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HANDS OFF MY WOMAN: Padre Knights MC by Claire St. Rose (12)

When Alejandro and the others pulled up at the old industrial park it was far too quiet. The rumble of the bikes hadn’t so much as disturbed a pigeon. He gestured to the others to kill their engines and huddle.


“Something’s not right.” The hairs rose on the back of his neck, but he kept his voice calm. “I can feel it.”


Pitbull nodded. “Shakespeare’s right. It’s never this dead around here. I got a bad feeling.”


Fuck. He texted Prez. Truck on its way? Pitbull already had his hand on his gun. They exchanged glances. “I’m holding the truck.”


Affirmative, came the immediate buzz from Prez.


“You think he bailed on us?” Crapper asked.


Alejandro’s fingers flew over the keys. Pause it. Trouble. I’ll call in a few.


Pitbull’s voice was quiet. “I think there’s someone else here,” he murmured.


The six men spread across the drive in formation and headed toward the self-storage units, weapons drawn. They were halfway there when gunshots sprayed the gravel in front of them.


“Motherfucker!” Popeye cursed, turning and firing a series of shots in the direction of the open fire. Alejandro watched as Motormouth staggered, seizing his side. He raced to the older man’s side and dragged him as best as he could manage around the corner of the building. One by one the others followed.


“What the fuck was that?” Pitbull panted. “Who knew about this besides us and Haji?”


“No fucking idea.” Alejandro swore as he looked at the bullet hole in Motormouth’s vest and the blood that seeped from between the man’s shaking fingers. “Must have something to do with the coyotes. Maybe Border Patrol followed them out here.”


Popeye peered tentatively around the corner and quickly ducked his head back. “Fuck. They’re out there,” he whispered. “Three giant motherfuckers packing plenty of heat. Not Border Patrol.”


“What are they doing?” Alejandro asked. They didn’t have much time before they Motormouth had lost enough blood that they’d have to get him to the hospital. Fuck, fuck, fuck. It was supposed to be an easy handoff. He peered around the corner himself and saw the men in question. He didn’t recognize a single face, and Popeye was right. All three men were far more heavily armed than the six of his crew put together. Suddenly he wished he hadn’t canceled the truck.


Just then a fourth man appeared, with two men tied together and stumbling as he dragged them down the driveway. His voice rang out in their direction. “I found some rodents in this place,” he called in a thick Eastern European accent Alejandro couldn’t quite place. “Some rats. Or perhaps little mice.” He paused and lit a cigarette.


Shit. The prisoners were clearly two of the men they were supposed to be transporting to Dallas. He heard the soft pleas from one and said a silent prayer that the others were still alive. Where the fuck were the coyotes?


“I wonder what price is for little mice?” the man wondered aloud.


Alejandro realized it was time to make his move. “Cover me,” he whispered to Popeye and then ran behind the next bank of storage units, popping out of the next aisle with his hands raised.


“You started the party without us,” he called to the men, swaggering toward them. “Those are my mice you have there. What happened to the men who brought them?”


The tallest of the men, a giant with a sloping forehead and exaggerated iron jaw, raised his weapon. The blond man next to him spoke softly and the giant lowered it, but only halfway.


The other man forced the illegals to their knees and put a gun to the closest temple. “They didn’t want to talk,” he said. “We made sure they won't have to talk anymore.”


Alejandro swallowed hard. If that was true, they had just lost their most valuable coyotes. Shit. He tried not to think about Oscar, who had showed Alejandro a picture of his newborn son when they’d had the last handoff. He tried not to think of Oscar’s wife, at home and waiting for her husband to return, unable to go to the police to report him missing.


“What do you want?” Although he knew already what they wanted. What they already had, unless the Padre Knights were somehow able to wrestle it back from them. He racked his brain for who might have known about the cocaine. Who might have known about today’s meeting. There was no one. No one who knew, and so it could be anyone, which was an even scarier thought. His mind raced with the domino effect this fuckup would have. The people who wouldn’t be paid, the fragile alliances that might be broken. He had to get the drugs, and it meant all four men would have to die but not before he found out where the hell they came from.


The man threatening the illegals smiled. “You’re the one they call Shakespeare,” he observed. “I have heard of you. A smart man, they say. So, smart man. I think you know.”


“That’s our cash,” Alejandro said. “This is our territory. You want your share? Pick a spot on the border, any spot, and get your own.”


“I pick this one,” the man said smoothly.


“This ain't the border, pendejo.” Alejandro replied. He reached for his gun just a fraction of a second before the other man swung the muzzle of his from the captive's temple. Alejandro’s bullet hit its mark. The man howled in pain as his fingers exploded in a spray of blood and his gun flew against the metal door of one of the units.


Alejandro was on him fast. His brothers poured out from between the storage units and opened fire on the other men as he twisted the bleeding man’s good arm up so high between his shoulder blades that the man shrieked in pain. On their knees, the two prisoners murmured what Alejandro knew to be a prayer, even though it wasn’t in his language or to his god. He stepped in front of them and shielded himself with the cursing man in his grip.


He had ever been so grateful in his life to see the bakery truck roar through the gates from nowhere, sending the surprised enemies against the storage units and straight into the arms of his brothers. From behind the wheel, Benny grinned as he spun in the gravel and skidded just a few feet from where Alejandro held the man fast. He hopped out of the truck and had the man trussed with rope and duct tape before Alejandro could issue any directions.


“His eyes, too,” he ordered, wincing as he released the man. Somewhere in the fracas, he’d been hit. His bicep screamed as he flexed it, but he realized with relief that the bullet hadn’t hit the bone.


He heard shouting from behind the truck and raced in that direction only to be clotheslined by one of the giants. Popeye shouted, “He’s unarmed!” and Alejandro reached for his blade as the other man straddled his shoulders with his knees. He wasn’t fast enough and the giant tossed his knife away as easily as taking a toy from a small child. He grinned at Alejandro’s discomfort as he pressed harder with his knees. Alejandro stifled a roar of pain as his shoulder bit into the rocks beneath him. The gunshot wound in his arm throbbed mercilessly.


“I’ll kill you, you motherfucker,” he swore as the giant rocked on his bad arm. The man made a clucking sound with his tongue before a loud crack exploded near Alejandro’s ear and the giant dropped sideways with a neat hole blooming crimson at the back of his head.