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Freshers by Tom Ellen (5)


‘None left,’ Frankie shouted from the other side of the fancy-dress shop. She groaned before disappearing. Me and Negin found her splayed out on the floor, wailing dramatically. Her height meant she covered almost an entire aisle.

‘Shame,’ the woman at the front of the shop said halfheartedly. ‘We’ve been that busy.’

Above the empty section where Frankie was lying was a label that said ‘ghost robes’.

‘This is effort,’ Frankie whined and closed her eyes as if she was going to fall asleep on the shop floor. ‘I swear the last five nights have broken me.’

I kicked her gently. ‘Come on, last night of Freshers’, mate.’

‘All right, Connor, calm down.’ Negin shook her head and then peered at Frankie. ‘And what’s happened to you? This morning you were so emoji party obsessed you wanted to make a papier mâché lychee with a yoga ball.’

‘No, but such a good idea.’ Frankie opened her eyes. ‘If someone bowls in papier mâchéd up as the lychee I’m gonna be livid. Same with the duck coming out of a cardboard-box egg.’

Negin picked up a random scythe. ‘The ghost is so obvious.’

‘What about the moon?’ I said. ‘We could all go as the moon at different stages of its development.’

Frankie snorted from the floor. ‘You’re supposed to take an emoji and sex it up. Like, sexy crocodile, sexy satchel, sexy loaf of bread.’ She flung her leg in the air and pouted. ‘Sexy the moon in different stages of development.’ She howled with laughter.

‘Sexy bread,’ Negin repeated slowly. ‘Sexy. Bread.’

Frankie held a finger up. ‘Mate, trust me, there will be at least one sexy loaf of bread there. Probably two or three.’

‘If you wanted to be sexy you would go as the bunny girls or the flamenco dancer or the . . . I dunno . . .’ I got my phone out.

‘Sexy bread,’ Frankie shouted.

The woman behind the counter glanced over at us. ‘I’ve got no Playboy bunnies left,’ she said. ‘And no sexy senoritas either.’

‘See?’ I said to Frankie. I looked at the woman: ‘How many bread costumes have you got left?’

‘None. We’ve got a Heinz beans?’

‘I don’t think there’s a Heinz beans emoji.’ I looked down at Frankie. ‘We just need to find any old thing now. It’s three o’clock. We just need to buy whatever.’

‘It’s the last night of Freshers’ Week,’ Frankie said. ‘We’ll remember it for ever.’

Would we though? It was impossible to know. There’s always a chance that tonight is going to be the night you remember for ever, but then it never is. I’ve randomly never forgotten me and Flora sneaking out of our houses in the middle of the night in Year Eight and cycling round the empty town centre. Not the whole night, just this snippet, this moment of it, really. I don’t know why my brain chooses to remember that, out of all the nights that ever happened. Maybe tonight would be burnt into my brain for ever. Maybe tonight is one of those nights. Maybe.

Over the past five days, me, Negin and Frankie had started to feel like a little team. We messaged each other when we woke up and went shopping together and checked we were all not dead before we went to bed. It was a relief to have found people who were nice and who seemed to like me. They weren’t Flora, but then how could they be? That’s what’s weird about the whole thing; how you’re expected to be so insanely close to people you’ve only just met. I was still careful with Negin and Frankie; I tried to pick up on what kind of people they were, and mirror it, to not do anything that would rock the boat of our five-day friendship. Maybe we were all doing that though? Maybe we’d all talk about it one day.

I picked up some mouse ears. Maybe the mouse was a good middle ground between sexy and fun.

‘Is there a nun emoji?’ Frankie asked, clambering to her feet. Her and Negin were still buried in their phones. ‘I swear there is.’

‘Who would need a nun emoji?’ I picked up a plastic corncob and held it up to Negin.

‘The Pope?’ said Negin. ‘The Pope’s on Instagram.’

‘Yeah, well, if there is a nun emoji I’m going as that. I am literally the Nun of Freshers’. I need to turn things around tonight.’

‘Nothing says get with me like corn on the cob.’ I held it in front of my mouth and smiled.

‘There are no tall men,’ Frankie wailed. ‘I thought there’d be Dutch exchange students. I hate my height.’

‘Can you hate your height later?’ asked Negin. ‘We’ve got, like, two hours. We need to focus.’ She went back to scrolling through her phone and me and Frankie dutifully followed suit.

‘Shut. Up.’ Frankie poked me in the arm and looked out the window.

It was Josh and Will, crossing the road. My whole face flooded with heat.

‘I can’t see Will,’ I hissed. ‘Not now. Shall I hide? I’ve never even seen him in daylight.’

