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Fighting for Her (A Tantalizing Trope Novella Book 1) by Dee Ellis (6)


My path had always been headed back to Cress. Didn’t matter the years since I’d lost her—I was always coming for her. Even when I let her go, I always knew that this is exactly where we’d end up.

At first, I just worked. Just tried to build something that I could be proud of. That would make her proud. I kept my distance as long as I could stand. Which was just shy of three years. I went home to her many times before now.

I was there when she graduated. Jesus, she was so beautiful that day; so proud of herself as she took that diploma in her little hand. I saw her scan the crowd and knew she was looking for me. I wasn't ready for her to see me, so I made sure she didn't. But, I was there.

I was at that dive bar of Beau's when she started tending bar. Fuck, she was hot behind that bar, mouthing off to locals and making enough money to get her out of Eden Springs and into school here in Boston. Killed me to see that piece of shit Beau put his hands on her. My girl handled him like she did everyone else, though.

"Keep it up, Beau,” She smiled sweetly one night, twirling a paring knife she used to cut garnishes, “I'm fairly fucking handy with this, you know? I slice and dice like a pro, don't you think?" The insinuation was not lost on Beau; nor was the threat I made to him the first time I saw him rub his dick all over her.

"You touch her again, Beau, you know exactly what will happen, don't you?  I told you to give her a job and keep clear of her parents. Not try to get into her pants, you piece of shit. I. Will. Fucking. End. You. Do you think I'm joking?" I was just feet from my girl, her at one end of the bar and me at the other, making more promises she didn't know about.

"I'm just fucking with the kid. I know not to touch. I know...everyone knows she's your girl, Judge." Beau glanced between the two of us nervously and I smirked.

"Exactly, motherfucker. Cress is mine. Be wise to remember that, Beau. I hear about another man putting his hands on my woman again you will regret it more than he will." My rage was all I had to get my though shit by then.

Another reason I kept my distance for a while.

After losing almost my entire world at once, I had more aggression than I knew what to do with. My uncle, my mother's only sibling, taught me how to focus it. At first, I thought he wanted me to be a street fighter for some quick cash. That's what he had done after his dreams of being the next Rocky sailed out the window with one too many concussions.

Instead, he introduced me to real boxing. Taught me how to work, how to channel my rage into something that could get me through life. Something that would make it possible to keep the promises I made to a girl in the dark in another life.

I fought for Cress for most my life and really, I still was. Now though, I got paid for it. A hell of a lot, in fact.  I was good at it because I had a purpose for it. I fought for her, to give her those promises, to take her to Paris, to any fucking place she could ever want to go.

It wasn't lost on me that being a fighter might not win me points with my girl. Cress hated violence; how could she not with the way she grew up? I was the only man who didn't cause her to flinch when I touched her. When I advanced on her too fast. If I rose my voice a little.

I worried for years as I fought my way through the ranks that she would hate me for it. That if she ever saw me fight, saw the rage that boiled over the minute that bell rang, she might look at me the way she used to her father. That would break my fucking heart. I was a selfish bastard with Cress so I waited until I couldn't wait anymore.

First, I fought to make enough to pay for good care for my mother. Then, to build a life for me and my Bug. While I trained and perfected my trade, I never strayed too far from her. I made trips back home when I could. Always staying in the shadows.

When I knew she’d had enough of Eden Springs and was headed off Boston for college, I decided to move my training there too. My connections made sure she got into her school of choice, and my first big purses made sure she never had to worry about tuition.

Hell, even rooming with Hope had been my doing. Her father was one of my first sponsors. Despite Hope’s fuck-it-all attitude, I knew she was good people. Although, Hope trying to shove dicks at my girl every fucking chance she got pissed me the fuck off. Cook and Bert, their concierge and their driver, did all they could to thwart those efforts, of course.

They were on my payroll, after all; I owned that condo, not Hope or her daddy. I bought it for my girl to be closer to me.

My mother was still in Oregon, and I went back often, but I moved to Boston permanently. For almost two years I stalked her like a fucking lunatic. Even watched her try to date, which ripped my heart out. I tried once or twice too. But, it could never be Cress and so it was a waste of time.

