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He Doesn’t Care: A Bad Boy Secret Baby Motorcycle Club Romance (Fourstroke Fiends MC) by Naomi West (73)



Blue’s heart fluttered, but her hands were sure and steady as she wiped the blood away from Torque’s nose. As an afterthought, she whipped the curtains shut over the windows. The shop was closed, and nobody needed to see the kind of bodywork she was doing right then.


It had been bad enough to find Rat and the others waiting for her as she walked out of the shop on her way home, but seeing them do that to Torque had been nothing short of a nightmare. She had screamed and kicked at Rat, begging him to stop, but he hadn’t even been fazed. No doubt it had been delightful for him to see the man who had taken his eye reduced to nothing more than a pile of bruised flesh and blood.


“You should have left,” she admonished as she worked on his wounds one by one. There were too many of them, so she started with a cut on his forehead and decided to work her way down. “I could have just fixed his fucking tattoo and been done with it.” Blue didn’t know why she was angry at Torque. Her solution sounded simple, but she knew it really wouldn’t have gone down like that. Rat probably would have had her fix his arm, but there was no telling what else he would have done to her once she was finished.


“What good would that have done?” Torque wheezed.


She didn’t have much of an answer for that. Rat was pissed, and he would have taken out his anger on someone. If Flame and Stubble had beaten her to the same extent they had beaten Torque, she probably wouldn’t have survived. “At least you’d be whole.”


“But you wouldn’t be,” he replied, echoing her thoughts.


Blue pursed her lips as she dabbed at his nose once again. It wasn’t showing signs of stopping anytime soon. She rolled up a damp paper towel and pressed it to his upper lip, knowing it would slow the supply of blood. “Hold this here.” She adjusted the chair underneath him and forced him to sit up. It had been flattened into a table for his tattoo work, but he was going to choke on his own blood if he stayed flat. “Still, there’s no reason for you to keep acting like my knight in shining armor.”


His dark eyes slid to her as he reached up to press the rolled towel in place. They were ringed with bruises, but he still carried fire in them. “Someone has to. Tell me, are you always this much trouble?”


“I like to think I wasn’t any trouble at all until you came along,” she retorted. There had been a few ruffians in the shop over the last few years she had worked here, but she had never encountered someone quite like Rat. He was determined to make things difficult, and it didn’t seem that he would ever be satisfied.


Torque laughed, but he clutched his chest and stopped. “Sure, blame me. Rat’s just an innocent bystander, after all.”


“Does he have some sort of grudge against you? I mean, besides you gouging out his eye with a beer bottle?” Blue hissed in a breath as she examined the swelling on Torque’s lower lip and hoped she had some ice in the freezer.


“What’s the matter? Is the blood getting to you?”


Blue scowled at him, still embarrassed that she had passed out the other day. “No, thank you very much. Although you are dirtying up my clean floor.”


“I’m such a dick.”


“I know,” she replied with a smile. “Anyway, tell me what you know about Rat.”


“I ride with Satan Seed. He’s with the Dirty Bastards. We’re rival clubs, and that’s enough. Everything that happened here,” he gestured around the room, “only solidified it.”


Blue wasn’t sure if that made her feel better or worse. It meant that this feud wasn’t entirely her fault, but she was still very much involved. “Let’s get that shirt off of you. I can’t get to everything.” She grabbed at the hem of his T-shirt and pulled it up.


Torque cooperated, collapsing back against the tattoo chair as soon as the garment was off. Despite the blue and purple bruises that were already developing, Blue couldn’t help but admire his body. She had seen it before, in much better circumstances, and yet even in this state, he was delicious. His chest was perfectly carved, the muscles of his abdomen sculpted like a creek rippling over rocks that she couldn’t stop looking at. She curled her fists to keep from running her fingers over his smooth skin and moved to the sink for a wet rag.


“I don’t even want to know what your tattoo looks like after this. I’ll check it out in a minute, but I don’t think I want you to roll back over just yet. I’ll probably have to redo some of the blackwork once it’s healed, if it’s bled even half as much as the rest of you.”


“You sound so pissed,” he said with a small but pained smile.


“I am pissed,” she assured him. “Things shouldn’t be this way.” She was angry that Rat had grabbed her, angry that Torque had taken such a beating, and angry that she couldn’t seem to control herself around this man. Blue moved around him, tending to each one of his wounds.


His hand reached out and grabbed hers, the fingers wrapping around hers and stopping her for a moment. He twisted her hand gently so that he could see her palm. “You’ve got a scrape.”


Blue had hardly even felt the burn of the asphalt as it had ripped into her skin. “It’s not a big deal.”


“Sure, it is.” Despite his wounds, he brought her hand to his lips and gently kissed the abrasion.


Touched and yet startled, Blue stood there and watched. His eyes lifted to hers as he pulled her down to him and kissed her. His lips were salty, and he moved gently due to his own bruising, but he kissed her nonetheless.


