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Grizzly Survival: A Paranormal Shifter M/M Romance (Arcadian Bears Book 5) by Becca Jameson (7)

Chapter Seven

They didn’t stay long at Wyatt’s, and Dale was nervous about Gavin’s reaction to everything as soon as they were back in the truck.

Gavin stared out the passenger window, his arms crossed as if he were cold. “So this council of yours. What’s it called again?”

“The Arcadian Council. They’re our governing body.”

“You think they’ll show up tomorrow like the police?”


Dale drove, keeping an eye on Gavin whose mind was obviously racing through the possibilities.

The human confirmed his fears after a few minutes of silence. “I don’t even want to know what your governing body will do to Kelly, do I?”

“Not really. No.” This was the third time he was reassuring Gavin about his own role in this situation. Dale reached across the console and squeezed Gavin’s thigh. “And you don’t need to worry about it either. Like Paige and Wyatt said, the council only steps in when a human gets out of hand.”

Gavin leaned his head against the headrest and closed his eyes, groaning. “I don’t get the feeling your bear government likes humans to know about you.”

“Of course not. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t humans who know.”

“You realize I’m picturing dungeons.”

Dale chuckled. He couldn’t help it. “I don’t think the council has dungeons.”

Gavin shot him a look. “But you don’t know.”

“True. But we aren’t a cruel species. We’re civilized. Probably more civilized than humans.” Dale held Gavin’s gaze. “They aren’t going to make you disappear if that’s what you’re picturing.”

A slow nod. “If you say so.”

Yeah, that was exactly what Gavin was thinking.

Dale decided he needed to pay closer attention to Gavin and soothe his nerves, so he let go of Gavin’s thigh, pulled to the side of the road, and put the truck in park. “How long have you known?”

“About bear shifters? Ten years.” At least he released the tight hug of his arms to fiddle with his hands in his lap.

“Wow. That’s a long time.” He had imagined Gavin knowing about the existence of shifters for months, not years. Especially since Paige had provided him with so little information until this week.

“Would it be too personal for me to ask how you found out?”

Gavin took a long breath. “I saw someone shift.”

Dale flinched, startled. It was extremely rare for a shifter to get caught. For one thing, his people always sniffed the air before shifting to detect who might be around. It was ingrained in them from a young age. For another thing, no bear should be transforming in front of a human for any reason. Certainly not intentionally. He frowned. “Wait. You were just a kid ten years ago.”


“Was it Paige?”

Gavin shook his head. “No. I’ve never seen her shift.”

Dale was growing more confused by the second. “You aren’t going to tell me more, are you?”

Gavin swallowed. “I don’t want you to think I’m hiding something. I’m not. It’s not like I’m keeping a secret for a random shifter. I’m only protecting Paige.”

Dale nodded slowly. He had no idea what Gavin meant, but he did understand the loyalty he felt toward his friend.

Gavin bit his lip and then released it. “Will it make you feel any better if I tell you the man I saw shift ten years ago is now in custody? I assume he’s in one of those dungeons in the Northwest Territories.” He smiled even though his dungeon joke was not very funny.

Dale was shocked. “Wait, someone’s been arrested for what you saw?” Not that many local shifters had been arrested. His heart raced as he pieced this saga together in his mind. Two local men had been taken into custody in recent months for violating Arcadian laws—Jack Tarben and his cousin Antoine Tarben. It was unlikely Jack had been breaking the law twenty years ago. He’d only recently lost his shit and started behaving like a fool.

That left Antoine Tarben, the man who had molested any number of women in the area for years before he was finally caught and arrested.

Dale opened his mouth, but he didn’t like the words forming in his head. In fact, he wanted to be so very wrong. But it suddenly all made sense. The pieces fell together. “Antoine Tarben,” he stated.

Gavin inhaled and closed his eyes. “I only learned his name this morning,” he muttered.

Dale forced himself to confirm the other half of his suspicion. “He raped Paige ten years ago, didn’t he?”

Gavin twisted his head to stare out the passenger window again. Dale could sense him fighting his emotions, but in the end, he lifted a hand to wipe a tear from his cheek.

Dale wanted to open the car door, jump from the front seat, shift, and tear off into the mountains in bear form. But he couldn’t do that. He had a human to take care of. Even though his emotions were all over the place and he felt tremendous pain for the sweet young girl who had fallen prey to Antoine Tarben when she was only fourteen years old, now wasn’t the time to fall apart. Gavin was hurting.

Dale reached across and set his hand on Gavin’s shoulder. “I’m so sorry.”

Gavin nodded but didn’t turn his face.

“She never told anyone?”


“And you kept this secret for her…in exchange for her keeping your sexuality a secret.”

“Yes.” Gavin jerked his gaze toward Dale finally. “I’m a dick.”

Dale frowned. “Why? Of course not. You were kids. I can’t imagine ever having a friend as loyal as you.” He had once. A long time ago. And the pain of that loss stabbed him in the chest again now. He needed to pull himself together and treat this relationship with Gavin as what it was—a fling. Nothing more. Dale’s heart couldn’t handle more. It was too damaged.

