I feel someone sit beside me, but it's just Tyler. I see pity in his eyes. “Tyler, please.” I plead.

He shakes his head. “I can't do that, sweetheart. Not yet... but soon.”

I feel helpless. I bend my knees, bringing my legs up so I can rest my head on them... attempting to tune everything, and everyone out.

I have zoned out. Unaware of anything that is going on. “Ms. Pearson? I'm Officer Ryan. This is Missy, she’s an EMT. She'd like to take a look at some of your wounds while I ask you a few questions.”

I look up, not fully comprehending what he is saying, and not giving a damn what their names are. “Why can't I go home?”

“Ma'am, I understand that you've been through a lot tonight, but we really need to ask you some questions. We would like to put the man that assaulted you behind bars, and keep your boyfriend out, but we can't do that without your help.”

“Wait... what? Mychal? Where is Mychal? And why does he need help to stay out of jail?” I am confused and scared. I try to stand. “Mychal?!” I shout. “Where is he!?”

“Ma'am, please calm down.” I hear the officer say but I ignore him.

Tyler gently places his hands on my shoulders, being sure to make eye contact, he speaks directly in my face. “Piper, please, calm down. You need to tell the officer everything that happened tonight. Mychal is being questioned right now... he really beat the shit out of Drake... Drake had to be taken to the hospital. We all know what happened, but unfortunately, they need you to talk to them and get your statement on record before they can proceed. Do you understand, what I'm saying?”

I nod my head before falling into his arms, trying to absorb some of his strength. After a moment I hear a woman's voice softly say, “Piper, I'm Missy. Would you let me clean up some of these scratches for you, please? I promise, I'm only here to help you. Your friends will be right here with you.”

Nodding my head again, I look over to Officer Ryan. “What do I have to do to help Mychal? I just want this mess to be over. When can I see him?” I flinch as Missy begins cleaning some of the scratches on my face.

“I know this will be difficult, but I need for you to tell me everything you remember from the time you left your friends at your table until now. We will try to get through this as quickly as possible and then we can take you to him.” Officer Ryan explains.

I tell him everything. Hating that I must talk about it, especially in front of Kenzie and Tyler; but there is no way I could have gotten through it without them. I hesitated to tell them about the photos, but I needed to explain why I wanted to confront Tara. Mychal's history with women is no secret, but I feel guilty speaking about it. After the interview, the officer asked if he could take pictures of my injuries for evidence. Wanting to be finished, I allow it.  Willing to agree to anything if it helps me get to Mychal faster.

When it is finally over, with Kenzie on one side and Tyler on the other... Officer Ryan walks us over to where Mychal is sitting with another officer. He has his head in his hands, but as we get closer, he looks up. When he takes in my appearance, I see pain and sadness in his eyes.

Kenzie and Tyler drop the supporting hands they both have on my back and I run to him. “Mychal!” I cry. “I'm so sorry.”

He holds me in his arms. “Baby, no. Don't you ever apologize for what happened. None of this was your fault.”

I want to disagree, but I won't. Instead, I savor his strength. Between sobs I make one last plea. “Please, I want to go home.” He turns, thanking the officers for all their help, and they in return assure him they will be in touch. Kenzie and Tyler hug us both.

Without another word, Mychal leads me back to his SUV, helping me inside. My head lulls to the side and I stare out the window as my tears continue to silently flow.

Once we are inside the safety of his apartment exhaustion takes over. I go to the restroom. It hurts; another reminder of the night’s misery. I refuse to look at myself in the mirror fearing the reflection.

Mychal is waiting for me in the bedroom. He tries to wipe his tears away, but it isn’t quick enough for me to miss them. “Baby, I'm so sorry.” He says.

I shake my head. “No. No, you don't get to apologize for something you had no control over.”

“I'm supposed to protect you... instead, the bastard that was supposed to be my best friend assaults you.” He is pacing, trying to calm his anger.

“No, Mychal. If it wasn't for you... if it wasn't for you, I don't want to even think about what he would have done to me. You and I both know he wouldn't have stopped.” I choke back my tears.

“No, if it wasn't for me and the shit that I was involved in before, you never would have been in that position.”

I cannot let him blame himself for this. “Drake is an asshole. Your past, has no bearing on him. I will not let you fault yourself for what he did.”

Shaking his head, he says “I don't know what to do. I wanted to kill him, I still do. If they hadn't pulled me off him, I would have.”

I see the anguish in his eyes. “Can we please not talk about it anymore tonight? I just want you to hold me.”

I am in his arms the next second. “You may not blame me, but I will never forgive myself.” He pauses, then after clearing his throat continues, “Please, let me help you into some different clothes.”

I see nothing but sadness in his eyes as he helps me into a pair of his sweatpants and his shirt. He gets me settled into bed and quickly changes his clothes joining me. After saying our I love yous, we both hope sleep will find us.




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