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Just the Thing by Marie Harte (7)

Chapter 7

“I’m so confused.” Gavin stared at the small boy at an ungodly hour Saturday morning. Colin McCauley, his cousin Mike’s son, had to be seven or eight now. The kid—his first cousin once removed, and yeah, he knew that because he’d gone through a genealogy phase as a teen—was cute and a handful. He’d even brought his monster of a dog, Jekyll, who turned out to be the same dog Gavin had met at the wedding. But why Colin stood at the base of Gavin’s bed, Gavin had no idea.

“This is our cousin,” Theo said slowly, having entered the room they shared. “His name is Colin. Colin McCauley. Remember him?”

The boy nodded. “Yep. I’m Colin. Dad said you were the smart one, Cousin Gavin. I’m not seeing it.”

Gavin glared, especially when he saw the seven thirty on the clock. “Theo, what the hell?”

Theo shrugged. “I told Flynn we’d watch him because the guys and their wives are out on some bonding camping trip or something.”

“Yeah, but Mike is his dad.” Gavin couldn’t quite wake up. A glance next to him showed the lavender cutting Zoe had given him last night, protected and cared for in a clay pot. Seeing the small plant made him happy.

A gift from Zoe. An amazing date. No sex but great root beer and a killer sci-fi movie next to a woman who fascinated him. His night had been magical.

And now…this.

Turning to Colin, he asked, “Isn’t Mike your dad? Why is that idiot Flynn involved?”

“I love Uncle Flynn.” Colin glared, and it was like looking at a pint-size version of Mike. “Jekyll and I need to be watched. It’s a grown-ups-only trip.”

“Oh. Sorry, buddy.” And the McCauleys had no one better to watch the kid than Theo…wearing work clothes? “Theo, why are you dressed like that?”

Theo had been working at the coffee shop, or so Gavin thought. But his brother now wore a moving company’s collared shirt. “Not my fault, Gavin. I start today.” Theo sounded nervous. Gavin didn’t trust him. “I was supposed to start tomorrow, but well, schedules change. So you have Colin.”

“I what?” Gavin sat up, shocked awake, and the sheets bunched at his waist.

“Wow. You’re big, Cousin Gavin. A lot of big muscles, like Dad.”

“Dude, no one’s that big.” Except Del’s prison employees at the garage. “But thanks. I work out a lot at the gym. It’s my job.”

Colin nodded. “I know. Dad told me you train people to not brain themselves with weights.”

“That’s one way of describing it. But it’s not a permanent gig.”

Theo perked up. “You work temporary jobs. Like me.”

“No, not like you. I don’t get how you can go from job to job the way you do. Make a decision and stick with it, boy. You’d do fine in the Corps.”

“You didn’t” came out of Theo’s mouth with more rancor that he’d expected. His expression of surprise said as much.

Colin nodded. “Yeah. You got all squirrelly, which is funny because Jekyll loves squirrels.” The dog came to sit by Colin, appearing obedient and passive while vibrating with energy. “You probably don’t know what you want in life because the Marine Corps messed with your head. That’s what Dad said. Jacked you up. Cracked you up. So now all you can do is lift heavy weights while you get better. Del thinks you’re cute. Dad didn’t like that. Hey, are those bullet holes?” Colin pointed to Gavin’s chest.

Theo stared, not moving, no doubt waiting for Gavin to lose it over the mention of his time in the service. Granted, Gavin had been a little squirrelly when he’d first come back. But he was getting better. As long as he didn’t think too hard about the past.

Gavin sighed. “Your dad talks a lot.”

“I know,” Colin grumbled as he neared Gavin and traced the wound on Gavin’s chest, where an enemy round had torn into his left lung. “That’s so cool.”

“Yeah, cool.” And while he’d been healing up from it, his friends had gotten blown to bits without him. John, Mick, Luke. His friends, and half of his fucking squad. They’d all left loved ones behind. Fucking Mickey had left a pregnant wife all alone. She’d given birth months ago and had even invited Gavin to a get-together with some of the other family members left behind. Gavin felt that tug of despair and swallowed it down, burying it deep, where it ate at him in the silence of his nightmares.

“Dad’s getting worse, Cousin Gavin.”

Focus on the kid and pretend Theo isn’t studying you, looking for signs of weakness. “Just call me Gavin, Colin.”

Colin talked over him. “Because Dad is always talking or saying stuff about babies or kissing Mom. Not my dead one. She’s buried in the cemetery. But I still talk to her in my head. I mean Del. She’s my new mom.”

“I know that.”

“Yeah, well, she’s gonna give me a baby brother soon.”