When Blue pulled back, she didn’t straighten but kept her face only a few inches from his. She smiled, remembering what he had said when he’d kissed her at her place. “Was that me paying for what you did?”


“I think I’m the one who owes you this time. You’re the one playing doctor, after all.”


“Then I get to choose the payment.” Blue lifted her leg over the chair and straddled him, feeling the heat of his body between her legs. No longer worrying about doing the right thing, she gently set her palms against his lower abdomen and ran her hands up his stomach and to his chest, spreading out her fingers to touch as much of him as she possibly could. She leaned forward and pressed her lips to his, delicately and uncertain at first. When Torque’s hands came up and wrapped around her waist, she deepened the kiss.


Their tongues danced, and his arms were around her completely. She moaned her need and he let her go. Blue got off him long enough to strip his jeans, exposing the rest of that fine body she had seen the other day back at her place. She traced her fingers up the long lines of his legs, playing with the delicate hairs.


“This isn’t fair,” Torque murmured as she pulled her shirt over her head. “I hurt too much to really enjoy you.”


“That’s all right.” Blue grinned at him as she dropped her shirt on a chair and flicked off her shorts. “I’m the one who’s supposed to be enjoying you, after all.”


His member was already hard and ready for her, and Blue didn’t want to wait any longer. She had spent so much time over the last few days thinking about him, fantasizing about him, wondering what it would be like to have him. If he was going to go to the trouble of playing hero twice now, then he was going to have play the role all the way. Still, his package was just too tempting. She hadn’t been able to stop thinking about it since the last time she had seen it, knowing what was on the other side of his jeans.


Blue bent down and took him into her mouth. He sucked in a gasp of air and she stopped. “Do you hurt too much for this?”


His knuckles were white as he pressed his hands to the chair. “Don’t you dare stop.”


Smiling, she slid him between her lips once again. He was rock hard under the soft skin, and she pulled him all the way in so that his head touched the back of her throat. It only took a small movement of her mouth to suck hard at him as she pulled back, and Torque writhed with pleasure on the table.


It turned her on to know that she could do this to him. There was something about a blowjob that gave her control over a situation, and control was definitely something she needed in her life right now. She worked at him with her tongue, tracing the base of his shaft and gently trailing up to his head before she put her entire mouth and plunged him inside her once again. Torque moaned as she brought her fingers up to gently play with his balls. With fire zinging through every part of her body, she moved slightly up the chair to run his member between her bare breasts, pleased with the way it looked as it popped out of her cleavage. Electricity shot through her system, and she bent her head to continue her work, her breasts pressed against his balls and wrapped around his dick.


Seeing that hard cock and hearing the moans of pleasure from him turned her on and turned it up. Blue gently reached down between her own legs to touch herself. Her body relaxed as it came alive, reminding her that she was so much more than just a tattoo artist or a victim of an angry biker. All that energy needed someplace to go, but it wasn’t good enough.


Blue straddled him once again, rubbing herself up and down the length of his shaft. “I need you inside me,” she whispered.


His throat moved as he swallowed. “You’re a horrible tease.” But he made no move to stop her, gripping her hips in his thick hands and following the movements.


Finally, her body pulsing with need, she pierced herself on him. He was so thick, and he filled her pleasantly. Torque was scratching an itch so deep she hadn’t even known she had it, and Blue closed her eyes and threw her head back as she rode him. She felt like a goddess, her torso long and lean, her legs strong, her breasts full, and her body ready to receive everything Torque would give her.


“You’re so beautiful,” he whispered as he pulled her toward him. “Come here.” His bruised lips kissed first one nipple and then the next as he buried his face in her breasts. He licked and suckled, pulling harder as she arched her back to give him better access.


Blue’s hips moved in slow circles, with Torque’s finding the rhythm and moving in unison, alternately burying him inside her and sliding down his length. She was hot and slick, and already, she felt her body reacting to his. She wanted this to last longer, to last forever, to take all night, but her core wasn’t going to cooperate. Torque was strong and sexy. He had sacrificed himself for her. Biker or not, he had done something nobody else would, and she could no longer refuse to acknowledge what they had together. Pulses of pleasure ran down her body and echoed in her core, rippling around his cock.


“Yeah, baby. You get what you need,” Torque rumbled. His hands were everywhere on her body, the skin rough but his touch gentle. “Take anything you want.”


His words did it to her. Blue’s fists curled against the upholstery of the chair as she spasmed around him. She flung her head back, eyes closed once again, determined to enjoy every second of it. She could feel every point of contact between their bodies, and she pressed herself harder into him. Torque felt her pleasure and responded, his dick growing harder and thicker and making her come all over again.


Blue screamed and flung her fist against the chair as the biker’s nails dug into the flesh of her ass. His head rolled to the side and he growled. They came together, needing, wanting, receiving, satisfied.