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Guarding the Broken: (Nothing Left to Lose, Part 1) (Guarded Hearts) by Kirsty Moseley (24)



I woke in the morning, naked and wrapped in his arms. He was stretched out behind me, spooning me. One of his hands rested on my hip, and the other was cupping my breast. The thought of being naked in his bed and us being in such an intimate position made a blush creep up onto my cheeks. Not that I had to worry about him seeing me naked though, after all, he’d probably kissed every inch of my body last night during the three times that we’d had sex.

A satisfied smiled crept onto my lips. I refused to feel guilty about it today, I was entitled to one night of pleasure after the years of misery I’d had recently. I pressed myself back into his body, wanting to melt into him. I loved waking up next to him in the morning, he was so warm and comforting and the fact that he had never spent the night with another girl made me feel special.

He moaned sleepily and wrapped his arms tighter around me, lazily kissing the back of my head. I turned my head to look at him, leaving my body pressed against his, not wanting him to let go yet.

“Hi,” I murmured sheepishly.

He grinned not making any moves to let go of me. “Hi. How are you feeling this morning?” He looked a little worried, as if he were waiting for a meltdown at any moment.

“Happy and satisfied,” I confirmed, smirking at him.

He burst out laughing and kissed my cheek. “Hmm, what a coincidence, me too.” I felt a stirring against my thigh as he started to get excited again; he moved his hips away from me so that I didn’t feel it – the same as he usually did in the morning when it happened.

I grinned and raised one eyebrow. “This could still count as last night if you want,” I suggested, wriggling back into his body and smiling at him over my shoulder. His erection prodded into the back of my leg, and my whole body seemed to thrum with excitement.

He grinned. “Oh it can, can it? So, what you’re asking is if I want to have sex with you again. Hmm let me think,” he teased.

I tried hard not to laugh. “Well if you don’t want me then…” I trailed off and scooted away from him.

He gripped my hips tightly, thwarting my efforts to get away. “I never said that I didn’t want you. I don’t think I’ll ever say that, Baby Girl,” he whispered. His lips pressed against the back of my neck, his teeth nibbling gently and I felt goosebumps break out on my whole body. “Can you pass me a condom from the drawer?” he murmured, still kissing the base of my neck.

I nodded quickly, scooting to the edge of the bed and pulling open the drawer where he’d got them from last night. The empty box stared back at me, taunting me. I groaned when I realised what that meant. “Damn it! There’s none left,” I whined. I felt so disappointed that I could cry.

He pulled me back to him again. “I’ll go get one from Nate’s room, he didn’t come home last night so he won’t even know,” he said grinning. He pulled away from me and I whimpered at the loss of his contact, feeling empty and needy. He chuckled at my face and kissed my nose. “I’ll be right back, I promise.”

I watched as he jumped up and ran out of the room, butt naked. I laughed at how eager he was, he’d almost run into the door because he didn’t wait for it to open fully. He was back within about ten seconds and pounced on the bed, grinning.

“I brought two, just in case, maybe, in a little while, that might count as last night too,” he explained, looking at me, hopefully holding up the two packets as evidence.

“Don’t push your luck, Pretty Boy,” I teased, grinning.


An hour and a half later, we were both exhausted. I flopped off him and lay on my back, trying to catch my breath. He rolled onto his side, moving closer to me, putting his arm over my stomach and nuzzling into my neck. I was sweating. My whole body felt weak and like I’d been on a thirty minute sprint. That last time was extremely tiring, and I could do with going back to sleep for a couple of hours.

“So tell me, how come you’ll let me do that until I nearly pass out, yet I can’t run on the treadmill like I want to?” I asked, grinning.

He bit my neck lightly. “Because I don’t get anything out of you running on the treadmill,” he joked, laughing.

I laughed and slapped his hard chest playfully before rolling onto my side and sighing contentedly. “Thank you,” I said gratefully.