Gavin smiled, trying not to flinch at the ticklish feel of tiny fingers over his scar. So strange to see a little kid in his room. “Del’s pregnant?”

“I don’t think so. But Dad said he’s doing his best to get the job done.”

“I’ll bet,” Theo murmured.

Gavin shot him a grin. With a woman as fine as Del, Gavin didn’t think Mike was suffering too much hardship. “Well, he’s trying, I’m sure. But you know, sometimes guys like your dad get too old and weak. Maybe he needs help getting the baby. He might not know what to do, since it’s been so long since you were born. Tell him I’d be happy to help Del out with the problem.” And Mike would suffer a fit of apoplexy. Serve him right.

“Wow, Gavin. That would be awesome. I’ll tell Dad. I want a baby brother, like Theo. But smaller.”

“Theo used to be really small.” Gavin scooted over and patted his bed. Colin joined him. Then Jekyll did too.

“Jekyll, don’t—” Gavin oomphed as the dog knocked him back, slobbering a huge tongue over his face while Colin and Theo laughed.

“Can we go for a walk? Or go in the park? Bryan is doing air guns today. Can we do that?” Colin revved himself so that he talked faster, if that were possible. “Can we? Can we, Gavin? And is there more Lucky Charms for me? Theo only gave me one bowl, but I can eat the whole box. Wanna see?”

“Gotta go, Gav. You’re the best. Bye.” Theo darted away.

“Coward,” Gavin called out. He heard the front door slam. Then just a panting, overgrown puppy dog and a hopeful little boy with Mike’s dark-blue eyes stared up at him. “So this means I’m taking care of you today.”

“Yeah. But I don’t know why Gramma isn’t. She and Grandpa are home. But Theo asked if he could watch me for money. And they paid him.” Colin leaned in and whispered, “I don’t think he’s working at a job. He and his friend are going to get beer and girls. I heard them talking about it when Theo drove me here.” He screwed up his face. “Girls? Blech.”

Gavin remembered Ava telling him that Theo would be out of town this weekend. Port Angeles to party. Right.

“What a punk.” Gavin had apparently been sacrificed for beer money and Theo’s good time. “Well, there’s nothing saying we can’t get him back for the trick he pulled. Let me get a shower, and we’ll pull some nasty pranks on my family. You game?”

Colin beamed. “I sure am. I’m really good at tricks. I can even cry whenever I want. Watch.” To Gavin’s astonishment, the kid sobbed as if he’d lost his favorite toy.

“Nice one.” Gavin grinned. “Now give me a ‘Yes, sir!’ with a salute. Like this.” He showed the boy, who caught on fast. Jekyll wagged his tail and barked. “Jekyll, off the bed.”

The dog immediately leaped down.

“Wow. That’s pretty good.” Colin seemed impressed. “So how are we going to trick your family? Aunt Linda and Uncle Van too? Can we do my uncles and aunts when we’re done with them?” So bloodthirsty. Gavin liked him.

“Oh, all of them, kid. They deserve no mercy.” He snorted. “And your dad thinks I’m messed up. I’m clearheaded enough to win the prank wars.”

Colin’s eyes grew wide. “What are those?”

Gavin smiled. “Tell you what. Go watch some cartoons, eat the rest of Theo’s Lucky Charms if you want, and relax. When I finish my shower, I’ll tell you all about the prank wars. Then we’ll make plans to sabotage the whole family. One sibling and one cousin at a time.” He rubbed his hands together with glee. “Won’t that be fun?”

“You are awesome, Gavin! Better than Theo even.” Colin raced away and shrieked like a demon while the dog barked and knocked things over. Uh-oh. That sounded like a lamp crashing to the floor. Ah well.

“I really am awesome,” Gavin said to the now-empty room, thoughts of revenge brightening his day.

With no plans to see Zoe until later tonight, he had time to kill. And a reputation to uphold.

No time like the present.

* * *

Standing in her driveway, Zoe held the phone away from her ear as Cleo yelled her excitement. She brought the phone back close. “Yes, a third date, the third night in a row. What? Oh, Gavin suggested this one. More gardening at that friend of his sister’s. But he wants to learn some ways to—” She paused. “Wait. Piper called you? My aunt?”

Piper and Cleo knew and liked each other. But Zoe hadn’t realized they were on regular speaking terms.

“So Piper said he has an amazing body, huh? She would know. She all but felt him up in my house.” On the couch. Zoe’s couch, touching Zoe’s man. It disturbed Zoe to feel so possessive, and especially about her aunt. But Piper still had her looks, and Gavin had not been immune.

I am not jealous of my aunt. What is wrong with me?