"Judge..." Cress murmurs now, looking sexy and wanton as my hands skim over her naked form. Learning her again. Branding her with my fingers.

"Bug,” I smile down at her, my chest filling with love as she smiles that sexy smile up at me, “I missed this. Holding you in bed. Even though it was never like this." She giggles then moans as my large hand cups her tiny pussy.

"Oh....we need.... I need to...oh." Fuck, she gets wet for me so fast. I want to make her come until she forgets the years we’d been without each other.

"Mmm, I need to watch you come for me again, Bug. Then I need to tell you everything. Then you need to ride my face so I can taste your sweet pussy. Look at me, baby." Cress's eyes flutter, long lashes hitting her cheeks as she struggles to obey.

"Baby,” My cock jerks as she moans, her hips lifting, “Please..." I drop my head to suck her left nipple into my mouth, my fingers spreading her slick lips open.

"Eyes on me, Bug. Do you need me to make this little pussy come again? To know you're mine?" Her hips buck as I spread her wetness all over the swollen pink folds.

"No, baby,” I bite at her nipple hard and she gasps, “I already know that, Judge." Well, fuck. Thought it might take us more time to get to that; my cock swells in response to her surrender.

"Fuck yes you are. Doesn’t matter how long I waited to come claim you. You have always been mine, Bug. You will always be mine. Tell me, right now. Let me hear you say who this pussy belongs to."

"You. I belong to you. I waited for you to come, Judge. I didn't.... oh shit." My thumb presses to her swollen clit as one finger slides between her hot slit.

"I was always coming for you, baby. Always. You know I belong to you too, don't you, Bug?" Her moans make me rock hard as I plunge another finger into her heat.

"Do you? Then where the fuck, oh God....oh shit." I punish her doubt by pumping into her hard, rubbing furiously at her clit.

"Don't make me punish you, baby. Even though, it feels like my girl's greedy pussy loves to be punished, yeah,” I pump into her, curling my fingers, “So greedy for my touch. Just mine, yeah? I watched you tonight. I knew you needed fucked. Knew you’d never let someone touch you like I do. Tell me. Let me hear it." I know her, know her better than I know myself. Others might look, but they never got to touch her. Not like this. Not like I do.

"Only you, Judge. It's only ever been you to make me feel like this. I should hate you,” Her beautiful eyes glitter with tears and I move to kiss them away, “I don't though. I couldn't even when I tried to." I watched that too; when she first got to Boston she tried to erase our memories. Tried to throw away pieces of me, of our past. A jersey of mine she always wore; pictures of us together, a stuffed monkey I won her at a carnival once. I watched her throw it away after she moved in to the condo; seconds later, she came out, snatching it up and I felt my heart piece back together.

"You can hate me all you want Bug. Hate me if you need to. I can handle your hate. Just don't fool yourself and think you got a choice here. You're mine, Cress. This sweet pussy,” I pump slower, watching her go mad as she bucks her hips, “These tits,” I bend over her to suckle at them and she moans, my cock twitching, “Every single piece of you. It all,” I pump faster and faster, watching her flush and ride my hand, “belongs to me. Come for me, Bug. Ride my fingers just like that, baby. Come for me. Let me hear you, Bug." Her pussy gets tight, her thighs tremble as she flushes all over, quaking under my touch.

"Oh fuck! Judge....oh God! Yes. Yes!" I press harder and harder at her clit, my fingers wet from her juices, then sink a finger into her tight ass and she screams.

"Fuck you're so beautiful when you come for me, Bug." As she watches with hooded eyes, I suck my fingers into my mouth, licking her come from them, groaning at the sweetness.

"Judge." Cress covers her face with her hand and giggles and that sound pieces together part of my heart. She’s been putting me together all night.

Something in me tonight forced me to step out of the shadows I’d remained in so long. I couldn’t let her be alone any more. Couldn’t let her live her life without me any longer. Cress meant what she said; she maybe tried to hate me, but she was always waiting for me.

Cress knew it was me holding her long before let herself believe it. Oh, she maybe didn't realize it till I showed up at her door. She knew, though. My Bug would never let a man touch her like that, hold her so intimately. Not like I had on that dance floor, and certainly not with others watching.

