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Dirty SEAL (A Navy SEAL Romance) (The Maxwell Family) by Alycia Taylor (61)

Chapter Four



It was time to endure another results show. I wasn’t worried that week; the judges and everyone else there left no doubt in my mind that my song was as good as I thought it was. I smoked a little weed before I went down to the studio, just to take the edge off. I’d bought some new clothes; I was wearing a white open collar shirt and black jeans. I got my hair trimmed again, and I had to admit that I looked pretty damn good. I think that thought was confirmed by Brooke and her friend’s face when I walked in.

Elly was doing her best to ignore me, but that was okay. I had Brooke on the line and, good piece of ass or not, I had finally convinced myself that Elly was just too much trouble. She worried too much about everything: the show finding out we were sleeping together, finding a pipe and a bong at my place…I didn’t want trouble or drama or some chick telling me what to do. If she couldn’t chill out and lighten up, that was her problem. I wanted sex, and I was positive that as soon as she didn’t have a show to practice for the next night, Brooke intended to give me exactly what I wanted. My mouth was almost watering just thinking about it.

We all took our seats on the stage, I sat next to Brooke and that was the first time I actually saw Elly look at me. Brooke was whispering something in my ear about one of the other contestants and I could see Elly looking right at us. When she saw that I noticed, she turned her head quickly, but I knew she hated life right then. She’d screwed up and walked out. I could see in her eyes that she regretted it.

The host did his annoying thing again, as usual, and as each person was called to either stay or go, they again showed their performance from the previous night up on the big screen. I actually paid attention. We were getting closer to the end and I was finally interested in the competition. Some of my fellow contestants were decent singers, and a handful of them left me wondering how the hell they’d made it this far. Two of the seats in the bottom were already filled when the emcee called Brooke’s name. He showed a clip of her performance and two of the judges saying they loved it and the third one telling her it was ‘a little pitchy.’ Then he said, “Brooke, I’m sorry…but you’re gonna have to do this all again next week. You made it into the next round!”

She jumped up and down and I watched her tits bounce. I had no doubt that millions of men across the United States were staring at their television sets with their mouths watering. She suddenly turned around and hugged me tight, pressing her big tits into my chest. I felt my cock twitch, but willed it to stay down. It might have been just a little bit embarrassing to get caught on camera with a woody.

The emcee had me stand up next. I watched the screen as they ran part of my performance. I almost got the same rush watching it as I had living it. I fucking loved to perform. It sounded as good on tape as it had live. The video showed the judges’ reactions then and all of the things they’d said, then he turned to me and said, “Are you feeling pretty good tonight, Tristan?”

I started to say “Hell yes!” But, there was something in his voice that made me suspicious. For some reason I got a little paranoid and my stomach started churning. What if he was setting me up? What if I agreed that I’d blown it away and he sent me to the bottom three? I realized the pause was beginning to become uncomfortable and I finally said, “I’m feeling pretty good,” I thought that sounded a little less full of myself…just in case.

He let things drag out and then said, “Sorry Tristan….but we have to pause for a commercial break.”

I wanted to break the little bastard’s neck. I forced myself to smile for the camera and while they were no longer running the cameras and the make-up people were making the judges and the host pretty again, Brooke turned to me and said, “They’re not going to vote you off. They couldn’t. You’re amazing, Tristan.”

“I know,” I said, in a confident tone. Then I winked at her and smiled. She smiled back at me with a sexy, ‘I want to fuck you’ smile.

The host was getting ready to start back up. I could see Elly watching in my peripheral vision. I wish she wasn’t so damn hot, it would have been easier to forget about her. Pissed at her or not, every time I looked at her, I remembered how good she looked naked…and felt…and tasted…..

“So, Tristan,” the host was saying. “I’ll bet you’d like to know if you’re staying or going, right?”

“It would be nice to know…sometime tonight,” I told him with a smile. What I’d wanted to do is punch him in his face, but I was no rookie at this. I knew the importance of playing for the cameras and for a million dollars; I’d decided I was willing to do it, for now.

He laughed and said, “I’m sorry, I have been accused of being a drama queen a few times in my life.” Then he waited for everyone else to stop laughing and he said, “Sit down, Tristan…we’ll see you next week.” I got another big squeeze up against Brooke’s tits, which was worth it. I glanced across to where Elly stood, just briefly, but I could see her face. She actually looked happy for me.

We had to sit through the last two contestants, one of which ended up in the bottom three. Then we had to sit through two more commercial breaks and more of the host’s drama before he finally got to the point of who was leaving the show. It was a guy that I actually thought was pretty good. He was really unattractive though, and America sucked like that. I remembered them saying that he was a wedding singer. I hoped that at least the publicity he got off being on the show would help the poor guy out with that.

Brooke sidled up to me as we were breaking up and said, “How about we get a drink and celebrate?”

I slipped my arm around her shoulders and said, “That sounds great. There’s a little bar called The Glacier right around the corner here that I played at not too long ago.” We walked past Elly on our way out. She was talking to her friend and acted like she didn’t see us, but I’m pretty sure I felt her watching us as we left the building.

Brooke was bubbling with excitement and I couldn’t help think about how fun it would be to fuck her right then while she was on a natural high. It was strange: a few weeks prior any warm hole would have sufficed. Since I met Elly, I realized how much I’d been missing by not having a woman who was mentally present. With Brooke, I was only hesitating because I didn’t really want to complicate things with the show. I needed to feel her out a little more and see if she’d be the type who would be alright with a casual fuck.

“I can’t believe I’m here sometimes,” she said, looking around the city as we walked down the street. I could see the wonder in her eyes. I forgot what it was like to be excited about anything like that. I hadn’t been that excited about anything for longer than I could remember.

“Where are you from again?” I asked her. I should have known. They say it over and over again on the show. The truth was I just hadn’t cared enough about any of it to pay attention.

“Ohio. I’m from a tiny little town with a census of only about twelve hundred people. L.A. is like culture shock to me,” she said.

I switched back into predator mode; I was getting too caught up in things that weren’t going to end up with a curvy blonde in my bed. “Ohio knows how to grow them, I’ll give ‘em that,” I told her with a kiss to the side of her face.

She giggled and I felt her wiggle up closer to me. Then she said, “They grow them pretty well here too,” she said with a flirty smile.

We walked into the bar and the results show was playing on two televisions over the bar. We sat down and ordered our drinks. The bartender wouldn’t take my money; he recognized us both from the show and went on about how much he loved our music and how one of us should win. It was cool, especially when Brooke went to the bathroom and he told me that he actually thought that I should win, he just didn’t want to hurt her feelings.

While he’d been going on when we first got there, Brooke giggled again and said, “Wow! We’re famous. I can’t wait for the next round. I’m a nervous wreck, but so excited.” I took a drink of my beer and she said, “You don’t ever seem nervous. I wish I could be cool and calm like you all the time.” I took another swig of beer and winked at her. If she only knew.