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Black by K.L. Grayson (5)


I offered up my place at the same time Shae offered hers, but I deferred to her. If there’s one thing I want, it’s for her to feel safe.

“Nice place,” I tell her as I survey the scene.

I’m not sure what I was expecting, but it wasn’t a place that rivals mine. Big, open spaces like this are hard to come by in the city, and it leaves me wondering what she does for a living.

“Thank you. Although I can’t take the credit. JJ and Erin live here. Well, mostly JJ now since Erin will be moving in with Jacob. I’m just crashing,” she says, grabbing two wine glasses from the cabinet. Before we left Vault, I had Dante snag me a bottle of wine from behind the bar.

She hands me a corkscrew, and I pop the top, pouring us each a glass. It isn’t the red Shae requested, it’s white, and I’m just now noticing.

“I think you got your colors mixed up,” she quips. I shoot her a look and she grins, bringing the glass to her lips. “That’s okay. Sauvignon blanc is my second choice.”

“It’s all Dante’s fault.”

“Who’s Dante?”

“My brother.”

Her eyes soften. She watches me almost wistfully for a few seconds and smiles. “You’re going to blame your brother?”

I nod. “Absolutely. He’d do it to me in a heartbeat.”

Shae pinches her lips into a thin line, but I can see the smile trying to form. “You’re such an ass.”

And that right there I find sexy as hell. Most women wouldn’t dare say that to me. To be honest, they’re probably too afraid, because most women know me. They know what I’m capable of, and where I come from.

And that’s some scary shit.

Sure, I’ve separated myself from my father’s life, despite his protests. But my history is my history, and no matter how fast and far I run, the family is always there, lurking in the dark, waiting for the perfect moment to jump out and make itself known.

It would be easier if Shae knew who I was, but I like that she doesn’t. It’s a nice change of pace to spend time with a woman who isn’t drooling over my bank account or dying to make me a baby daddy, all in the name of being the next Ambrosi heir. She has no preconceived notions—that I know of—and that’s oddly refreshing.

Shae’s next words are so soft I can barely hear them. “Sounds like something my sister would’ve done.”

I don’t miss the past tense in her statement, and I want to pry, ask more, but I lose the moment when she sets her glass on the counter, turns, and walks down the hall.

“I’ll be right back. I’ve gotta get out of these shoes.”

I take a sip of my wine, set the glass down next to Shae’s, and walk into the living room. Her condo has an open floor plan with dark hardwood floors and light-colored furniture. A stone fireplace is tucked in the corner, and I walk over, make sure the pilot light is lit, and flip the switch. The fire roars to life, bathing the room in a soft, orange glow.


I turn around to see Shae walking down the hall, her bare feet padding lightly against the wood floors.

“I had no idea that thing actually works.”

“You have a fireplace and you’ve never used it?”

She shrugs. “I’m sure JJ has. When Erin and I aren’t home he probably uses it to seduce women.”

“Smart man.”

Shae gives me a knowing look. “Takes one to know one. Are you trying to seduce me, Rex?”

“If you have to ask, I’m not doing a very good job.” I take a step forward, closing the gap between us. I lean down and whisper, “Trust me, when I seduce you, you’ll know.”

Her eyes drop to my mouth, her beautiful lips parting. There’s nothing more I want than to capture her mouth with mine. She’ll melt like butter in my arms, and as much as I want that to happen, we’re not there yet. Instead, I walk past her and take our glasses from the counter.

Her shoulders rise and fall with a deep breath before she spins around to face me, and that’s how I know she’s affected.

Now we’re almost there.

She straightens her back, takes two steps toward me, and grabs her wine glass. “I never pegged you for a tease.”

“I would never tease you. Think of it as…heightening your anticipation.”

“Oh, I bet something is heightening.” She gives me a sidelong glance. “But it’s not my anticipation.” Her smoldering eyes drop to my crotch, and with each passing second, my cock swells a little bit more.

“Now who’s the tease?”

