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Happy Ever Afterlife Part 1 (Afterlife saga Book 9) by Stephanie Hudson (20)





We soon arrived at Glasgow airport as it was only a short flight from Birmingham. Draven refused to let me sit in my own seat for landing, telling me that his arms could take place of my seatbelt and instead, he could take my mind off it by whispering sexual promises in my ear. I teased him, letting him know my thoughts and questioning whether he was in heat or something as I was sure seatbelts weren’t supposed to keep skimming against your intimate parts. He just laughed and joked,

“All part of the service, ma'am.” Then the second our wheels touched the tarmac he said in a professional ‘Captain’s voice,’

“Thank you for flying Draven air, safest way to travel for fearful little flyers.” After this it was now my turn to burst out laughing. Yep, had to be said, my husband was a pretty funny guy when he wanted to be.

The other thing I noticed in this time was that Draven looked about as pleased with himself at making me laugh as I usually did when making him laugh. And this was yet another moment that I felt the need to say again, what a perfect day.

“How far until we get there?” I asked once we were in yet another expensive car, only the difference with this one was it was a massive four-wheel drive and Draven was driving.

I had been surprised to see that the second I had been led down the steps by Draven, a man exited a black car that looked like a heavy duty, military vehicle, one that looked like it had a baby with a luxury Mercedes Benz. Almost as if the expensive millionaire’s business car just woke up one morning and decided to become an off-roading beast on four massive wheels!

“M' laird.” A man with a heavy Scottish accent said at the same time tossing the keys to Draven, who caught them without looking.

“Thank you, Douglas.”

“You’re driving?” I asked him in surprise and I didn’t know why exactly, as it wasn’t as if I had never seen Draven driving before. But it had been a while and I was kind of getting used to us being chauffeured around. Not because I was quickly becoming spoilt or anything, but mainly because I was getting used to having Draven all to myself in the backseat. Especially when it included times like making our way back to the hotel and Draven telling the driver to take an hour in doing so, before the privacy screen went up.

Oh yes, those were good times.

He didn’t answer my question with words, just with a bad ass grin before taking my hand and leading me over to the passenger side. Then he shifted me to the side as he opened my door before gripping my waist as he easily lifted me inside. I had to say, I was certainly grateful for this part considering the vehicle looked to be about seven feet tall! The ground clearance alone looked as though we could cross bloody rivers and I knew there was no way I was getting up into that thing without a stepladder. It was that or tripping, scrambling, and scratching my way in, which let’s face it, was never a sexy look.

This instantly reminded me of the time I had tripped and fallen head first into Draven’s lap before we had become a couple. Back when I thought Draven pretty much hated me.

“Now that is one look I would very much like explaining,” Draven said after he took his seat behind the wheel with ease. Damn those long sexy, strong legs of his. But secretly not damning them at all and only wishing to see them naked again. Preferably on his knees as he powered into me from behind. Jesus Keira, get a grip woman, I scorned myself, for I felt like I was in heat or something. Of course, none of this was helped by what Draven had been trying to do to me when we were coming in to land. 

“What makes you think it’s a look that needs explaining?” I said trying to act calm and cool, which was a mission in itself after a flicker book of sinful thoughts had just passed through my mind’s eye.  

“You’re blushing, Keira,” he informed me and damn it, he was right.

“Just cold cheeks,” I said trying to pass it off as nothing but the bitter Scottish weather. And like Draven had said there would be, there was a cutting wind outside, which made me thankful for my warm hoodie.

So naturally, thanks to the weather, I thought I had gotten away with it. Well, that was until Draven being Draven decided to prove he was right. And he did this by reaching across the centre console and running the back of two fingers down my cheek.

“Sorry sweetheart, but I am calling bullshit,” he said after pulling back and smirking like a cocky bastard. It was only then did he start the engine and I jumped at the sound of its deep rumble.

“What car is this?” I asked trying to get away from his interrogation, but he was having none of it.

“Nice try, Keira,” he told me making me huff in response.

“Fine, I was just thinking about the time when I face planted into your lap,” I said in a begrudging tone, one he started to chuckle at.

“Ah yes, a day I will never forget.”

“What do you mean by that?” I asked as he pulled out of the private airfield, first nodding to the guard on duty before joining the main road and its traffic.

“Well, I don’t think many would forget the day the girl they were obsessing over literally falls into their lap…face first.” He whispered this last part to his side window as he pulled out of a roundabout once it was clear. Of course, thanks to my Vamp super skills I heard him, and he knew this when I growled. Yes, now I was the one sounding animalistic and I had to say, it felt good when you were annoyed. Although, it would have felt even better had Draven not been chuckling because of it. I probably sounded like a cub or a kitten compared to the King of the jungle over there. 