She made an excuse to hang up the phone, then shoved it in her purse. Once in her car, she headed for the house in Magnolia. Apparently Gavin wanted to see her in action again with a trowel. That lavender plant she’d potted for him on a whim had meant something. She’d seen his awe and surprise, then that sweetness, his true joy in the gift.

She’d thought he’d kiss her again at the end of their date last night. Instead he’d taken the plant and mentioned tonight’s time and place for their third date.

And stupid Zoe had accepted.

“Oh, who am I kidding? I like him. Time to be honest with myself. He’s fun and sexy. What’s not to like?” Piper and Cleo would be so proud.

And so would Aubrey.

Zoe blinked away useless tears and drove to the stately home, once again parking in the driveway. After coaching herself to relax and not lock lips with the man the moment she saw him, she drew in a deep breath and let it out, then met him at the door.

He opened it right away, as if he’d been waiting for her.

“Hello there, Zoe.” He smiled. The devastating expression of warmth heated her up, combating the windy May evening. The clouds overhead continued to gather, an ominous foreshadowing of the rain sure to come.

“We might need to hurry this up. Looks like it’s going to pour.”

“Hmm. Good point. Come on.” He yanked her inside and through the house to the backyard again.

“Whoa. Slow down.”

“No, hurry up. I need you to show me how to transplant my lavender before we’re drenched in a Seattle monsoon.”

She blinked. “Really?”

“I’m kidding about the monsoon. Though I agree. Looks like rain.”

“I mean about your plant. You like it. Good.”

He flushed. “I brought a bigger pot for it, because you told me that little one was going to be too small eventually. I don’t want the little guy to die or anything.”

“Um, okay.” She saw the gardening supplies on the porch and smiled. “You’re ready this time. Good.” She also saw a few other plants to go with the lavender. He had brought a large pot.

“I thought I could put all the color together. To give my guy some friends, at least. Then it can go outside the front door. I’m told my house needs some charm. Especially because Theo’s living there,” he added in low growl.

“What’s that?”

“Nothing.” He sighed. “Do you know what it’s like dealing with a little brother?”

“Can’t say I do.”

“It’s a nightmare. Theo stuck me with babysitting duty today. All day. And the kid—my cousin’s kid, actually—turns out to be a ticking time bomb when you fill him full of sugary cereal.” Gavin brooded.

Zoe tried not to laugh. “Oh?”

He explained what Theo had done by sticking him with babysitting duty.

“So who’s winning your war?”

“Oh, me for sure. But it’s the principle of the thing. I was supposed to have my weekend to myself, the house all mine for once. Instead I was stuck with a seven-year-old going on forty. That kid is scary smart. And cunning.”


“Yeah. Good thing he’s not a Donnigan. Or my mother would have molded him into the next president. That or a genius dictator who’ll end up bringing down big government. I think Colin could go either way.”

“Ah.” She watched him babying his plant, oddly touched by his fussing. “You don’t like kids?”

“Never thought about it, really. But Colin’s cool. I was older when Theo was born. I wasn’t a fan of the diapers, but he was a really cute baby. Don’t tell him I said that.”

She twisted an invisible key over her lips.

“Now show me how to protect my lavender plant so it thrives. I’ve already named him Leon.”

“It’s a he, huh?”

“Yeah. My plant might smell girlie, and he’s a little purple, but he’s a very masculine flower. You know. ’Cause he’s mine, and I’m very manly.”

“Yes, aren’t you,” she said drily.

She helped him repot the plant, adding some color—Leon’s “ladies”—to it in the form of a few pink geraniums, with a mix of green mint and grasses. By the end, they had a well-planted container that would fill out.

“It’s kind of sparse.” He frowned. “You sure it’ll get fuller?”

“You have to give plants room to grow.”

“I guess.” He gave it a critical eye, then nodded. “The veggies need some love too.” He nodded to one of the container beds they hadn’t gotten to the last time.

“Is this the price I pay for being able to hang out at this house?”

“Yeah. And gardening is my price for dealing with my sister.”

She grinned. “Lead on.”

They worked well together for close to an hour, under the cool wind and dappled moonlight making fairy patterns on the grass.

“Fairy patterns?” Gavin asked when she commented on it. He hunkered next to her as he patted at the soil around a freshly weeded cucumber plant. “Someone’s a little too fond of The Lord of the Rings.”

“Why is that the only movie series people associate with fairies? And they were elves and dwarves, technically.” She paused. “And hobbits.”

He rolled his eyes. “Fine. Name another fairy movie.”

She opened her mouth and closed it. Suddenly blank. Before she could come up with a better argument, she felt a raindrop hit her cheek. Then another.

