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Assassin's Angst: The Santorno Series by Sandrine Gasq-Dion (22)

Conner was almost out of the locker room when he was called back to the coach’s office. He knew his dads had played; they had pictures of them in uniform. Although they had been at rival schools, his dads had never played against each other, as one had had quit before they had the chance.

“I need you to teach the self-defense class today.”

“Is this a joke?” Conner asked. “Why me?”

“Is that a joke?”

“Yeah, yeah. Okay. Auditorium?”

“Yep. Thanks, Conner. I appreciate it. Just don’t teach them how to kill someone.”

“Ha ha.”

Everyone knew about his family. He didn’t keep it a secret. And with a name like Greystone, word got out about who you were and what your family ties were. No one ever fucked with him, which was sad, in a way. He never got to use the skills he had learned. He walked into the auditorium and every female head turned, save for one.

Conner was used to it. He knew he was good-looking. He wasn’t being stuck up. It was fact, and when you heard it enough times, it stuck. The one who didn’t look was about five-foot-four, tops. Her blonde hair was up on her head, held with a pencil, and she was fixated on a book. The rest of them were mostly debate team girls and some of the soccer players.

“Welcome, ladies. I’ll be your instructor today.”


Conner looked around. It was the blonde, and now that he saw her face, he knew who she was. The one girl he had liked from the beginning of the school year who had never even looked at him once. It had made him curious about her — Melanie Hoffman, straight-A student, captain of the debate team, and president of the student council.


Damn, why did he have to smile? He was so hot she was sweating. “Could we have someone who’s going to take this seriously?”


“Okay, come on! He’s a football player. Like he cares if we get attacked — we’re not cheerleaders.” Melanie pinned him with a look.

“Melanie, right?” Conner asked. “Front and center.”

“You stepped in it now,” one of the girls whispered.

“Shut up, Carrie,” Melanie snapped at her.

Melanie walked over and stood in front of Conner with her arms folded across her chest. God, but he was so damn tall.

“Okay, I’m here.”

Conner put his hand out and said, “Pencil.”


“Take the pencil out of your hair, please.”

Melanie took it out and shook her hair loose. Conner watched it cascade over her shoulders and tried to stay fixated on the task at hand.

“Okay, turn around. I’m going to grab you from behind.” Conner moved behind her.

“Figures.” Melanie rolled her eyes.

“Do you want to learn or not?” Conner leaned over her.


Conner grabbed her around the neck and looked at the rest of the girls. “Because you’re women, and yes I know that sounds sexist, the guy will come at you from behind nine times out of ten. The best way to get out of this is by using the strongest point in your body. Anyone know what that is?”

“My foot in your balls?”

“That might work on some men, but not all. And don’t ask me why. I would go down in a heartbeat. It’s your elbow.”

“My elbow? I thought it would be my knee or my foot.”

“Well, here’s the fun part. First you bring your foot down hard on his, then you take your arm and elbow him in the ribs. Go ahead and try.”

“But… you’re not wearing pads or anything.” Melanie hesitated.

“No, I’m not; give it your best shot.”

Melanie took a deep breath before she brought her foot down as hard as she could and then used everything she had to elbow Conner. She was out of his grip and then turned to face him.

“Do I pass?” Melanie asked.

“Yes, you do. Nice work.”

Conner tried not to wince. He had tried to prepare himself for the hit, but the rib cage wasn’t protected very well. If he was going to be hit in the stomach he could prepare better. He shook his head clear and called the next girl over.

The class went on for another hour and Conner was feeling the pain. He readied himself every time, but his abs could only do so much and his ribs were taking a beating. By the time he was done, the girls had gotten down the basics of self-defense. They asked if he would be teaching the next one and he had told them he didn’t know, but if they wanted him to, he would.

“Be safe out there girls!” Conner called out.

As soon as they were gone he took off his shirt. He had been right. His ribs were bruised, and the pain was constant. Melanie had come back for her pencil. She had thrown it when Conner had asked her to take it out and now she merely stood with her jaw hanging down. She forced her mouth shut and went over to Conner.

