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Being Graves: A Club Irons Novel by Sera, Drew (15)

Chapter Nineteen

July 2003

Colin and I went out to one of the trendy nightclubs on the Strip for a change. Typically, we go to Irons on Friday and Saturday nights. But Matt had to work tonight in the emergency room and Colin suggested a nightclub. Since we always go to Irons, I went along with Colin’s suggestion for something a little different.

I got dressed up, and Colin and I headed to Mandalay Bay for a night in their club. When we arrived, the line stretched the length of the club. Women and a handful of men waited in line to see if they could get in. I headed toward the back of the line, but Colin headed toward the podium. When he realized that I wasn’t beside him, he stopped and looked back for me. He mouthed, “What are you doing,” and motioned for me to get up there with him. I approached the podium with him, and the man in a suit smiled and asked Colin something, but I couldn’t hear over the loud, thumping noise that I’d soon be surrounded by.

“Last name, sir?”


“Colin?” The man behind the podium asked as Colin nodded.

“Gentlemen, please step to the side and one of our hostesses will show you to your seating area.”

I raised my eyebrows at Colin when we moved away from the podium and the long line. A seating area sounded nice versus just a table.

“Impressive, Mr. Everett,” I joked.

Colin slapped his hand down on my shoulder and guided me to look at the line of women.

“Now, don’t forget where you’re at, Mr. Graves. We’re not in Irons, and those women are not all here for you,” Colin teased.

I couldn’t help but laugh at his jab.

“Night is still young, Col.”

Colin and I were laughing and joking about what we could do with the velvet rope and the brass pole when a hostess came over to take us to our seating area.

Inside was louder than I imagined it would be. As Colin and I sat down on the lush, velvet couches that made up our private area, I glanced around at the atmosphere. It was loud, dimly lit with bursts of light…and women, everywhere.

Our server immediately came over and took our order. Colin ordered something, but due to the volume, I couldn’t hear what he ordered. I shouted my order of a Coke to the woman and then turned my attention to the dance floor.

Before our drinks arrived, a few women approached our table.

“Are you fellas locals or visiting?” The blonde one asked us.

“We live here,” Colin replied.

“Great! So do we! I’m Kate, and this is my best friend, Chanel.”


“As in the perfume?” I asked. I must be hearing things funny since the music was so loud in here. Maybe she said Chantel, because who the fuck would name their kid after a bottle of perfume?

“Yes, just like the perfume,” Chanel confirmed, and the two girls giggled and hugged one another sideways.

Fuck me. The nightclub scene drives me up a wall.

“So what do you guys do?” Kate asked us.

I sipped my Coke, and let Colin play the social host. I wasn’t working, so my social mask was off.

“We work in the casino industry. Tech-related field,” Colin said.

Good. At least he wasn’t giving out solid info.

“Like cords and wires, type of stuff?” Chanel asked in all seriousness.

“Yes. That’s exactly it. Wires and cords,” I answered.

“Are you guys interested in dancing? We came to dance,” Kate explained.

“Not right now, but thank you for the invite,” Colin said, and the girls lost interest and moved on.

“Thank fuck they left,” I sighed.

“I’m sure by the end of the night they will find a few cocks to entertain them,” Colin said and leaned back against the couch cushion.

“Or an STD,” I added and sipped my Coke.

Colin laughed and shook his head. We were watching two hot women dancing together and made a few jokes about what else they might do together. While we were watching, three more women appeared at the table. Fuck, is there some invisible sign that just brings them over?

Colin and I moved away from one another to make room for one of the girls to sit between us. The two other girls took up a spot on either side of Colin and me, and one wasted no time leaning into me. She strategically placed her cleavage around my bicep. Her fingertips toyed with my hairline on the back of my neck while the girl between Colin and I placed her hands on my thigh and Colin’s. The woman on the other side of Colin was petting his chest.

The conversation was at least pleasant with them, and the touching became more obvious and apparent. I leaned back against the couch cushion and kept my arms on the top of the cushions and stretched out. The girl on the other side of Colin, Maggie, began kissing and making out with him. While they kissed, the woman between us, Liz, was rubbing her hand over Colin’s crotch. Connie, the girl on my side, began rubbing my chest and squeezing me here and there.

