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Blood & Vows (A Twisted Duet Book 2) by Bella J (21)









It’s been two weeks since I told Castello about the pregnancy. Two weeks since he asked me to marry him. Everything still felt surreal.

Uncle Gino and Angelique were thrilled about the pregnancy, although I still think Angelique figured it out the night of the party when she took my champagne glass from me.

As for other people, Castello didn’t want anyone else to know. With Vico’s twisted vendetta against his brother, Castello didn’t want to chance Vico finding out about me carrying Fattore blood inside me. Vico was a twisted son of a bitch, and even I knew Vico would raise seven sorts of hell if he had to find out.

The security around the house has tripled, leaving no hall, no room, no square inch without eyes and cameras. I’ve gotten used to seeing huge men with big guns patrolling the house and grounds of the estate. It was clear that Castello was a man on a mission, and that mission was protecting his family—me.

I still wasn’t allowed off the estate. In fact, I could barely move around without having a shadow behind me. I didn’t like it, and I made sure Castello knew that. But it was like talking to a wall. There was no negotiating with him, especially when it came to me. And I couldn’t blame him, even though I yearned for a little freedom, just to go out in the world again. It was starting to feel like the entire world just consisted of us. That there was nothing or no one else but us, and Vico.

Castello included me in more business discussions, allowed me to witness some of the initiations of new associates, as well as the executions of those who betrayed him—who betrayed us. The more I started to become part of the family, the more I embraced my place as a soon to be Fattore. And the more I realized how much power this family had, the more convinced I became that this is where my child and I belonged. The baby growing inside my belly would have everything he or she would ever want, the best of everything. And that’s what every mother wants for her child.

It was clear that Vico was building an army, plotting against Castello. He was power hungry. He wanted to rule, and while Castello was still alive Vico would never have it all. And then there was also the threat of Vico’s bloodlust…for me. Even though Castello had pulled the trigger that killed their mother, Vico blamed me, and he would not rest until he had his revenge against me—which was why I accepted the fact that these walls would hold me prisoner for a very long time, at least until the war with Vico was over.

I placed my hand on my belly as I walked past all the painted canvases. I’ve spent a lot of time in my studio, painting, thinking, daydreaming of what the future held in store for us.

Since I wasn’t allowed off the estate, Castello gave Doc orders to have everything he would need to assist in me having a healthy pregnancy brought to the house. An entire room was fitted with medical equipment so it wasn’t necessary for us to go into town.

The ultrasound confirmed I was only a few weeks along, but so far everything seemed fine with the little blip on the screen. It was daunting to think that the little shape with a pulsing line on a black and white screen would turn into a fully formed, perfect human being.

Castello had changed. Sex had changed. He was afraid to let out the darkness that brought us together. He was afraid it would somehow affect the pregnancy. At first I thought it would change the bond between us, but it didn’t. Making love was just as powerful. In fact, every time we worshipped each other, it felt like we only grew closer, forming something so strong, something no one would ever break. But as soon as it was done, he would cradle me in his arms and whisper, “Soon, little mouse.”

Those words would set free a thousand butterflies inside my stomach, my core tightening, my soul yearning for “soon” to come. He made it clear that once our baby was born, he would possess me again. He would give me the relief I craved by allowing it to flow out of me in tears of crimson. He knew I needed it, and that it was something I would always need. And he vowed to give it to me, promised me I would never need to do it to myself again. But he made me swear that for the duration of the pregnancy we would not take chances, we would not allow our mutual darkness to touch the life growing inside me.

The door opened, and I immediately knew who it was. True to his word, no one was allowed inside my studio without permission—not even him. The only problem was, Castello didn’t know how to knock, and he definitely didn’t like the idea of him asking for permission to have access to me…his queen.

“Still not knocking, I see.” I smiled, my back turned to him.

“I regret not excluding myself when I said no one could enter your studio.”

The way my spine started to tingle all the way up to my neck, I knew he was standing really close to me.

“All you have to do is knock.”

“Knocking is like asking permission.” His fingers folded around my hips. “And when it comes to you there’s not a chance in hell I’ll ever ask permission.”

He pulled me closer, and I closed my eyes loving the way his body felt against mine. “Since you walked in—yet again—without permission, I guess I should address you as master.”

He stiffened, and his cock reacted almost immediately as it pushed against my ass.

He tightened his grip on my hips. “Do not tempt me, woman.”

