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Always Yours by Heather Nicole Rose (22)

Chapter 22

I wake to the warmth of Mychal’s embrace.  Sighing out a “Merry Christmas”, I snuggle in closer.

“Merry Christmas, beautiful. How did you sleep?” He asks, kissing the top of my head.

“Like I just slept in a twin-size bed after being used to sleeping in a king-size.” I giggle. “Other than that, it was great.  You?”

“I was with you… I slept much better than I would have without you.” I hear nothing but sincerity in his voice.

“You are so sweet, Mychal.”

“Just stating the truth… are you ready to tell your dad?”

“I’m nervous.” I tell him honestly.

“I’m sure it will be fine, but we will never know until we go out there.”

“You’re right. I’ll go start the coffee.”

When I get out to the kitchen, realizing dad has not yet come out, I decide to fix my guys some breakfast.  After getting the coffee going, I mix up batter for my homemade waffles; I know dad loves them… this will be the first time Mychal has tried them, and I hope he likes them.

I am just flipping the bacon when two strong arms wrap around my waist, and I feel my favorite set of lips on my neck.  “Mmm, smells delicious.”

“I hope you like waffles.”  I say just as I see dad turn the corner.  I chuckle as Mychal quickly pulls away from me.  “Good morning, dad.”

“Piper, Mychal… good morning.” He responds grabbing a mug for his coffee.  “Breakfast smells wonderful.”

“Good morning.” Mychal awkwardly says, grabbing a mug of coffee himself.

“I’ll see you kids at the table when it’s ready.” Dad is just like me, not one for conversation before his first cup of coffee.

Once he is out of the room, I turn to Mychal laughing.  “Why are you being so weird this morning?”

“Weird? I’m not being weird.” He acts offended.

“Yes, you are.  You couldn’t get away from me fast enough when dad walked in.” I say still laughing.

“Piper, I can’t be all handsy with you in front of your dad, it’s just wrong.” Lowering his voice, he continues. “Especially in his house… I feel bad enough for last night.”

“Oh, my god, Mychal! Are you serious? You didn’t feel bad last night.” I say waggling my eyebrows… I grab his shirt, bringing him close.  “Please stop.  If I’m not weirded out after last night, you shouldn’t be.  Things will only be awkward if you make them that way.  We are adults.  I don’t want you to hide your feelings from me around my dad… or anyone.”

“You are amazing, you know that? I love you… now kiss me and I will make you some more of your crappy instant decaf coffee.” He teases.

“You’re not nice.” I wrinkle my nose.  “Breakfast is almost finished if you want to take both our coffees to the table and join dad.”

“Okay, Baby.”

We enjoyed our breakfast with easy conversation and all signs of awkwardness gone.  Now, we are ready to open gifts before heading to Mychal’s parents’ house.  With “A Christmas Story” still playing in the background, we gather around the tree, taking seats on the floor just, like when I was a kid.

Dad hands me a present telling me.  “The older you get, the harder it is to buy you things.”

“You know you don’t need to worry about it.  I’d be happy opening a card… I just love continuing our tradition.”  Smiling, I tear open the paper to find a Dallas Cowboys sweatshirt. “It’s perfect!”

He hands Mychal a gift saying, “I really didn’t know what to get you so…” he waits for him to open it before continuing, “I figured you could humor our girl occasionally.” He laughs as Mychal pulls out a Dallas Cowboys sweatshirt.

He has to control his laughter before he can respond.  “I guess I should confess, I actually like the Cowboys… it was just a lot of fun giving her shit all these years.”

Gasping, I elbow him. “Are you serious?!? What the hell! That is beyond wrong!”

We continue this way for a little while, exchanging gifts and friendly banter amongst the three of us.  Once the tree is empty, I stand.  “There is one more thing dad, give me a sec.” I smile at Mychal before heading to my room for our special gift.

When I return, dad and Mychal are standing in front of the tree talking, about what I have no idea, because both turn to me when I walk in.  Stepping up to them, I hand dad his gift before standing beside Mychal.  He puts a supportive arm around my waist before kissing my temple, whispering “I love you.”

“Merry Christmas, dad.” I smile nervously as he opens the delicate paper.

