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Happy Ever Afterlife Part 1 (Afterlife saga Book 9) by Stephanie Hudson (17)





Once Lucius had dropped that cryptic bombshell on me I didn’t know what to think. On one hand I was happy for him that he had an insight into what his future may bring. And one where he would meet his own Chosen One, no matter who she may be. But then, on a selfish level, I also had to be honest with myself and the feelings I had for Lucius. I would be lying to myself if I tried to say I didn’t care about him in any other way than as a friend. But then I would also be lying if I ever said that there was a time I wanted more.

Thinking back to that time in the clock tower, I had been in a different place, emotionally and physically. For starters, not only did I believe Draven maybe captured for it was certain he wasn’t in Hell thanks to taking a quick trip there myself to make sure. But this was also after Lucius had rescued me from a tortured time even I had cast so far into the prisons of my mind. I couldn’t see it, for the pit it had been buried in was that deep. An endless chasm where I stored all the painful times in my life and being imprisoned in that rotting dungeon was definitely near the top of the growing pile.

So, to be saved yet again by Lucius and finding him as a growing strength in my life was always going to mess with my head, no matter how much I loved Draven. But I knew even now that all I wanted for Lucius was essentially to see him happy and we both knew that if that was going to happen, then we couldn’t keep torturing ourselves with questions like ‘what if?’.

Because life wasn’t about the what ifs. It was only ever about the reasons. It was about everything happening for a reason, no matter how painful or heart-breaking at the time. It was about stepping forward and following your path towards your destiny. Not taking two steps back into your past to torture yourself into seeing where it was you went wrong. That never got you anywhere as it was like trying to run into the shadows expecting the sun to follow you.

At one time I believed the sun did follow me and that I had the power to gift it to others like Lucius. But I didn’t. All I had was the ability to cast light onto others to show them the way. Which evidently was what had happened to Lucius and who knows, maybe others like RJ for Seth. Was that what made me important to others? Was that really what had pulled everyone together in the end.

Was it like they said? Was I the glue that held us all together or the light that had shown them the way to a better future? Well, whatever the answer was, it was clear that more than one good thing had come out of the prophecy and I had a feeling that there was plenty more to come.

But at the start was me and Draven and that to me was all that mattered right now, that and our baby. So, after saying an emotional goodbye to Lucius I walked back into the dining room to join the other half of my soul.

My reason.

However, when walking back inside my mind was racing and not only thanks to the personal whiplash labelled ‘Lucius’. No now it was also about what was next in the future for me and Draven to have to endure. Because no matter how much this crazy incident was now averted, it was like Lucius had warned me before coming back in here…


I had my hand on the doorknob and was just about to open the door hoping to put this all behind me. But it was as Lucius had said, that hope could be deadly and, in this case… foolish. Lucius’ next words only confirmed that.

“This will happen again my little Keira girl and next time I won’t be there to protect you… or his humanity.” I looked back at him and took a deep breath because really, what was there for me to say to that?

“Are you really willing to risk that…willing to risk more?” he added nodding down to my belly where it had been confirmed not even hours ago that precious life now grew. My hand gripped the handle tighter and I thought for a moment that I would crush it from the force of his warning. I shook my head a few times and lowered my eyes to my feet before trying to find the words…any words that would explain how I felt.

“He wouldn’t hurt me.” I said in a small voice that didn’t do much to back up the sentence, but only ended up making it sound unsure and weak. He raised a honey coloured brow and snapped,

“Take care of what you choose to put your faith in Keira, for I know from experience what happens when it is misplaced,” he told me, and I bit my lip because I knew what he was talking about. After all, his faith had not only gotten him tortured and killed, but also reborn as one of Lucifer’s sons.


So now, after that I made my way back to the table, I had to ask myself…was Lucius right? Did I now have something else to worry about, even after all we had just been through? Surely the Fates couldn’t be that cruel? But the second I asked myself this I nearly snorted out loud because who was I kidding! Going from past experiences here and what they had put us both through, then people would say it was more believable that they hated us. That punishment was first on their agenda and the fate of the world coming in a close second!