“Oh, my God!”

“It’s not as bad as it looks.”

“You should have worn pads. Are you that egotistical?”

Conner frowned. “I didn’t have time to get into full uniform or I would have. My sister is coming to visit me and I wanted to make sure I taught you guys correctly and got done on time. Why are you so judgmental when it comes to me?”

“You’re a football player. ʼNuff said.” Melanie started walking.

“Oh, I see. So all football players are what? Assholes? Stuck up? Let’s not forget stupid.”

“Mean, cruel, condescending. I can go on and on.” Melanie interjected.

“You don’t even know me!” Conner bristled.

“I don’t need to. You are all the same. You think you’re so hot you can get any girl you want, and then when you do, you dump her, and then you make fun of those who actually have brains and won’t date you.”

“Well, I see you don’t know my brother at all.” Phoebe was leaning up against the wall. “Conner is the sweetest guy you will ever meet, and he’s friends with anyone. He doesn’t care what your social standing is, what you look like, or how much money you have. He’s just… Conner.”

“Phoebs!” Conner grabbed her and picked her up. “God, I missed you! How is everyone? Have you seen Stefan?”

Phoebe laughed. “One question at a time. Hi, I’m Phoebe.”

“I’m Melanie, the bitch.” Melanie tried to smile.

Conner chuckled. “You coming to the game, sis?”

Phoebe hugged him tight, apologizing when he winced. “I wouldn’t miss it.” She turned and looked at Melanie. “Any chance I could get you to come with? Keep me company?”

“Um, sure, I guess.”

“Good!” Phoebe hugged her. “Let’s go shopping!”

“Oh, Lord.” Conner rolled his eyes. “Here’s the key to my room. I have to get to pregame prep. I’ll see you soon.” Conner kissed her cheek and left.

“Okay, where’s the mall?”

Phoebe dragged her to every store in the mall. By the time they sat down to eat in the food court, Phoebe had at least a dozen bags of clothes and shoes. Phoebe Greystone was beautiful. Her long, blonde hair was partially up and her eyes were sparkling as she talked about her brother.

“Conner’s such a sweetheart. He’s only had one girlfriend his entire life and they’re still friends.”

“I really don’t know much about him except for the rumors and stories I hear.” Melanie sipped her soda.

“Rumors?” Phoebe arched a brow.

“Oh, yeah. He’s got ties to the Russian mob. He’s been trained by professional assassins… you know, that kind of stuff.”

“Oh, all true.” Phoebe took a bite of her burger.

“What?” Melanie’s eyes went wide.

“Oh, yeah. My Uncle Andrei is the head of the Russian mob. My Uncle Vince is his head of security. Plus, my other uncles run Santorno/Costa/Reynolds security.”

Melanie sat back. “Holy shit.”

Phoebe giggled. “I know. It’s intimidating, huh?”

“And you’re all related?” Melanie looked confused.

“Well, lots of us are! All our dads are so close, we’ve just always considered them uncles, and the kids our cousins. It’s a huge extended Santorno-Youngblood family that keeps growing!”

Melanie shook her head, trying to absorb it all.

“The bottom line is that Conner would never use a girl. He doesn’t have it in him. He was raised by two men, and trust me, he’s very respectful.”

“So that’s true too? Two fathers?”

“Have you seen my dads? Girls fall at their feet. It’s hilarious, and Conner looks just like my dad.”

Melanie looked at the time. “We better go if we’re going to make kick-off.”

“Someone knows the game.” Phoebe looked at her. The blonde hair, the blue eyes, body structure. “You were a cheerleader.”

“What? No, I wasn’t.” Melanie grabbed her purse.

“I know another former cheerleader when I see one. What happened?”

“Long story.” Melanie sighed.

“Well, you’re in luck, I have time. Let’s go.”