Shae’s eyes dance with amusement. Her lips part in the most beautiful, sexy smile I’ve ever seen, and I have to look away before I do something stupid like beg her for more than one night.

“So, Shae, tell me a little about yourself.”

“Really? You want to talk?”

I chuckle. “You sound surprised.”

“Because I am.”

“What’s wrong with getting to know the woman I’m about to fuck?”

“Are there things about me you’re dying to know?”

You have no fucking idea. “As a matter of fact, there are.”

She studies me for a moment and tips her glass, finishing off what’s left of her wine. She sets it on the counter, strides across the kitchen, and opens the curtains, revealing a breathtaking view of the Chicago skyline.

With her back to me, she takes a deep breath and when she exhales she says, “Let’s have it.”

In one gulp, I finish off my wine and set the glass next to hers. I slowly walk across the room, enjoying the view in front of me as I do.

And I’m not talking about the skyline. The dips and valleys of Chicago’s cityscape may be impressive, but they have nothing on Shae’s soft curves.

Her skirt is a little rumpled, her blouse untucked, and her long, dark hair falls in waves around her shoulders. Her body draws mine like a magnet, and when I step into her, pressing my chest against her back, she doesn’t move. There is no gasp of surprise, no stiffening spine, she’s just here in this moment with me.

“Let’s start with your favorite color.”

“Purple.” Her voice is shaky, and when I run my finger down the back of her neck, she tilts her head, allowing room for my lips to graze the silky smooth skin.

“Favorite food.”


“Great choice.” I kiss a path along her shoulder. A shiver runs through her, and I smile against her skin. “Favorite sport.”


“Mine too. Favorite team?”

“C-Cardinals.” I nip at her soft skin, and Shae sucks in a breath. “What was that for?”

“I’m a Cubs fan.”

“That’s okay; I forgive you.”

I nip her again, run my tongue along the side of her neck, and blow lightly. Goosebumps race across the creamy skin.

“You’re so responsive, Shae. I can’t wait to see what else I can get your body to do.”

She takes a shuddery breath, and I can tell by the flutter of her pulse against my lips that my words excite her.

“What did Erin mean when she said you hadn’t been with a man in quite some time?” She doesn’t immediately respond, so I turn her in my arms.

Her cheeks turn the prettiest shade of pink as she looks at the floor. “You caught that, huh?”

“It’s pretty much all I’ve been thinking about.”

She looks up. “Really? Why?

Fuck if I know. Maybe because I like you and the thought of other men touching you makes me want to strangle someone. But telling her that now probably isn’t the smartest idea, so I just shrug.

“Don’t know. Just curious is all.” Shae still doesn’t answer, and I can feel the air around us growing thick. “How many men have you been with?”

Her eyes grow as wide as saucers. “I don’t see how that’s any of your business.”

“It’s not. But I want it to be.”

Glancing down, she fiddles with the hem of her blouse. “Not many.”

“How many is not many?”

She tries to look away, but I don’t let her, so she opts to fold her arms over her chest. A universal defense mechanism. She thinks she’s shielding herself, but all she’s doing is fluffing her tits, putting all of that smooth, silky skin on full display. “I’m not a virgin, if that’s what you’re wondering.”

“I never questioned whether you’re a virgin.”

“Good, because I’m not,” she says firmly, and then her voice trails off. “I’m just not that experienced.”

“How inexperienced?”

Finally frustrated, she throws her arms out to the side. “Why does it matter?”

Running my hand up the back of her head, I thread my fingers through the silky strands of her hair. Something I’ve wanted to do since the moment I laid eyes on her. Gripping it tight, I tug and her head dips back. She looks up at me, her eyes smoldering, and I wonder what else she’d let me do.

“Because I want to fuck you, and I’m not a gentle man, Shae.”

Sucking her bottom lip between her teeth, she bites gently as I wait for her to respond. Something…anything would be good. Then she looks at my mouth, and what happens next isn’t at all what I’m expecting.

