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I Hate Myself For Loving You (Scorned Lovers Book 2) by Simone Harlow (5)

Chapter Four

DECLAN HELD the door open for Jane, slipped his finger out of her jeans and let her pass by him. Jane was a cool customer. She didn’t seem mad, but he knew she was. Because the second she turned around and focused those icy green eyes on him he knew he’d over stepped his bounds. Good he wanted to shake her up. He wanted her to unleash all the passion … and direct it at him. She was going to be wild in bed. He could hardly wait.

“Where is your bedroom?”


“I need to store my gear.”

He stopped himself from rubbing his hands together. “In my bedroom?”

“That is where I’m sleeping.”

He had her in his room, he was half way to the promised land. “Follow me.” He lead her up the stairs thinking this wasn’t going to be as hard as he thought it was going to be. As they made their way upstairs all the of the band was waiting on the landing.

Gavin waved. “Hi Jane.”

“Gavin.” She winked at him.

Declan wasn’t sure but he thought Gavin giggled. Like a little school boy. Seriously he thought a giggle? He opened his bedroom door and let Jane pass and he took one longing glance at that perfect ass and sighed.

She put her purse on the dresser near the bathroom and scanned the room. Her mouth squished up, but she didn’t say anything.

“So you and I are going to sleep in here?”

“I’m the nightshift.”


“Because your stalker has already gotten into the house once. If she gets in here again, I’m going to stop her.”

Well that made sense and according to Charlotte there were secret passage ways throughout the house and no one really knows how the stalker got in so it would make him feel safer, but … “There is only one bed.”

“Yeah.” She put her hands on her hips.

“I’m sleeping in it.”

She took a deep breath. “So?”

Her round breasts rose and he was mesmerized by her creamy golden cleavage. “Are you going to sleep in my bed?”

She shook her head. “I have a sleeping bag. Your virtue is safe.”

He didn’t want his virtue to be safe. He wanted to be all up in her danger. Could you take advantage of the willing? It was a question he was going to have to ponder. There was no way she could take advantage of him. “It’s a big bed.”

“I can see that.”

He raised his gaze to her eyes noting the humor in her depths. She thought he was funny. Nice. “You don’t have to sleep on the floor. I don’t want you to be uncomfortable.”

“Your compassion humbles me. I’ve slept in worse places.”

He walked over to the bed and sat down, leaving plenty of room for her. “Such as?”

“Caves, barracks, bombed out buildings, ditches. Those are five star resorts for soldiers.”

Declan rubbed the spot on the white comforter beside him. “I’ll sleep on the floor you take the bed.”

Her eyebrow rose. “That’s very gentlemanly of you.”

Her tone told him she didn’t believe him. “I can be a gentleman but if we both sleep in the bed we’ll both be comfortable.”

“I’m sure you can be, but I’m not going to sleep in that bed with you.”

His lips pouted all on their own. “Don’t you trust me?”

“Do you have to ask?”

Declan lay down on the bed. “Sometimes I’m naughty, but I’m never really bad. We can put some pillows down the middle. I’ll stay on my side. We won’t even touch. These are big beds, this used to be a brothel.”

“If these beds could talk.”

“If you have a bad night because you’re uncomfortable, I could be hurt. Think about my safety.” He sat up.

“I am.”

“Am I annoying you?”

“Do you usually have that effect on women?”

He touched his chest. “Women love me.”

“So much one wants to kill you.”

Damn she was fun. “You hurt my feelings.”

“Your feelings are the least concern of mine.”

“I thought you were supposed to pretend to like me. I’m not feeling the love.” Declan planted his hands behind him and leaned back.

She sat on the bed next to him. “I think you’re a smart guy. I think you cover up a lot of what’s going in your head with this bullshit rock star swagger. It’s okay to be afraid. It’s okay to let someone else be in control. It doesn’t make you a victim. If acting like you want to seduce me makes this easier for you, I’m cool with that, but it’s not going to work. You’re a client, not my buddy.”

That almost popped his balloon, but he got the sense that she was more attracted to him than she wanted to be. He could work with that. “I thought you were going to play my girlfriend. I’m a method actor, I need inspiration.”

“Think about how much you enjoy breathing. That’s always inspired me.” She smiled. “I have to get my gear and I want to get the lay of land.” She got up and left him alone.

He was getting to her. Good. Although he wasn’t sure why he needed to get a reaction out of her. He wanted to get under her skin. He wanted to find out what she was made of. He wanted to get to know her. Although it had only been a few hours there was something about Jane that fascinated him. With her face and body she could have been on the screen or some rich man’s play toy. There was something about her that was so seductive. She was beautiful but did a man’s job. From what he’d been able to pick up from the rest of the bodyguards she was driven, relentless, and the word brave came up often too. God knows she was smart. It had been a long time since he was interested in a woman for more than sex. He couldn’t remember. Well that’s not true. He adored Charlotte, they were becoming better friends every day. He didn’t even think about her as anything but a friend. He’d seen what she’d done for Travis and a part of him longed for a woman he could be comfortable with and have sex with. Whoa he thought, where the fuck was this going? Damn he just scared himself. Okay maybe what he needed to do was stop thinking about chicks all together for a while. Because somehow some way, everyone thought it was his dick that got him into this situation and it certainly wasn’t going to get him out of it.