When they got to the football field, they were just in time to sit in the bottom row before the team took the field. Melanie saw Conner coming out and her heart raced. She couldn’t deny he was beautiful, and it seemed the inside matched the outside. After talking to Phoebe for most of the day, she knew he wasn’t like the rest of them.

“Which one is the asshole?” Phoebe whispered.

“Number fifteen.” Melanie pointed him out.

Phoebe watched Conner. You couldn’t miss him — number seven, the quarterback. He towered over most of the guys. Phoebe waved and whistled. Conner gave her the thumbs up and smiled when he saw Melanie next to her.

“Who’s the hot chick, Greystone?”

“Which one, Braden? There are two.”

“Ah, shit, not Hoffman. The other one.” Braden smiled at Phoebe. She gave him a dirty look.

“That’s my sister, and she’ll kill you with one hit. Off limits, dickhead.”

Melanie watched the game. She had forgotten how much fun football was. She actually loved the game. Conner was good. He wasn’t a lazy quarterback, either. If he didn’t have a man to throw to, he ran the ball himself. At halftime she excused herself to go to the bathroom and get drinks for her and Phoebe. She was coming down the hallway from the restroom near the locker room when she saw Braden heading her way. She sighed and kept her head down.

“Well, well. If it isn’t little Melanie. How ya been?”

“Go away, Braden.” Melanie sidestepped him.

Braden pushed her into the wall. “I hope you’re not spreading rumors about me to Greystone’s sister.”

“It’s not a rumor, asshole. You tried to rape me.”

“You bitch.” Braden smacked her into the wall and she hit her head.

Melanie panicked. Conner showed her how to take someone out from behind, not in front. She kneed Braden in the balls and tried to run, but Braden grabbed her, delivering a hard slap to her face. He threw her into the wall again, and she held her nose. It felt like it had exploded.

“You little whore!”

“Get the fuck off of her!” Conner grabbed him by his jersey and threw him into the wall. “You hit a girl?”

“She’s lying!” Braden yelled.

“I saw you!” Conner punched him in the face, sending him back down on the floor. “Get up! Why don’t you hit someone your own size, asshole!”

“What the fuck is going on?”

Conner turned to see his coach looking at them. “Braden hit Melanie.”

“What?” The coach looked from Braden to Melanie. She had fresh blood coming out of her nose. “In my office now, Braden. You’re off the team.”

“What!” Braden turned on Melanie. “You’ll pay for this!”

Conner got between them and looked down at Braden. “You come near her and I’ll kill you.”

Braden had heard the same stories Melanie had and he wasn’t going to test it. He backed off and went to the coach’s office. Conner turned and looked at Melanie. She had started crying, and he took the hem of his jersey and tried to wipe the blood away.

“Are you okay?”

“He was one of them.” Melanie wiped her eyes.

“One of what?”

“The ones who don’t go down when you hit their balls.”

“I’ll teach you another move to fix that.” Conner looked around and then whistled so loudly that Melanie covered her ears.

“What did you do that for?” Melanie demanded.

“Just give her a second.” Conner kept looking down the hall. Sure enough, Phoebe came running.

“What’s up? Jesus! What happened?”

“Braden hit her.”

“The guy who tried — ” Phoebe started.

“Yeah, him.” Melanie cut her off.

“The guy who what?” Conner looked between the two of them.

Melanie shook her head at Phoebe and Conner looked at them both. The realization hit and Conner started walking.

“I’ll fucking kill him.”

“Conner, wait!” Phoebe grabbed his hand. “Now is not the time.”

“You have a game to finish. Go kick some ass.”

Conner looked down at Melanie. He cupped her face. “You sure you’re okay?”

“Yep. I’m a tough cookie.”

Phoebe took Melanie to first aid for some ice for her nose and they just made it back to their seats for the second half. The rest of the game flew by and Conner’s last pass was the clincher. They had decimated the other team and Conner was on a winning high. He ran to Phoebe, picking her up.

“Let’s go celebrate!”