How many times would he have to remind himself of that before he believed it?

Gavin continued, “He threatened her. He threatened her family.” His voice lowered. “He even threatened me.”

“So she was too scared to tell anyone. Does Wyatt know?” Please, God. Please let Wyatt know. Dale didn’t know what he would do if he found out one of his best friends was in love with a woman who’d been raped if she hadn’t told him yet.

“Yes. Paige told him finally. But now you understand why I couldn’t say anything.” He grabbed Dale’s hand from his shoulder and squeezed it, tugging it into his lap while twisting his body to fully face Dale. “It wasn’t my place. I feel like a shit for even talking about it with you now.”

“You didn’t tell me anything. I figured it out.”

Gavin chewed his bottom lip.

Dale watched him, wanting to pluck that lip from between his teeth, wanting to close the distance between them and kiss the pain away, wanting so many things he couldn’t have. Not now. Not ever. He’d been down this road before. It ended badly. He wouldn’t let himself be hurt like that again.

Suddenly Gavin groaned. “Do you suppose your council people will want to question me about that day too?”

“Maybe. Not now. But someday possibly. It might be moot now. It was so long ago, and he’s in custody for several offenses. He’ll never be released. What you saw ten years ago is hardly important at this stage of the game.”

Gavin didn’t look convinced. Worry still tugged at the corner of his eyes.

“Gavin, look at me.” He waited for Gavin to meet his gaze. His expression was leery. “You’re not a threat. You’re not on the council’s radar. No one is worried about you. Drunk women who blab about our existence to random people in bars are a threat. Not you.”

Gavin ran a hand over his face. “Maybe I should stay away in the morning. When you go over to Wyatt’s to meet with these larger-than-life bears, perhaps I should stay home.”

Dale shook his head, hating the scent of fear wafting from Gavin. “You need to be there. You’re a witness to Kelly’s antics now. I’m sorry I put you in this position. I should have followed her alone tonight, but I swear I never once considered this possibility.”

Gavin threaded their fingers together in his lap. He closed his eyes and lowered his face. “I don’t blame you. You didn’t involve me on purpose, but you have to know I’m nervous as hell.”

“I can see that. But you have to know there will be three shifters in the room tomorrow who would vouch for you in a heartbeat.” He hesitated and then thought of another important point. “The fact that you’ve known for ten years and never told a soul speaks volumes, Gavin.”

Gavin lifted Dale’s hand off his thigh and drew it to his cheek.

When he turned his head to kiss Dale’s palm, Dale melted. “Let’s get back to my place, and I’ll make you forget this nonsense.”

Gavin smiled, but it looked forced. “You think you can take my mind off my thoughts?”

Dale grinned. “I know I can.” He gently pulled his hand from Gavin’s grip and put the car in drive. Suddenly, it seemed imperative that they get back to his house fast. He wanted to hold Gavin against him. The distance between them in the confined space of the car was too great.

He drove faster than he should and pulled up at his house minutes later. When he rounded the hood, he found Gavin already out and shutting the door too. Dale grabbed his hand and nearly dragged him inside. The first thing he did was tug Gavin’s backpack off his shoulder and toss it on the floor.

Gavin took a step forward, but Dale pressed him against the door and claimed his mouth. This was becoming a habit. He could never seem to get farther into a room without jumping Gavin’s bones. It was like a force beyond his control drove him to stake a claim and mark his man. It wasn’t rational. It wasn’t even a good idea. He couldn’t make promises that extended past tomorrow any more than he could have earlier that evening before shit started slamming around.

But something was different. He felt an urgency. A need that wouldn’t be abated by anything except sex. Information overload flooded his mind. He pushed it all aside and deepened the kiss. Gavin tasted like…home. They’d eaten the same things, drank the same beer, but Gavin’s unique flavor overpowered the beer and the burgers.

While they kissed, Gavin worked the buttons free on Dale’s shirt until the black starched material fell apart and was shoved off his shoulders.

With one hand, Dale yanked his T-shirt off next and dropped it on the floor. And then he grabbed Gavin’s head and held it in his hands, tilting it to one side. He needed to come. Now. His cock demanded release. Still cupping Gavin’s head, he lowered one hand to pop the button on his own jeans and lowered the zipper. He tugged his cock from his underwear and gripped it tight.

Gavin’s hands landed on top of his, peeling Dale’s fingers away and replacing the firm grip with his own.

Dale moaned into Gavin’s mouth and then broke the connection of lips and tongues to stare at his lover. “I want to come in your mouth. I want your lips around my cock.”

Gavin nodded, licking his swollen, wet lips.

Dale reached with both hands to yank Gavin’s jeans open and free his cock. He jerked the denim over his hips and then grabbed the hem of his orange silk shirt and tugged it over his head. He couldn’t be bothered to tackle the buttons.

Finally. Skin. Not enough to tame Dale’s raging need to consume this man, but enough to put a dent in his arousal. For now. He nodded at the floor. “On your knees.”

Gavin lowered himself awkwardly, his legs trapped by his jeans around his thighs. He didn’t do anything except follow the order, however, which made Dale’s cock jerk in Gavin’s hands.