I won’t lie. I was enjoying it, but I had to remember that these girls weren’t kinky. At least not Irons kinky to my knowledge.

“Care to dance?” Maggie pulled her mouth off of Colin’s long enough to ask him.

He smiled at me before leading Maggie to the dance floor. Liz and Connie’s touching grew bolder with me once Maggie and Colin left. Liz’s hand quickly found my crotch, and she found the outline of my balls in my pants and gave me a grab.

“Mmm. Your friend has a nice package, and it would appear that you do too,” Liz said and shared a look with Connie.

“Let me feel,” Connie playfully whined and gently pushed Liz’s hand away.

I could barely feel Connie’s touch. Women at Irons knew that if I wanted to be touched, they better make sure I feel it.

“Harder, sweetheart. If you’re going to touch me, make me feel it,” I advised.

Their eyes lit up, and they stared at one another. Connie continued to pet my balls that hid in my pants.

“I know men are sensitive about their nuts. I don’t want to hurt you. You’re so handsome,” Connie flirted.

“I promise you, I like it harder. If I don’t feel it, what’s the point?”

She looked questioningly at me as if considering my seriousness. I raised my eyebrows at her, and finally, she gripped the outline of my balls. Though I felt it, it wasn’t something that would ever make me hard. Connie looked up at me, testing the waters to see if she had hurt me.

“That’s better, Connie,” I said and winked at her.

“I’ve never met a man who liked to have his balls played with roughly,” Liz mentioned.

“I’m not like most men.”

“You’re special,” Connie said and grabbed my hand from the back of the couch. She examined my left hand. “You don’t have a ring. Girlfriend?”

“No. I’m not into that.”

“Rings or girlfriends?” Liz asked.


I pulled my hand out of Connie’s hand and set it back on top of the couch cushions.

“Is your friend into rings or girlfriends?”

I glanced at Colin on the dance floor with Maggie.

“Not really. He is more boyfriend material than I am.”

“Mmm, but you like your balls rubbed hard. What else do you like?” Liz asked.

Now both girls had their hands rubbing and lightly squeezing my balls through my pants, and I was getting hard. I wasn’t going to go into what I liked. They would be appalled, repulsed and disgusted. I was fully aware of what the stereotypes were for guys like me. I avoided their question.

Liz played with my hair while Connie rubbed and gripped my chest. Liz tugged on my chin and pulled me closer to her, and then she moved in to kiss me. Though I’m not a kisser, I pacified her by letting her tease and play little games with my mouth.

“Do you kiss on the first date?” Liz asked between shoving her tongue into my mouth.

“I don’t date,” I said.

Liz crushed her mouth against mine, and we continued to make out while Connie groped my chest and abdomen. Soon, Connie’s hand was under my shirt. I quickly shifted my attention from Liz to Connie just in case she got too close to my side. And even though I tried paying attention, I still flinched when her hand grazed my scar. I pulled her hand out from under my shirt and guided it back to my balls.

Breathe, Graves.

I occupied my mouth with Liz’s because it was the only thing I could do to get my mind off my scar…and Bruce.

“Why don’t you two keep my legs warm?” I said and slapped my thighs.

Both girls quickly moved to occupy one of my legs and flung their arms around my neck and back. I wrapped my arm around each of their waists so they didn’t fall off my thighs. Now, they were taking turns kissing me and either rubbing my chest or my crotch.

“You ladies taste lovely,” I complimented them and had to catch my breath from the constant kissing.

“We taste good all over,” Connie said and glanced at Liz.

“Have you ladies tasted each other?” I playfully asked and watched them smile.

They nodded.

“Let me see. I want to see you two kiss.”

I stroked the small of their backs as they leaned into one another and kissed. Oh yeah. They kissed as though this wasn’t something new to them. These were special friends. As I watched them kiss, I couldn’t help but notice my cock stir in my pants.

As they kissed, they gripped my chest and shoulder tighter for balance. Liz and Connie perched on my thighs and making out was hotter than fuck.

“You two look like little pros. Do you two do this often?” I asked.

They pulled apart and looked at me with warm eyes. Connie nodded as Liz said, “Yes.”

“Very hot,” I said. “What about Maggie?” I asked.

“The three of us are roommates,” Liz said.

“Bedmates, too?”

“Not really. The three of us are into men mostly, but when we need some attention, we give it to one another,” Connie added.