“Oh sweetie, I’m tired. Probably jet lag. How about you take Melanie?” Phoebe suggested.

“What do you say, Melanie?”


Phoebe hung out with Melanie in his suite until Conner had showered and changed. Once he was out, Phoebe said her goodnights and headed to Conner’s bedroom. Melanie looked around the lounge area. It was nice. He had pictures everywhere, mostly of him and Phoebe and another guy — who was just as hot, she might add.

“Who’s that?” Melanie pointed at the picture.

“My brother, Colin. Don’t get any ideas — he’s gay and in love.”

“Maybe I could sway him to the dark side?”

Conner picked up the picture of Nikolai. “Can you beat this?”


“Yep, that’s who Colin’s in love with.” Conner put it back.

“I got nothing on that guy.”

“I wouldn’t be so sure.”

Melanie blushed and headed to the door.

“So, where are we going?”

“Um, where do you want to go?”


“Pizza it is.” Conner took her hand, then pulled away. “Shit, I’m sorry. Habit.”

Melanie slipped her hand in his. “It’s okay.”

They sat and talked for hours, and Melanie told Conner the whole Braden story. She could see him getting angry and took his hand to reassure him that it didn’t get that far. She had fought him off, and then they had been interrupted.

“Well, isn’t this cozy?”

Melanie rolled her eyes. “Brenda.”

“I thought you were done with football players after Braden.” Brenda cocked an eyebrow.

“Well, you would know, wouldn’t you? By the way, you’re not dating a football player anymore. He’s off the team because he hit me tonight.”

“I don’t believe you.”

“Oh, he did. I was there. Then I hit him,” Conner assured her.

“Your boyfriend is a pig, Brenda. I would have thought you would have realized that when you saw him trying to get into my pants.”

“Whatever.” Brenda rolled her eyes and left.

Conner watched her go and looked back at Melanie. “I don’t want to sound like a sexist pig, but I would feel a lot more comfortable if we hung out over the next couple weeks.”


“Yeah. I don’t trust him.”

“So I have a bodyguard?” Melanie teased.

“If that’s okay?”

Melanie smiled. His green eyes were searching hers and her hands began to sweat.


Conner took her back to the dorm and walked her to her door. He glanced down both hallways and even checked the stairwell. When she walked into her room, he followed, telling her to stay by the door while he checked the whole room. Conner came back out and looked around.

“Lock the windows and the door after I leave. Don’t answer the door unless you ask who it is first, okay?”

“Okay. Thanks, Conner.” Melanie hugged him. She had to hug him around the waist he was so tall. She pulled away, seeing Conner’s lopsided grin. “What?”

“Things changed in a few hours, didn’t they? Not too long ago you thought I was a stupid, egotistical jock.”

“God, I’m sorry.” Melanie had the good grace to look embarrassed.

“It’s okay. I am a tad egotistical…you know, being so good looking and all.” Conner winked.

“Ass.” Melanie pushed him.

“You should put some more ice on that.”

Melanie could hear her heartbeat in her ears. The way he was looking at her made her body break out in goosebumps and the hairs on her neck stand on end.

“I will.”

“ ’Night, Melanie.” Conner leaned down and kissed her forehead.

“ ’Night.” Melanie watched him leave and leaned up against the door. Conner Greystone was drop dead gorgeous and not what she thought he was… not one bit.


Conner’s room was one floor down and he walked in, seeing Phoebe on the couch, feet up, watching TV.

“Tired, huh?”

“What? I wanted to give you some private time with Melanie. How did it go?” Phoebe moved over, making room for Conner.

“Well, seeing as I beat the shit out of the guy who hit her, that gave me some brownie points. Then I kissed her forehead goodnight.”

“More points for not trying to kiss her.” Phoebe high-fived him. “So, you like her.”

“I do. I have for a while. She’s just never looked at me.” Conner sighed.

“Well, I think it’s safe to assume she’s looking now, little brother.”

“Let’s hope.”