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Dirty SEAL (A Navy SEAL Romance) (The Maxwell Family) by Alycia Taylor (103)

Chapter Six



I hung around the bus lot all day on our day off. I wrote some more music and then I had lunch and shot the shit with a few of the guys in the band for a while. They even played some of the new songs I wrote and let me sing through them. It was good to hear them with the band, that way I knew what adjustments I needed to make. All in all, it was a pretty good day. I did run into Tony while I was on my way out of the room the band and I used. It pissed me off just to look at him.

“Hi Tristan! How are things going?” he asked, like maybe we were old friends.

“Good,” I said, trying to just brush past the little fucker and go about my business.

“Hey! I thought maybe we should talk about what happened with Brooke the other night.” I stopped in my tracks. How the hell did he know about that?

“What about it?” I said, not committing to anything.

“She was talked to about her behavior and she promised it wouldn’t happen again. She understands that there will be consequences if it does.”

I nodded and then I asked, “How did you know about it?”

“Security had to put it in their report. She scratched Brad up pretty good. He had to report it. Clint wanted to just release her from her contract…let her go. But Jake spoke up for her. He’ll only do that once though, so I don’t think she’ll be acting out like that again.”

I’d heard rumors about Jake and the girls in the production crew. I wondered if he was fucking he singers, too, and that was why he’d stuck up for Brooke. I had a feeling if it came down to me or her, I’d be out of there in a flash. It was good to know that she had the CEO on her side in case she pulled any more crap.

I nodded at Tony again and then walked away. I’d had a good day until then. I did my best to shake off the irritation he’d stirred up in me. My mind went back to Elly. I’d thought about it all night and finally made up my mind to talk to her. It was crazy; it had gone way too far. I didn’t fuck skanky Brooke and somehow I needed to find a way to prove it to Elly. I procrastinated all day. I wasn’t ready to admit it yet, but I was scared of losing her. I had come to depend on her for so many things, and none of them had anything to do with the fact she’d been basically supporting me for three months. I’d seriously become immune to other women, I think. In the past, when one left another was waiting in the wings. Any port in a storm was my personal motto. All of a sudden, unless it’s Elly’s private port, I didn’t want anything to do with it.

I finally took a shower around four thirty and walked over towards where her bus was. I was almost there when I saw the door open and Elly step into view. Right behind her, some blonde GQ looking guy stepped out. I’ll be a son of a bitch! What the hell was she doing? I stood behind one of the other buses and watched. They were talking and laughing and Elly looked really comfortable with him. I’d never seen the guy around the set. If he was one of the producers, he was new. Was it possible she met someone new that quickly and was already sleeping with him? She did have sex with me the first time we met…in a bathroom of all places…

They took off and I started following them. It was like I was on auto pilot. I didn’t make a conscious decision to follow them, I just did. I wasn’t a stalker. I wasn’t even one to follow a girl, ever. Usually it was because I didn’t give a shit enough about what someone else was doing to go through that much trouble over it. But there was this question in the back of my mind about why she seemed so familiar with this guy. Here she was not speaking to me because she thought that I’d screwed Brooke yet she was flitting around Colorado with some guy, laughing it up. I followed them out onto the street and watched as they turned left and headed down to the shopping area there. It was in walking distance and there were three or four restaurants. They were still talking and laughing. What the hell could she have so much to talk to this asshole about?

The sidewalk wasn’t crowded but there were enough people out and about that I could blend in. I saw them step into a nice, expensive looking steakhouse. New boyfriend must have some money, I figured. Feeling like a creeper, but unable to force myself to leave, I sat outside the restaurant and waited for them to come out. I definitely knew where to come if I ever decided that Elly’s pussy wasn’t the only one I wanted. I was sitting right in front of the bar part of the restaurant and I got hit on by pleasantly drunk women at least three times before Elly and Preppy Boy finally came out. Like the creepy stalker I had become, I ducked behind an SUV and watched them. They still looked happy…assholes!

They started back towards the lot, but then I saw Yuppie boy grab Elly around the waist with both hands. I was standing too far away to see her face, but she didn’t look to be protesting. Then he spun her around and pulled her up against him. I can’t describe the feeling it gave me to watch her kiss him. It was like this sick feeling in my gut that moved up into my chest the more I watched. I honestly don’t think I’d ever experienced jealousy before. I was glad, because it was a really shitty feeling. When it hit my chest, it turned into rage and I seriously wanted to kick someone’s ass.

I turned around and left, mostly afraid that I’d do something stupid if I stayed. I wanted to re-arrange his pretty face so badly but I had a feeling if I did that, I’d end up spending some time in a Colorado jail. I walked back over to the lot. My head was spinning, wondering what Elly was trying to do. Was this GQ creep a revenge fuck…or was he something more? The fact that she seemed to know him so well really bugged me. I started to head for my own bus, but I realized that I still needed to get it over with. I wanted her to look me in the eyes and tell me exactly what was going on with him. She’d had the nerve to accuse me of things I hadn’t done; it was time for her to face up to her own actions.

I went and sat on the step of her bus and waited for her to come back. I had to do some fancy self-talking about the boyfriend. If he came with her and said so much as a word to me, I just wasn’t sure if I’d be able to walk away without punching him in the mouth. Of course then I’d end up in jail and my shot at the million dollars would be blown. Fuck! Life was so much easier when I literally didn’t give a shit about anyone and everyone. I used to fuck a chick in the back room of the bar and not even bat an eye when she was making out with another guy ten minutes later. Shit, I had preferred it that way. Then why the hell was I acting like a creepy, jilted lover, skulking around in the dark?

I still waited in spite of how creepy I felt. I couldn’t convince myself not to. I had been waiting for about twenty minutes when I saw her coming towards me. She was by herself and I jumped up off the step and stood there waiting for her, both relieved and surprised that the prep school dude wasn’t with her. At least I didn’t have to kick his ass that night. I was confused about why she was there alone, though. From the looks of that kiss, the next stop was going to be bed. Or maybe that was why she was here…to get her things and head over to his place. Who the fuck was this guy anyways?