I nodded, and I could picture these three women having a toy sharing evening. Like some Tupperware or Avon party…only fuck toys. I was completely hard now.

“So, you said you guys taste good all over. Does that mean you’ve done some pussy licking?”

Their cheeks grew red, and they nodded. Mmm. Fuck. My filthy mind wouldn’t stop now.

“Sixty-nine?” I asked.

They nodded.

“What does the other do while two of you are locked up pussy to mouth?” I asked, genuinely wanting to know the answer.

“Sometimes just watch,” Connie replied.

“Sometimes take pictures,” Liz added. “Or put toys in one another’s asses.”

Fuck. I ached. I pictured two of them bound together by my rope in a sixty-nine while the other one pushed anal beads up their asses.

“So, if you ladies go home tonight without a cock, what will you do?”

“Mmm, probably play,” Liz said nonchalantly.

I fucking wanted to watch this. Badly. Often, I’ve seen women play at Irons, and since it has kink with it, I can almost come just from watching it. But to watch non-kinkster women touch and explore, would be interesting.

Colin and Maggie came back over, and he had a smirk on his face. He tilted his head to the side and asked if I was enjoying myself.

“Very much, Col.”

“You guys look very…close,” he said.

I gave Liz and Connie a pat on their asses.

“Show Colin what you two were showing me,” I encouraged the girls.

Liz and Connie giggled and leaned forward in an embrace as their lips locked. I watched the ladies and then glanced at Colin. He shot me a look and raised his eyebrows.

“Maggie, do you kiss Connie and Liz?” Colin asked her.

Maggie nodded and came closer to the three of us. As Maggie leaned down, Liz and Connie craned their necks to kiss her. We were concentrating on the three girls and didn’t notice a few guys from the nightclub staff approach our seating area right away.

“Excuse me, you guys are going to have to take this elsewhere. You can’t do this in the club,” one of the bouncers said.

Colin nodded and stood up, looking at me.

“I think we can take this party upstairs. What do you ladies say?” Colin asked them.

And three women eagerly agreed.


I nodded, knowing fair well that my dick wasn’t going anywhere near their pussies. The five of us walked toward the lobby and I told Colin I’d get the room. Really, I wanted to watch these three women on a bed. I can go home and jack off; sex, especially sex without kink, didn’t do a thing for me.

Colin waited near the elevators with the three women while I got a suite for the night. I watched the women cling to Colin as I walked toward them. These women would have left with anyone. They’re lucky we’re nice guys. Kinky guys, but decent. I handed Colin the other key card. As we rode the elevator up, Maggie was all over me.

“He likes his balls rubbed rough,” Liz said to Maggie.

“Really?” Maggie asked and looked at me. My response was a wink. “Colin do you like your balls played with roughly?”

“No. Rough nut play is all Anthony’s thing,” Colin said while looking at me. Once we got inside the suite, the women moved around the huge room and went over to the window to look out at the city lights while Colin hung back by me. He pulled out his wallet and opened it to show me that he had some condoms. It looked like he had enough for five fucks; and they were all for him because the only place my cock might go, would be in my hand.

Colin set his condoms on the long coffee table and told the ladies to get comfortable. They moved toward us, kicking off their shoes and setting their purses down. I sat on the arm of the couch and watched as they began to undress. Colin sat on the arm of the other couch that also faced the bed. The women were chatty and giddy now and started requesting that Colin and I undress. I glanced at Colin and he was already looking at me.

I wasn’t going to fuck any of these women.

Colin stood and pulled his dress shirt out of his pants and unbuttoned the cuffs, then stopped.

“I’ll pull my shirt off, but I want to see Maggie and Liz kiss,” Colin said.


The three women got on the king size bed, and Liz and Maggie leaned into one another and kissed. They pulled apart as Colin pulled his dress shirt off. He was left standing in his undershirt and volunteered to pull it off if Maggie and Connie kissed. While those two made out, Colin pulled his shirt off, and the women cheered.

“Anthony, your turn!” Liz called out.

“Yeah! Take your shirt off, Anthony!” Maggie clapped her hands.

Colin tilted his head at me and raised his eyebrows. He held his hands up and said, “as usual, your flesh is in high demand.”