‘Like a vampire!’ Frankie yelled.

I had never seen him when we were not in a bar and either about to get with each other or getting with each other. I stared at the floor. We had been together for ages in the club last night. Only a few hours ago really. But in the daytime, everything was different. I picked up a skirt labelled ‘rock and roll sweetheart’ and pretended to be examining it intensely. Frankie and Negin acted ‘browsing with intent’ too.

‘This looks weird,’ Negin whispered as the door swung open, and they walked in.

‘Hey,’ I said, and waved. Hard. Almost to the level of flagging someone down in the street. I tried to tone it down by tucking my hair behind my ears and sort of shrugging. Which obviously looked quite mental. Will smiled at me lazily. It was ridiculous how he still managed to look hot on three hours’ sleep. I couldn’t think of anything to say.

‘There are no ghost robes.’ Thank god Negin was there.

‘And no bread. There was never actually any bread.’ And Frankie.

‘If Connor was here you know what he’d say.’ Josh smiled.

‘Last night of Freshers’!’ we all chimed in a Connor-esque cheer.

‘Exactly.’ Josh nodded. ‘How are you feeling?’

‘We’re all going to have a group disco nap to prepare,’ Frankie said. ‘And I’ve bought Crunchy Nut Cornflakes and two bags of giant chocolate buttons.’

She offered them the open box of cereal we had been eating on our way around town and they both took a handful.

I was desperate to say something so that the situation wasn’t weird. ‘We don’t know what to go as,’ I blurted out, slightly manically.

Will smiled at me. ‘Nor do we. You haven’t got any huge cartoon eyes have you?’ The woman at the front of the shop shook her head. Will nodded and grimaced. ‘Stuff like this is not easy on a hangover.’ The fact he had even half-referenced last night made me blush even more. We were facing each other and I felt like he was nervous too. Negin and Frankie and Josh were talking to the woman. I shuffled my feet.

‘They don’t really give you much time to sort out what you’re going to wear and . . . stuff.’ I sounded like a mum.

Will nodded. ‘Yeah, but no one really cares when you get there. Loads of people will just wear a hat or paint their face or something. Honestly, it’s nothing to stress about.’

Oh god, it was so cringe. We had kissed for so long last night and it was just there, splodged between us, this giant mountain of unsaid physical contact. Even accidentally brushing against his sleeve would feel like an invasion of personal space now. I kept not looking directly at him. Like he was the sun or something. This tiny moment of silence passed and in it we both looked at each other. And it was like making eye contact kind of acknowledged the kissing all week on various dance floors. And then we both smiled at the same time and then it turned into a laugh. And we were both just laughing together, both knowing why but not saying anything.

Then he looked at his phone. ‘I’ve got to take football trials in like an hour, so we better go.’

The mention of football made Luke Taylor pop into my head. I hadn’t forgotten about the whole first night. Although now I couldn’t really remember what actually had or had not happened between him being The One on the bridge and The One who stood me up at quidditch. Frankie had taken to calling him ‘Luke Taylor, Quidditch Bailer’, which, to be fair, was quite catchy.

I had seen him a few times over the week but we had basically just blanked each other. Which in any other situation would have been the major drama of my existence, but in this Freshers’ haze, with Will chucked in, it had just become a weird thing I blocked out of my mind. I think Luke Taylor is destined to be one of the enigmatic mysteries of my life. It’s like we belong on different sides of a Venn diagram and the first night of Freshers’ was a strange crossover that should never have happened.

‘Ready?’ Josh said, and Will nodded. ‘See you later,’ he smiled at me. ‘Hope you find something. I’m sure, you know . . . you’ll look nice whatever.’

And then they left.

Frankie cackled so loudly the woman in the shop jumped. And then she was laughing so hard she could hardly breathe. She was doubled over. ‘”You’ll look nice.”’

‘Stop.’ I put my head in my hands. ‘Stop.’

‘You’ll. Look. Nice.’

Negin was laughing in a more genteel way. ‘I think it’s sweet. Cringe. Cringe-sweet.’

‘You’ll look nice,’ they chanted, while we bought mouse ears and cat ears and a plastic turtle and the corn. And after every time they said it they burst into even more hysterics until it just started to feed on itself and none of us could really breathe.

‘Why is everyone always having sex except me?’ Frankie wiped away tears.

‘I’m not having sex,’ Negin said.

‘Yeah, and I haven’t even slept with Will,’ I added.

Yet.’ Frankie handed me the box of Crunchy Nut Cornflakes. ‘I think you need to carb load. You know . . . for later.’


