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Assassin's Angst: The Santorno Series by Sandrine Gasq-Dion (10)

Landon Reynolds was getting ready for the family’s annual trip to Ireland for Stefan and Jordan to renew their wedding vows. He had spent Christmas with his parents and now was back at school in New York in order to drop off his gifts and pack for Ireland. He was meeting Juliet here, and they were catching a flight to Ireland together. As he was leaving the locker room with his gym bag, he heard his name called.


“Yeah, Coach?” Landon poked his head in the office.

“I need you to take the team picture down to the yearbook committee.”

“Why me?”

“Because you’re the only one left.”

Landon took it and sighed. “Fine, have a good New Year’s.”

“Don’t drink too much.”

“Ha ha.”

He had to go down quite a few flights of stairs to get to the yearbook office. It was pretty much a dungeon anyway. Landon had never even seen the yearbook committee or talked to them. They weren’t really in the same circle of people. Not that he wouldn’t talk to them. He just didn’t know who they were.

He found the office easily enough and entered, calling out, “Hello?”

It was empty, and a computer sat on top of the desk, the screen saver showing pictures of a group of people dressed for Halloween. He hit the mouse and the screen came up, password protected. Landon was going to scan the football team’s picture in. Knowing the yearbook committee, it wouldn’t go in until the last minute. Just their way of sticking it to the jocks.

Landon looked around the room. There were movie posters everywhere, and guessing by the Halloween costume, he started thinking about possible passwords. Most of the pictures had girls in them. Landon punched in random names and got the same result: wrong password. He sighed and ran his hand through his hair. He tried two more names, then closed his eyes. What had Aunt Lee said? His head snapped up and he typed two words. The computer went to the home page.

“Ha!” Landon scanned the picture, then hit “save to desktop.”

“What are you doing in here?”

Landon turned to see a girl. She was wearing jeans and a T-shirt, her hair was loosely in a ponytail, and she had glasses on. She looked mad.

“I’m Landon Reynolds. I was just delivering the football team’s picture for the yearbook.”

She strode in, giving him the evil eye. One look at the computer and she turned on him with a fierce look in her eyes.

“You touched my computer?”

“I believe it’s the school’s computer, and yes, I did.”

“How did you get in it? It’s password protected, and, well…” She eyed him up and down. “You are a jock.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Landon cocked a brow.

She put her hands on her hips and tilted her head. “Someone helped you, right?”

“No. Are you trying to say I’m a stupid jock?”

“I’m not trying to say anything. You just said it for me.”

Landon bristled at the comment, but kept his composure. “What is your name, please? I’ve given you mine.”

“It’s Bree… Bree Sinclair.”

“Like the cheese?”

“Not B.r.i.e.” She sighed. “B.r.e.e.”

“Like the cheese but spelled differently.”

Bree rolled her eyes. “Whatever. Now please explain how you got into my password-protected computer.”

“I have no idea. I’m a dumb jock remember? I think I shouted at it and it got so scared it just popped in there by itself. Me, football player; you, turn on!”

“This is a breach of my privacy.” Bree pushed her glasses higher on her nose.

“Big words… can’t understand them.”

Bree tapped her foot with her hands on her hips and eyed Landon. God, he had to be at least six feet tall, and even under the letterman’s jacket she could tell he was muscular. She never really went to the games. Too much homework and study groups, so meeting a football player — out of the norm for her. His eyes were beautiful, though — big brown saucers — and his hair was short. He had perfect lips, and that’s when it hit her: He had been the football player at the table on the quad that day. Bree shook her head clear and stared Landon down.


Landon smiled. She was so short, and if looks could kill, he’d be on the floor with a hole through his chest. This one was feisty. She had a body on her, though, nice-sized breasts too. Her hair, although in a ponytail, was long and dark brown, and her eyes appeared to be hazel. He looked at her and it hit him: She was the girl at the table that day on the quad.


“If you must know.” Landon sighed. “Your screen saver was up showing you all dressed as Ewoks for Halloween. Then you take the Star Wars posters on the wall. Now, my aunt has always said her favorite character of all time was Han Solo, so I put it all together and, voila. Password breached.” Landon could see her fuming and smirked.

“Just… go.” Landon left and Bree looked at her computer. “Stupid jock probably doesn’t even know which movie had the Ewoks in it.”

“It was Return of the Jedi.” Landon poked his head back in. “Have a good holiday.”

Bree threw her notebook at him. “Get out!”

Landon laughed and jogged to his room. He grabbed his suitcase and turned to grab his carry-on.

“Hello sexy!”


“What’s up?” Juliet jumped on him, hugging him.

“We just saw each other.” Landon flipped her hair.

“Oh, I know.” Juliet studied him closely. “What happened?”

“Just got into a verbal smackdown with a yearbook committee girl.”


“Feisty, and yes. You could call her cute.”



“Like the cheese?”

Landon picked her up along with his bag. “It’s off to Ireland.”

Joshua had said an extremely long goodbye to Paige and then joined everyone on the jet to Ireland. He missed Landon and looked forward to seeing him again. Katarina cuddled against his side and he ran his fingers through her hair. Katiana sat with Colin, watching a movie on his laptop.

“Why do we have a theater on this plane when you guys watch movies in your lap?” Jordan asked the kids.

“Do you have anything other than Westerns?” Tanner asked.


“That’s why.” Damon sat back and closed his eyes.

Nico and Stefan were on the other Santorno jet, and Nico was pacing. Stefan smiled. This was how Nico always was right before he saw Tanner. It never changed. Nico had told Stefan all about Homecoming, and Stefan had tried to assure him that if Tanner had been awake, he would have told him he felt the same way as Nico. Stefan was about to see Phoebe. He was looking forward to it. They hardly spoke anymore, and Stefan had missed her a lot.

