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Happy Ever Afterlife Part 1 (Afterlife saga Book 9) by Stephanie Hudson (8)




After this I found out that Draven’s plans had been for us to go back to the hotel, so we could spend some more time with family seeing as we didn’t get much chance to do this on our actual wedding day. I remember laughing at the pained expression Draven gave me when I got up off the bed still wearing just his shirt and declared,

“I’d better go change then.”

“I fear I made a mistake making such plans, for I can think of better ones I wish to choose instead,” was his reply and I looked back to see his eyes solely focused on my bare behind. I decided to be cruel and I lifted up my arms faking a yawn and a stretch as I knew it would give him a better view as his shirt rose higher up my bum. I saw his eyes widen before a ring of purple flashed brighter making me giggle and give up the game. His eyes shot to mine to see I had been teasing him and his growl made me chuckle.

“You are cruel to me,” he complained, and I let out a quick laugh before informing him,

“That’s not what you were saying a minute ago.” His lips twitched as he fought a smile before he shifted off the bed. I couldn’t help but marvel at the sight of him naked and watch as his muscles danced with each movement he made. The erotic sight made me momentarily forget our sexual banter and just made me think about sex. He walked the few steps to me and lightly grazed his hand across my bum, looking down at it as his hand made the curvaceous journey. It was as though he wanted to spend the time admiring the view, a thought that made me blush and restrain myself from looking down to see what it was he saw.

“Keeping this exquisite body from me is always a cruelty, Keira,” he told me and now my lips were the ones twitching to hold in the massive, victorious grin I was trying to hold back after hearing this.

“Ah, this pleases you I see,” he told me, and now I had not only to try and hold back a smile but also a laugh as I feigned ignorance.

“I don’t know what you mean.”

“What I mean is that smug, contented grin you are failing at trying to hide tells me all I need to know.” Ah well I guess I was busted then. I decided if this was the case I might as well give up the game and instead did something cocky by reaching up and kissing him softly on the cheek.

“What can I say honey, but I learned from the best.” Then I patted his chest before walking away, although Draven had other ideas. He snagged my hand and yanked me back to his body.

“Where are you going?!” he demanded and once I was back tucked tightly against his large body, he kissed me, showing me that my statement meant far more than just teasing, as I certainly learned to kiss from the master who currently had me in his arms.

After this it became even harder to get Draven to let me go so I could change, and I found that this also included him following me into the closet to watch me as I found a new outfit. One more fitting for a social event with my mortal family. Of course, doing this when he was so confidently unashamed of his naked self then I had to say it wasn’t the easiest of tasks.

“I have to say, I look forward to the day I have to take you shopping of a different kind,” he said finally moving to his own side and putting me out of my lustful misery by putting on some clothes.

“Don’t you want to…uh…like…well…you know…” I said being as eloquent as always.

“Words, sweetheart,” Draven said smirking to himself as he picked a pair of jeans from the shelf.

“I just thought you would want to shower first…you know before…I mean well after…you know,” I said rolling my hand around trying not to say it. Then I decided to put my chunky knitted sweater over my head just so that I could hide from his obvious amusement. In the end I felt it being pulled down over my head but not by me.

“You know I find it utterly astonishing that out there, only moments ago, I was rendered half a man and imprisoned with just the sight of you.” He pulled me to him, used both hands to lift my hair free of my sweater and then after leaning in, his husky voice came to my ear,

“The way you took my cock into your hot demanding mouth and sucked me deep, milking every last drop of me to swallow down like a greedy little Vixen that spoke only of her hunger for me.” Hearing this made me shudder and close my eyes as the erotic memory assaulted me.

“And now you can barely even speak, stumbling on your words like I had just ravished a virgin wearing white,” he said pulling on my white sweater, so it slid off my shoulder making his point, as it just so happened to be the same colour as the shirt he now wore once again. I gave him wide eyes looking up at him and this time he bit his lip at the sight.