Jane’s sensual scent lingered in the room. Jasmine and woman. His dick got hard again. All this introspection was making him horny. Until his stalker was caught all he had was his hand and when was the last time he did that. He laughed. Last night. Fuck he was totally screwed.

JANE TOOK Declan’s extended hand and stepped out of the limo. She murmured a quick thanks as she prepared to walk her first red carpet.

Declan Shaw had not been her first celebrity principle, but he was her most famous. He was a bigger star than the actors in the indie film they were going to see tonight. The word got out that he would be here and there were a ton of girls here shouting his name. She wasn’t sure if he was testing her or just a guy who paid attention to his fans, but that man stopped and took pictures signed autographs and about four sets of tits all while keeping his hand on her ass.

A businessman or a politician knew people had them in their crosshairs, but fans they just want a piece of the object of their affection. Literally, the way they grabbed at Declan seemed like they wanted to rip off his arm and take it home to hang the over the fireplace. They looked at him like he was a god. It’s not like he was Gandhi, he could sing. He didn’t end a civil war or find a cure for something.

With all of these people taking pictures, Declan must have posed for about eighty gazillion of them. Jane had to avoid as many photos as she could. She didn’t look like herself, but you never know when you get caught on facial recognition by some hacker fan.

Then came the reporters. The New Orleans press sent a ton of people here to cover the event. She watched him handle the press like a pro, answering questions about the band, the new album and even one asshole asked about the dead band mate. She felt him tense up, but he answered the question with grace. Points for him, she thought. After that he broke away from the press and they went into the theater.

In the darkened theater, she scanned the people around him, searching for any signs of his stalker. All she knew was that she was hunting for a woman. DNA from her hair pegged her as white, blonde, and from the drug test on the hairs, a regular user of psychotropic drugs. She had enough anti psychotics in her system she should be in a coma. Crazy long haired blonde, yeah that narrowed down the field.

Turning her head, she snuck a peek at Declan. He was leaning forward totally engrossed in the movie. There was this expression of envy on his face. She wondered why he’d given up acting. She hadn’t had a lot of time to read his file, but she remembered he’d been an emancipated minor. Family troubles. She’d have to spend some time with the files. If she knew him better, she’d be able to protect him better and then they’d get the stalker and she could get out of their lives before they had any idea who she was. Not that people would find out about her sperm donor, that would require a high security clearance.

WHEN THE LIMO pulled up to the house she knew she had about ten feet of sidewalk and then she could get out of these shoes and breathe a sigh of relief.

“I’ve been dying to ask you something all night.”

She rolled her eyes. “Yes?”

“What is that strapped to your leg?”

Well that shouldn’t surprise her the man had his hand up her dress all night. “I have several things.”

“I felt the gun, but I couldn’t figure out what the other stuff was.”

“As many times as you had your hand up my dress?”

“We’re supposed to look like we’re getting it on and I can’t keep my hands off of you.”

“That wasn’t my judgmental tone.”

His blue eyes widened. “Really?”

“You’ll know.”

“So what is it?”

She pointed to the house. “I’ll show you when we get into the house.”

“I’m really excited.”

“You’re panting because you haven’t gotten laid lately.”

“There is that.”

He took her hand as they strolled into the house. Thankfully no one but a couple of the bodyguards, Twist and Duck were in the house. They nodded to her as she and Declan went upstairs. Upstairs Declan opened his bedroom door. The first thing she saw was a roll away bed near the window. “You got me a bed.”

“I don’t want you to be uncomfortable.”

That was really sweet of him. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” He pointed to her dress. “Now lift up your dress.”

And he ruined it. “Do you always make everything sound dirty.”

“Only with you.”

She could play his game. She walked to the bed and put her high heeled foot on the mattress. Slowly she lifted her hem to reveal a strap on her leg out of one pocket she pulled out her Berretta and laid it on the bed. Then she took her knife and tossed it on the bed. She lowered her skirt and placed her foot on the hardwood floor, then she lifted her other leg and pulled up the hem. She never took her eyes of his face and was flattered by the appreciation in his eyes. No wonder women fell into his bed. He had this way of looking at you that made you feel like the center of the universe. She slid the last item out of its pocket and tossed it on the bed.

“What is that?”

“A combat spike.”

“What do you use it for?”

She let the slim pointy metal stick roll in her palm. This was one of her favorite weapons and it had never failed her. “Close quarter fighting.”

“Hand to hand?”


“Ever use it?”


“What else you got under there?”

