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Assassin's Angst: The Santorno Series by Sandrine Gasq-Dion (6)

The beginning of the school year found Jensen, Landon, Hunter, Ryan, Evan, Conner, and Juliet back at their own schools, and the rest of the group back at Fort Worth High. Phoebe Greystone celebrated another birthday, which Stefan had not been present for, and the distance between them had grown.

Katarina Greco stood with Lily Youngblood and Katiana Russo at their lockers watching Joshua Reynolds and the other boys across the hall.


“Yes, Principal Burns?”

“I have a new student I’d like you and your friends to take under your wings.”

Katarina looked her over and immediately checked to see if Josh had seen her — he had. “Hi! I’m Katarina. This is Katiana, and this is Lily.” Katarina put her hand out.

“I’m Paige.”

Josh elbowed Damon and they looked over the new girl. Her black hair hung to the middle of her back and she had fierce green eyes.

“Well, Paige, I’ll just leave you in good hands.” Principal Burns waved as he walked off.

As soon as he left, Paige caught Joshua and Damon looking at her and blushed. “And you are?”

Josh put his hand out. “Josh Reynolds.”

“This is Damon Youngblood.” Lily made the introduction.

“Hey, bro, we got football practice soon. What are you hanging out in the hallway for?” Tanner jogged up and stopped at the group standing around. “Okay, what did I miss?”

Paige looked from Tanner to Damon. “Oh, wow… twins.”

“I’m the better looking one.” Damon winked.

“Oh, please.” Lily rolled her eyes.

“So, you guys play football?” Paige looked at all of them. They were at least six foot, and all of them were muscular.

“Yep, Damon is the quarterback.” Tanner smiled.

“What position do you play, Josh?” Paige asked.

“Running back.”

God, but he was beautiful. Paige couldn’t stop looking at his eyes. She blushed as Josh kept staring at her. It was cute.

“Paige, you a cheerleader?” Katiana broke their stare spell.

“Well, I was at my old school,” Paige answered.

“Well, you can try out for us if you want.”

“Sure.” Paige turned back to Josh. “Maybe we can talk later?”

Tanner nudged Josh out of his shock. “Sure.”

The guys watched as she walked away with the girls, all of them had their heads tilted as they studied the view. Colin walked up and asked, “Um, what’s up?”

“New girl.” Damon watched Paige walk.


“Paige,” Tanner answered. “What’s up?”

“Practice.” The ‘duh’ was clear in Colin’s voice.

“Well, you and I can head out; let the heteros get their fill.” Tanner winked.

“Tanner!” Colin blushed.

“Hey, it’s okay, ya know. I am too.”

“Come on.”

Katarina noticed Paige look over her shoulder and smile at Josh and Damon. Jealously flooded her senses but she kept it in check.

“Is Josh single?” Paige asked.

“Why?” Katarina stopped short.

“Oh! He’s yours? I’m sorry. Didn’t know he was spoken for.”

“No, Josh isn’t my boyfriend.” Katarina struggled for words. “He’s my best friend.”

“So, he’s single?”

“Yep, he sure is,” Katiana piped up.

“Okay, cool. Just didn’t want to piss anyone off. He seems like a really nice guy.” Paige smiled again at Josh and Damon down the hall. “I better get to the locker room and change for tryouts.”

“See you on the field,” Lily said with a smile.

As soon as she left, Katarina turned on Katiana. “What did you do that for?”

“Josh is single, Kat. You can’t have it both ways.” Lily started off down the hall.

“What if she had taken interest in Damon? Huh, Lily?” Kat stopped in front of her.

“Then I would grin and bear it, because I’d have no one to blame but myself.” Lily shrugged. “I’m going to go get changed.”

Katarina leaned up against the lockers and sighed. “I hate this. He’s going to have a girlfriend.”

“Well, now it’s your turn to see what it feels like.” Katiana started walking.

“What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

“You don’t think it hurts Josh every time he sees you with Brody? Think again, Kat, and stop being so damned selfish!” Katiana slammed the locker room door.

“Great.” Kat sighed.


Paige was good. Kat knew she was going to have to put her on the squad and that made the situation with Josh even worse. The guys were practicing, and she could see Josh watching the cheerleader tryouts. When they finished, Josh and the rest of the team were headed into the locker room when Paige stopped him.

“I know I’m new and everything, but I was wondering if maybe we could go out on Friday?”

“Seriously?” Josh seemed surprised.

“Oh, I understand if I’m not your type — ”

Josh’s laugh interrupted her. “Now you’re joking, right? I’d love to go out. Just tell me when and where.”

“Well, you could pick me up, then we could go wherever you want. I don’t know where anything is.” His eyes entranced Paige.

“Okay, I’ll come up with something.”

Holy shit. Paige almost sighed. “Um, here’s my number.”

“Joshua Reynolds, are you hooking up with someone other than me?” Britt grabbed on to his bicep.

“Britt, we have never hooked up.”

“Not from lack of trying… and trying… and trying.” Katarina rolled her eyes.

“Shut up, Kat.” Britt threw her a nasty look. “Who’s the lucky lady?”

“Paige. And you are?” Paige put her hand out.

“Not interested in knowing you.” Britt walked off.

“Wow.” Paige watched her walking away. “What a bitch.”

“I knew I liked you for a reason.” Katiana smiled.

After practice, the guys went in and showered. Katarina waited for Josh in the parking lot by his Jeep. She knew she was being stupid, and although Josh had dated a few girlfriends before, he had never looked at them the way he had looked at Paige. That worried her. She watched as he came out freshly showered, carrying his gym bag.

“Hey, you. What’s up?” Josh greeted as he got close.

Katarina held onto the car. God, but he was so gorgeous. “I… don’t think Paige is right for you.”

Josh threw his bag in the Jeep. “Why not?”

“I don’t know. Just something about her.” Katarina knew she was being a bitch, and right now — she didn’t care. She couldn’t lose Josh.

“Okay, who is right for me then, Kat? Hmm? Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t go out with her.”

Katarina looked up into his eyes and wanted to scream at him. She wanted him — had always wanted him from the moment Josh had held her hand — but nothing would come out of her mouth.

At that moment, Brody pulled up to pick up Katarina. “Your boyfriend is here. Later, Kat.”

“Josh, wait!” Kat took his hand. “Please, don’t go out with her.”

“Why, Kat? Tell me why?” Josh searched her face.

“Because… I…” Katarina stammered.

“Hey, beautiful!” Brody zipped out of his car and blasted through their moment. Josh pulled away from her.

“ ’Bye, Kat.”

Katarina watched him drive off and felt sick to her stomach. Josh was going out with someone else, and her heart was breaking.