“Yes, well if you enjoyed it so much then why were you so angry with me?” I snapped back at him and this time when he looked at me, he was in utter shock.

“Angry at you? Keira, why would you ever think I was angry at you?” he asked sounding dumbfounded and now I was the one looking at him in shock.

“You’re joking, right?” I asked making him frown.

“Draven I was right there, you looked furious!” Draven heard this and made a face as if what I was saying was impossible. I laughed without humour and said,

“You know, fisted hand, tense jaw and a cold look of indifference as you glanced my way…ring any angry bells?” Once I had finished and my question was out there he now looked thoughtful, as if he was trying to replay the same events for himself. Scanning back through what must have been the biggest library in the world for a memory bank.

“No,” he stated firmly making me frown.

“No?” I questioned shaking my head slightly as if this would help in making sense of him. This time he looked at me and repeated,

“No, that is not what happened.”

“Draven I was there and…”

“Yes, you were and like many times back then, you totally misunderstood my actions for ones against you, instead of ones made because of you.”

“I don’t understand,” I suddenly admitted because what he just said didn’t really make sense to me. 

“No and evidently you also didn’t that day,” he said clearly frustrated but I couldn’t understand if it was with me or himself.

“Keira, I was angry yes, but not with you… never with you.”  He added this last part in a soft voice, this time looking at me. But my own look told him I obviously needed more here, so thankfully that’s what he gave me…more.

“You have to remember, back then I couldn’t simply take what I wanted… no doubt just as I couldn’t when you walked into my life back two thousand years ago in the past,” he said bitterly, and I noticed the way his grip hardened on the leather steering wheel.

“But at least back then I was known as King, even to mortals. But in this world, in this time, what do you think would have happened had I simply taken you, plucked you out of your life the first second I saw you back in that forest?” he asked, and I knew we had been here before. But no matter how many times I had heard him say the same thing, about stealing me away when he wanted to, I still found it hard to believe. Not because I didn’t want to believe him, but more because I desperately wanted to believe him.

So, I gave him my answer as to how I thought I would have reacted.

“I don’t know, thought I had died and gone to heaven?” He gave me an unconvincing look before saying,

“As nice as that is to hear Sweetheart, I think we both know that wouldn’t have happened.”

“Then obviously all the mirrors you are using at home don’t work properly and are clearly broken,” I told him and inwardly smiled to myself as at least if this was the case that would then account for all my bad luck then. 

I at least managed to gain a small smile before he went serious again, which was when I caved in and decided to be sensible too. 

“Okay so yeah, I probably would have freaked out, no matter how annoyingly sexy and hot you are,” I admitted, this time getting a bigger grin and I didn’t know whether it was hearing me calling him sexy or that I had just admitted he was right.

“Keira, what you saw back then wasn’t anger directed at you. But it was frustration and anger stemmed purely from my own restraints. Can you imagine what it must have been like… for no, you couldn’t possibly know,” he said half to me and half to himself.

“Oh no, I couldn’t possibly know what it was like to want someone as…” I started to say but he cut me off with both a serious look and his serious words,

“Keira, I had been waiting for you for thousands of years, you had weeks, a few months at most. So, no, you couldn’t possibly imagine what it was like. What it was like to finally feel your lush little body pressed against mine where I wanted it to remain. But what happened… I was forced to do nothing, when all I wanted to do was lock the fucking door, keep you in my lap and order my chauffeur to keep driving until I had you as far from your life as I could, thus making your life mine to control… So that little wife, as you now know, was why I was so fucking angry when my sister interrupted that dream.” By the time he was finished I was in complete shock and feeling emotions so strong, I couldn’t help but snap out an order.

“Draven, pull over.” He shot me a look and frowned.


“Draven, stop the car,” I said again but now his look went from confused to worried in a heartbeat.

“Why? Is it what I said…? Come on Keira we can talk about this…”

“Stop the car!” I shouted interrupting him as I felt myself almost shaking. Thankfully, he saw how much I needed this, whatever this was to him. So, he indicated and pulled into the layby with speed, hitting the brakes with enough force that I slapped a hand to the shiny, expensive dash. Then, before he knew what was happening, I was releasing my seatbelt and climbing over his brand-new car, not caring one hoot about the pristine leather interior or where I was putting my dirty boots.

He seemed frozen by my actions as if utterly stunned as he watched me climb over the centre console and position myself over him, straddling his lap. Then I placed both my hands on his face, framing the perfection in front of me and as I watched his eyes melt into purple, I knew that I had been wrong before…

Because now it was perfection.