But what else was there for me to believe? That now my husband was too dangerous to be around and now because of me, even he didn’t yet know it? I knew why Lucius thought taking his memories was a bad idea and it was something I was already hating myself for. But what was the alternative? Because no matter how much I loved Draven, he had one flaw…


No, I knew deep down if he thought there was a possibility of him hurting me then he would do what he had done in the past. And unfortunately, it pained me to say that in this he just couldn’t be trusted, not after the great and painful depths he had gone to before.

So, no matter how much it had crushed me to lie, I felt I had little choice than to do just that. Because in his mind, if it was to save my life, then he would do it and damn the consequences.

I mean he had been ready to forsake the rest of the world and the seven billion people in it just out of his love for me for God’s sake! That wasn’t exactly the actions of what you would call a sane man for starters but then in his own words, there was nothing more important to him than his love for me. And, as incredibly wonderful as that knowledge was, it also meant that it placed Draven firmly on the crazy end of the scale when it came to making decisions based on my safety.

Which meant in the end I had been backed into a corner, having to make the hard decision, even if my own scale was more on the cursed side than that of the fated. Because if there was one thing that I would absolutely not allow to happen under any circumstances, was to let Draven leave me…again.

Which was why I walked back to my husband’s side and did so with the guilt buried deep, and firm in the knowledge that I was doing the right thing.

Draven followed my every move with his dark eyes, tracking me as I walked across the room, making my way to him. I even noticed how he gripped the arm of his chair and I wasn’t sure how many pounds per square inch of pressure he was away from demolishing it to sawdust, but let’s just say, it didn’t look like much.

But then with the other hand he calmly lifted his glass to his lips, proving just how much of his inner beast he could hide from the world. This thought made me shiver as I made the last few steps towards him, knowing just how close that inner statement was to the bone…crushingly so.     

“Keira.” Draven uttered my name like it was a prayer of thanks to the Gods that he didn’t have to wait any longer. He took my hand after releasing his armrest, so he could lead me around him to my seat. A seat that now had a few extra carved indents the length of his fingers in its woodwork.

I averted my eyes and tried not to think about that punished wood as I smiled at my family when they too took notice of my return. This was when my mum smiled at me and I was thankful to see there was no blush of shame that joined it. Yep, Lucius was totally getting upgraded to Derren Brown for that one.

“I was very close to coming and hunting you down, little wife,” he told me after granting me with a sweet kiss on my cheek. I closed my eyes at the feel of his gentle touch against my skin and tried everything in me to hold in the tremor I could feel trying to invade my nerves.

“Keira?” This time when he said my name it was as a question and just before I could ask myself why or how he would know of my inner struggle, one put there thanks to his last rough demonic touch, Lucius walked back in the room.

His long strides led him straight up to our table and even though I tried so hard not to react to the sight of him, it became an impossible task after what had just happened between us. I knew this and with it the second that I failed by not reacting to his presence. Because, one minute Draven had questioning eyes on me and then his gaze swiftly followed where mine were now focused on…or should I say who. Of course, it didn’t help when I let his name escape on a whisper,


My eyes snapped to Draven in panic when I heard his low growl and saw his bruising grip find the arm rest once again, this time enough for me to see splinters emerge beneath his white knuckled fist. Then I knew I was really in trouble when he leaned closer to me and hissed out a whispered warning of what was to come,

“We will be discussing this later, Sweetheart.” My visible gulp was enough to show my guilt, even if my averted eyes weren’t. Lucius didn’t approach our table like I thought he would but instead he nodded to both of us as a way of silent goodbye. But his eyes lingered half a second too long on mine and I knew in that single look what he was trying to say. It was confirmed when I suddenly heard his voice in my mind.

‘Remember what I said, My Little Keira Girl… stay safe.’ I nodded back to him and in doing so sealed my fate when I heard even more wood give way in Draven’s hands.

“Hey Dom, I think you have some blood on your shirt.” The sound of Frank’s voice seemed to bring us both slamming back to the room, that and the word blood. I looked to Draven to see him still frowning at Lucius’ back and it was only with his neck twisted that I could now see it for myself. Frank was right, there was a few small drops of blood there. I couldn’t help my reaction as I reached out to his neck, touching it and trying to see for myself where it was coming from.

