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Assassin's Angst: The Santorno Series by Sandrine Gasq-Dion (21)

Ryan was getting his gear on when he heard his coach call him. This was the third time in a row to be disciplined for his actions on the field. He couldn’t help it sometimes. Guys pissed him off. It wasn’t his fault they couldn’t hit the broad side of a barn.


“I’m here.” Ryan went into the coach’s office and stopped. The guy from the anger management class was sitting there, and damn! He looked smoking hot.

“Ryan. New player. Show him the ropes.”

Ryan sighed. “Let’s go.”

Coach threw a jersey at the guy and Ryan caught the last name on the back. He looked at the guy and smiled. “Let’s hope so.”

They hit the field and Ryan got in his position across from him. He counted to three and they ran into each other. The guy ended up flat on his back and Ryan stood above him. “Better live up to your name, dude.”

Toby stood up and checked out Ryan.

“Do you speak, Strong?”

“Huh?” Toby shook himself out of it.

“Okay, so you know a word. Good. Get back in position, and this time try to take me out.”

The next hit was just as bad, and Toby met the ground with a grunt. He had transferred schools after being bullied and he wasn’t going to go through it again. The anger consumed him.

“Let’s go.”

“Now that’s more like it.”

This time Toby took Ryan out. Ryan hit the ground and the air left his lungs. He sat up, looking at Toby. “Oh, it’s on.”

The hits were brutal, and Toby hit the ground with Ryan on top of him. He pushed him back and got up before taking his helmet off. “You know I came here because I was tired of bigots and fucking homophobes, but I get here and it’s the same shit. Who told you?”

“Who told me what?”

“Who told you I was gay? It was Gary, wasn’t it? That fucking asshole.” Toby ran his hand through his hair. “I’m so sick of this shit.”

Ryan laughed. He couldn’t help it. This guy was calling him a bigot and a homophobe. He leaned over, trying to control his laughter.

“This is not funny, asshole.”

Ryan tried to speak and couldn’t. The laughter wouldn’t stop. Imagine this guy thinking he was homophobic! It was too much. Toby rammed into him, knocking him down. He punched Ryan full on in the face and Ryan flipped him over and punched him in the stomach. They were rolling around on the field and Ryan flipped Toby on his back, holding his hair with his fist primed for a punch.

“Just do it.”

Ryan let go and rolled away, breathing hard. “I’m not a homophobe, dumbass. I have two dads and almost everyone I know is gay. Stop being an asshole.”

I’m the asshole?” Toby wiped his lip, there was fresh blood coming out.

“Glad to hear you admit it.” Ryan grinned. “Yeah, that’s just how I play. I don’t hold back, which is why I’m in trouble again.”

“Two dads, huh?”

Ryan put his hand out. “Ryan Cannon.”

“Tobias Strong.” Toby put his hand out and shook Ryan’s.

They went back to the locker room and showered. Toby faced the wall. He already found Ryan attractive and he wasn’t going to ruin things by staring at him in the shower. He already had a hard-on just being naked in the same room together. The football team had their own floor in the dorms and Ryan walked to his room with Toby right on his heels. He stopped as he entered, finding half the team on his couch.

“What the fuck, guys?” Ryan went to the fridge.

“New player, huh?” Jagger asked.

“Yeah, I am.” Toby answered defensively.

“Get out,” Ryan instructed. “This isn’t a zoo.”

“If it was, we wouldn’t feed you, Cannon. You’d probably throw your poo at us.” Jagger cracked up.

Toby snorted and tried to contain it. “Sorry.”

“I’m not suspended, if that’s why you’re all here. I’ll be playing Friday,” Ryan told the group. There was a collective relieved sigh as all the players relaxed. “Now, get out.”

Ryan’s phone dinged. The coach had texted to let him know the rooms were full and Strong would be bunking with him. “Looks like you’re stuck with the homophobic bigot.”

“I’m sorry. I’m just so used to being on the defensive.”

“It’s cool. I get it.” Ryan sat down on the couch and put his feet up. “So what do you want to do?”

Toby had a list in his head, but he didn’t figure Ryan would be up for a make-out session, followed by some fondling. “Food.”

Ryan looked at the time. “Chow hall?”

“Fast food.” Toby suggested.

“Leave campus?”

“Did you see a fast food joint on campus?”

“Oh, we are going to get along,” Ryan laughed.