“Gods woman, I don’t know which look has more power over me, the sex kitten that shows me her claws and makes me want to punish her body or this one that looks up at me now, a look that simply makes me want to worship at your feet.” This time I joined him in biting my own lip before I said,

“I honestly couldn’t tell you which one I would prefer but both sound nice.” At this he laughed before kissing me on the forehead and speaking in my hairline,

“And there’s my girl.” The squishy, mushy love feeling I got hearing this made my toes want to curl…if this was a cartoon and that was physically possible.

“And in answer to your cryptic question, no I don’t wish to shower, for that would rid me of your scent, one that I am quite enjoying knowing is still marked along my thigh,” he said before moving away to continue getting himself ready. The second he turned his back to me I mouthed the word, ‘oh god’ looking up to the ceiling wondering if there wasn’t in fact a sex god up there that had educated this man in the art of seduction. I even felt the need to cover up my shoulder to protect myself as I hugged the big knitted fold up to my neck.

“You look like you fear I will soon pounce on you and sate my animalistic lust for you,” Draven said after giving me the once over and finding the sight of me both an amusing and arousing one. I laughed anxiously when he decided to play with me, first slapping his hand on the marble topped island in the middle of the room. I jumped, shrieking and once again laughed nervously. His look said it all… he wanted to chase.

I looked to the door to see how far I could get before he reached me, then I glanced back not expecting the demon that was now looking back at me. I vaulted back a step and his demon liked the submissive action as he grinned, showing me a slight lengthening of his fangs.

The rush of adrenaline that flooded my sexual addiction for this man was almost making me lightheaded. But then he raised an eyebrow at me as if questioning what my next move would be. I did the same back to him, shrugging my shoulders as if I would do nothing, then I shrieked in excitement before I ran for it!

Actually, I was surprised I made it out the door and to the other side of the bed before he reached me. He swung me up making me yelp breathlessly and once he had me he pretended to be a wicked beast. The sight of him with his wings glowing freely along with the pulsating purple glow beneath his veins was enough to make me come undone. He then gripped my neck in his hold, securing my flesh in his teeth before growling as though he was about to feast upon me. I laughed and giggled at the playful noise he made, knowing this game was all simply to make me smile and not in a sexual way as it had started out. I loved the feel of his smile against my skin and soon he was peppering the length of my neck with little kisses that tickled.

“But wait, what did you mean when you said about shopping of a different kind?” I said thinking back to what he said earlier and now making him burst into laughter.

“Only you,” he responded now being cryptic himself before answering me,

“I was referring to the joy of watching your body swell as our child grows inside you.” He looked down at me and I couldn’t help my reaction.

“What you mean is how funny it will be so see me get plump and waddle around like a duck.” At this he laughed again but now with the added shake of his head. I patted his cheek and said,

“But if it helps, you made it sound a lot nicer.” Now this had him roaring with laughter and I shook from still being in his arms.

“I look forward to seeing it all,” he told me sweetly walking us into the living space.           

“I do have to wonder though at how this happened or when we conceived for that matter,” Draven mused and I couldn’t help it as I went rigid in his hold… he didn’t yet know. 

He paused mid step, so I knew he had felt my ‘oh shit’ moment for himself and I found I couldn’t look at him as he placed me gently on the couch.

“Look at me, Keira,” he demanded softly, and I shook my head telling him all he needed to know. I felt his hand at my neck before his thumb pushed my face up as he forced his command on me. I don’t know what he saw in my eyes, but I knew guilt was definitely one emotion that was going to be on the table.

“Okay, so I think we need to talk.” Draven frowned down at me before taking his own seat, replying with a curt,

“If that guilty look is anything to go by, then yes, I would say that we do.” I knew it was a cop out, but I couldn’t help but try my luck when I said,

“But aren’t we going to be late, I mean this can wa…”

“No, it can’t wait but the rest of the world can, so I suggest you start talking, heart of mine, for I believe this conversation is long overdue,” he said swiftly interrupting me. Okay, so I guess there was no getting out of it then, I thought with a gulp.

“Well, you say that but technically I only got back from Persia yesterday…so it’s not really that…” I never finished that sentence as the rumbling of displeasure coming from his chest told me it was time to stop. That and the sight of him closing his eyes as if he was trying to ask the Gods silently for patience. 

