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Changing Fate (Endgame #5) by Leigh Ann Lunsford (7)

Chapter Eight



Her flight landed a few minutes ago. I’m waiting for her mom to call and let me know she’s safe. I can’t say she’s home because her home is in Tennessee— with me. I’ve spent the last week here getting the house ready and the final touches done. Her stuff from Prague will arrive tomorrow and I’ll set that up for her and all that will be needed to be shipped is what she wants from the house in Kansas and her clothes. It was a must that I drive so we’ll have a car here at first but my mom was beside herself. An eleven hour trip took two fucking days between having to stop and sleep in a hotel and answering all her calls. I should have relented and allowed her to come with me.

This has to work— there isn’t another option for me. Or her.

I grab my phone when it rings. “Hello.”

Abigail is laughing. “She’s here and ornery as ever.” I shake my head. While my girl is sweet and selfless— she has a feisty streak. “Her dad is currently chasing her through the parking garage because he refuses to believe she’s an adult.”

“Oh lord. What is she doing to him?” I dread the answer.

“She lit a cigarette in front of him. He tossed it. She mouthed off. And lit another one.” I can hear the humor in her tone.

I growl. “He should have tanned her hide.” She will quit that habit.

“Caden, she’s an adult. I don’t particularly love the smoking for health reasons but you, her dad, her friends, nor I can make this decision for her.”

I sigh. “Okay.” And it’s that easy. I don’t love her smoking but if she’s determined I’ll roll with it. I’m her partner, not her dictator.

“I’ll talk to her. I think it gives her something to focus on other than her pain.”

“How is she?” I need to know.

“As I said— ornery. But she’s lost too much weight. She isn’t sleeping if the purple rings are any indication.”

“A few more days.” I promise her mom.

“I know. We’ve got flights for everyone and I think your dad forwarded you the itinerary. You’ll be busy with airport runs.” She informs me.

“I got them. The guys arrive a few hours after the girls. And the rest of y’all get in Saturday evening.”

“If y’all need to shadow the girls for the party we can pitch in and keep the kids.” She offers.

“I’ll let them know. Thanks.”

“Anything. See you in a few days.” We end the call. Nobody asks me what I’m doing for a grand gesture and I wouldn’t tell them. This is for her. From me. I’ve enlisted help but not from our friends. They just have to get her ass there. The rest is up to me.

I turn and look at the piece of wall I cut from my closet. It’s hanging over the fireplace with an empty frame under it. I have plans regarding which photo will go in there but I’ll make that decision with her. It’s dependent on her response and how good my begging is.



Can the time go any slower? Tonight is the girls’ night in Kansas— they’re staying in with the kids. Tomorrow they’re shopping and hitting the spa and going to a local bar with the guys where Avery will get the phone call that will rock her world. She’ll be summoned to Nashville under the guise of her contract at The Factory being up. She forgot that year contingency. Little does she know, it’s been handled and it is hers with a four-year lease with an option to extend. It’s my gift to her— made quite a dent in my trust fund but nobody argued with me when I made the decision. I’d drain every penny I had to give her the world.

I need to show here we’re a team. While she’s here supporting my dream, I’m supporting hers. I’ll never take that for granted again. And I have an appointment in an hour to prove to her I’ll never forget her again. I don’t care what accident gets thrown at my head . . . she’ll be permanent.

I call Breck. “Did you send it?”

“Yes, freak. It should be there by three today. I have to say it turned out great.” I sent her a few images for her to set in a collage and frame with words surrounding it that meant something to us. Picasso. Ruthian. Mr.&Mrs. Dr.&Wife. Breck’s the photographer in the bunch and can work magic with images. Some weren’t for anyone’s eyes but mine but I trust Breck and I know she respects Avery. “I have to say. . . the one in the blue lingerie— I’ve never seen love look so pure and sultry at the same time.”

“Thanks.” I inhale. “I’m nervous as fuck.”

“Don’t. I hated lying to Aves these last weeks but I understand the reasoning. I’ll try to keep everyone under control.”

“Bullshit. You’ll be the ringleader. And I want y’all to have fun.” I shake my head at the antics they’ll get into.

“See you Sunday.” She hangs up and I know she has a flight to catch. I pace the floors waiting for the photos to be delivered so I can get to my appointment. I’m placing those images in my study room and nobody will see them. But I want to be able to look at her all day if I want to— I need a solid reminder with me at all times. These last weeks have been hell and have played with my psyche.

“Hello.” My phone is non-stop ringing.

“Hey honey.” My mom greets me. “Your MCAT scores came along with the letter for Vanderbilt.”

“Did you open them?” God, what if I bombed? No way— I knew this stuff.

“No. Do you want me to? I didn’t know if it was something you wanted to do with Avery.” Holy shit, this woman is brilliant.

“Perfect. Bring them with you.” If I’m still accepted for fall, we’ll begin that journey together— if I get wait listed or denied, I’ll figure out what to do while I work my ass off to get accepted and in the meantime, she can spread her wings and grow her gallery. There’s always going to be bumps and unknowns in the crazy thing we call life but with Avery by my side, I’ll be able to handle whatever curveballs are thrown at me and I’ll be there to support her when life gives her a twirl.



Leaving the shop, I can’t keep the grin off my face. Mason stayed on the phone with me the entire time for moral support— but I didn’t need him. I’ve got this. “Don’t forget the ring.” I remind him before I start my car. We’ll have to get Avery’s here but we’ll figure it out later. That’s a drive I’m not eager to repeat anytime in the near future.

“I’ve got it. Breck distracted her with sorting some shit and I swiped it. I hope to hell she doesn’t notice.” I laugh at the fear in his voice.

“Let’s hope.” I chuckle.

“Fuck you. You’re safe in another state— it’ll be my dick she chops off.” He gripes.

“At least it will be an easy job.”

“Fuck you.” He hangs up— still such a sensitive topic with him.

Fuck. I have two days to wait . . . worry . . . wonder. I grab my blanket and pillow settling down to watch some movies. I refuse to sleep in our new bed until she’s next to me but my back is revolting. The couch she circled in one of the magazines we had may look good but it’s shit for comfort.

Funny how easy it was to put the house together once I remembered. We had everything picked and a lot purchased just waiting for us to set up delivery. Hell, we were weeks from starting this life— but I went ahead with our plans. When she comes home it will be the home she created.