Gavin glanced up. “Hell. At least it held off for a while.”

She would have agreed, but then the sky opened up, and a torrent of rain fell from out of nowhere.

In seconds, she was drenched. “I’m getting soaked!”

“Shit. Let’s go.” He hauled her with him to the back porch, then left her to ease Leon and his new pals under the eaves, so that the water wasn’t pummeling directly on top of the transplants. Instead, the wind sprayed the drops like mist over the fragile blooms.

Once inside again, they stood dripping onto the kitchen floor.

Gavin swore. “That rain is not gentle or warm. I think a few more minutes out there and we’d be missing skin. Damn storm.”

“No kidding.” She started to shiver.

“Wait here.” He hustled away and came back with towels and a robe. “I raided the downstairs guest room, where Hope’s staying. This place is better than the Ritz. Leave your muddy shoes here. You can change in the guest room around the corner.” He pointed past the kitchen toward the main hall.

She left and returned, clad only in the fluffy blue robe. She refused to feel self-conscious, because the wet cold of undergarments had been like torture. Especially in contrast to the soft warmth of the robe.

She found Gavin in the kitchen in nothing but jeans, towel-drying his hair. Droplets graced his muscular shoulders and biceps. A dusting of hair covered his firm chest and ran down his corded abs.

Holy mother of… She pretended to yawn to cover her gaping mouth.

He froze when he saw her. “Blue’s your color.”

“Tan is yours,” she quipped, earning a grin.

But there was no mistaking the hunger in his gaze.

“So, ah, what now?”

The loaded silence about killed her, until Gavin nodded to the hallway. He skirted her, careful not to make contact, she noted. Then he walked past the living room, leading her back down another hallway toward a smaller living space. It was cozy, filled with a large-screen television, a soft, thick sectional, and a fireplace. With the flick of a switch, he had a fire going.

“Gotta love natural gas.”

She nodded.

“Yep. No chopping wood for these folks.” He smiled. “And no smelly smoke from the flue being blocked. Had that happen a time or two growing up, back when my mother thought it would build character to take us all camping.”

“What happened?”

He placed the towel down over a faux bearskin rug in front of the fire and sat, his back to the fireplace. “My mother and father realized we are not a ‘roughing it’ kind of family. Landon and I basically tormented Hope, Mom, and Theo with spiders. Dad refused to cook in such a primitive setting, without his designer pots. And it rained on our borrowed tent…that had holes. Unfortunately, Mom hadn’t listened to Aunt Beth about trying it out and checking for tears before we camped.”

She chuckled. “I consider myself a hotel kind of camper.”


“But you were in the Marines, right? You must have done plenty of camping in the woods.”

To her surprise, his face closed up, and she realized his time in the service had come with a hefty price. He said he’d seen horrible things. It appeared the memory of them wasn’t far away.

Then Gavin seemed to shake off the memories, because he smiled. “I’m a better camper than Landon, that’s for sure. I was enlisted. I worked for a living. My prissy older brother was an officer. Major Pain in the Ass, for sure.” He snickered.

“What rank were you, if you don’t mind me asking?”

“Master sergeant. I wanted to stay a gunny, but they forced the promotion. Most of my time was spent away from a desk, thank God. I’m not an admin, peacetime kind of Marine. I do better out in the field.”

He seemed calm talking about his time in. Then she noticed his fist by his side, clenched in the rug. He saw her watching him and relaxed it, brushing through the fur. “Great place, isn’t it? Want to watch a movie or something while our clothes dry?” He blinked. “Ah, speaking of which, let me find the dryer. I’ll be right back.”

He darted from the room, returning minutes later. “I threw the stuff in the dryer. Hope that was okay.”

Great. He’d seen her polka-dot panties and plain cotton bra. Way to go, May West. Wow ’em with your sexy lingerie.

She nodded and moved closer to the flames, hoping he’d attribute the heat in her cheeks to the warmth of the fire. Keeping her back to him, she held out her hands, enraptured by the flickering oranges and reds.

She started when his breath swept her ear. “Love those panties, by the way.”

She went from nervous to hot and wanting in seconds. Even though she knew it wouldn’t be smart, she turned and saw bare, muscular flesh inches away. Lifting a hand, she stroked his shoulder and saw him shudder. Then she followed the trail of muscle, and one thick vein, down his biceps to his dense forearm.

“Yeah? Well, I love your shirt too.” She stroked his fingers, then traced a pattern over his chest. Deliberately grazing his nipples, she stared up into his eyes, now dark with need.

“Do you?” he growled. “’Cause I’m not wearing one.”