I knew he was teasing me because the women in Irons are like that. I was a little hesitant because this was somewhat of an unknown to me. In Irons, women knew not to touch Doms without permission from the Dom. And further, they knew not to touch, ask or look at my scar. It wasn’t full proof, of course, and I know some people there still looked at my scar. But this was dangerous to me, and it made me apprehensive.

“I’ll think about taking it off, but first we have some rules ladies,” I said. They stared at me and giggled. “No getting off the bed,” I told them.

They all agreed, which gave me some reassurance that none of them would bounce off the bed at me.

“Colin wanted to see kissing; I do too. But I want to see you do something a little different.”

I walked closer to the bed, but still just out of their reach.

“Liz, get on all fours,” I instructed, and Liz moved to the center of the bed on all fours. “Good. Part those legs a bit. Maggie, get on your back so your head is under Liz’s pussy.” The women all had red cheeks now, and Maggie moved into position under Liz. “Liz, squat down a bit, let Maggie taste that pussy.”

Liz lowered herself and once her cunt made contact with Maggie’s mouth, her eyes closed and her mouth formed an “o.” I glanced at Connie and pointed to the spot on the bed in front of Liz.

“On your back Connie, plant those feet.” I gave Connie a moment to move into position and then glanced at Liz when I heard her moan. “Is Maggie making you feel good, Liz?” She nodded her reply, and I had to catch myself from reminding her to use her voice and not just a gesture. I wasn’t in Irons. “Liz, Connie’s pretty pussy needs some attention.”

Liz lowered her head, and her hand immediately went to Connie’s tits while she dove into her pussy. There wasn’t any spanking, clit clamps, nipple clamps, whips, paddles or bondage, so it wasn’t as intoxicating as it could have been for me, but it was still erotic.

“Nice, Anth,” Colin said and nodded at me.

Even though I wasn’t going to fuck them, I could still have some fun.

“Pants off, Col. Get on the bed,” I playfully said. “Ladies, don’t stop what you’re doing until I say.

Colin gently stroked each of the women within minutes of being on the bed. I watched how he sensually massaged Maggie’s tits before rubbing her pussy. Maggie must have been extremely wet because Colin slipped his fingers right in and pressed his thumb down on her clit. Colin’s actions caused Maggie to lap at Liz’s pussy with more urgency. He toyed with Maggie for a moment before moving to Liz. Colin reached under Liz to tug and tweak her nipples, which made her grind down on Maggie’s face.

“That’s a girl. Make Maggie eat that pussy. Mmm, your nipples are so hard, Liz,” Colin said in a low tone. “Get your head down there, Liz. Tongue those juices out of Connie.”

Colin moved closer to Connie and tweaked her nipples too. As Colin moved on the bed, the women tried stealing glances at his erect cock. He raised his eyebrows at me and motioned me over to join them.

I couldn’t.

I play too rough. Rougher than what these ladies are expecting tonight. Colin, on the other hand, was perfect. He knew how to go from Irons play and sex to non-kink play and sex. He understood and had experience with those two different speeds; I didn’t.

Colin leaned against the headboard, and I told Maggie to stop eating Liz out and suck on Colin. While Maggie bravely worked on deep throating Colin, I instructed Connie to go down on Liz. I cocked a smile as I thought about how sore Liz was going to be in the morning.

The girls all took turns sucking on Colin and then he gave me an upward nod. I knew he was getting close and he might as well use those condoms. I tossed them over to him, and he quickly pulled one from the foil and rolled it on.

“Connie, come ride this thing,” Colin requested.

“Yes!” Connie cheered at being the first one for Colin’s cock.

Maggie and Liz both got on all fours next to Colin, and he managed to finger fuck them while Connie rode him. Colin was a fucking stallion on that bed. Colin knew how to please the ladies and had Connie enjoying an orgasm pretty quickly. He gave Connie a pat as she got off of him. Colin pulled the condom off and tied it off before grabbing a fresh one and unrolling it.

“Ready, Liz? You’ve been on all fours all night, let’s not stop,” Colin said as he moved behind her and sunk into her pussy.

I was envious of his control. In that position, I grab hold of hips and just fuck. Colin moved with care and made it pleasant for these ladies. My cock was hard, and I was starting to feel needy as I watched Colin bang Liz. I stood and pulled my shirt off as Maggie began fingering Connie.