Many women had asked him out since their split, but each time he turned the woman down. They just weren’t Phoebe, and no matter how he tried to move on and date, Phoebe would always be in his heart. It wouldn’t be fair to whomever he was dating. He would never love anyone but Phoebe Greystone.

“So, you ready for this?” Nico asked.

“As ready as I’ll ever be.”

Viktoriya was looking over the list of applicants for the security position open with her father. The perfect candidate had to be trustworthy, no drugs, no run-ins with the law — well, other than the good kind. She looked at her watch and sighed. Four more hours until her flight left. This was her dad’s way of keeping her busy. She knew that. Young Jordan, grandson of Stefan’s cousin Bethany, was seeing some woman who he worked with — causally, so he said — but it was enough for her to know she had to back off for a bit. She couldn’t condemn him for it. She had dated too.

“Miss Markov?”

Viktoriya pushed the speaker button on her intercom system. “Yes?”

“Next applicant is here.”

“Send him in.” Viktoriya sat back, twirling her pencil. Anyone who worked for her dad had to have a death wish. Not that he was crazy… well, yeah. He was.

The door opened, and Viktoriya looked up. Way up. He had to have been six-foot-four to her five-foot-five, and his icy blue eyes bored through her. He had short blond hair, cut military style. The look on his face seemed to tell her he had been expecting her father. He was built, very athletic-looking.

“Have a seat Mr —?”


“First name?”


Viktoriya flipped through the folders and found his name. She opened his bio and skimmed it. This one she remembered. There hadn’t been a picture, but she had read his info. Graduated top of his class, went straight into the military, and was discharged due to “disciplinary action.” He had called a higher authority a shithead. Viktoriya smiled at that. A chip off the old Daddy block, but this one was much younger — in his early twenties.


Luka was looking her over. He had heard of Viktoriya Markov, the adopted daughter of Vince and Andrei. To work for them would be an honor. But to have to interview with a woman? Luka’s mouth filled with distaste. Women were weak. Although this one was at least beautiful. Her long black hair hung over one shoulder, she had full lips that were lipstick-free, and her eyes were a fierce grayish-blue.

“So, tell me why you want to work for my dads.” She had heard the same shit over and over from hundreds of hopeful applicants. Her father only chose two in the end. He hired once a year, and the men just kept coming, hoping to work for Andrei Panchenko or Vince Markov — a job with either would set them up for life. If they lived.

“I want to do more with my life.”

“Bullshit.” Viktoriya looked at him dead on.

“Pardon me?” Luka spluttered.

“Oh, please.” Viktoriya rose and walked around the room. “I want to be a better person. I want to defend the head of the Russian mob. I want to change the world. I want to teach the world to sing.” Viktoriya leaned toward his ear. “Just for once… be honest.”

Luka stood. “I do not need this from a woman.”

Viktoriya smiled. The first kick, to his kneecap, knocked him down, the second went to his throat. Luka bent over, coughing and spitting blood. Viktoriya crouched beside him. “Now, let’s try this again.” She handed him a tissue and sat on the edge of the desk. “Why do you want to work for my fathers?”

“I like excitement and the thrill of the kill. I have much respect for each of your fathers and how they treat traitors. I would give my life for either one of them,” Luka snarled.

“What about me? Would you take a bullet for me?”

“If I am asked to do so.”

“You think I’m weak, don’t you? It’s okay. I get that a lot, Luka. I’m a girl.” Viktoriya rolled her eyes. “I’m helpless and I need a man. I’m scared of my own shadow.” Viktoriya ran her hand over Luka’s firm shoulders. She grabbed the muscle at the base of his neck and squeezed. “Except, I’m not. I’m highly trained and could kill you where you sit with my bare hands.”

“I am sorry. I meant no disrespect.”

“Vikki?” Nikolai came bounding into the room and smiled at the huge guard who had fallen prey to his sister. “Ah, another one with woman issues?”

“Luka here is hired.” Viktoriya let him go. “Please tell HR to put him on the payroll effectively immediately. Goodbye, Luka.”

Viktoriya left and Nikolai hopped on the desk, smiling at the huge guy his sister had just bitch slapped. He put his hand out. “Nik Markov.”

“Asshole extraordinaire.” Luka put his hand out.

“She liked you. The last guy left with a broken leg.”

“She is quite…voracious.” Luka stood, hissing at the pain in his knee.


“In here, Pops. Time to meet Poppa One.”

“Did your sister just beat up another applicant?” Vince walked in and stopped. Even at six-foot-two, Luka stood taller. “I hope she hired you.”

“Yes, sir.” Luka put his hand out. “Luka Tostov.”

“Legs or knees?”

“Knee and throat.”

Vince and Nikolai clapped softly. “Oh, bravo!”

“She is a force.”

“Oh, don’t even get me started.” Nikolai rolled his eyes.

“Where is my husband?”

“In here, babe.”

Andrei came in and stopped. “Viktoriya’s bodyguard?”

Luka stepped back. “I was told I would be working for you, as a personal bodyguard.”

Andrei took a good look at Luka. He was perfect for the job. Viktoriya had done well. “I am sending my daughter to Turkey when we return from Ireland. She is to meet with the Turks. You will accompany her, and if anything happens to my daughter…” Andrei shrugged. “I think you are aware of what my husband and I are capable of.”

“I will guard her with my life,” Luka said solemnly. “She does not know?”

“No. We’ve told her nothing as of yet. She will be infuriated.”

“Good luck, buddy.” Nikolai winked.