He raised one eyebrow in question. “For what?”

“For last night, well and this morning, that was the best night of my life. Thank you.” I kissed his soft full lips, marvelling over how they seemed to be my exact match.

“Well in that case, thank you for the best night of my life too, ma’am,” he replied, smiling at me.

I groaned at the word ‘ma’am’. That word from his lips did strange things to my insides. “Ashton, don’t keep calling me that. My body is already aching all over, I can’t go again,” I whined.

“Well, maybe later,” he shrugged, looking at me hopefully.

I winced at his expression, praying that this didn’t ruin our friendship because I needed him in my life. “Ashton, we agreed…” I trailed off uncomfortably.

He sighed. “I know. I had to try though, right?” He kissed the tip of my nose. “You want me to run you a bath, and I’ll make breakfast for when you get out?” he offered. He glanced over at the clock and laughed. “Well, actually it’ll be lunch,” he corrected.

I smiled at how thoughtful and generous he was. “Sure, that’d be great,” I answered, biting my lip at how adorable he was. He certainly was going to make someone incredibly happy one day. The thought made me so jealous that it actually hurt. He looked me over slowly and laughed at something. “What?” I asked curiously.

He shook his head and climbed out of the bed; he pulled on his jeans and made his way to the bathroom. I winced and bit my lip when I saw he had some red scratches on his back. I could hear water running, so I got out of the bed and stretched my tight muscles; it genuinely did feel like I had been working out.

When I looked in his mirror, I gasped. “Holy shit!” I cried, as I looked at the red marks on my neck and breasts. Immediately, Ashton ran back into the room, looking around worriedly. “Ashton, seriously, what the hell?” I asked, rubbing the marks as if they would come off.

He laughed and wrapped his arms around me. “I’m sorry, I didn’t realise I did it. I guess I got a little carried away,” he explained, grimacing.

I laughed and slapped his arm. “A little carried away? There are five hickeys on me!” I scolded, laughing incredulously.

“Six actually. I’ve just seen another one on your cute, little butt,” he stated, slapping my behind gently. I gasped and turned to look in the mirror and sure enough, there was another hickey on my butt cheek.

I giggled. “Well, at least I can cover that one up.”

He grinned sheepishly. “Sorry.”

I rolled my eyes and pushed him away gently. “Go turn off the bath, Pretty Boy, before your apartment floods,” I suggested, grinning. He jumped like he’d forgotten it and ran out of the room quickly. He called me in there after a couple of minutes, and when I walked in I saw that he’d drawn me a bubble bath. I couldn’t hold the little ‘aww’ that escaped my lips as my heart skipped a beat at the thoughtfulness of him. I climbed in and sighed as my strained muscles started relaxing. I closed my eyes and replayed some of the memories of last night; I had a feeling I would be revisiting those memories a lot.

After a little while, I forced myself to focus and washed my hair and body before getting out and wrapping myself in a towel. Once I was back in the bedroom, I looked through the outfit choices I’d brought with me. Settling on something casual, I dressed quickly in black leggings and a fitted white shirt. Not wanting to spend too much time on my hair, I pulled it over one shoulder and braided it. Happier than I had felt in years, I practically skipped to the lounge. My whole body was relaxed and contented. My need for Ashton’s body that I had been struggling with for the last two months was finally satiated.

Ashton paused his video game that he was playing as I walked in the room. “Wow, you look beautiful.”

Seeing him sitting there, smiling at me, and with the memories of last night still fresh in my mind, the need for his body came back with a vengeance. “Thanks.” I walked over and sat next to him on the sofa. “Can I play too?” I asked, nodding at the TV screen, needing a distraction before I dragged him back to his bedroom again.

He grinned. “Actually, I’d love that. That’s every guy’s fantasy, a girl that plays video games, did you know that?” he replied, winking at me playfully before standing up and getting another controller for me, adding me on to his game.