They snuck out through Ryan’s window and made it to the parking lot undetected. Ryan grabbed Toby, and they hid behind a car as a security guard walked by. He motioned for Toby to follow him and they snuck by him out the gate. Ryan had parked his car down the block for this reason; he didn’t want it in the school parking lot. They made it to the fast food restaurant and Ryan watched Toby eat two giant burgers, with fries and a large cola.

“Damn. I thought I had an appetite.”

“I have a very high metabolism,” Toby mumbled with his mouth full.

Ryan watched him eat. He had beautiful eyes. They had to be his best feature besides his rock-hard body. His dark brown hair was short. He couldn’t stop staring at his eyes, though.


“Your eyes. The color.”

“Ah. Yeah, my mom says they are my best feature — she calls them sky blue with a hint of gold. Your eyes are beautiful too.” Toby blushed. “Sorry.”

“Nope, it’s cool. Thanks.”

By the time they got back to the school it was almost ten. Ryan pulled Toby up through the window and they fell on the floor with Toby on top of Ryan. They froze there, looking at each other, and then Toby finally snapped out of it. He got up and pulled Ryan up.

“So, I can take the couch,” Ryan offered.

“Nah. It’s your room. I’ll take the couch.” Toby pulled his shirt off and stretched. “I’m not going to have a spring in my ass, am I?”

Ryan had stopped listening. Toby’s shirt was off and he had a beautiful view of his chest; it was well-defined, with a soft line of hair going from his belly button and disappearing into his jeans.




“Oh, yeah, you need a pillow?”

“Nope, I’m good.”

Ryan left to find a blanket and Toby got out of his jeans, throwing them on the back of the couch. Ryan had a nice room and there were pictures everywhere, mostly of him with a group of guys — all of them sexy as hell.

“Here you go.” Ryan had to look away. Toby was in boxers and his dick had decided now was the time to pop up and say hi.

“Who are these guys?” Toby pointed to the pictures.

“Cousins. Why? You like one of them?”

“Shit, any one of them would do.” Toby’s eyes roamed the pictures and that’s when he saw Andrei and Vince. “Markov and Panchenko?”

“Uncles.” Ryan was ready for the screaming and running.

“Huh…cool. So, these guys.” Toby pointed to the picture.

“Well, you’re shit out of luck with Landon and Josh.” Ryan pointed at them. “Straight. My best friend Evan is straight too, so nope.” Ryan pulled the picture down. “I’m pretty sure Jensen is gay, but not sure about Hunter. I know for a fact Colin is because he’s in love with Nikolai.”


“Yep. And Conner… Well, Conner is in love with the lovely Juliet.”

“So these are the girls. If I wasn’t gay I’d have a hard time choosing.” Toby’s eyes fell on another picture. “Oh, wow.”

“Damon, Tanner, Nico, and Stefan. Nico gets that reaction a lot.”

“He’s just so… holy shit. That dark hair and the blue eyes.”

“Yep. Makes the girls cry and the boys sigh.” Ryan shook his head. “I better not let you see the picture of my uncles.”

“You look exactly like your dad.” Toby glanced from the picture he held and Ryan. “Same gray eyes, same build.”

“I wish. He’s taller than me, and built.”

“You’re built.” Toby eyed him. “Okay, well, I’m going to bed now.”

Ryan stared up at the ceiling. He had been lying here for over an hour thinking about Toby — his eyes, his hands. Ryan rolled over and closed his eyes. It was going to be a long night. He heard soft moaning and got up. It sounded like Toby was either sick or dreaming. He walked out and flipped on the light.

“Toby? Oh my God!”

“Oh my God!” Toby tried to cover himself up and fell off the couch landing right on his dick. “Oh, fuck!”

Ryan fought the urge to laugh. It was one thing when he jacked off, but to walk in on someone else doing it… priceless.

“I knew this would happen.” Toby started getting dressed.

“What would happen?” Ryan bit back a laugh.

“I can’t be your roommate.” Toby grabbed his stuff, dressed quickly, and headed for the door.

“Wait, what? Why?” Ryan ran after him.

“I think you know why!”

Toby opened the door and Ryan’s hand came down on it, shutting it. He leaned into Toby’s ear. “Were you thinking about me?”

The shiver that ran down his spine from the timbre of Ryan’s voice in his ear told him he was in trouble. Ryan’s hands were traveling up his thighs.

“Were you?” Ryan whispered in his ear.

“Yes.” Toby huffed as Ryan’s hands circled around to his stomach.

Ryan’s crotch was right on his ass, pushing him into the door. Ryan was kissing his shoulder and his hands slid lower. “What are you doing?”