“Because I love you!” I told him desperately before taking his lips with my own and kissing him as if I would die if in that second, I didn’t. I crashed into him and kissed him like I needed to get deep enough to possess him. Like I needed to brand myself to him and praying to the Gods that, in that moment, he even had some small concept, even a slither, of the endless amount that I loved him.

It took him a moment of stunned shock before he reacted and when he did, as usual he took over the kiss, as was his way. I felt one arm quickly imprison me to him, as his forearm pressed against my spine, securing me to his upper body in a near bruising hold. Then his hand held my neck, tilting my face so that he could go deeper and the second the connection hit new depths, he growled his approval in my mouth.

I was holding his head to me, with my hands embedded in his hair and in my impatience, I raked my nails against his scalp, tugging on the strands as my fingers made fists.

“Gods woman!” he said finally after letting me come up for air. I was panting in his lap with my forehead held to his. He had his eyes closed as he wrapped both arms around me, enveloping me and hugging me to him as his own hands formed fists in my hooded sweater.

“So, was that what you had in mind?” I asked him when I finally caught my breath, one Draven had stolen from me. He moved back slightly so that he could see me better.

“I only ever had you in mind, my Love,” he told me, making me fall forward so I could bury my head in his neck and mutter my confession,

“Oh Draven, I wish I had known.”

“And I too now see the error of my ways,” he admitted.

“You do?” I asked curiously.

“I admit my reasons for holding you at arm’s length to begin with was out of protection, but I would never, and I mean never, have wanted you to feel as though I hated you, Keira…never,”  he told me squeezing me on this last whispered word, as if he was back in time and speaking this vow.

“Is this why you…?”

“Jumped on you?” I finished for him.

“Not that I am complaining here,” he said holding both his hands out to indicate all that was me, still sat straddling his lap. Then those same hands came to rest on my hips as if not yet ready to let me go.

“Well, let’s just say I liked the picture you painted as a better alternative to what happened that day and I couldn’t exactly give into the impulse whilst you were driving…no matter how talented you are behind the wheel,” I added making him grin and telling him the reason why I basically couldn’t wait to kiss him.

“I wish we had the time for me to show you my other talents behind the wheel but alas…”

“Alas…really Draven…tell me, did you pack your club or are you just hoping to find a really big stick to hit me over the head with when you want to drag me back to your cave?” I teased making his lips quirk up at one side as he fought off a grin.

“Oh, don’t you worry Sweetheart, I have everything I need right here to punish unruly little wives into doing as they’re told, no club whacking needed.” At this I moaned as he decided to show me exactly what ‘weapon’ he was talking about when he banded an arm around my waist and lifted his hips, pressing his hard length in between my legs. But being me and not wanting to give in that easily, I came back with a cocky reply,

“Whacking…well at least that is a word used from this century.” He growled, this time playfully before pulling my head to one side and dragging the hood of my sweater off my shoulder, so he could nip at my exposed skin.

“Like I said… unruly wife,” he said into my neck, reminding me of my new nickname.

“And like I said…Caveman,” I teased him back and only stopped when his nipping turned into a bite. It didn’t hurt but was a primal warning as he held my flesh in his teeth. Then he grabbed my wrists with each hand and restrained me by holding them at my lower back. I swear I felt my girly bits flutter as he pulled back and gave me a heated, dominating look that said he was about two heartbeats away from surging into me…

But I was only one heartbeat away from begging him to.             

So, there we were, on the side of a Scottish road, locked not just by our bodies in this silent showdown but also with both our heated looks. A gaze that was seconds from igniting the electrically charged air around us and exploding in a world of motion.  

But in the end, it was the sound of Draven’s phone ringing through the speakers of the car that stopped us. At first, I didn’t think he would answer it and half of me didn’t want him to. Christ, I knew we were newlyweds, but we were acting more like a couple of horny teenagers!

“Sometimes I hate being King,” he admitted astonishing me before he let go of my wrists and then lifted me back into my own seat. Thus putting an ice pack on my aching and raging libido.

“Speak!” Draven demanded after tapping the fancy touch screen on the dashboard. Then he put it into gear and turned to me and mouthed one word,

‘Seatbelt.’ I tried not to smile when I gave him a cocky salute, making him roll his eyes at me. But then his lips quickly gave him away as it was obvious…he liked my brand of humour.

But then this was when all humour stopped and quickly fled me. And why did this happen?

Because the man on the other line spoke and unfortunately sealed my fate,

“My Lord, I have Lucius on the other line for you as was requested.” And my first thought and regrettably my first reaction went hand in hand and therefore couldn’t be stopped.

Because not only did my whole-body tense but I also shot my already paranoid and suspicious husband a panicked look.


Then I screamed only one thing in my mind…


‘Oh shit!’


























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