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Electric Chaos (Controlled Chaos Book 1) by Robin R Edwards (17)

Chapter 28


It’s been a month since my

fight with Kellan. I have been staying with my friend Becca. I needed to be able to clear my head and deal with everything. I have al these emotions running through me and honestly, I didn’t know how to deal with most of them. So, since Becca lives on the beach, I came here, in hopes it would help.

In all the time I have known Kellan, I never thought he could be so cruel, and yet he was. I guess I didn’t know him as wel as I thought, and that hurts more than anything else.

I haven’t had my phone on in all the time I’ve been here, and I’ve just turned it on, so when it rings, it startles me. Seeing it’s Maddox, I hesitate to answer, but I

eventually do. When Becca comes out to join me on the deck, my expression must tell her something is happened because she immediately asked, “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. I had a message from

Kellan, he said that it turns out the woman was lying and that she isn’t pregnant.”

“That’s great, right?”

I shake my head, “yeah. It’s awesome.”

I actually smile, which I haven’t done in a month. I want to cal Kel an, but I can’t bring myself to do it just yet. My heart can’t handle talking to him right now. He no longer is my best friend.

When my phone pings, I look down at it. There’s a text from Maddox.

Maddox: Where are you? Are you ok?

Me: I’m at Becca’s. Well, ok as can be expected

Maddox: He’s an ass and an idiot!

Me: I know.

Maddox: Come to the show next weekend.

Me: I don’t think that’s a good idea.

Maddox: Why?

Me: you know why.

Maddox: we are al stil friends and you are still our stylist. Come as a friend.

Me: I don’t know

Maddox: Think about it, please?

Me: Fine. I’l think about it.

Walking along the beach has become one of my favorite things. I get to think and the ocean seems to help me put things together and in perspective. I place my phone back into my pocket and begin to walk down the beach.

Can I real y stil be friends with the guys and pretend like everything is fine between me and Kellan? Can I handle going to a show and watching Kellan leave with other

women? I honestly don’t think I can. At least, not yet.

I stayed two more days with Becca before returning to my life. Luckily, I have an awesome staff and the shop has been running without any help from me. I let them all know how much I appreciate them, before heading to my office. I work for several hours on new designs and new orders.

When my phone pings, I jump. “Son of a bitch.” I say as I grab my chest. I reach for it.

Maddox: So, are you coming?

Me: stil don’t know

Maddox: Please, for me and the guys.

Minus Kel an.

Me: Maybe

Maddox: I have a surprise for you.

And with that he knows I wil be there. I love surprises, as long as they are good ones.

Me: Fine, I’ll be there

Maddox: Good, see you then I drop my head down onto my desk. I’m not ready to see Kellan and pretend everything is fine between us, but I guess, now I don’t have a choice.

The night of the show, I am standing in my room, trying to figure out what I am going to wear. Nothing to sexy but nothing to drab either. Deciding on a pair of black skinny jeans, a red shirt and my black leather jacket.

When I get to the show, I head

backstage. Maddox sent me a text to let me know he left my pass with the bodyguard.

Once, I have my pass, I head to find the guys. Halfway there, I have got to stop and take a deep breath. My stomach is in knots and I feel sick. Getting myself under control,

I finally make it to their dressing room. I knock lightly.

When it flings open, Dane is standing there smiling at me.

“Hey gorgeous,” is all he says before I’m wrapped up in his arms.

“Hey you.”

Then all the guys are there, taking turns hugging me. Al except Kel an. I look around, but nope, he isn’t here. The knot in my stomach eases just a little. When Maddox is standing in front of me, I ask,

“Where’s my surprise?”

He smiles at me, “you’l get it in a little bit.

So, how are you?”

My shoulders slump, “ok, I guess.”

“Where have you been? We’ve been

worried about you.”

“I went to stay with a friend for a little while. I needed to clear my head.”

“I understand. Katy, just because you and Kellan aren’t together doesn’t mean we aren’t stil here for you.”

“I know. I’m sorry. Thank you, I love you guys.” I hug him hard, tears stinging my eyes. I blink to try and keep them from falling. It doesn’t work. I pull back and wipe my cheeks and eyes.

Maddox takes my hand, “come on Katy-kat, let’s go.”

I follow him to the stage. “I reserved you a seat out front. I’l see you after the show.”

He kisses my head, “go find your seat.”

I make my way to my seat. I’m stunned when I see Becca sitting in the seat beside the one that says reserved on it.

Smiling, I say, “What are you doing here?”

She replies, “I got a text that said I had a ticket and that I needed to come. Said you might need me.”

“I love these guys.” I tel her, before taking my seat.

When the show starts, it’s the same as usual. I have been watching Kellan the whole time. He looks good. When they start to play Without You, I don’t think I can handle any more and get up to leave.

When there is a hand on my arm stopping me from leaving, I turn and look at Becca.

“You have made it this far. Stay for the rest.”

“I can’t. This song they wrote for Ryker and while it’s for him, I feel those words more now than ever.”

“Katy, you are one of the strongest women I know. If you can make it through all the other songs, you can make it to the end. Trust me.”

I look up and realize the song has ended and just when I think the show is about to end, a light lights up on stage and there is Kellan.

“Hey everyone. I thought I would do something a little different tonight. I have something special for you.”

My heart hurts at the sound of his voice, but I can’t seem to move.

I watch as Dane comes out on stage with an acoustic guitar, and hands it to Kellan. I wonder what in the world he is doing.