“It’s nothing, must have cut myself shaving,” Draven said in a strained but steady tone to Frank as I knew this was a lie. Frank just shrugged his shoulders and went back to enjoying his meal, one I noticed that was also sat in front of both Draven and I, untouched.

Draven grabbed my hand in his to gently put a stop to my examination of his neck and the second he saw the clear worry in my eyes his own finally softened.

“It’s nothing,” he told me, this time without the tense tone.

“But the blood…” At this he finally grinned and leaned closer to me so that he could whisper,

“The blood is yours, Keira.”  Then he lifted my hand to his lips and planted an affectionate kiss at the back of my hand. But it was in this moment that realisation slammed into me and I knew what he was saying. I gripped his hand in a tight grasp and yanked it to me and hissed,

“Are you wearing my shirt?!”  Hearing this and the way I said it, managed to grant me my first smile since Lucius had walked past.

“I think you will find sweetheart, it was always my shirt.” My mouth dropped, and horror struck my face as I only just now realised that he was wearing the shirt I had been wearing when I had come on to him. The very one he had yanked aside baring my neck to him whilst he fed on me and yep, there was my blood to prove it.

“Why are you wearing it?” I asked through gritted teeth looking back at everyone with a fake smile and trying not to act as though I was sat next to my husband who was wearing what only hours ago I was wearing when I seduced him like some wanton hussy!

I felt his fingers capture my chin as he turned my attention back to where he wanted it which, as usual, was solely on him. The second I felt that slight rumble in his chest my eyes fluttered to him and I bit my lip at the growing intensity I saw transforming his heated gaze. Then he leaned in closer and gave me his answer in a deep timbre tone that could only be described as dragged through his demon side to get to me.  

“Because every time I take a breath I smell your sex on my skin and feel myself getting hard remembering how it felt to have you swallow me whole.”  The second I sucked in a shuddered breath his eyes flashed purple fire if only for a fleeting moment. But it was long enough to tell me he was once again on the edge. Which, instead of making me feel powerful and triumphant, now only succeeded in making me wary and bombard my mental state with unanswered questions.

“Draven.” I whispered his name as a warning, hoping that it was enough to remind him where we were and more importantly who we were surrounded by.

Hearing this his reaction was the one I wouldn’t have guessed as he suddenly threw his head back and laughed, making everyone stop and stare at him. But it was obvious he didn’t care because instead of concerning himself of such things, he simply placed the palm of his hand to the back of my neck. Then, as I sucked in a startled breath, he pulled me to him for a swift but hard kiss, branding me to his lips for all to see. I gasped again which he took as not only an invitation to sweep his tongue inside to taste me but also his opportunity to deepen the kiss.

Now, if we had been around only his own kind this wouldn’t have been a problem. I learnt early on with Draven that he made no qualms about showing his affection for me in front of his people. Even to the point that sometimes I had to ask myself if half of it was done as a clear stamp of possession for everyone else to see. As if to say, she is mine and I may have claimed her long ago, but that brand of ownership is still plain to see for anyone suicidal enough not to take notice of it.

But even this domineering act in front of my family wasn’t the reason I had gasped. No, it was the feel of his palm now touching the back of my neck and very close to the newly discovered symbol of destruction that lay under my hairline. So naturally I tensed in his hold as if waiting for the demon that I knew still lurked far too close the surface.

However, the second he felt my response to him, not being what it usually was, he pulled back and now he was the one whispering my name in question,

“Keira?” Now if I was a smart girl I would have known my mistake the second I made it and therefore would have accounted for it. Readied myself for the long list of excuses I could have given him for my behaviour and in some respects, yes, I achieved this…well the words anyway.

“My family,” I whispered back saying all the right things but the one thing I didn’t add to this was hiding the clear worry from my watery gaze. One that was now studying his eyes half expecting to find the demon there looking back at me.

This was when he knew.

I was keeping something from him.

Under a blanket of Lies. 

“Keira.” This time when he said my name it wasn’t in question, no, it was in warning. This was confirmed when he then pulled me closer to him and informed me in hushed tones,

“We will discuss this later, along with other things,” he added and when he looked to the door that Lucius had recently walked through, I knew what he meant.