I was in the kitchen, nursing a hangover so horrendous I could literally feel it in my bones.

The past five days had basically snowballed into one long, hazy night out. It had been a weird drunken cycle of going out to whatever party was happening down at the bar, then coming back up to Arthur’s room, getting stoned, waking up on his floor, having breakfast, getting stoned again, playing Xbox, going out again, coming back, getting stoned . . . And so it went, on and on and on.

I had been making a concerted effort to block out all thoughts of Abbey, and the best way to do that seemed to be to just keep going: keep drinking and smoking and partying, so that my brain didn’t have a chance to settle on her for longer than a few minutes. Occasionally, though, lying wasted on Arthur’s floor at five in the morning, she’d float into my head, and a hot wave of guilt would sweep right through me.

I speed-ate a Nutella sandwich over the sink, keeping one eye on Beth’s door, as I could hear her and Barney whispering and giggling inside. Then I went into Arthur’s. He and Rita were playing what looked like a fairly intense game of Scrabble; she was sat cross-legged on the duvet, hunched over the board, while he was kneeling on the floor, his elbows propped up on the edge of the bed.

‘Yes, Luke,’ he croaked, not taking his eyes off the board. ‘Man, I’m fucking feeling it this morning. We should not have done those last Jägerbombs.’

‘Gherkin,’ said Rita cheerfully, laying down some tiles. ‘Fourteen, plus a double letter score on the K, so that’s . . . nineteen. Quite pleased with that. Hey, Luke.’

‘Hey, Rita.’ I sat down on Arthur’s wheelie chair. ‘Gherkin. Good work.’

‘Cheers. Your go, Arth.’

Arthur exhaled slowly and pinched the bridge of his nose. ‘Er . . . What words are there? I feel like I’ve forgotten all the words.’ He turned to me. ‘What are some words, Luke?’

Rita smiled at him like a nurse might smile at a patient. ‘You’ve got an “s” there, Watling. Just do “gherkins”.’

Arthur nodded, and laid the ‘s’ down. ‘Gherkins. Genius. This game is really fucking difficult when you’re hungover.’

‘I’m quite enjoying it,’ Rita said. ‘It’s like I’m playing against myself.’

‘You got your outfit for tonight, then?’ Arthur asked me, shaking out a new tile from the bag.

‘Yeah,’ I said. ‘Well, I just printed out a thumbs-up in the computer room. Gonna glue it to a white T-shirt.’

‘Classic,’ Arthur smirked. ‘You’ve really pulled out all the stops there.’

‘What you going as, then?’

‘Oh, you’ll see, my friend. I’ve got this emoji thing locked down, trust me.’

‘What time are we doing pre-drinks, then?’ I yawned.

Arthur snorted. ‘We can have our own pre’s in here. The chemists are being boring as fuck, as usual. And I haven’t seen Beth or Barney all day.’

‘I think Beth and Barney are shagging each other, actually,’ I said. ‘I forgot to tell you, I saw him coming out of her room on the first night.’

Arthur spun round to look at me. ‘Fuck, you’re kidding? I’m surprised he hasn’t stuck a Post-It on her.’

Rita threw a tile at his face. ‘Oi. You misogynist knobhead.’

Arthur took his cap off and ran a hand through his scraggly hair. ‘I definitely need a Twix after that bombshell. Who’s going to the machine? Nominate Luke.’

‘You can’t nominate me.’ I stood up, stretching my arms out, painfully. ‘I’ve got to go to football trials.’

‘What, seriously?’ Arthur looked appalled. ‘Can’t they postpone that? It’s Freshers’ Week. You can’t make people do exercise when they’re hungover. It’s a human rights violation.’

‘Yeah, well. It’ll probably make me feel better in the long run.’

‘I highly doubt that,’ Arthur muttered.

Rita laid some tiles on the board, and he squinted down at them. ‘”Can’t”? You can’t have “can’t”, Reets! Even I know that. Where’s your apostrophe? There’s no apostrophe!’

‘It’s “cant”,’ Rita laughed. ‘It means, like, “hypocritical bullshit”.’

This is hypocritical bullshit,’ he huffed. ‘You can’t just make words up.’

Rita climbed off the bed, and patted him on the shoulder. ‘All right, Watling. You google “cant” and I’ll go and get us both a Twix, shall I?’

Arthur jumped up and hugged her tightly. ‘Maurita, I love you, man. You are literally the greatest person that’s ever lived. Have I ever told you that?’

‘Yes,’ Rita said. ‘Yes, you have. Now give me some change for the machine.’

Me and Rita stepped out of B Block into the mid-afternoon breeze. ‘How you finding Freshers’ Week then, Luke?’ she asked, as we trooped along the covered walkway towards the munchie machines.