He opens the box, carefully moving aside the tissue paper, almost as if he is afraid something is going to jump out at him.  He studies the small photo frame for a moment, taking in each line of the engraved text. Only the greatest dads get promoted to grand-dad. No other man could have been as great a dad as you, and no other man could be as great a grand-dad to our baby as we know you will be. We love you! These words flow above and below a copy of our ultrasound photo.

When he does not speak, only rubs a finger over the photo, my heart sinks and I get even more nervous.  “Dad, please say something.  Look, I’m sorry if I disappointed you.  I know things have moved really fast.”

At this, he finally looks up.  “What? Disappointed? No, Piper… I’m not disappointed.  Shocked, yes… but I’m not disappointed.  This is amazing.”  He steps over, pulling the two of us in for a group hug.  Looking at Mychal, he asks. “Do your folks know?”

“Not yet, we are going to tell them pretty much the same way, later today.  Other than us and the doctor… you are the first to know.”

“Thank you.  I really mean it, thank you for this.” He says staring down at the frame before pulling me in for another hug.  “Grandpa! I can’t believe I’m going to be a grandpa!”

“Believe it.” I say rubbing my belly.  It feels nice to finally tell someone.  “I’m going to go get cleaned up and ready while you guys chat.”

A couple hours later we pull up to Mychal’s parent’s house.  Sitting in Mychal’s SUV he asks with concern bright in his eyes, “How are you holding up? I know you got sick this morning?”

“It’s just morning sickness.  It’s getting better, but I hope it goes away soon.  I’m scared, Mychal.  Telling my dad was one thing, but your whole family is here.” I say looking at the floor.

“Baby, stop it.” He gently pulls my face so I’m looking at him.  “It will be fine.  We will be fine.  You know they are going to be ecstatic.  Kenzie will just be irritated we are having a baby before her.” He chuckles.

“You’re probably right.” I smile lightly, rolling my eyes.  “Let’s go get this over with.”

We meet dad at the door.  “How long before you tell them?” He whispers.

“When they open their gifts.” I laugh.  “Now, shhh before they come to the door.”

Just as I finish the sentence, Kenzie opens the door.  “Finally! I’ve been waiting all morning for my best friend to get here!” She says pulling me in to a hug. “Merry Christmas! Hi Mychal, Tim.” She says giving each of them a hug.

Laughing I say, “Merry Christmas! I’ve missed you, too!”

From inside the house I hear Carrie yell, “Kenzie, let them come inside already!”

“Sorry.” She apologizes stepping aside.  “I can’t help it, Mychal keeps hogging Piper.” Sticking her tongue out at him, she teases.

“What can I say, she loves me more.” Their banter continues as we join Carrie, Mark, and Tyler in the family room where Carrie is separating and arranging gifts.  My anxiety is taking over.

While dad is chatting with Carrie and Mark… Mychal takes my hand, before addressing everyone in the room. “We will be right back, I need to talk to Piper for a minute.”

He gives no one a chance to respond before leading me into the kitchen and caging me in against the counter.  “I need you to breathe, Baby.  If this is too much, we can wait.”

My eyes are brimming with the tears I don’t want to shed.  “No, Mychal.  I want to tell them.  I just… I just don’t want them to think badly of me.  I know it’s stupid! But I can’t help it.”

“Stop.” Rubbing his thumb under my eye to catch the single tear that fell, he calms me.  “Baby, no one in that room is going to think badly of you.  They all love you… possibly more than me.” He laughs.  “Seriously though, they are going to know soon enough regardless… and they are going to be ecstatic.”

Holding me tightly, he leans down kissing me sweetly.  “Now, are you ready to go back in there and share with them our wonderful news?”

“Yeah, sorry. Thank you for the pep talk.  Let’s go.”  After one more quick kiss, we make our way back to our family.

“Is everything okay?” Carrie asks concerned.

“Yeah, everything is great.” I smile, squeezing Mychal’s hand.  When I look over at dad, he winks at me.  I take a deep breath, exhaling; I know I am ready for this.

“Good! Time for presents!” Kenzie says excitedly.

