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Grizzly Survival: A Paranormal Shifter M/M Romance (Arcadian Bears Book 5) by Becca Jameson (22)



Four months later

Dale leaned against the doorjamb with his ankles crossed and a mug of coffee in his hands. He loved watching Gavin work early in the morning like this. So focused, fingers flying across the keyboard, hair disheveled, sweatpants, an old U of C sweatshirt.

Dale waited for his partner to sit back and strum his fingers on the desk—a sign he had finished one thought and was searching in his mind for the next—before he entered the room.

Gavin turned to face him, a smile spreading as he tipped his head back.


“You spoil me.” Gavin took the mug and moaned around the first sip.

Dale ran a hand down his lover’s head and gripped his neck. “You’re tight.” He rounded behind to rub Gavin’s neck and shoulders.

Gavin set his mug on the desk and groaned, tipping his head toward his lap. “Now I’m even more spoiled.”

Dale chuckled. “Whatever works.”

Gavin reached for his shoulder and trapped Dale’s hand under his, twisting his body around and lifting his gaze. “Is it? Working I mean.”

“Is what working?” Dale spun the chair the rest of the way, straddled his partner, and gripped his head on both sides.

“This.” Gavin waved a hand through the air. “This arrangement we have where you spoil me and work your ass off while I sit in here working on this pipedream, contributing nothing to the household.”

Dale rolled his eyes. “Baby, what happened the last time we had this conversation?”

Gavin swallowed. “I had to work standing up the next day because my ass was so sore. But that doesn’t mean I don’t continue to worry about things.”

“And like I said last time you brought it up, I’m not concerned. I’d so much rather have you here in the house working from home doing something you’re passionate about and love than commuting to Calgary or something crazy to do a job you hate.”

“I could probably catch an opening eventually in the local high school or a closer college.”

“Teaching. Baby, you aren’t interested in teaching.” Dale pointed at the computer screen. “Working on this novel lights up your face. You get so excited. And I’m sure I reap the benefits of your passion in the bedroom. If you came home late every evening grumbling, my sex life would suffer.”

Gavin’s eyes sparkled with mischief. “When was the last time we had sex in the actual bedroom?”

Dale laughed. “The point is that you need to stop worrying about money so much. I make enough for both of us and half the damn street. We aren’t struggling to pay bills. I just hope you remember me when you’re all rich and famous and touring the country with your book contract.”

“Right. Sure. Keep dreaming.”

Dale lowered his face and kissed his lover on the lips. “I will. Now, before I punish you—again—for worrying about something that isn’t necessary, talk to me about this weekend.”

“Oh, right. I had lunch with Paige the other day—”

“Wait, Paige paused to eat? That woman moves through life so fast you can’t even see her go by if you blink.”

Gavin chuckled. “True. But for me, she paused for lunch. Anyway, she said her siblings have planned a welcome home party for her parents. They get back from their sabbatical in Australia on Saturday. We’re invited of course.”

Dale searched his partner’s face. “You okay with that?” He was worried about Gavin returning to the street he grew up on and possibly facing his parents, neither of whom had returned any effort to contact them.

He shrugged. “I’ll be fine.”

“You planning to stop by your parents’ house?”

He shook his head. “Nope. They’ve made their choice. I’m okay with it.”

“Are you though?” Dale couldn’t imagine if his own parents or his sister cut him out of their lives and never spoke to him again, especially over something as absurd as his sexual orientation.

Gavin smiled. “Your parents are amazing. They treat me like their own son. I feel more comfortable in their home than I ever felt in mine. I’m so blessed. I feel like I got a new mom and dad and a sister at the same time. Now I have Paige’s family and yours. My life is full. I don’t need the kind of drama my parents would add. I’ve called. I’ve sent emails. The ball is in their court. I’ve done my part.” He grabbed Dale by the hips and pulled him closer, setting his face on his partner’s stomach. “I’m so fucking lucky and happy I can’t stop grinning.”

Dale threaded his hands in Gavin’s hair and held him tight, his throat closing with emotion. He was certain he was the lucky one, but it didn’t hurt that his life-partner felt the same. “Let’s go to Calgary early Saturday. I want to look at bikes.”

Gavin groaned. “We’ve had this discussion a few too many times too. The bike can wait until I get a paycheck. There’s no hurry.”