Oh joy, great times ahead then…



After this I was silent for most of the remainder of the meal and it was only when Draven must have noticed that, thanks to his taste of things to come, I was now playing with my food. I had hardly taken a single bite, even though the slow braised blade of beef, roasted red onions, and rich red wine and mushroom jus, looked and smelled amazing. No, instead I had concentrated my time into cutting the beef into small pieces and then hiding them around my plate under different vegetables that accompanied the dish. Of course, Draven noticed.

“Not a fan of the beef or are you just picturing it as a certain part of my anatomy?” Draven asked, half joking. My eyes sliced to him just as I stabbed my fork in a chunk of beef making him flinch. I tried to keep the smirk off my face in sight of what was a very natural and human reaction to the thought of stabbing anything in to a man’s shaft. What do you know, it seems as though Supernaturals weren’t immune to the age-old practice of a seriously pissed off woman and their sometimes right to deliver a swift kick to the man’s jangly bits?

“Don’t get any idea’s Keira, as if I remember correctly it wasn’t long ago that you enjoyed that particular part of me and in…one, strong, hard piece.”  He said this last part after pulling my chair closer to his with one swift pull, yanking me so his lips were suddenly at my ear and his fingertip was simultaneously running gently down my neck.

“But then, maybe my little queen needs reminding… in a firm way?”  he hummed in that hypnotic velvet voice of his. This time he was the one smirking when he noticed my heated reaction to his words, as it was clear he felt the spike in my pulse and heard me when I released a small barely audible gasp. Anyone else that had been looking would have simply believed my new husband was whispering sweet endearments in my ear, not painting a sexual picture in my mind like he was currently doing.

This was when I decided to play his game and twist the tables on him. So, I reached down and before he knew what was happening I grabbed his length in a strong hand and said,

“Is that so, my large King…then maybe I should help you out, you know…firmly?”  I said giving him a firm squeeze and with it I grinned openly when hearing his deep groan, one that sounded like it couldn’t be contained.

“So, when are you two kids planning on going on your honeymoon?” My dad asked and the second he did all my cool vixen went flying out the window. My hand let go of him and in doing so, I lifted it too quickly, banging it on the underside of the table. I muttered a quiet ‘Oww’ which only Draven heard and tried to focus back to my dad’s question.

“Smooth, Sweetheart,” Draven commented after putting his head down and off to my side so only I heard. Then I felt his silent chuckle on hearing me growl in response. I continued to feel his amusement shaking against my shoulder thanks to how close we still were, and I shot him a scowl, one he of course, chose to ignore. Then I felt him take my sore hand in his own and not caring who saw, he brought it to his lips. Once there in his gentle hold, his heated eyes found mine over my hand and burned into me as he kissed the red patch, whispering over it,

“Poor baby.”  I think I nearly came just from those two spoken words that promised so much more than just a soothing kiss. In fact, it was only when I heard my dad chuckling that it brought me back to the room.

“Sorry Dad, what did you say?” I had to ask again but didn’t miss the way Draven smirked over my hand before finally lowering it back to his lap, where he continued to cradle it. I swear if he carried on being this tender and mixing it with his possessive and dominating ways, I was going to end up melting into a sticky mess on the floor with only my soggy knickers there as proof I used to be a living person.

“Newlyweds,” my mother whispered to my dad, grinning like a mad woman. My dad just cleared his throat and replied on a whisper he didn’t think we could hear, (because let’s face it, he didn’t know we had extra, superhuman senses)

“Yes, but even we showed some restraint in public.”  I wanted to smile at this but then when she replied with a whispered,

“That’s not how I remember it Eric, in fact I think it was at my mum’s dinner table that you…”

“Dad! I uh…you were saying?” I said quickly and loudly, because suddenly I was seeing the huge flaw in having supercharged senses. I felt Draven laughing next to me and I used the hand he still had hold of to pinch him, which didn’t achieve the right goal as I had hoped. No, instead it only managed to make him laugh harder.

“I asked when you are going on your honeymoon, Kazzy?” At my dad’s question I was suddenly stumped. Then my mum piped up and asked,

“Oh, and where, I bet it’s somewhere special?” My mum added getting excited for me.        

