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Happy Ever Afterlife Part 1 (Afterlife saga Book 9) by Stephanie Hudson (11)





The rest of the afternoon came and went in a conversational whirlwind. I continued to tell him all about my time in Persia and he tried to listen without judgement. Of course, this didn’t help when he started to demand the details from me. It almost felt like one of those cringeworthy conversations you find yourself having to go through when you first started dating someone new. But we weren’t a new couple, we were married and in one way or another had been together for years. But more importantly this wasn’t some ex-boyfriend I was having to talk about or some one-night stand…no, this was him.

This was the Persian warrior King that was, on some level, as far away from the man in front of me now, wearing denim jeans and a crisp white shirt, as you could get. Gone were the deadly weapons, armoured shoulders and heavy breast plates. Gone were the battle scars, callused hands and bearded face. But even in sight of it all, it was still the man I fell in love with, just a rougher version. The heart, soul and mind were still the same, with just a different shell to house it all.

“Why can’t you understand, it was still you I made love to, it was still you that…” I couldn’t finish as I looked down at my belly that I knew one day soon would start to show the wonderful life we made growing inside of me. I had said this after hearing him growling when asking about out first time together.

“I know that my jealousy may seem irrational…”

“It is irrational,” I corrected. He gave me a pointed look but before he could continue I told him,

“Do you know how you found out that I wasn’t from your own time?” He shook his head as if it wouldn’t matter but I took his hand in mine and gave it a firm squeeze until I got his gaze back.

“Draven listen to me now when I tell you this. When we finally made love, it was your name I called out, not his. You were the one that was forever in my mind and he knew it.” I paused and huffed a laugh before saying,

“You were murderous. You promised me that you would hunt down this Draven and make me watch as you killed him, you told me when you were finished with him, there would be nothing left of him to love.” His eyes widened in surprise before finally he started to understand. I knew this when he asked incredulously, 

“You called out my name?” It was as if he needed to hear it again, so I happily gave him this.

“More than once and trust me, if I thought your temper was bad in this time then it was nothing compared to what it used to be…I can see the years have definitely helped in taming the beast.” I joked and the small smile that played at his lips as he looked down at his hand in mine told me he had something else on his mind.

“Not years Keira, only you…it is only you that has the power to tame my beast of a temper.” I smirked knowing he was right as I remembered back to when we first were together. It was after my nightmare in the bathroom where Samael attacked me with his deadly spiders. Vincent had just read my past and told Draven of its dire outcome. I had bravely walked straight up to Draven and pleaded with him not to be angry. Even his brother had been shocked to see the outcome and couldn’t help but comment on it at the time.

I suddenly looked down as a touch at my belly drew me out of the past to see Draven’s hand flat against my stomach.

“I just…” he paused and closed his eyes as if he could see something for himself. Something that he desperately wanted but was too far out of his reach to grasp. And now, with a gust of time blowing past, it was gone, and the moment lost to him forever.

I covered his hand with my own and finished off his wish, with one of my own.

“I know, and I would wish it too.”


After this bittersweet moment had passed I took his hand as he led me out of the room and back towards the library. We were ready to go back through the Janus door that would lead us up through the temple and into the grounds of Witley Court. It was obvious that Draven was trying to protect me from the sensitive sight when we walked back through the temple. I knew this because as soon as we were through the bookcase doorway, he swung me up into his arms. Then he ran through the space kissing my neck and making me giggle as he effortlessly jumped and manoeuvred his way through the rubble.         

The second we were up topside and through the fountain’s hidden entrance, I couldn’t help but take a deep breath, loving the smell of the English countryside. I looked all around and couldn’t help the depressing thought seep its way into my mind. I just found myself asking what would have happened to all this beauty had last night not gone our way…had we not won the war?

Thankfully, it was a fleeting thought, one that was cast away when Draven held me from behind. Feeling his large arms wrapping around me as we both gave ourselves a moment to take in the view had me sighing in happiness and relaxing back into his body.

“I think back to when I lived here, and I cannot tell you the pleasure it would have brought me to have been given the chance to share it all with you.” I grinned before biting my lip at the sweet thought.

“Yes, and I bet back then if someone had told you the first time you would see your Chosen One in this place, she would have been dressed like a biker clown and hitting your ex-girlfriend over the head with a giant penis. You would have called them insane.” At this he roared with laughter behind me, making my whole body shake with him.

“I think if I lived for another ten thousand years I would never forget such a sight! I think in that moment I was asking about my own sanity and if my immense love for you had finally driven me to madness.” I laughed at that and moved to walk away but was stopped when he tightened his hold around me.


“Stay… I just…I just want to hold you for a moment longer,” he admitted on a broken whisper and I couldn’t say that the sound of both his velvet voice and sweet request didn’t do funny things to my feminine parts.

“I remember I would walk these grounds after some tedious day of mortgages and accounts, or worse, some damaged soul that needed my lawful judgement being cast, all the while wondering when I would finally do so with my own soul intact.” Hearing this I turned around and looked up at him. He tenderly ran the backs of his knuckles down my cheek before tucking hair behind my ear.