“Okay, so it’s not that bad but can you at least try to promise me that you will try and not shout at me and rein in that temper of yours?” I asked making him groan aloud before saying,

“Well, if you are asking this of me then that question alone tells me the first part of your statement to be false, for I doubt it is far from good.” Okay so he had a point there, but I decided to ignore this little truth and just dive right in with a question, as it would be nice to know how much his sister had actually told him…as in the little details, oh say, first meeting him with a blade held to my throat.  

“So, can I ask first what Sophia told you?” His look said it all, but his words only confirmed it,

“I will tell you what sweetheart, why don’t you explain to me what really happened and then I shall see if it matches her very brief and extremely vague recollection of the last seventeen days.” Oh yeah, so this was definitely an oh shit moment. I laughed nervously and shifted around on the seat.

“Do you think this sweater is too much, I mean it’s warmer here but I’m not sure about when we leave, you know what English summers are like, one day it’s sunny and then the next it rains for a week and I think…” Draven finally took pity on me and placed two fingers over my lips,

“You’re stalling, love.” Well at least he was looking less pissed off at the sight of my nervous rambling.

“Who me?” I said trying to sound innocent and hoping my next stalling tactic would mean at least ten minutes worth of banter.           

“Yes, you,” he replied tugging me closer to him obviously hating going too long with any space between us. If anything, you would have thought that he had experienced those seventeen days without me for himself. Not the few hours it had been. 

“You think by now I would know better,” I teased making him fight a grin. Oh yeah, he knew what I was doing.

“You would think so, yes but considering you were exactly seventeen days and one hour late for our wedding, then I think you would agree that we can call this a lesson not yet learned,” he replied sternly, and I hated his damn logic! But then he pulled me closer still, so he could push back some of the hair from my face. Then as he concentrated his gaze on his own action he said,

“But have no fear wife of mine, for there is no time like the present to rectify this failing, starting of course with the next words out of your mouth being the very thing you are still keeping from me.” The last of this sentence was said with his gaze firmly back on me and his eyes spoke of only one thing….my time for stalling was well and truly over. So, I took a deep breath and then another one for good luck before just getting it all out in one go.

“Alright so here it is…the real reason for me going back in time was so that I could trick your younger self into getting me pregnant because the oracle told me that would complete the prophecy and I knew that you knew this, but you refused to…well…give up the goods shall we say, as you believed it would mean my death. So, I thought the only way was to go back in time and well…get knocked up.” Of course, his first reaction to this was to stand up and shout,

“You slept with him?” He seemed outraged and my mouth dropped open in shock. Had I just heard him right…had he just referred to his younger self as someone else?

“Uh no, I slept with you…big, big difference here,” I said holding my hands out like I was holding an imaginary box that kept getting bigger. 

“So, you cheated on me!” he yelled accusingly, raking a hand so violently through his hair I was surprised there was anything left, and he didn’t now have a palm full of silky black strands. All I can say is he must have had supernatural strength roots and I wasn’t talking about his mother and father.

Upon hearing this I laughed, quickly ignoring his scowl on hearing it. 

“No, I didn’t cheat because that’s kind of hard to do when it’s sleeping with the same person,” I informed him calmly, thinking this would help him see things straight. Or so I had hoped.

“I have no memory of this and definitely no say in the act, so therefore it is very much classed as cheating,” he informed me, folding his arms across his wide chest and this was when I stood up and matched his defensive stance for one of my own.

“Oh sweetheart, you may have been in the world a lot longer than I, but you’ve obviously still got a lot left to learn if you think sleeping with the same man in a different time zone is classed as cheating!”  I said starting this argument off with sarcasm and ending it on a hiss.

“Different time zone…really Keira, that’s what you’re going for?” He asked after shaking his head once as if trying to make sense of what I had just said and coming up empty.

“Look, I know what I did wasn’t cool but…”

“Not cool! Not cool?!” he shouted repeating this twice as if he couldn’t believe it. However, I just ignored it and carried on, more forcefully this time. 

“…But, I am not going to stand here and listen to you try and make out like what I did was cheating on you!” I shouted making him frown back at me.