Dale shook his head. It was time. Gavin had put it off for half a year, insisting he was worried about finances. Dale was convinced Gavin’s real concern was getting back on a bike after his accident. He needed to face that fear and get past it. Riding had been important to him. It would be again. “You have the insurance money, baby. That’s a lame excuse.”

“And you know it’s not enough. My bike was older, rebuilt. We’ll never find anything comparable.”

Dale leaned in, pulling Gavin’s face closer to his abs. His grip was firm, hopefully enough to get Gavin’s attention. “This is a partnership. You’re stuck with me for life. I want you to stop keeping a running tally about who contributed more. It’s ridiculous. We have the money. We do, Gavin. We’re a unit. It’s time to look at bikes.”

“Mmm. I’ll think about it.” Gavin nudged Dale’s shirt up his belly with his nose and kissed his abs while his hands trailed around to cup Dale’s butt.

Dale’s cock jumped to attention. For a moment, he considered popping the zipper on his jeans and taking advantage of the situation. And then he remembered their earlier conversation. He tipped Gavin’s head back with a bit of force and met his gaze. “You think you can distract me with your mouth and make me forget how naughty you are?”

Gavin winced. “I was hoping.”

“You want to suck me off?”

His eyes grew larger. “Yes.”

“Okay, but here’s how it’s going to go. First, you get naked, and then I tie your arms to the back of this chair, then you swallow my cock slow and easy. I want the buildup to last a while before you make me come.”

“Yes, Sir.”

“You can do all that while wearing a cock ring.”

Gavin cringed. “Not super fond of the cock ring,” he grumbled.

“I know. But that’s why it’s punishment. I’m not super fond of you worrying about getting a job or how we’re going to pay for a new bike. If you’re a good boy, appropriately remorseful and well-behaved, I won’t leave it there too long. But I do think you should spend the rest of the morning working in the nude while keeping your hands off your cock. Maybe after lunch, I’ll let you come.”

“Yes, Sir.”

Dale released his lover to go get the new toy he’d ordered a few days ago. They had a few different rings now, but he was pretty sure when Gavin saw this new one, he would think twice about arguing money with Dale in the future. “I’ll be right back. You take off your clothes.”

“Yes, Sir.” Gavin’s voice was strong. The scent of his arousal filled the room. One of the bonuses of being in a D/s relationship as a shifter was that the Dom always knew if he was making the right choices for his sub. Dale had no idea how humans managed. They would have to negotiate for hours to be sure they were meeting each other’s needs. Not Dale. He could scent Gavin’s spike in arousal the moment he described a scene. And nothing made him harder than when he gave vivid details of a punishment only to find his sub drooling over the idea.

Sexy as hell.

Gavin thought he was lucky, but he was only half as lucky as Dale. Life could not be better.

Three days later

Gavin kept his fingers threaded with Dale’s as he introduced him to everyone filling the Osborn living room. There were so many people at the party it was hard to make his way through the crowd.

Stanton and Oleta Osborn had arrived that morning from Australia. Paige and Wyatt had come the night before. Paige’s sister, Ryann, was also there. Nolan hadn’t shown up yet. Both of Paige’s siblings were older than Gavin.

Also in the room were Alton Tarben and his mate Joselyn Arthur—Wyatt’s sister. They had been renting the home from the Osborns while the couple was away on their sabbatical. Of course, Dale knew the Tarbens better than Gavin since their extended family owned one of the breweries in Silvertip and they had grown up together.

Dale squeezed Gavin’s hand. “I forgot Adriana was going to be here.” He gave Gavin a tug and led them toward the younger girl talking to her brother Alton. “Hey.” Dale kissed Adriana on the cheek. “How’s school going?”

“Good.” She beamed. “It’s weird going back. I mean I should be past this stage. I already graduated. Who goes back and gets another degree?” She giggled.

Gavin smiled. “Someone who realizes they have a different passion. I think it’s great.”

She scrunched up her nose. “Try telling my parents that. I’m pretty sure they think I’ve lost my mind quitting my job at the brewery, moving out of the house, and traipsing two hours away to Calgary to pursue a visual arts degree. I’m twenty-two years old, and I’ve never lived away from home.”

Dale shook his head. “I know your parents. I’m sure they’re extremely proud of you and support you all the way.”

“Yeah.” She sighed. “I’m pretty lucky.” She glanced up at her brother who looked damn proud also. “It was especially helpful that Alton and Joselyn were living here and let me stay with them while I find an apartment.”

Alton gave his sister a playful punch to the arm. “We’re about to get kicked out now. You better get something lined up fast.”