‘Yeah . . . It’s good. I mean, it’s pretty . . . mad. But good. I dunno. How was your Freshers’?’

‘Not great, to be honest,’ she said. ‘It’s like, there’s so much pressure to have fun that you can’t really . . . have fun. You know?’ I nodded. ‘Plus, I was splitting up with my boyfriend,’ she added. ‘That was pretty grim.’

Something I had learnt about Rita over the past few days was that she didn’t really do small talk. She came out with big, meaningful, surprisingly honest statements in the same way most people came out with comments about the weather. It made me really like her.

‘Was he at York Met, too?’ I asked. ‘Your boyfriend?’

‘No, Jack’s at Edinburgh. We both went off to uni, thinking it would be OK long-distance, and then three days into Freshers’ Week he just called me and said it wasn’t going to work.’

‘Shit, really?’

‘Yeah.’ We got to the munchie machine, and she started feeding a thick block of 20p pieces into the slot. ‘I mean, it’s fine. And it’s definitely for the best that it happened. He was actually a bit of a knob, to be honest. He used to wear a flat cap. And you can’t really get away with that unless you’re a farmer or a 1920s gangster.’

‘And he wasn’t either, I’m guessing?’

‘Unfortunately not, no. So, yeah . . . I guess my memories of Freshers’ Week aren’t that great on the whole. I mean, it’s good that you’re having fun and everything, but it does get better than this, trust me. Contrary to popular belief, this is not the best bit of university.’

She smiled at me as the Twixes spiralled off the shelf and clattered noisily into the machine’s belly. For a split second, I considered telling her about Abbey. Just spilling everything that had happened from results day to right now, and asking her what she thought. I wanted to talk to someone about it so badly.

But if I couldn’t get it straight in my own head, how was I supposed to explain it to anyone else? The truth was, I didn’t know how to describe it without it sounding like I was the bad guy. Like I’d ruined Abbey’s life. Which seemed to pretty much confirm that I was the bad guy. That I had ruined her life.

We said goodbye and I headed over to trials. The pitches were all the way across campus, so I followed the covered walkway right around the edge of the lake, exchanging nods with people I vaguely recognized from drunken nights out. The grass was still shimmering with dew and the ducks were out in full force, quacking their heads off. It was bitterly cold, but the sun was glaring down in the blueish-white sky, making my hangover scratch angrily at my temples.

All the football lads greeted me enthusiastically, even when I told them I might genuinely throw up at any minute. ‘Don’t worry, mate, we’re all suffering,’ said one bloke called Toby. ‘I haven’t slept in four days.’

The captain – a posh, floppy-haired guy called Will – gathered everyone together in the middle of the pitch. ‘All right, boys. Thanks for coming. I know it’s not easy in Freshers’ Week. But we’re just going to do a few drills, and play a quick match – just take it easy and have a laugh, basically.’

I’d seen Will before – most nights this week, actually – in various clubs, usually getting off with Phoebe on the dance floor. I’d tried to go and chat to her a couple of times – mainly to apologize for bailing on quidditch – but she’d either been surrounded by people or attached at the lips to Will. It seemed weird to me that we hadn’t even spoken since Freshers’ Fair.

Will carried on: ‘Anyway, if you make the cut, we’ll have initiations in the next couple of weeks, so be afraid . . .’

A third year called Dempers, who was short, stocky and red-faced, added, ‘Be very, very fucking afraid.’

An uneasy laugh rumbled around the first years, but Will just waved it away: ‘He’s fucking with you, don’t worry. We’re not that bad.’

In the end, the trials were actually quite fun. My team lost the match – due largely to having Toby in goal – but I still scored twice, and I could tell I’d done OK by the way Will and a few of the others thumped me on the back as we left the pitch. For the first time all week, I actually felt happy and vaguely in control. Football’s always had this weird effect of blocking everything else out; giving me something real and physical to focus on that means I literally can’t focus on all the other shit swirling about in my head. At the end of a match, I feel battered and sore and tired, but I also feel better. Like I’ve been rebooted, or something.

As we were all stumbling back to the changing rooms, I got caught behind Will and Dempers and a couple of the other lads, who were huddled around Will’s phone.

‘Mate, have you seen the wall today?’ Dempers was whispering, excitedly.

‘Classic Wicks,’ laughed Will.

‘She was seriously fucking hot, actually,’ said another bloke.

They suddenly realized I was behind them, and Will dipped the phone back into his pocket and grinned at me. ‘Good game, Luke, mate. See you tonight, yeah?’




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