I smiled. “Oh really?”

He nodded in agreement, passing me the controller and restarting the game as he sat at my side.

As it turns out, I sucked royally at video games. We were playing some kind of war game, but all I was doing was running around aimlessly and getting killed. Ashton seemed highly amused by my lack of ability though.

After about half an hour, the timer on the stove beeped and he paused the game, setting his controller onto the sofa. “I’m gonna go get lunch, no cheating while I’m gone,” he teased, kissing me quickly on the lips but pulling away way too quickly for my liking. I watched him go into the kitchen, and a few minutes later he returned with the only thing he could cook without cremating it – tuna and cheese baked potatoes.

I smiled gratefully. “Thanks, Ashton.”

“So, what shall we do today?” he asked, digging into his food.

I shrugged. “I don’t know, what is there to do?” I smiled down at my full plate. I was actually ravenous after all of the exercise this morning.

“Do you want to see my training academy? I’m sure my captain would like to meet you.”

“Sure. Sounds great,” I agreed, grinning. I would love to see the academy he raved about so much.

“I’ll have to call my Captain to see if I’m allowed to take you in there,” he winced as he pulled out his cell phone, dialling quickly. After a couple of seconds the line obviously connected, so I listened to his side of the conversation. “Hi, sir, it’s Ashton Taylor. No, everything’s going great actually. I’m in LA with Miss Spencer and she’s requested to see my academy, do you think that would be possible? Yeah, she’s good. No, she’s not being difficult at all,” he smiled at me, so I blushed and looked away. “She’d really like to come, sir. No, but I can get the senator’s permission if it’s needed.” He looked at me with wide eyes before his face relaxed. “Yeah great, we’ll be there in about half an hour or so. Thanks, g’bye, sir.” He grinned happily and pushed the phone back into his pocket. “It’s all arranged, so whenever you’re ready.”

I smiled and tucked into my food. I had a feeling he would enjoy showing me around there. When he was done eating, he showered quickly and threw on his clothes while I did the dishes.

When we got there, Ashton was beaming his kilowatt smile. He grabbed my hand, dragging me in behind him. A balding older man wearing a black SWAT T-shirt and black pants came over. The warm smile and the way he shook Ashton’s hand told me that they liked each other.

“Officer Weston, this is Anna. Anna, my old captain,” Ashton introduced, waving a hand between us.

The man turned to me and smiled, somewhat nervously. He had obviously read my file too and was erring on the side of caution.

I held my hand out to him. “Nice to meet you, Officer Weston,” I greeted politely. His eyes widened in surprise as he glanced at Ashton, who nodded and smiled encouragingly.

Officer Weston tentatively shook my hand with his rough calloused one. “You too, Miss Spencer,” he replied, his face betraying his total and utter confusion.

I waved my hand dismissively. “Anna’s fine, not Miss Spencer.”

He nodded. “Well, I wasn’t expecting a visit from you. What are you two doing here in LA? And where’s your far guard?” he asked, glancing behind me.

“We’re on our own for the weekend, sir. It was cleared by Senator Spencer,” Ashton answered quickly.

The older man’s eyes snapped to Ashton. “Seriously? He let you bring her to LA on your own?” A proud smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. Ashton nodded and smiled down at me, squeezing my hand that he was still holding. “You must be making an impression there, Taylor.”

I laughed at that. “Oh he is,” I chimed in, smiling suggestively at my pretend boyfriend.

Ashton choked back a laugh and nodded. “Well, I’ll be showing Anna around then, sir,” he chirped happily. Officer Weston nodded and handed me a visitors’ badge as Ashton dragged me off up the hallway, grinning like a mad man.

His tour was pretty thorough. As we went into the swimming pool, combat rooms and gym, Ashton was telling me little stories about what him and Nate used to get up to in there and how many ways they got into trouble with their superiors. It sounded like they were a nightmare to control. It surprised me that Officer Weston seemed to like him; actually, it surprised me that they graduated at all, what with all the pranks and practical jokes they’d pulled.