We all gather around the tree and one by one we share gifts with our amazing family.  It does not matter that dad and I were not born into it; we have never been treated like outsiders.  We belong here, and I pray that it remains this way for the rest of my life.  We wait until the tree is empty.  Kenzie and Tyler are hanging by the tree chatting, most likely about their wedding.  Carrie is sitting in the chair and mark lounges on its arm as they look at a book he gave her.  I give Mychal a quick nod to let him know it is time.  Grabbing the last box out of my bag, he turns to his parents.  “Looks like we forgot one.”

He stands behind me with his arm around me, hand splayed across my belly.  I look to my other side to find dad grinning from ear to ear as he watches Carrie carefully unwrap her frame.  Theirs is only slightly different, saying: Only the best parents get upgraded to grandparents! I could not have asked for two better parents, just as we know we could not have asked for better grandparents for our baby! We love you!  The frame includes the same ultrasound photo that was in dad’s.  It is clear the moment the words and photo have sank in, Carrie startles everyone by screaming.  “Aaaahhhh!!!!”

All eyes on Carrie, Kenzie asks, “Mom, what’s wrong.”

With tears streaming down her face, she looks at us; her eyes quickly drawing to his hand. “Is it really true? Mychal, if this is some kind of joke, I will never forgive you!”

He rolls his eyes with a chuckle. “It’s true, mom.  We would not joke about something so serious.”

Seeing her cry has my tears flowing.  “Will someone tell me what the hell is going on?” Kenzie demands.

“Well Kenz, you are going to be an aunt.” Mychal says with the biggest smile.

“SHUT UP! OH, MY GOD!! Tyler, I’m going to be an aunt!” She squeals.

Mychal kisses me before whispering, “I told you it would be fine, Baby.”

“Enough of that you two! I want to hug her now.” Kenzie steals me away from Mychal, who is quickly engulfed by his mother’s arms.  “How far along are you?”

“We are just over 12 weeks.” I reply, seeing her wheels turning trying to count back.  I know the moment it clicks.

She gasps, eyes going wide. “That means!”

“No, Kenzie.  Don’t.  Not here.  Later, all right?” I interrupt her, pleading.

She gives me a look of disapproval but agrees to let it go for now.  Once the chatter settles down, and everyone has hugged everyone, I notice Mychal and Kenzie exchange some sort of look.  She then smiles excitedly. “Piper, I want to take a picture of you and Mychal in front of the tree.”

“Ummm, okay, I guess.”  Allowing her to pose us the way she wants, we stand there for about half a dozen photos before he turns, grabbing a giant envelope that is leaning against the wall.  My eyebrows draw together.  “What is that?”

“I know how you love these oversized, cheesy greeting cards.  When I saw this one, I knew it was perfect.  Open it.”  His eyes are beaming with love.

With a snicker, and amusement written all over my face, I tear open the envelope and immediately love my card.  The beautiful, snowy scene on the front reading ‘If kisses were snowflakes, I’d send you a blizzard.’

“Mychal, this is so sweet.  I love it!”

“The inside is even better, I wrote it myself.” He says smugly.

My eyes, alight with excitement, I open it and begin reading his words.  “Piper, I have loved you for as long as I can remember, but my life changed with one simple word.  A word most people utter daily… ’Okay’.  With that one word you gave me hope.  Hope for a future.  Now, I know that you are my future.  You have already given me so many priceless gifts, your heart, your soul, our baby, and the list does not end there.  But today is Christmas, and I am going to be selfish, asking for more.  Baby, will you be mine… forever?  Will you take my last name as your own? You know you have my heart, but I am asking you to keep it always, after all, it was always yours.  I know you, and I know you will read each and every word, please move the card now.”  I can barely see through my tears, but I do as he requests.  Moving the card, I look up to tell him I will gladly be his wife.  Only, I have to look down.  He is on one knee, with tears of his own, holding a little black box out to me.  “What do you say, Baby? Will you do me the honor of being my wife?” Swallowing hard, he actually looks nervous.

“YES, Mychal! Of course!”  He slides the simple, yet perfect, princess cut diamond onto my finger before pulling me into his arms.

Applause and cheers go up all around us.  I don’t believe there is a dry eye in the room.  I know I am getting my happily ever after.