“I don’t think you would have been able to cope with my ‘frustratingly annoying logic’ back then,” I teased thinking if I didn’t speak in that moment I would only be tearing up again. 

“Oh, make no mistake of it sweetheart, I think we both know that recent evidence suggests that I could ‘cope’ with your wilful ways, no matter what time period we are given to live through.” I gave him an ‘is that so’ look prompting him to say,

“From the sounds of it, then it wasn’t long ago that you had my barbarian self putty in your hands by your own admission…and after all, I did walk these grounds as a gentleman back then,” he teased back, pretending to bite my nose, or at least trying to.

“Mmm, makes me wonder what to call you now, as I think you are somewhere in between,” I said playfully making him fake a growl at me in return. I laughed again when I started to walk backwards and he in turn started to stalk closer.

“Is that so, pet?” he challenged coming closer, waiting for me to make my move. I bit my lip once and then winked at him as his only warning before I turned and sprinted the other way. I was actually surprised to find I was quicker than before and when I really pushed, I soon found myself around the side of the building before he finally caught me.

“Got you, little rabbit!” he roared making me squeal in surprise and fright as I was quickly lifted up and placed over his shoulder. Then he continued to walk with strong purposeful strides along the side of the building, quickly eating up the space.

“Alright, alright king of the cavemen, you win, you can put me down now,” I said out of breath and panting.

“Oh, I don’t think so! Not with such an unruly wife, for it’s time I showed her just what I would have done in my gentlemanly days,” he replied enthusiastically and when I wriggled on his shoulder he turned his head into my thigh and warned,

“Behave, my little captive.” Then he bit my bottom making me yelp and cry out.

“Oi!” I shouted in fake outrage when in truth I was getting more turned on by the minute. Then I tried to push up a little, so I could see where he was taking me when I finally noticed a fancy blacked out car waiting for us. The driver stood to one side holding open the door for us watching this little barbaric scene play out.

“Draven put me down, people can see us,” I hissed in horror, feeling the blood beneath my cheeks start to boil. But Draven simply laughed in sight of my shame and instead, turned with me still over his shoulder to acknowledge the driver.

“Thank you, Thomas,” he said before finally letting me down, plastering me to his front. I swear I could feel every raw muscle tense as my breasts were pushed and lifted against his torso. I was about to complain teasingly of my heavy-handed treatment but the sight of purple lust seeping into his eyes stopped me. Then he pushed all my hair back and nearly snarled his next words,

“Fuck me, Keira.”

“Wh…what is it?” I asked shyly given the passionate and fierce way he was looking at me.

“You looked so beautiful, so pure and innocent, it makes me want to ravish you…”

“Draven.” His name left my lips on a breathy whisper and his eyes flashed a deeper shade of violet flames.

“Get in the car!” he commanded sternly as if he was on edge and needed to be obeyed in that moment. I sucked in my bottom lip making him growl down at me and his eyes slid to the open door he looked close to crushing in his unyielding hold. I quickly did as I was told and tucked myself inside.

“To the hotel.” I heard Draven give the order before slipping in beside me. Once there he promptly pressed a button above his head and a privacy screen started to slide up between us and the driver.

“This is a nice car, what is it…” I started to say when suddenly I was grabbed and pulled roughly to him.

“Fuck the car Keira, I need your mouth!” he hissed before taking what he wanted… me. He gripped the back of my head and held me captive to his lips as he started to devour me. It was as if he couldn’t get enough of me. Couldn’t get enough of my taste, the feel of me or the battle we fought. I felt him shudder as I ran my tongue over his teeth, feeling the fangs that started to lengthen.

He started to pull at my sweater as if duelling with his demon on whether or not to tear it from my skin. So, in the end I took the option from him as I grabbed a handful in each hand before tearing it up over my head. He even growled at having to break the connection for that brief second before he was back. I had on a little black vest top underneath and this time I felt him fist it, bunching the material at my belly. I knew where this was going so I pulled back and asked breathlessly,

“How long do we have?” Draven looked pained for a moment as if trying to work out how long he would need to slake his thirst for me. And then without answering me, he pressed another button above him and spoke in a harsh voice,

“Make the journey last the hour, Thomas.” He didn’t wait for a reply but my own was a naughty grin that told him I approved. Well, if the smile didn’t, then me tearing the vest over my head certainly did, that and when I desperately tried to pull his belt free. Thankfully, he got the hint and soon he was freeing his length for me to take hold. The silky steel I felt beneath my fingers made me moan at first touch whereas Draven sucked in air through his teeth. Then I pressed my body up against his side as I started kissing my way up his tensed neck. I sucked and nipped at him making him groan like some pained animal. In that moment I chose not to just grip him harder but also bite him, holding his skin in my teeth. His reaction to this was to suddenly grip the back of the waistband of my jeans near my bum. His hold started to rip the seams at the sides and I felt the painful tug pull at my aching clit as the material rubbed against it.