After we’d seen practically everything, he smiled excitedly at me. “Wanna see the shooting range?”

“Sure.” I shrugged. I didn’t want to, but he looked so excited about it that I didn’t want to ruin his fun.

Instead of taking me to some dingy room like we’d been shooting in, we went outside. “Hey, Carl, let me borrow your gun, would ya?” he shouted over my shoulder. I turned to see a guy decked out in full SWAT uniform.

My breath caught in my throat because it was even hotter than I imagined it to be. If I saw that on Ashton, I was pretty sure I would just burst into flames, and all that would be left of me was a pile of dust on the floor. “Ashton, why the hell didn’t you put that on for me last night?” I whined, digging my fingers into his waist as a thousand fantasies of him calling me ma’am in the hot uniform flooded my brain. I squeezed my eyes shut and moaned, the thought alone made my legs feel weak.

He chuckled wickedly. “Whoa, chill, Baby Girl. I have mine at home if you want me to show you,” he whispered, his teeth nipping my earlobe as he wrapped his arms around my waist. My mouth started to water. That was definitely something I would be requesting before we left LA. He winked at me and turned back to the guy, who had now reached us.

“Hey, Taylor, what are you doing back here? I thought you were in Washington,” the guy called Carl said as they shook hands and did the one-armed man hug thing.

“Yeah I was. I’ve got the weekend off, but they just called me in at the last minute to sign for something. We were on our way out, so I had to bring my girlfriend in too,” Ashton lied, rolling his eyes, faking exasperation.

Carl looked me over and grinned wolfishly. “I didn’t know you did girlfriends.”

I smiled suggestively. “Oh, he does them alright,” I interjected, winking and holding out my hand to him, smiling. “Anna.”

He shook my hand. “Carl.”

“So, can I borrow your gun for a sec? I just want to show off for my girl,” Ashton repeated. Carl nodded, swinging what I assumed to be an assault rifle off his shoulder.

I jumped and jerked back away from it. My breath seemed to catch in my throat. Ashton took the offered gun and moved it away from me. “It’s alright, I promise,” he smiled reassuringly at me. Carl took off his ear defenders that were hanging loosely around his neck and held them out to me. I took them and nodded a thanks, though my eyes were still firmly fixed on the gun.

“Use Station Four, it’s just been set up,” Carl instructed, nodding off to the right.

Ashton grinned. “Cheers, man.” He pulled me over to the grass next to a number four sign, and laid himself down on his stomach, fiddling with the gun for a few seconds before patting the grass next to him. Taking the hint, I lay down at his side and looked out into the direction that he was looking in. I couldn’t see a thing, only grass and more grass. “You ready? Put those on,” he instructed, nodding at my ear defenders that were in my hand. I nodded and slipped them on, not knowing what to expect. He let off a series of shots in bursts of two, and then clicked the safety back on less than a minute later. “What do you think?” he asked, smirking at me.

I shrugged in response. “It’s a big gun?” I offered, not sure what else to say.

He laughed and wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him. “Look through the eyepiece.”

Confused, I did as I was told. At first I had no idea what I was looking at, but then I spotted it. There was a target out there, one of the paper ones like we usually practiced with. Pulling my eye away from the eyepiece, I squinted off into the distance. I couldn’t see it at all. When I used the eyepiece again, I noticed that the black shape of the head had two eyes, a nose, and a mouth all made out of bullet holes.

I burst out laughing. “I can’t even see that! How far away is it?” I asked, searching the horizon for it again.

“Five hundred yards,” he answered, shrugging.

I gasped in awe of his talent. “You shot a smiley face from five hundred yards away?”

“Yeah, but you should see Nate shoot. He could literally shoot a fly if it landed on that target,” he said, shaking his head in disbelief.