No, Cress had constructed a very cute and safe persona that left people thinking she was cold. Shut off to most the world. Just a few had cracked it. Mostly people that I surrounded her with; Hope, Bert who she adored and her driver, Cook.

I shouldn't be thankful for it but I fucking was. Made it easier on me to watch her, knowing she was waiting. That she wouldn't settle for less than me. Which was a fuck of a lot less than she deserved given how much of a coward I’d been.

Cook let me know tonight that Hope had been up to her tricks tonight. And that maybe, just maybe, I ought to find my girl and do something about letting her know she was still my girl. The moment I saw her on that floor tonight, I knew I’d come to her just in time.

Fuck she looked hot in that dress; I should punish her letting other men see her like that. Her tits barely fit in the lacy V-neck and I could see her thong through the thin material. Her thick thighs as she shimmied and danced, tits and ass shaking, made me want them wrapped around my head, mouth sucking at her sweetness.

When I pressed close, my cock hard against her plump ass, I knew I would be fucking her right there. I was like a fucking animal once I smelled her and felt her softness against me again. I had to take her, make her mine, mark her if I had to. So, I did.

After guilt made her break away, I knew I had waited long enough. Nearly too long. My girl was hurting as bad as I was. There was no reason to wait longer, to make us hurt like this. I had to end it tonight.

I’d come to the condo and let Cook and Bert know they were off duty for the rest of the weekend. There were two other people living in the condo; Cook to keep an eye on the girls. And sometimes, when I couldn't stand to be away from her, I stayed beneath her. Felt good to be so close to her when I needed her. It was creepy as fuck, I knew it, but sometimes I had to be close to her.

"Baby,” I murmur now, kissing at her neck, licking and sucking at the skin dewy from her orgasm, “I got a lot of shit to say. Tell me one thing before I start." I press an open-mouthed kiss to her ear and we both shudder as she moans.

"What, baby?" Fuck, I love her. No hesitation even when I deserve it, just willingness. Eagerness even.

"Don't hate me after I tell you everything. I just can't wait to have you any longer. I want you too fucking bad, Bug. So, don't hate me,” I plead as I watch her eyes light up, “I can't really handle it if you truly hate me." I lean away, stilling my hands and trying to clear my fuck fogged brain.

"Mmm,” Cress licks her swollen lips as her eyes flutter, “Told you I tried. Doesn't work. I have loved you since I knew how to love someone, Judge Walker. I fucking miss you and if you leave me again I might just kill you. So, tell me what you need to say, baby." I kiss her long and hard then, taking her mouth roughly, hands tangled in her mussed hair.

"I love you, baby. So fucking much. I never stopped and I never fucking will. You are my stars, Bug. The light in my skies. I never gave up on us, on the promises I made you and I never fucking will. You are my girl and that's just how the fuck it is." I say again, watching tears fill her eyes as she smiles brightly. Like the fucking sun.

"I love you too baby. Jesus Christ, I feel like I can breathe again. Don't take it away again. Don't....make it so I can't breathe again, Judge. Please." I climb off the bed, going to the en suite to grab my pants.

"I will never leave you again. In fact, we don't ever have to leave this fucking room again if you don't want to, Bug." I dig the paperwork out of my pocket and kneel on the floor beside the bed.

"I think Hope's daddy might have..." I spread it out in front of her, tugging at her legs to bring them on either side of my shoulders. Leaning forward, I press a kiss at her swollen pussy then lick her. Just once.

"Mmm, so fucking sweet. No... baby the place is yours. Ours if you want it to be. You did not get kicked out of the dorms because Hope fucked her RA. You were moved because I wanted you moved. I moved here when you did. To Boston, I mean. I left you to go to Oregon but, baby, I never fucking left you." Cress looks at the deed, with her name on it, to the upscale condominium that holds four other apartments. I paid for it in cash and concocted the lie about Hope's daddy with the man himself.

"What. In. The. Actual. Fuck!" Well shit.

Cress looks hot as fuck angry. I think better of sharing that just now, though.




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