“We should probably kiss first.” She smiles coyly, and I do the only thing I can do.

I kiss her.

Her pupils are dilated, her gaze unfocused. When I slant my mouth over hers, she sighs, her lips parting. When her tongue reaches for mine, a low growl rumbles through my chest.

Sliding her hands up my chest, Shae fists the front of my shirt, holding my body flush against hers. Her chest is heaving, her puckered nipples pressing against my chest, begging for my mouth.

Her scent is intoxicating, drugging me from the outside in. Peaches and cream. Fuck me, she smells amazing, but not nearly as amazing as she tastes. Delicious. Good enough to eat, and the taste of her mouth has me wondering if her pussy tastes just as sweet.

I walk her backward until she’s pressed against the glass. With my hands around her waist, I lift her up. Shae wraps her toned legs around my hips and wastes no time grinding herself against me. The warmth of her body seeps into mine, and my cock jerks, pushing firmly against my zipper.

Shae drops her head against the window. “Oh, God,” she moans, her breath fanning across my face: peppermint and wine with the faintest hint of tequila, reminding me exactly where we came from and what she’s been doing.

“How many shots did you do tonight?”

“I don’t know,” she pants. “Maybe five or six. Who cares?”

In a matter of seconds, her mouth is back on mine, only this time she devours me. Her hands are everywhere, roaming my body before tangling in my hair.

“Touch me,” she breathes. “Please.”

And just like that, my little stranger blossoms into exactly who I thought she would be.

My body is on fire, seconds from exploding, and as much as I want to fuck her, I can’t. But that doesn’t mean that I can’t touch her, that I can’t bring her an immense amount of pleasure.

Dragging my mouth from hers, I untangle our bodies and turn her around.

“Palms flat on the glass,” I demand, loving how quickly she complies. I sweep the hair off the back of her neck and trail my lips along the dip of her shoulder. “Good girl.” With one hand holding her hair and the other on her hip, I move her closer to the glass. I slide my hand down the outside of her thigh. “If someone in that building over there took the time to look over, they would be able to see you,” I whisper, my lips brushing her ear.

Her chest rises when she draws in a ragged breath.

“Does that turn you on, knowing they could see us?” I ask, trailing my fingers up her leg, slipping them beneath her skirt. “Knowing they could see what I’m about to do to you?”

She swallows hard, but gives me what I want. “Yes.”

I smile, nipping her earlobe.

“Does it turn you on?” she asks.

Releasing her hair, I wrap my arm around her waist, pulling her hips back, flush against mine. I grind my cock against her ass. “You turn me on.”

Shae drops her head to my shoulder, moaning when I dip my hand into her panties.

“And that turns me on,” I say, pushing my finger inside of her. “Hearing the little sounds you make when I touch you.”

“Oh, God.” She pushes her hips forward, and I add a second finger, stretching her.

“That’s it, baby,” I encourage, pumping my fingers several times before pulling them out and rubbing a tight circle around her clit.

She hisses, grinding her hips against my hand, no doubt searching for more. And who the hell am I to say no?

With my thumb pressed to her clit, I slide two fingers deep inside her pussy. “So tight and wet. This is heaven, Shae.” With each pass of my fingers, the soft spot inside her swells, soaking my hand with her wetness, and whatever control I had is lost.

I thrust my hips forward, searching for friction, and she cries out in unadulterated lust, her inhibitions lost.

Her body comes to life under my touch, and she explodes, her thighs clenching tight, her body shuddering as she cries out.

“Rex…” she moans, my name drawn out in a luxurious sigh.

Sliding my hand from her panties, I turn her around, straighten her skirt, and pull her into my arms. Her breathing slows as the seconds pass, and then her hooded eyes smile up at me.

“You are unbelievably beautiful, and that was singlehandedly the sexiest thing I’ve ever witnessed.”

“Give me two minutes, and I’ll be ready for round two.”