“You’re incredible. Honestly, your talent just boggles my mind,” I breathed. How on earth can one man be so skilled at his job, yet look and act the way he does? I turned my head to see his face inches from mine; his beautiful green eyes sparkling. I moved my head closer and pressed my lips to his softly. Instead of it being a chaste kiss though, it turned into something else. His hand went to the back of my head as the kiss deepened and he moved so that I had to roll onto my back with his body half over mine. When I seemed to lose all control of myself, he took my hands off his butt and pinned them above my head, smiling against my lips.

“You’re so adorable,” he purred, pressing himself to me tighter as his lips found mine again. Someone cleared their throat behind us, and Ashton groaned. “Go away, Carl. Can’t you see we’re busy?” he muttered, kissing me again.

“Agent Taylor, that’s not exactly appropriate behaviour. If you were still under my charge, you’d be doing kitchen duty for a week!” Officer Weston growled.

Ashton jumped up quickly. I’d honestly never seen anyone move so fast in my life. He turned, standing straight and saluted his officer. The sexy little display of respect made my stomach quiver. “I’m sorry, sir. I was just showing Miss Spencer how to shoot, sir,” he lied, holding down a hand to help me up while still standing straight as a poker.

“Really? Showing her how to shoot, is that what you kids call getting it on nowadays?” Officer Weston countered. An amused smile played on his lips. My face burned with embarrassment at being caught and I pressed into Ashton’s back, trying to hide.

“Yes, sir,” Ashton answered, his tone amused.

“Well, I’m glad you’re taking your role as boyfriend seriously, Taylor,” Weston said, shaking his head and walking away, chuckling to himself.

Ashton turned to me and winced. “Oops.”

“That was so embarrassing!” I giggled.

“Embarrassing? I thought he was gonna have my balls,” Ashton countered, shaking his head in amusement. He leant down and grabbed the gun from the floor, folding in the little legs before holding his hand out to me. “Come on, let’s go to that museum I was telling you about. I’d really love to take you.”

I smiled at his thoughtfulness. “You’ll be bored,” I countered.

A heart-stopping smile crept onto his face as his hand squeezed mine. “Not if I’m with you, I won’t.”


I didn’t think it was possible to have a better day than the one we’d had previously, but I was wrong. After a few hours at the museum, we ate ice cream in the park while he told me little stories about living in LA, what he loved and hated about it. The more he’d spoken about it, the more in love with it I’d fallen. I’d decided there and then that if I managed to graduate and get a job, I would try to relocate to LA. Maybe then Ashton and I could hang out occasionally. Of course, that was three years into the future, and I still had a long way to go before I could think about graduating at all.

Once we’d finally grabbed one of the hotdogs that he raved about, we headed back to his apartment. He even allowed me drive, much to his horror and white knuckles. Ashton drove all the time usually, he said it was in case he had to take evasive action, but I knew it was just my driving he hated. I must admit, maybe I did drive a little too fast at times and tended to stomp on the brakes a little too hard occasionally.

We’d already arranged to go out again with his friends tonight. One of Nate’s cousins was a doorman at a bar that had a live band playing, so that was where we were heading tonight.

Once we were back at his apartment, I changed into a little black dress and some hot pink heels. My hair was unsalvageable, so I just unfastened the braid and clipped it up in a little twist at the back of my head. While Ashton dressed next to me, the red scratches on his back came into view again.

I winced. “Did I hurt you last night? I’m really sorry,” I muttered, nodding at his back when he seemed confused.

He twisted, looking in the mirror before laughing. “Looks like you marked me too then,” he mused. He slipped on a shirt, covering it up and smiled over at me. “You weren’t hurting me, trust me.”

I chewed on my lip and stood up, smoothing down my skirt. “Look okay?”

“You look stunning.” His eyes shone with adoration as he held out one hand towards me. “Ready?”

I nodded and grinned, excited for my second night out with him in LA.