Interesting he didn’t ask the question. “You didn’t ask.”


“If I’ve killed anyone.”

He shrugged. “Was I supposed to?”

“Most people do.”

“If you want to talk about it I’ll listen.”

That surprised her. That was definitely him giving her space. This one was a wildcard. She’d have to think about that. She took her retractable baton out and snapped her wrist revealing the long slender rod.

“There is an arsenal under your dress.”

“No one is getting to you on my watch.”


“I do.”

He smiled reminding her of a little boy. “You make me feel safe.”

Why did she think he didn’t mean only physically. “Don’t you have to get some sleep?”

“I might get a couple of hours.”

“I’ll watch over you.”

“I have enough trouble sleeping without someone watching.”

“I think you like people watching you.”

“On my terms.”

“Actually I will have myself a little combat nap if that will make you feel better. Five a.m. comes early.”

“That’s only four hours away.”

“I’m up that early every morning. I like to run before the streets get to busy or it gets too hot.”

“Would you like to use the bathroom first?”

“What a gentleman you are.”

He ripped his blue oxford shirt over his head and tossed it on the bed. “Do you want to see me get naked?”

Yes please. “Are you trying to shock me?”

He started to unbutton his gray pants. “Can I?”

“I’m sure you’ll try.”

Declan dropped his hands to his side. “I’ll let you get comfortable first. It will be more fun for me.”

“Give it your best shot.”

“I will.”

Jane grabbed her overnight bag and went to the bathroom. First she got out of her wig and placed it on the foam head. Then she took her normal five minute shower because she didn’t have to wash her hair, but she needed to wash Declan off her. There was no way she’d be able to sleep, if she could smell him on her skin and he’d spent a lot of time touching her and marking his territory for the photogs. Jane was so horny she had to turn the faucet to arctic cold. Goose pimples rose on her skin. After rubbing herself dry she lotioned up and brushed her teeth then changed into a tank top and panties. She wasn’t self-conscience about how she was dressed, she spent a lot of time out in the field with men and modesty was something she didn’t cling to anymore. She went into the bedroom and slipped into her bed surprised to see Declan reading.

He was good, he almost was able to check her out without her seeing him. If it hadn’t been for that sly smile, she would have thought he didn’t pay attention to her. The sheets felt cool against her heated skin. Damn if she didn’t want to take him up on his offer to share that big bed.

What would it be like to have him as her lover? Jane didn’t take many lovers, she hated being vulnerable to a man. She loved sex, but on her terms. Declan would be a demanding lover that would wring everything out of her and then toss her aside for the next new thing. Then again one time with him was all a woman should get in her life.

She heard the shower turn on. She forced herself not to think of water running over his skin the way she wanted her hands to. What she wouldn’t give to taste him. With the heat blazing between her thighs, she was surprised the sheets didn’t catch fire. If she could gage how long he’d be in the shower she’d take care of business. Another thing she learned being in the field was how to get herself off quickly and quietly. Squeezing her eyes shut she forced those thoughts away. She couldn’t get all wrapped up in him. That would be weak and she promised herself she’d never be weak again. He wasn’t her type. She chose military types, who wanted some laughs, swap some war stories and uncomplicated sex. She had nothing in common with Declan. Truth be told she was the help, nothing more. As soon as her job was done she’d be out of his life. All of these things ran through her head, until she heard a deep throaty groan coming from the bathroom. She knew what that was. Guys in the field whacked off pretty frequently, hell it was a tension reliever. Like her they tended to be quick about it. For the most part she’d learned to ignore it because she didn’t need much coming between her and sleep. Or the embarrassment of having to sit next to that guy in a Humvee. Jane covered her ears with the pillow. Damn that man was taking his time. Her thighs rubbed together and she could feel the wetness on her panties. She bit her bottom lip and prayed for him to finish.

After another five minutes of listening to Declan jack off he finally came with a loud groan that she felt all the way down to her toes. Her heart was racing and her skin was hot. A few seconds later he strutted out of the bathroom in nothing but a dark red towel around his waist. He strolled to his bed. The light on his nightstand table illuminated his golden skin. Jane closed her eyes and let out a long silent breath. She didn’t want to stare at him. She forced her body to relax. Thankfully her side of the large room was dark. She popped open an eye and saw him standing next to the bed. Why wouldn’t he sleep naked? Dear God he was beautiful. He was a golden god of manhood. He picked up a set of headphones and slipped them over his ears. He turned and glanced over at her. Then he dropped that towel and Jane bit her lip so she wouldn’t sigh at the sight of his beautiful muscled ass. He had the ass of man who worshiped at the altar of fitness. She wanted to touch it. Those stunning muscles were honed to perfection. His butt was so pretty she didn’t even get mad that he dropped a damp towel on the hardwood floor. She closed her eyes and pushed a silent breath out of her mouth. She had to stop drooling or she’d never get any sleep. Who was she kidding she was going to dream about that ass.




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