“You slept with another man!” he snapped back and that was when I lost it,

“I slept with you, you big ape!”

“Did you just call me a big ape?” he asked incredulously.

“Well if the hairy ass shoe fits, Mister!” I replied angrily now making him fight a bloody grin once again. I couldn’t believe it and he knew it when I asked,

“Seriously Draven I am starting to think you have multiple personalities or is it just your Demon that’s pissed off with me for missing out on sex?” I asked making him growl this time and I knew it wasn’t Draven but the Demon in question.

“Careful Keira, you tread on thin ice with that one.” At this I threw up my hands and shouted a dramatic,

“AAHHH! Men! Jesus Christ, they can be Angels, Demons, bloody lost creatures from the blue lagoon, but if they have a penis then they are all the bloody same!” I shouted and just before he said anything about the Jesus Christ comment I held up my hand to stop him,

“Oh no, don’t say a word for I think this time you can bloody well give me this one! And as for threatening me with your Demon, well if you think by now that shit scares me then you don’t know me very well, because as far as I am concerned he is a damn pussy cat compared to this pissed off wife!” I yelled at him shocking him, although I don’t know who was more shocked in that moment Draven or our little audience that we hadn’t realised had opened the door.

“Well okay then, I guess we will just be going,” Vincent said backing up and trying to pull Sophia along with him. She smirked and said,

“Wow they don’t do things by halves, do they? I mean what was that, all of nine hours of marital bliss before their first fight as a married couple?” Me and Draven both turned to the door and shouted different things, his was one word roared,

“LEAVE!” Mine on the other hand was,

“He thinks I cheated on him WITH HIMSELF!” I screamed this last part and both Vincent and Sophia looked at each other awkwardly before saying,

“Righty, okay, so we will just go and…” Vincent didn’t finish, and I just heard Sophia as she said,

“I guess this means a family dinner instead of family lunch it is then.”

“Anyway, what did you think was going to happen in the past Draven, because trust me, you certainly weren’t living life as a damn priest. No, your harem full of exotic sluts on tap told me that!” I snapped and for once I wanted to smack that knowing half grin from his perfect lips.

“Oh yeah, how do you think that one made me feel huh!? Do you think that nipping back to the past was like a damn erotic holiday for me? Do you think that when I first saw you holding a blade to my throat was going to be fun for me? Or then finding myself in a pit of jealous vipers that wanted to rip off my head and fill it full of dates!” I said and finally my words hit home, and he started to lose grip of his anger at me in sight of something else and damn if he didn’t just home right in there on it.

“What do you mean a fucking blade to your throat?!” Oh yeah, trust him to focus on that bit I thought bitterly.

“Exactly what it sounds like, my first sight of you was with a blade in your hand and one you held to my throat for causing a ruckus in your throne room,” I said and once I was finished I knew he was trying very hard for my sake to keep a lid on his temper as he closed his eyes and held the bridge of his nose as if this would help. I also had to wonder if he wasn’t counting in a different ancient language as another form of coping mechanism…well he was certainly muttering something, and I had a feeling it wasn’t all his fuzzy warm feelings about his pain in the ass new wife.

“Jesus!” he hissed, and I was just about to call him up on now being the one to curse his name, as he usually did with me but then just like I had done, he held up a hand and warned,

“Don’t.” I had to say, that if we hadn’t been arguing I would have seen the humour in it but as it stood it currently looked like Draven was trying not to rip something apart.

“Explain the ruckus?” he asked in a strained tone.

“Oh, it was just some asshole, he called him a Royal Sap… stat… or something, anyway I accidently pushed into him…”

“That doesn’t sound so bad…” he started to say but then I finished by adding the worst bit,

“Yeah well then, he grabbed me, so I punched him in the nose.”  

“You punched A Royal Satrap! Fuck Keira!” Draven shouted in utter shock, swiping an angry hand down, slicing the air. I took this reaction in and gathered this was a big no, no of his time.

“Yeah well, what else was I supposed to do, he grabbed me by the throat and then called me an ugly little whore before pushing me?” Draven’s eyes quickly looked murderous when hearing this and he snapped,

“I am surprised I let him live after witnessing it!” Okay so this side of Draven I liked. The one where he was no longer blaming me but the asshole who was nasty to me.