“What you were thinking about?” Ryan murmured. “What I was thinking about for over an hour?”

Ryan backed off, and when Toby turned around, he motioned with his fingers. “Bring it.”

Toby tackled him and they hit the couch. He grabbed a fistful of Ryan’s hair and looked down into his eyes. There was excitement in them and a shitload of lust. He crushed their lips together and heard Ryan’s loud moan.

“Oh, fuck!” Ryan gripped his ass.

“No shit!”

They rolled off the couch, half stood, and kissed their way into the bedroom. Ryan threw Toby down on the bed and crawled up his body, licking his stomach and biting his hipbone.

“Damn, Ryan!” Toby grabbed the sheets and closed his eyes.

Ryan alternately kissed and licked Toby until he reached his mouth and slid his tongue in. Tongues introduced themselves and Toby rolled them over. Once he was on top, he got a beautiful view of Ryan. He caressed his face.

Ryan’s hands were on his ass, squeezing it, and he deepened the kiss, searching his mouth. He spread his legs and Toby fell perfectly between them. They rocked into each other as the kissing became more intense.

“God, you’re gorgeous.” Toby licked his bottom lip and bit it.


“That’s the one thing I held back when looking at all those pictures, Ryan. You’re the only one I wanted.”

Ryan pulled him down and kissed him hard. Toby’s hips rotated against him and then slid across his erection, and he nearly howled. He wanted more. He thrust his hips against Toby’s and they rocked together. Their breathing became more ragged as they moved together, their orgasms creeping closer.

“Oh, shit! Toby, I’m coming!” Ryan closed his eyes as warmth spread through him.

Toby came with a loud moan against Ryan’s neck. His whole body shuddered, and then Ryan let loose with a loud cry. Toby covered his mouth and kissed him harder. Ryan’s small moans and whimpers disappeared into their kiss. He pulled away slowly, looking into Ryan’s face. He was breathing hard and he looked absolutely incredible.

“That was your first time with a guy, wasn’t it?”


“Your first time kissing a guy, and, well, everything else.”

“You could tell? Oh God, I sucked, right?” Ryan turned his head away.

“Look at me,” Toby said. Ryan opened his eyes and Toby caressed his face. “It was your reaction to everything, that’s all. You can kiss. Jesus, you can kiss!”


“Oh God, yeah. As kisses go, yours will be in my mind for a long time.” Toby kissed him softly.

Ryan pulled him down and kissed him more deeply. He moved his hips under Toby and smiled when Toby grabbed his ass, gripping it tight. There was a low growl in his mouth and Ryan broke the kiss, smiling.

“Wow, do I turn you on that much?”

“Are you kidding?” Toby ran his hand up Ryan’s chest. “Everything about you is a turn-on.”

“You flatter me.”

“I speak the truth. I wanted you the second I saw you.”

“I thought you were gorgeous. Being gay was a plus,” Ryan added.

“I would have never guessed you were. I hoped, then I just hoped if you were that you found me attractive.”

“I was in here for an hour thinking about you.” Ryan rolled them over and pushed Toby’s leg out. He rubbed against him and kissed him. “I thought about kissing you.” Ryan kissed him softly, letting his tongue roam Toby’s mouth. “My hands on your body.” Ryan gripped his ass and pressed into him harder.

Toby closed his eyes as Ryan kissed his neck. He brought his hips up to meet Ryan’s and they moved together, kissing. Ryan pinned Toby’s hands above his head, threading their fingers together as he rubbed his hips harder against Toby. Heavy breathing and small moans were the only sounds in the room.


Ryan kissed him harder and they sped up their movements. Ryan was about to come for the second time in the span of an hour.

“Shit, Ryan!” Toby arched as he came, and Ryan joined him, groaning into his mouth.

“Okay, now I have to change. One was okay, but two…” Ryan pulled at his boxers.

“If I had known this was going to happen I would have just jacked off in front of you.”

“Man, that was a sight to see. Too short, though.”

“You owe me now.” Toby arched a brow.

“I thought I just gave you something.” Ryan waggled his eyebrows.

“Twice.” Toby smiled.

“Have you, you know…”

“No. Don’t know if I’m ready for that part yet.”

“I know I’m not. Hell, I just started kissing!”

Toby pulled him against his chest, and looked into Ryan’s eyes. “You were very forward.”

“When I want something, I take it. And I want you.”

“Well, you have me.”

“Good.” Ryan got up. “Let’s go get cleaned up.”

Toby watched him get out of bed and smiled. “God, I love this school.”




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