“Uh…well I think we were just going to skip the whole…” I started to say when Draven’s authoritative voice cut in and as usual took control, which also ended in me looking like a guppy, as my mouth dropped open in shock.

“We will be leaving for our honeymoon tomorrow,” he stated, and I turned towards him and instead of playing along, which might have been what he had silently been expecting, I asked,

“We are?!” Everyone at the table laughed as they all heard this. Draven turned to me and the corner of his lips twitched as if he was close to biting down on the grin emerging.

“We are, Love,” he told me, and I looked to everyone else, like Libby, Frank and then to my mum and dad and repeated,

“We are.” Making them start laughing again.

“I take it we just ruined the surprise?” My dad asked, and Draven shook his head, telling him,

“The surprise is more the destination, which I will let Keira tell you once we arrive.” My eyes widened in excitement and I grabbed his arm and asked,

“We are really going?”

“Well, I think you can include the not knowing bit as part of the surprise Dom, she looks like you just handed her a puppy and a lifetime supply of chocolate,” Frank said making everyone chuckle, but I ignored it all as I looked at my handsome husband who was looking back at me in that adoring way. It was as if he was wondering how to make it his lifelong mission to keep that look on my face, because he relished making me happy. I felt like telling him that just waking up next to him every morning was enough to achieve the same look. But still, a honeymoon with just the two of us was what I looked forward to the most, the destination came in second…maybe third if he told me we were going to spend most of the time naked.

After this everyone was chatting over dessert, which I noticed was chocolate because like Frank had said, it was a clear winner with the ladies. Although I didn’t think it was as far as being written in our DNA like he thought it was or was currently trying to convince Libby of the fact.

“You eat just as much chocolate as me! Which reminds me, I need to stock up whilst we are here because no offence honey, but American chocolate isn’t as creamy or yummy as ours,” my sister argued, something that was a common conversation in their household. I knew what was coming next from Frank as he stood firmly on the American chocolate side of the fence.

“I’ve got three words for you babe, Reese’s butter cups,” Frank said making my sister scowl because let’s face it, he had her there knowing it was one of her favourites.

“Still not as good as a Galaxy bar,” she told him after crossing her arms, but this just made him laugh harder and turn to Sophia who he was sat next to and say,

“I swear I nearly bought stock in Reese’s when she was pregnant.” Libby scoffed at this and was about to argue when he playfully wrapped one of his big arms around her from behind and held a hand over her mouth.

“One time I forgot to buy some from the store and when she found out, she got so angry, I swear I thought she was going to stab me in my sleep…It kept me awake so much so, that in the end I went out at three in the morning just to buy her some and ended up getting every one they had on the shelf. Do you remember Libs, I even woke you up by wafting one under your nose?” At this we could hear the screeched outrage of her screaming,

“FRANK!” One that was barely muffled under his palm.

“And why not! I get my love muffin to treat me all the time, don’t I, Sugar man jangles? Doesn’t matter what time it is, a woman needs to be woken up with chocolate every now and again…it helps the world rotate,” Pip exclaimed in my sister’s defence making everyone join in the discussion of what crazy demands have been made over the years by loved ones. But I quickly shifted my attention back to more important things, like my husband.

“I can’t believe we are going on honeymoon,” I told him making him grin behind the hand that was positioned at his jawline. I found him staring at me of course. 

“Why are you surprised Keira, since I met you I have been trying to get you to come away with me?” he reminded me, and I guess this was kind of true. But then I grinned and retorted with,

“Yes, but that was usually because you wanted to lock me in some ancient tower somewhere, so you could ravish me, having your wicked way and keeping me to yourself and above all…keeping me safe.”  This I thought was a pretty good comeback, but the second I finished I saw his eyes flash purple around the edges telling me there was something he knew that I didn’t.

Well, that was until he told me, dropping the honeymoon bombshell.

“And those Sweetheart, are the very reasons for my choice in our honeymoon destination.”

“What…where…what?” I asked on a breathy exhale that seemed to be on repeat.

He gave me his best bad ass grin. 

Then he told me…


“Locked away in my Scottish Castle.”











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