Now that the Osborns were home, the three of them would be moving out, but Gavin knew Alton was exaggerating. He and Joselyn had already put money down on a house nearby, and they would let Adriana stay with them for as long as she needed. As protective as Alton was of his sister, there was a chance he would insist.

Paige popped around the corner, clapped her hands, and hugged Gavin tight. He wrapped one arm around his best friend but didn’t release his grip on Dale. This was their first trip to Calgary together. The first time they’d ventured out of Silvertip as a couple. The Osborn home was the safest place to be themselves and not have to worry about being judged.

He was well aware his biological parents were only a few doors down. They might even realize he was probably at this party. But he still hadn’t heard from them, and he was certain they wouldn’t show up unannounced. They were too proper for something like that. His chest squeezed for a moment, but then he glanced at Paige and then Dale and then everyone else in the room and knew he was going to be okay.

Paige’s eyes suddenly widened, and she smiled huge. “Nolan’s finally here.” She twisted away from Gavin and took two steps toward the front door before stopping. She froze, not moving another inch. Gavin watched as her shoulders stiffened and then fell. She turned back around, her face drawn tight.

Gavin heard a car pull away moments after Nolan’s scent registered in his mind. This was the first time Gavin would have seen Nolan since he’d transitioned. But there was no mistaking the fact that Nolan had turned around and left before he’d done more than step out of the car. What the hell?

Dale’s hand slid around to Gavin’s lower back. “What’s going on?” he whispered.

“I’m not sure,” Gavin responded without looking at Dale.

Paige swallowed, her gaze zoning in on Adriana for a moment before she shook herself out of whatever spell she was under and forced a smile Gavin recognized as fake.

“What’s the matter?” he asked privately into her mind. “Why did your brother pull up and then leave?”

“No idea.” She kept her face aimed at Gavin, but her glance darted again toward Adriana for the briefest second.

Gavin turned to face the younger woman next to him. She was flushed and shaking. Her eyes were wide. Her mouth hung open. And then she turned around and fled the room.

Paige raced after her down the hallway.

Dale lifted Gavin’s hand to his mouth and kissed his knuckles. “I guess Fate is alive and well in Calgary tonight. Not sure why I ever doubted Her abilities. She’s getting bold.”

“You think Nolan realized someone in the house was his mate and left without coming inside?”

Dale nodded. “I’d bet my last dollar on it. It was only a few months ago that I felt that similar slam to my own chest when you pulled up at Wyatt’s house the morning we met.”

Gavin was stunned. “You did?”

“Yep.” Dale winked.

A warmth spread through Gavin, making him wish the rest of the room would disappear so he could make out with his partner.

Dale must have read his thought because he leaned over, kissed Gavin soundly and spoke into his mind. “They don’t have to disappear. We have nothing to hide.”

“I don’t think they want to watch what I had in mind,” he responded privately.

“Naughty boy.” Dale pinched Gavin’s ass with his free hand as he spoke out loud. “Be good or whoever’s in the room next to us at the hotel will turn us in for noise violations later tonight.”

“Promises promises.”

Dale lifted a brow. “Try me.”

“Oh, I intend to. Every day for the rest of my life.” He grinned. He’d never been happier than at that moment.

He wondered why Nolan would drive away so quickly and not grab onto this sort of opportunity with both hands. Gavin was new to the shifter world. He didn’t fully understand every nuance of their existence, but he did know he wouldn’t trade this connection with Dale for anything in the world. It was a gift. He would cherish it close to his heart and never take it for granted.

If he’d been a shifter in the first place, he couldn’t imagine anything that would make him turn away from his mate. He wasn’t sure he fully grasped how involved Fate was in the lives of the grizzly shifters, but he certainly wouldn’t question Her.

What was up with Nolan Osborn?

Dale read his mind again, of course. He kissed Gavin’s forehead and pulled him into an embrace. “I’m sure we’ll find out as the drama unfolds. Nolan can run, but he can’t hide forever. Whatever his issues are, they must be pretty huge for him to flee his parents’ coming-home party without even stepping inside.”

Gavin shuddered. Life was a bitch. There were so many things that could get in the way. He should know. He just hoped Nolan resolved his issues fast and that Adriana didn’t suffer too much in the meantime.

Dale leaned back and lifted Gavin’s chin with a finger. “You’re so compassionate and empathetic. Never change, baby. It’s what I love most about you.”

Gavin smiled up at the man he loved. “Never.”







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