“It’s only my master who doesn’t need permission when it comes to me.”

A low growl rumbled from his chest, his fingers digging almost painfully into my flesh.

“You know it’s hard enough as it is, little mouse, to keep the beast inside me contained. Why would you tempt me?”

I swayed my hips, rubbing my ass against his cock, and it earned me a moan from his lips. “What if I need you to be my master right now?”

“Tatum, don’t.”

I moved my body against his before placing my palm over his hand. Slowly I removed his grip on my hip and moved his palm up my body, over my belly, gently brushing it against both my breasts. He started to rock behind me, rubbing his cock against my ass, and as I placed his hand around my neck pushing his fingers into my skin, he groaned and bit my shoulder. He needed no guidance from me as he began to squeeze my throat. I loved it. My body hummed with desire, the blood in my veins intoxicated with adrenaline and lust.

Soft lips traced all along my neck before sucking my earlobe into his mouth, letting it go with a pop.

“Do not tease me, little mouse.”

His grip around my throat tightened, and my core clenched tight. The need to have this, to experience the darkness with him again had my lust pooled between my legs.

“Please, master.”

It happened so fast I didn’t have time to realize what was happening until he had me bent over the table, my paint supplies falling all around us. He took both my arms and pinned them behind my back, forcing my face down on the cherry wood table.

He leaned over me, his cock pressing hard and heavy against my ass. “I told you, not until my child is born. Only then will I let the beast come out to play. So I suggest you stop teasing me, for when the day comes that I no longer have to share your body with my child, I will have my way with you, little mouse. And you will bleed for me once again.” He gave a hard thrust against my ass, causing me to moan before letting go of me and stepping back.

My wrists hurt, the skin of my hips sensitive, but I fucking loved it.

I straightened and watched as Castello adjusted his pants, his cock pressed hard against his zipper. “It seems that you need help with that,” I teased.

He slanted his dark brows inward, the scar moving along his eyes. “It seems that I do. But unfortunately, I have some other pressing matters I need to attend to, which is why I was looking for you. I have a meeting I need to go to, so I won’t be around tonight.”

I stiffened. Ever since we got here Castello had never left the estate, never left me. He arranged all his business meetings to take place here, so why would he not do the same with this meeting?

“Where are you going?” My voice was soft, lacking confidence since I wasn’t sure if I had the right to ask that question.

He straightened his suit jacket sleeves. “The meeting is taking place at one of my clubs.”

“Your clubs?”


“You own clubs?”

His lips curled up at the corners. “I’m not just a mobster, Tatum.”

My mind reeled. “It just never occurred to me—”

“What? That I had other interests that weren’t illegal?”


Casually he placed his hands in his pants pockets. “When my father and brother were still alive I never thought I’d take over the family business, so I created my own.”

I leaned back on the table. “How many clubs do you own?”


“Strip clubs?”

An amused grin crossed his face. “Night clubs.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

He moved toward me. “It never came up.”

“It never came up because you never told me.”

Dark eyes searched my face. “I’m sorry. I was too busy trying to keep you from being killed.”

I narrowed my eyes at him, not amused by the fact that he tossed my own words back at me. I slanted my head to the side. “Oh right, that was after you actually tried to kill me.”

“Correction.” He held up his finger. “I never tried to kill you.”

“Well you planned to kill me.”

He feigned a look of thought. “True.” His gaze found mine as he reached up to tuck my hair behind my ear. “But never make the mistake of thinking that I’d have to try to kill you, little mouse. If I wanted you dead, you would be.”

And there he was. The charismatic, deceivingly dangerous mobster. The man who captivated me in more ways than one. The man who gave me no choice but to fall in love with him.

There was still something about him that scared me, but that was the part of him I loved the most. Unpredictable, yet thrilling. Unsafe, yet magnetic.

With squared shoulders, and my gaze pinned on him I stepped up leaving only a few inches between us. “I want to see it.”

“See what?”

“One of your clubs. Take me with you to this meeting of yours.”

He moved back, his face showing me what the odds were of him taking me with him. Zero.

“No.” His tone set the finality in his answer.

“Why not?”

“You know why.”

“I need to get out, Castello. I’ve been within these walls for weeks, and it’s starting to drive me crazy.”

“Then I’ll arrange for a therapist to come and see you, help you with the crazy, because you are not setting foot off this estate.”

He turned his back on me and walked to the door, opening it. Desperation made tears prickle my eyes.