I couldn’t.

I fought with myself as I unbuckled my belt and unzipped my pants. I forced myself to stop and sat back down on the arm of the couch. Don’t go near that fucking bed, Graves.

Liz cried out as she came and Colin motioned for Maggie.

“Head on the mattress, ass in the air,” he instructed.

Maggie quickly moved into position as Colin pulled on another condom.

“Liz, Connie, show Anthony that sexy sixty-nine,” Colin requested.

He pushed into Maggie and began thrusting deep into her.

“Yes! Fuck me hard, Colin!” she moaned.

“Want it in the ass, Maggie?” Colin asked.

Colin loved fucking asses more than pussies. It was his thing. He pulled out, lowered his head as he pulled her ass cheeks apart, and spit on her ass hole. At least his condom was wet with her juices, so it wouldn’t be like fucking her in the ass with no lube.

Maggie was grunting now with each thrust that Colin gave her. I knew he was going to come at any moment.

“Anth,” he panted and motioned with his head toward the other two girls. “Come on Liz and Connie.”

Come on Liz and Connie.

I slowly stood.

There wouldn’t be any harm in that. I wouldn’t touch either of them. I’ll just shoot cum on them. I moved toward the two and pulled my aching cock out of my pants and let the band of my boxer briefs rest behind my balls. I tugged on my balls a bit as I jacked myself off roughly. The girls stopped eating each other out and turned their heads to watch.

“Oh, my God,” I heard Liz say.

“He really does like it rough,” Connie said.

“Look at him, he’s really rough with his balls!” Liz said.

I shut my eyes, hoping to drown out their voices.

“His cock is so red and purple. Anthony, dude, ease up. You’re going to hurt yourself,” Connie said with a hint of laughter.

“Yeah,” Liz was laughing. “Not so hard, sport.”



Colin was coming, and Maggie was moaning still in the background.

I gripped myself tighter and tried pumping until I came. Come on, dammit!

“Dude, your stomach is shaking,” one of the girls said, though I don’t know which one.

“Come here, Anthony. Let us help you, don’t hurt your cock, it’s so pretty,” the other girl said and reached out for me.

“Your balls are huge! You’re going to bruise them,” one girl said.

I opened my eyes when I felt their hands on my sides, trying to pull me closer.

“No!” I said a bit harsher than I intended and took a big step backward away from the bed.

“Anthony, don’t feel bad, Liz and I can make you come.”

They didn’t understand. The second one of them called me “sport,” it was game over for me. The two girls got off the bed and started to kneel in front of me, as if getting ready to try and suck me off. I shook my head and tugged my pants up and covered my scar with my hand so they wouldn’t look at it or touch it.

Unlike little subs, these girls took offense. Huge offense. They both stood and covered themselves.

“What the fuck is wrong with you? Here we thought you’d be fun to play with, but you just sat over there all night and watched.”

“You’re a pervert just to sit and watch. Then you just want to jack off on us, like we’re some beat off rag.”

“Trust me, you guys wouldn’t have liked it if I played too. I’m not as nice as Colin,” I said.

“What, are you some kind of freak that gets off on being an ass?”

“Yeah, we let you see us playing, and you won’t even let us touch you,” Liz said.

“Do you melt if you’re touched?” Connie asked and reached out to me.

I moved away, but Connie pursued and lightly grabbed at me. I sat on the arm of the couch and Connie came right up to me.

“I touched you and you didn’t melt. So it just makes you a fucking asshole,” Connie said and shoved at my chest.

Colin got off the bed and came over.

“I think this party is over,” he said.

I stood and pulled on my button shirt. I was going to leave and let him calm the girls down before they leave. I suppose it was kind of like after care. I don’t even know what to do with a non-kinky woman after you fuck her. Must be when the cuddling takes place. I shuddered.

“I’m going to go, Col. You can calm this down,” I said.

I didn’t mean for it to sound derogatory, but boy did those girls take it as being bad. I just meant so he could do that cuddle thing.

“You are a freak! Just come to watch and then get mad at us because you can’t come and say we need to be calmed down. You’re a typical piece of shit asshole picking up women in clubs,” Connie puffed out and slapped me in the face.

Colin stood in front of me and reiterated the party was over.