When we arrived at the bar, Ashton led us past the huge line to the front and gave his name to the doorman. Much to my amazement, we were waved straight through.

Ashton scanned the bar from the doorway. I assumed he was looking for his friends, but couldn’t rule out the possibility that he was surveying the area for hostiles because he never seemed to relax. Nate’s blond head caught my attention, and I frowned as I spotted Seth standing a few feet away from him with his tongue down a girl’s throat already. I looked back at Ashton and felt unreasonable jealousy settle in the pit of my stomach as I wondered if he had a different girl every night like his friends seemed too. If he did, it would explain why he was so killer in bed.

“They’re over there,” I stated, pointing towards Nate.

He smiled and took my hand as he guided us through the crowd. Nate’s eyes widened as we stopped next to him. “Wow, you look hot Anna. Fuck me,” he said, looking me over slowly.

“Thanks for the offer, but I think I’ll pass,” I joked, shrugging.

He grinned. “You’re funny.”

“Did you have fun last night? I was worried when you didn’t come home,” I teased.

“Aw, that’s sweet. Were you concerned about little old me? Or did you just want someone to rock you to sleep?” he asked, winking and smirking at me.

“Yeah, you know anyone?” I shrugged, playing along.

Nate looked at Ashton and grinned. “You know, Taylor, you said I’d be in love with her by the end of the weekend and damn, I think you’re right.” He slapped Ashton on the shoulder proudly.

“Too bad I’m taken, huh?” I joked.

Nate stepped closer to me. There was a calculating edge to his eyes that made me slightly nervous, not in the frightened way, but in the ‘he’s up to no good’ way. “I think we should play a little game,” he suggested, grinning wickedly. 

“What kind of game?”

His smile widened. “A dating game. Let’s see who can get the most phone numbers from the opposite sex tonight.”

I laughed and shook my head, stepping closer to Ashton. “I have all the phone numbers I want, thanks,” I declined.

Nate pouted. “Oh come on, a little competition. If I win, then I get to drive your rental car for an hour tomorrow, and if you win, hmm well, what do you want?” he asked, narrowing his eyes at me.

I laughed wickedly as a plan formed in my head. “If I win, you get up on stage and sing a song of my choice,” I bargained.

He laughed, looking way too overconfident in his ability. “Deal. There’s no way I’m losing this bet. Getting girls’ digits is my specialty,” he announced proudly.

I turned to Ashton and raised one eyebrow. “You okay if I play this, Pretty Boy? You know I’m coming home with you, right? Not gonna have a jealous hissy fit?” A jealous hissy fit wasn’t actually what I was expecting, more like a panic attack because I would be more than four feet from him while out in the open.

“As long as you know you’re mine, we’re all good,” he answered, bending and kissing my cheek. He turned to Nate and smirked confidently. “You really shouldn’t play against my girl, buddy. She’s gonna kick your ass.”

Nate made a scoffing sound in the back of his throat and waved his hand dismissively. “Winner is the one who has the most numbers by the end of the night,” he explained with a confident smile plastered on his face. His eyes were already scanning the area for potential girls.

I shook my head quickly. “I don’t want to play all night. Let’s make it an hour instead.” Nate nodded in agreement, looking at his watch. “By the way, are there any rules as to how to get these phone numbers?” I asked curiously. I didn’t want to be accused of cheating.

“Nope, no rules. Anything’s allowed. Hour starts now.” He winked at me and then strode off into the crowd and up to a couple of girls that were giggling off to one side, dancing drunkenly. They didn’t stand a chance against him. He was a serious charmer, and his awesome personality was matched by his good looks. I smiled and shook my head at his slutty behaviour, but I just couldn’t bring myself to dislike him for it. He was such a great guy, women were clearly his downfall.

Turning back to Ashton, I smiled. “Wanna dance?”

He frowned. “You’re not doing the game?”