With her enthusiasm, I have no doubt that round two be would be something out of my wildest fantasies, which makes what I’m about to do that much harder.

“Not tonight, sweetheart. Round two is going to have to wait.”

She frowns. “What? Why?”

Cupping her face in my hands, I run my thumbs along her cheekbones. “Because you’re addicting,” I murmur against her lips. “And if I don’t stop now, I won’t stop at all.”

Pushing up on her toes, Shae nips playfully at my bottom lip before sucking it into her mouth. Slowly, she lets go. “Isn’t that the whole point? Kiss first, then fuck.”

“Not tonight.”

“Why not tonight?” she asks, sounding disappointed and entirely defeated.

Because I’m selfish, and I want more from you. I want all of you. But she’s made it clear that more is not something she’s looking for, which is why walking away from her tonight is the stupidest decision I’ve ever made.

But it’s the right one.

“You’ve been drinking.”

Her lips purse, and I can’t help it, I kiss her again. Only this time it’s sweet and simple, a promise.

“When I’m inside of you, and I will be inside of you, I want all of you. I want to know without a doubt that you’re in the moment with me one hundred percent. I don’t want your decision or actions to be clouded by alcohol.”

“Are you challenging me? Because I can guarantee you, I’m all in right now.”

“Trust me, sweetheart, you’re the one challenging me—on levels you aren’t even aware of.”

“Oh yeah?” Reaching between us, she palms my cock.

I’m rock solid, wound so fucking tight that I could explode at any second, and therefore I need her grabby little hands anywhere but on my cock. Taking Shae’s wrist, I pull her hand to my lips and kiss her knuckles.


“Stay,” she offers.

I kiss her mouth, then her cheek, and then the soft spot behind her ear. “Tempting,” I whisper. “But I can’t.”

She puts her delicate hands around my neck and brushes her lips against mine. It’s a sweet kiss—innocent—completely opposite of the dirty thoughts running through my head.

I can’t remember the last time a woman kissed me with so much care. Most of the time they devour, only looking for one thing, but not Shae.

I look down at her. “What was that for?”

“Just because I wanted to, and it’s not very often I do things just because I want to. Right now, I really want to fuck you.”

Her eyes plead with me to stay, and for a split-second I rethink my decision, but I can’t. My rules are in place for a reason, and I refuse to sleep with a woman who’s been drinking.

“We’ll have dinner this week, and then if you’re good, I’ll finish what I started tonight.”

“Rex…” She shakes her head, looking down at the floor. When her eyes meet mine I can tell she’s still unsure.

“I’m not asking, Shae.”

She chews on her bottom lip. “Okay.”


“Yes.” She smiles. “Let’s have dinner.”

Now we’re getting somewhere. “I thought you’d never ask.” Grabbing my phone from my pocket, I pull up my contacts. “Let me get your number before I go.”

Shae takes my phone, puts her number in and hands it back.

“I’ll get ahold of you tomorrow.”

I’m halfway out her door when she stops me.


I look back at her. Her eyes are wide, cheeks flushed, and her hair is a wild mess. She’s positively the most stunning creature I’ve ever laid eyes on. “Yeah?”

“Don’t fall for me, okay?”

Her words slice through me, because I’m not sure that’s a promise I can make. In the short time I’ve known her, I’ve realized I have no control over my feelings where she’s concerned. But telling her that would likely send her running, so I do what any respectable man would do.

“You don’t have to worry about that, babe.”

“Good.” The husky sound of Shae’s voice makes it difficult to gather my willpower and walk out, but I do.

As I climb into my car, I stare up at her window before pulling away.

At twelve-thirty, I crawl into bed, grab my phone, and shoot Shae a quick text.

Me: It’s tomorrow.

Her reply is almost immediate.

Shae: So it is.

Me: Dinner tonight.

I watch those three little dots dance across the screen, waiting for her reply.

Shae: I can’t. I have plans. Monday?

Me: Can’t. Busy. Tuesday?

Shae: I’m all yours.

Damn right you are.




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