He pulled back enough to snarl at me,

“Fucking addictive!” Then suddenly I was up, and denim was being pulled down my legs, before he quickly had me on top of him. I placed my knee either side of his thighs and with his hands at my hips he started to lower me down over his hard erection. I couldn’t help but look down at the sight as he did, needing to know what he saw. The end of his thick shaft was beaded with pre-come and I had the sudden, most insane urge to taste it. So, before he could bury himself inside me, I reached down between us.

His eyes shot to mine in astonishment that quickly hooded in lust when he saw me bring my dripping finger to my lips before I sucked it in deep, moaning around it in my mouth. I felt so wanton, so sinful that I couldn’t help but make a show of it. And boy did he like it.

“Mine!” he barked demonically before suddenly yanking me hard down over his ready length, making it hard to take its full size. I was about to cry out, but it was soon swallowed up and consumed by Draven’s mouth, as he devoured it in a demanding kiss. It felt as though with every drive of his cock, he would also drive his passion home with his tongue in my mouth. His hands bit into the flesh at my hips as he used it to plough my body down on him and each time I would feel him surging up inside me, making my body feel blissfully full. I felt owned, completely and utterly owned by him.

“Draven…Draven I am so close,” I told him in a desperate tone, only spoken over his lips before I bit at them in my restless need.

“Not yet, for I am not done with you and your tight little hold you have quivering around my cock,” he growled back and then proved his words to be true…

He wasn’t finished with me. 

All I can say I was thankful the plush looking car had blacked out windows or the other drivers would have got more than they bargained for when sat in end of day traffic waiting to go home from work. I even slapped my hand on the window at one point, very sure I was close to cracking the glass I was so far gone in my passion. I let my head fall back, my hair raining down with it as I cried out with every rock of my hips. Draven wouldn’t allow the space this created for long as one of his hands left the hold on my hip. Then once free, he snaked his hand up under my hair, caressing my back as he went before he found my shoulder. Once there he held on to it in a tight grip and used its hold to force me down on him, taking the most I had of him into my body. Then, his eager mouth latched on to my nipple and I screamed out, unable to help the orgasm that suddenly tore through me. I erupted so violently I nearly passed out from it. This reaction soon became the catalyst for his own release and he too roared out, as if it had been robbed from him prematurely.

My head fell forward onto his chest and his hand held the back of my head there, cradling it as we both tried to calm our raging hearts. I could feel his release slipping down my soaked channel and around the length of him, making me squirm.

“Wife, have pity on your husband,” he groaned making me giggle, which also made him groan seeing as it made me squeeze my inner muscles and shudder around my tight, internal hold on him. After this he wrapped a strong arm around my waist and lifted me off him, making me moan out my loss with a small pleading sound. His chest rumbled as though he liked the sound of my neediness for him but instead of putting himself back like I wanted, he gently lifted me up and over to the seat.

“Keira my love, what are you doing?” he asked after pulling up his jeans and seeing me kind of half sat at a funny angle, so I wouldn’t get any of his ‘man juice’ on the expensive looking upholstery.

“What does it look like I am doing, trying to save you an expensive and embarrassing detailing job!” I snapped making him laugh. Then before I could issue a warning he produced a handkerchief out of thin air and slipped down to one knee in front of me.

“Then allow me, sweetheart,” he said playing the gentleman once more. However, his next actions counteracted the notion. He sensually took my leg in his hand and then lifted it over his elbow, making sure to run his fingertips down the length of my thigh. He kept his eyes to me the whole time and just as I was being lured in by his gentle hands, he suddenly yanked me forward. I had no choice but to slip down until my back was flat on the seat and my ass was now literally in his hands.

“Draven!” I squealed in shock making him laugh before telling me,

“Relax love, I am just cleaning you up.” He said this with an easy-going tone lacing his words as he set about doing his husbandly duty and cleaning up the mess he had made. I didn’t think I would ever get used to the embarrassment I felt, no matter how sweet the gesture was. Which is why I flung an arm over my face and groaned into it making him chuckle.

After this it didn’t take us long before we were pulling up outside the hotel and just in time considering I was just now pulling my big chunky knit sweater back over my head. Draven had thankfully mended the tear he had made in my jeans and the rip in my knickers I hadn’t realised was there. I think from the looks of things his fingers had gone straight through lace in his haste to get me free of them. I tried in vain to straighten my hair and make myself look at least somewhat presentable, when Draven took my hands in his to stop me from fussing.

“You look beautiful, Keira,” he told me kissing my cheek and then before I could even say a thank you, the door was opened. Draven got out first and then turned around to hold a hand out to me. I let him help me out of the car and the second my feet were on the ground he pulled me to him and said,

“Oh yes, you look perfectly ravished.” Then with a wink he started to walk me into the hotel, leaving my mouth hanging open in shock. By the time I came to my senses we were almost at the front desk.

“That is not exactly the look I was trying to go for, Draven,” I hissed through an angry jaw as Draven approached a door on the right. Then, just as he pushed it open to reveal a room full of family and friends, he leant down to my ear and whispered…


 “No, but I was.”