I nodded, taking his hand and giving him a little tug towards where some other people were dancing already. “I am. I just don’t need an hour to kick his butt.”

After about half an hour of us dancing and flirting, Nate stopped at my side and grinned. “I’ve got four so far, how many have you got?”

“I haven’t started yet.” I shrugged.

He frowned, looking slightly annoyed. “Are you not playing?”

“Yeah, I’m playing. I’m just about to make my move actually, wanna watch?” I asked, winking slyly at him. I strutted confidently through the crowd and up to the bar. I leant over to the barman and gave him a seductive smile. “Hi, I need a favour; do you have a microphone I can borrow?”

“Er yeah, I’ve got one here so I can announce the band,” he replied, picking up and microphone, looking a little baffled.

“Any chance I can borrow it and stand on the bar?” I asked hopefully, pouting and trying to be persuasive.

He blinked a couple of times and nodded, handing me the microphone. “Er… sure.”

I put a twenty dollar bill on the bar. “Can I get a shot of whatever you have there,” I asked, pointing to the nearest bottle. While he poured it, I lifted myself up onto the bar, trying to be ladylike considering my dress was relatively short. I grinned as I spotted Ashton and Nate both watching me with confused looks on their faces.

I stood up and took the shot from the barman as he held it out to me. After flicking the on switch on the microphone, I tapped the top of it, making a loud noise and a little screech. “Excuse me? Hi. Can I have everyone’s attention, just for a minute?” I said into the microphone, making my voice ring out through the bar. People stopped and looked at me, obviously wondering what was going on. “So, my name’s Tracey, I’m twenty-one, and I’m only in town for the next three days. I’m a part time lap dancer, and I’ve just found out my boyfriend cheated on me with my sister!” I lied, downing the shot. “He’s here tonight. His name’s Nate. He has blond hair and blue eyes; he’s wearing a blue shirt. So, girls, if he comes up to you, I’d think twice about it, fucking asshole!” I scowled, trying to sound annoyed. “So anyway, I’ll get straight to the point. I’m looking for some no-strings-attached rebound sex. If there are any single guys in here interested, then come and give me your number. I’ll be over in the corner with my gay friends.” I pointed over to the corner where Seth and Wayne were. “Thanks for your time.” I sat down carefully and then eased myself off the bar. I smiled gratefully at the barman and placed the microphone onto the bar.

“I’ll give you my number,” he said quickly, scribbling on a napkin and holding it out to me.

“Great, I’ll give you a call tomorrow,” I looked down at the paper, “Paul,” I added, reading his name off it. He grinned, and I walked back over to a shocked Ashton and Nate. “Beat that,” I teased. “Oh, and I think something by Queen would be good.” I patted Nate’s chest, giggling at his astonished, yet slightly proud face.

“I told you not to play against my girl,” Ashton chimed in, shaking his head in disbelief.

By the time I got back to where Seth was standing, I already had six numbers. Nate shook his head in protest. “You cheated,” he accused.

“No way! I asked you if there were any rules and you said that anything was allowed. Isn’t that right, Wayne?” I asked, grinning.

Wayne nodded. “Yep, dude, those were your exact words,” he agreed, laughing as Nate punched him in the shoulder.

I grinned at Nate triumphantly. “So, how many do you have? Can we stop now?” I asked as another guy came up to me and handed me his number.

He sighed dramatically. “Yeah, okay. You win, I guess,” he grumbled dejectedly.

I grinned and turned to Ashton, cupping his face in my hands. “What? You’re secretly in love with me, and you’re not really gay?” I cried. He flinched, taken by surprise at my outburst, but I didn’t give him time to recover before I pressed my lips to his, kissing him passionately.





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Origin: A Novel by Dan Brown

Second Alarm (Firehouse Fourteen Book 5) by Lisa B. Kamps

Mrs. Brodie’s Academy for Exceptional Young Ladies by Galen, Shana, Romain, Theresa