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Brothers Next Door: A MFM Menage Romance by Samantha Twinn (28)

Chapter Twenty-Eight



I push open the penthouse door with my hip and let Luther off his leash. He takes three steps into the entrance and shakes the April rain off his coat. I swear and grab the towel Brenna put by the door for me and wipe up the tile as my inconsiderate dog pads down the hall to go see his best gal.

The lights are turned low, and soft guitar music spills out from the kitchen. Tonight is a rare date night for all of us. Landon is away for the weekend with his friends at a video game con.

After the Washington incident, he had to earn back our trust. To his credit, he’s tried hard to stay on the straight and narrow, and we all agreed that this trip would be good for him. And for us. Between Landon’s punishment, Brenna’s work, and our new building project, it’s the first time we’ve been alone for longer than a few hours since they moved in.

Not that I’m complaining.

These last five months have been perfect. Like an expertly choreographed dance, we’ve fallen into a perfect rhythm with each other. In and out of the bedroom. And tonight, Dean and I are ready to take the next step.

The smell of braised short ribs fill the apartment, and I follow the delicious smell back to the kitchen. I’m not surprised to find Dean and Brenna slow dancing in the kitchen.

I toss my jacket over the back of a stool and tap my brother’s shoulder. “Mind if I cut in?”

“I should check on the potatoes,” he says and kisses Brenna. “She’s all yours.”

I take Brenna’s hand and pull her into my arms just as the song changes to something slow and sultry. A smile lights her face as she presses her hips firmly against mine.

“I love this song,” she breathes and slides her hand down my back to cup my ass, grinding into me. “I missed you these last few weeks.”

I suck in a breath and fight back the urge to bend her over the counter right now. Normally, I wouldn’t hesitate, but tonight is special.

“I know, baby. I’ve missed you, too.” I press my lips against her temples, inhaling her intoxicating scent. God, I have missed her. I’ve been working eighteen-hour days for almost a month, trying to get everything ready for tonight. “I’ve been more hands-on during this project than I normally am. This one was important.” I catch Dean watching us, and I nod. “But everything is finally done.”

“Oh?” she says, offhandedly, as if she hasn’t heard a word I’ve said and tugs at my shirt with a single-minded determination. “Why don’t you tell me all about it after we get naked?”

“Dinner’s almost ready,” Dean says with a hint of desperation.

I sympathize with him. Really, I do. We’ve been planning this dinner for the last month, but as Brenna’s hands slide under my shirt and go right to the buckle of my pants, I’m beyond caring.

Dean turns off the burner and comes to join us. He pushes the hair back from her shoulder and kisses her neck.

“Brenna, sweetheart, let’s have dinner first, and then we’ll spend the rest of the night naked. I promise,” he says, trying to coax her into the dining room.

“I’m hungry for something else right now,” she says and unhooks Dean’s belt. With one satisfying whoosh, she pulls the leather from the loops and drops it to the floor. “It’s been too long since I’ve had you both.”

Dean closes his eyes and lets out a groan. Confident that dinner and our surprise has taken a backseat, I cup her breast and start kissing my way down her neck. But Dean steps back, pulling her with him.

“Dinner can wait, but the other thing can’t,” he says and narrows his eyes at me. “If we keep waiting for the perfect moment, it’s never going to happen.”

Fuck. Even with a raging hard-on, I know he’s right. I nod in agreement and pull down my shirt.

“Fine,” she says, crossing her arms over her chest. Her hard nipples poke through her T-shirt, begging to be sucked. “You two have been acting weird all week. So what is it?”

“You first,” Dean says, nodding in my direction.

I go to where I’d tossed my jacket and pull out a small silver box with a red ribbon around it. “When you and Landon moved into the penthouse, it was the best thing that's happened to either one of us. We’re a family, and we’ve created a home. But Dean and I felt like we all deserve a home that’s truly ours.”

I hand over the box. Tears are already shining in Brenna’s eyes. And when she pries open the lid to discover a silver key, our girl is struck speechless.

“Remember coming home from our Thanksgiving trip, and we took the back roads. When we turned down that one section of road that overlooked the city, you asked us to stop. I remember you said

“This would be the perfect place for a house.”

“You were right.” I had over my phone with photos of the house Dean and I built.

She pages through the dozens of photos I’ve taken, sniffing back the happy tears. “You did this for me?”

“We did it for us. For you, me and Tyler. For Landon and hopefully—” Dean pauses and produces a black velvet box “—it will be the place we can raise our own kids.” He flips open the box. Nestled inside is a ring with three gold bands intertwined and three diamonds. “I know it won’t be legal, but as long as you’re wearing this, we’ll know the truth. You belong to us, and we’re hopelessly devoted to you. So will you do us the honor?”

Brenna looks back and forth between the two of us and nods. “Yes. Yes. A hundred times yes.” She kisses Dean and holds out her hand to let him slip on the ring. Tears are now streaming down her face as she looks at the ring and then over to the key. “I don’t know what to say.”

“Yes was good enough,” I say and pull her in for a kiss of my own. I finger the ring she’s wearing. My heart squeezes tight, knowing that this sexy, independent, generous woman is mine. I slide my hand down to her flat stomach and smile. “I can’t wait to see you swollen with our baby.”

She covers my hand with hers and looks up at me. Her blue eyes peeking coquettishly through her lashes. “Once I stop taking my pill, it can take months.” She moves away and heads out of the kitchen, shooting a look over her shoulder at us. A sexy grin flirty across her lips. “But you know what they say, practice makes perfect. Come on, boys. Let’s get in some practice.”