“I only meant that he could sit and cuddle or do whatever the fuck it is you like to do after sex. Cuddle or sip wine, or whatever. I’ll go!” I said and began buttoning my shirt. My face stung.

Sport. Fragments of Connor seeped in.

“You’re going to have a big set on you, sport.”

I shook Connor from my mind.

“I think it’s time for you ladies to go, please,” Colin said and grabbed my arm to prevent me from leaving.

He gave me a stare of death and then turned back to the women who were quickly gathering their clothes.

“Fucking dicks,” Connie said as the three of them left.

“I had a fun time,” Maggie said before being pulled out into the hallway by the other two.

Colin locked the door after they left. He walked over and flopped on the couch and looked at me.

“Sit down, Anth.”

I sat on the couch opposite him.

“I’m sor—” I started, but he cut me off.


He leaned his head back on the couch cushion.

“So, no more vanilla women,” he said. “Or nightclubs…and no more me fucking multiple people within an hour. I’m exhausted and feel like I’ve worked off thousands of calories.”

I couldn’t help but let out a short laugh, and soon we were both cracking up. I rubbed my cheek with the back of my hand, and I saw Colin narrow his eyes.

“I would have left, Col. I thought you might want to do the cuddle thing, or whatever normal people do after sex.”

“Anth, you’re just as normal as anyone else.”

I flinched. I wasn’t. I knew I have limitations that many guys don’t have. Colin was able to climb right up on the bed and fuck these women. I can’t have “normal” sex. It does nothing for me. I know I’m not boyfriend material and I’m incapable of giving a woman anything but sex. And that sex needs to have some kinky shit going on. I wasn’t “normal,” but I’m ok with who I am.

“Anth, have you ever made love to a woman?”

I shook my head.

“Has all your sex been in BDSM and kink clubs?”

Fuck. I looked away and felt my stomach twitch as I thought about Bruce, Connor and my mom.


“Yes. It’s all been in the clubs,” I quickly said.

“What about the first time you had sex?” he asked.

Oh, fuck. Was he talking about the first time I had sex on my own will? He couldn’t have been talking about the other stuff. He couldn’t even know about that.

“How old were you when you lost your virginity, Anth?” he prompted again.

“Twenty,” I said.

Twenty was the first time on my own consent. I think that’s what he meant.

“In a club? Twenty is pretty young for a club like that.”

“No. It was a party. It was my first kink party.”

Why was he looking at me like that? I started to get pissed.


“Yes!” I got up and paced around by the windows. “Why does it fucking matter all of a sudden?”

“Relax. I was just curious. The way you referred to what people do after non-kinky sex made me wonder if you’ve ever had non-kinky sex, or even seen a fucking movie. It’s not a science, Anth. You just go with the flow and whatever feels right.”

“I can’t do that stuff.”

He stared at me from the couch.

“You can. I think you don’t give yourself enough credit. But you’re right; after care is so much easier with kinky girls. Talk to them, rub on them, tend to the marks you left, make sure she’s hydrated and just sit with her. Much easier than the guessing game of vanilla women. So, I’m with you, Anth…let’s keep it in the club.”

I laughed again and returned to the couch.

“Sorry things got kind of crazy. Is your face ok? I wouldn’t be able to live that down if some nightclub girl hurt your face. Think of all the women at work and Irons that would be devastated,” Colin joked.

Even though I knew he was joking, I knew he was also seriously asking me if my face was ok. He’s such a care giver. I nodded that I was fine, and I was. My face might sting, but I don’t think it left a mark.

“I’m spent, Anth. I’m going to crash for a bit.”

“Sleep, man. There’s another bedroom over there, I’ll take that one. You can sleep on your sweaty, cum soaked sheets.”

Colin flipped me off as I walked toward the wet bar. I opened the fridge and tossed him a bottle of water and then headed to the other bedroom.

I pulled off my pants and shirt before climbing into bed in my boxer briefs. I replayed this evening…sport.

Connor called me “sport” from a very young age, and I hated it. I hated him.

Don’t cry, sport.

Don’t tell anyone, sport.

You’ve got a big set of balls on you, sport.

Sit still, sport.

Stop fighting me, sport

Doesn’t it burn yet, sport?

How hungry are you, sport?

I couldn’t sleep; overwhelmed with frustration in myself. Why do I still let Connor and Bruce control my life?




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