Jesus. “Suck.” He set a hand on Gavin’s head and urged him forward. All he could think about was getting sucked off by the delectable human man who turned his world upside down five days ago and showed no signs of stopping.

Gavin didn’t disappoint. He wrapped his mouth around Dale’s cock and sucked him deep into his throat in one pull.

Dale tipped his head back toward the ceiling and groaned. So fucking awesome.

Gavin trailed his tongue along the underside of Dale’s dick as he drew his cheeks in and pulled slowly toward the head.

Damn. Fuck me.

It felt so good, but something wasn’t quite right. What was it?

Dale searched his mind. The hottest man he’d been with in longer than he could remember was on his knees sucking him off. Perfection. Every sex dream he had featured a man on his knees sucking him. So…what?

Dale glanced down to watch his lover pull him back into his throat. Gavin had a grip on Dale’s hip with one hand while the other was fondling Dale’s balls.

Suddenly he knew what was wrong with this picture. He grabbed Gavin’s hand at his hip and squeezed it. “Masturbate. Grab your cock, Gavin.”

Gavin lifted his gaze, not releasing the pressure on Dale’s length. He lowered his shaky hand toward his bobbing cock and gripped it. A moan escaped his lips to vibrate around Dale’s erection.

Dale growled. Yes. Fuck yes. Now the picture was perfect. “You don’t let me come until you’re ready to come with me. You understand?”

Gavin hesitated, his eyes lifting again. He swallowed, the action drawing Dale deeper into his throat. He was an amazing bottom. So eager. Willing. Submissive…

Dale wrapped his hand behind Gavin’s neck and squeezed. “Figure it out. Suck as hard as you need to, but make sure when I come, you do too.”

A slight nod and then Gavin went back to work. It wasn’t an easy task. Dale knew he was asking a lot. He wasn’t sure even he could do it. But if anyone could read him well enough to ensure they came at the same time, he believed Gavin could.

The visual was beyond Dale’s wildest dreams. If he had to pick a person to spend his life with, someone compatible with him in every way, he would choose this man on his knees thrusting his cock and sucking Dale’s at the same time.

Except the visual wasn’t everything. The visual didn’t include details that made them incompatible. So many issues. Gavin was human. Gavin was green. And Dale was jaded as all hell.

He watched Gavin suckle him, fighting the need to squirt his come down the man’s throat by pondering the bigger picture. If he were honest, would he be able to admit he was actually attracted to the fact that Gavin was human? It added another level to Dale’s alpha tendencies. He’d often been attracted to human men. And his inexperience? It simply meant Gavin didn’t have baggage in the way that would prevent Dale from teaching him anything he wanted. It wasn’t as if Gavin was a freaking virgin. Dale really needed to stop pretending Gavin’s lack of experience was a turnoff when it was hotter than hell. He was lying to himself.

A shudder raced down his spine as he closed his eyes around the vision of training Gavin to be the perfect submissive. They hadn’t discussed any of this. Except for that first night when Dale told Gavin he didn’t bottom, he hadn’t specifically put words to his preferences.

Gavin surely knew. And it obviously turned him on because he was sucking harder and faster, his hand moving rapidly up and down his cock.

Dale gritted his teeth, forcing himself to pay attention to the signs of Gavin’s impending orgasm so he wouldn’t cause the man to fail at his task.

When Gavin’s body stiffened, his hand stilling on his dick, Dale knew it was time. He released a long breath and let his own orgasm rush to the surface.

He expected Gavin to pull off, but the man surprised him, sucking Dale all the way to the back of his throat and swallowing around his cock until every drop of his come was wrung from his dick.

Dale’s knees were weak as he eased his lover’s head back. His still-erect length bobbed free. He glanced down as Gavin lowered his ass to his heels, trying to catch his breath. Streams of come had landed on the hardwood floor between Dale’s legs. How the man had managed to miss shoes and jeans was a miracle. But somehow Dale was learning that everything about Gavin was more than expected.

“Give me your hand,” he said, reaching down to help Gavin to his feet.

Gavin pulled himself to standing and tugged his jeans over his hips.

“Bedroom. Now.” Dale pointed toward the hallway while he picked up his T-shirt and wiped the come off the floor. He dropped the shirt again and followed Gavin toward his room.

He wasn’t done. Not by a longshot. He needed Gavin naked with their bodies pressed together from head to toe. The touch of skin consumed him. Maybe because the evening had been so stressful and filled with information he would rather not have known about in his life. Maybe because it had been so long since he’d enjoyed a man as much as he enjoyed this one.

Whatever the reason, Dale didn’t question it. He simply gave the next demand. “Naked, Gavin. I want you bare on my bed in my arms.” He watched as Gavin nodded and then bent to remove his boots and shrug out of his jeans.

Dale did the same while he watched. The moment they were both naked, Dale grabbed Gavin by the hips and tossed him onto the bed. He climbed over him before either of them could catch their breath, nestled between Gavin’s legs, and lowered his lips to consume the human once again.

Damn. He was in so much trouble.