“Please,” I called out after him, and he paused. “Please, Castello. Just once. I won’t ask you again.”

“I can’t allow it, Tatum. I will not risk you or our child.”

“I’ll agree to any condition you have. Please.”

A few seconds went by with him just standing there, his back toward me. I had no idea what to expect, but I knew the odds were against me.

He slammed the door shut before turning around to face me. “You and our child are the most important parts of my life. If anything had to happen to you or our baby, I don’t know what I’d do.”

“Nothing will happen. I just want to get out…just for a little while.”

I could see how conflicted he was, how he was struggling with his need to protect me against his need to give me what I wanted. It was probably selfish of me to put him in such a position, but I was desperate. 

His eyes grew even darker, worry lines forming on his forehead. “Do you know what you’re asking of me?”

I walked closer to him. “I do. And forgive me. But I can’t stay between these walls any longer. I swear I won’t do anything that would put me or our baby at risk. I swear.”

He searched my face, his jaw taut. “Just this once.”

My body literally sagged with relief, excitement causing my heart to race. “Thank you, Castello.”

“You will not leave my side, not for a second. And whatever you do, do not let anyone suspect that you might be pregnant. Do you understand?”

I agreed without hesitation.

“I’m serious, Tatum. Give me one ounce of grief by defying me and I will haul your ass back here so fast you’ll have vertigo for a month.”

“I won’t. I promise.”

He let out a sigh. He wasn’t happy, I knew that. But honestly…I didn’t care. All I cared about was having just a few hours of freedom, to not feel like we’re alone in the world. I needed city lights and the buzz of life around me. I wanted to hear the sound of traffic, and laughter echoing from crowds of people rushing through the streets.

Castello pulled out his phone and hit the speed dial. “I need you to double the security at The Capitol, and make sure the VIP lounge is clear. Have men waiting by the back entrance, and scout the entire block. If you see anything that looks remotely suspicious, you call me right away. And Giovanni…don’t fuck up.”

He hung up and placed his phone back in his suit pocket. “I’m not happy about this. Just so you know.” His eyes were dark, and he didn’t even try to hide his annoyance and disapproval of what we’re about to do. But bottom line, he was giving me what I wanted.

“Thank you.” I got up on my toes and placed a gentle kiss on his cheek. The familiar scent of amber and peppermint that once created fear in me, now soothed me, calmed me.

He placed his hand around my waist and pulled me tighter against him. “You’ve got a lot of appreciation to show once we get home.”

I smiled. “Yes, master.”

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. I loved how it affected him whenever I called him master. I might be his queen, but he preferred me as his slave, on my knees and at his mercy.

So did I.

Both of us went up to our bedroom to get ready. When I got out of the shower Castello was waiting for me by the closet holding a black sleeveless cocktail dress.

I tossed the towel on the bed and placed my hands on my hips. “I want to choose my own dress.”


My eyes narrowed, my lips pursed. “My appreciation will double if you let me choose my own dress.” I gave him a suggestive look, and he cocked a brow as he stared back at me.

“Fine,” he conceded before placing the dress back in the closet.

I sashayed my way over to him, loving the way his eyes travelled all along my naked body. At first I hated the way he looked at me. It made me feel dirty. Not because of him…because of me. Because I liked it too much. But now, his lewd, suggestive looks made me feel powerful, knowing that a man like him desired me, lusted for what only I could give him.

I brushed past him, and while I searched through the wardrobe, I moved my ass from side to side, making sure I had his full attention.

“You’re a tease.”

I smiled. “Am I?”

“Do you know what I do to a tease?”

“No. But do tell.” 

A loud crack filled the room right before I felt the burn on my naked ass. At first I moaned, then whimpered as he leaned in closely. “I punish her.”

The burn on my skin made desire flare. The way his palm lingered on my scalded flesh, I anticipated him to spank me again. And just the anticipation of it caused everything south of my navel to throb, my body primed to welcome him inside me with ease. Here I was trying to seduce him, and now I was the one who was mere seconds away from begging him to fuck me. Slut.

As he stepped back, I took a deep breath in a bid to gain control over my needy body. By the sting on my ass I knew there was a big, red handprint blooming for Castello.

I grabbed the dress and turned. “I choose this one.”

Castello looked at the dress, and then turned his unamused gaze at me. “Funny.”

I shot him a sly grin while I held the exact same dress he had chosen for me originally. I was starting to love this game.








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