“…But I am seeing where this is headed, for you no doubt left me little choice but to act on the offence.”

“Well yeah, the next thing I knew you were at me in a heartbeat and had your blade to my neck. Although, to be fair to your younger self, you were actually quite nice about it.” He gave me a quizzical looked, silently asking me the question.

“Let’s just say you were gentle with me and very careful not to hurt me, I think it was more for show than anything else.”

“Oh, I know it was more for show, one that as King, I had no choice but to put on. What did I do to the Satrap?” he asked abruptly, and I had to inwardly smile knowing Draven well enough to know he wouldn’t have let him get away with hurting me, even back then.

“You humiliated him and manipulated the situation so that he insulted you first, then you basically told him that if he wanted your forgiveness then he would also need to accept mine…I think your exact words were, ‘are you yourself willing to extend the same forgiveness to an act against you that was equally as insolent as the disrespect you showed your King?’” I repeated the same words back I’d heard him speak that day, knowing that every sentence said by him that day would be forever imprinted on my memory.

“Yes, well that would do it, but I would be surprised if I let him live for long after that day,” Draven commented making me frown.

“I think that would have been a bit drastic Draven, you had only just met me.” What he said next confirmed just how much he really didn’t know.

“No one raises an aggressive hand to my Electus and lives to see the next sunrise, now or two thousand years in the past! For time doesn’t matter, the outcome would be the same.” My look must have said it all.


“Uh…well…” I stumbled for my words again and saw once more my husband’s patience was slipping.

“Just tell me, Keira.” he said in a way that told me he was close to reaching his limit.   

“Well…okay so, you didn’t know I was your Chosen One, Draven,” I said tentatively and wincing after it. He was so taken aback by this he took a step back before swiftly taking two forward, coming closer to me to say a disbelieving,

“Come again?” At this I took a deep breath and nodded to the couch, now both our tempers had cooled slightly.

“Can we at least sit down?” I asked and after he bowed his head in agreement, I let out another sigh before deflating into the seat.

“You are going to have to explain that one to me sweetheart, for I am at a loss here.” This time I was the one to rake a frustrated hand through my hair, holding half of it back as I said,

“I know.” Then I took another deep breath and admitted the last thing he would have ever had expected to hear.

“You didn’t know I was your Chosen One because we hid it from you.” His looked said it all but that one word hissed spoke it aloud,


“Not really, not when you have a…”

“Shadow Imp…but of course.” His reference to poor Pip was hissed through gritted teeth and again I winced, tensing my shoulders. 

“And now the reasons become clear as to why she joined you on your…your quest.” He said this last part so bitterly I had to close my eyes against the guilt it caused me.

“Look, I know this must be hard for you to hear as trust me, it is just as hard explaining it all, but you have to know that everything we did was because of what we believed we had to do…it was said that the second you knew about who I was that you wouldn’t…”

“That I wouldn’t what?!” he snapped, and I flinched before telling him,

“That when the time came you wouldn’t have let me go.” Hearing this he closed his eyes and finally… finally started to understand. I think it helped him knowing that from the very beginning I was ensuring a way to get back to my own time and more importantly back to Draven.

“Alright Keira, I am starting to see your logic, but I am curious for if I didn’t know who you were to me, if your true self was being kept hidden, then how did you manage such a feat?” he asked in a strained voice. He looked down at my belly and I knew what he meant. 

“Umm…with a little help from my friends.” At this he shot me a horrified look and the second I identified what it was, I screwed up my face and said,

“Oh god, not like that! It’s not like we popped up out of nowhere, surprised you enough to tackle you to the bed, tied you there and then forced the baby making goods out of you as a team effort!” I said crossing my arms and thankfully seeing him now fighting off a grin was better than him fighting for control on his anger. But then I had to ask myself how long this would last because the next thing I knew he wasn’t just demanding more from me, oh no, he was demanding,


“Then just how did you manage it Keira, for I think now is the time to explain it and make no mistake my dear for I will not be satisfied until it has been done so…


“In detail.”




















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