“Uh-huh.” She bit her lip, aware she was aroused all over. Wet between her legs, her nipples taut, her belly doing somersaults as she breathed in Gavin Donnigan. “I don’t do casual sex,” she reminded him—and her.

“Right. No one-night stands,” he agreed, his voice impossibly low.

“Exactly,” she whispered.

And then, somehow, his mouth was on hers, and the passion building between them exploded.

* * *

Gavin couldn’t take it. Two seconds from coming in his pants, just from looking at her. Knowing she wore nothing but skin and that sensual, fluffy robe killed him.

But the nail in the coffin—her fingernails scraping his chest.

Lost in her taste, her touch, he felt her hands everywhere. Gliding across his pecs, his stomach, grazing the button of his jeans.

He swore against her mouth as he unfastened his pants, then unzipped to give himself some room. Fuck, but he was thick and hard. Ready to come without much more prodding. So when her fingers grazed his cockhead, sliding through the moisture there, he could do nothing but give the lady what she wanted.

Gavin had been doing his best to keep his hands away from the robe opening, controlling the kiss and being as much of a gentleman as he could. But shit. No longer.

He pulled away and yanked off the rest of his clothes while she stared, her eyes wide, her lips parted, quiet. Her hands moved to her robe, and he covered them so that they removed her robe together to pool on the floor. He spared her a glance, wanting to feel more than see the feminine shape that so tantalized. This first time.

They met, naked, body to body, and he groaned at the silky feel of her against him. So soft, pliant, yet firm as she yanked him closer and kissed him until he couldn’t breathe. Not sure who made the first move, they ended up on the rug. He kissed her, palmed her breasts, and nudged a leg between hers, needing to be inside her in the worst way.

His desire skyrocketed when she moaned and grabbed him back, her soft panting and mewling cries like pinpricks of arousal stabbing him everywhere.

Sanity tried to rear its head—to slow down, make sense of it all, be smart. But there was no reasoning once she wrapped her ankles around his waist and nudged his cock between her folds.

He kissed his way to her ear, biting her lobe with insistence. “So hot. You feel so fucking good.”

She gasped and rocked against him, causing the head of his shaft to slide inside her.

“Zoe?” he managed, pulling back to stare into her eyes.

“On the pill,” she confessed and dragged him back for a kiss, digging her heels into his ass in encouragement.

Gavin thrust the rest of the way inside her. “Oh fuck.” He pulled out only to surge back in, faster, harder. No patience left.

“Yeah,” she whispered and clasped him tighter, tugging at his shoulders as he rammed in and out, no finesse, just raw need.

It didn’t take long before she cried out and seized around him, her body so hot and slick she sucked him into an orgasm without thinking.

He shuddered as he came, emptying inside her until he could no longer maintain the carnal frenzy. She squeezed him again with her body, and he swore and jerked, finding something left inside him after all.

They lay in each other’s arms, breathing hard, sweaty and joined. All the way, body to body.

Without a condom.

Gavin paused, not used to feeling like an imbecile while sober. Hell, even drunk he’d always known to wear a rubber. But two seconds inside Zoe and he’d come, and come hard.

“I guess it’s kind of late to ask about the safe-sex question,” Zoe said, drowsy, content, as she stroked his arms.

He raised himself on his hands, still locked inside her, making no attempt to pull from her heat. Staring at her, he lost himself in her beauty. “You’re gorgeous, you know that?” He loved that she blushed. “And yeah, too late for the safe-sex quiz. Though it’s your fault. Once you said you were on the pill, my brain totally shut off.” He groaned and started moving in her once more, now taking the time to appreciate her full breasts and tight abs. Those silky thighs and that rockin’ ass.

His cock had softened, but not totally. The more he studied her, the more he wanted another round. He’d been waiting for this moment too long for it to be over so soon.

Gavin leaned down and took a nipple in his mouth, sucking gently, then teething the taut nub. “I’ve been with a few women since I came back,” he admitted. “But I’ve always used protection. I’m clean. That’s one thing you don’t have to worry about.”

She uttered a sexy groan. “Oh, me too. Safe, I mean. I haven’t had sex in a while.”

“Yeah? How long’s a while?”

“Not counting you or that dry humping in the gym…”

Zoe.” Did she have to bring that up?

She chuckled. “Sadly, it’s been seven or eight months, I think.”

“Whoa.” He swallowed the No wonder you were so hot for me. Especially because he’d been even hotter for her, and he’d been with Megan a month ago, a fact he now very much regretted. “So you’re discerning.”

“Good word for it.” She pulled him down for another kiss, surprising him. Zoe reveled in her sensuality. He’d have assumed she’d jump up from the floor, race away with a horrified look on her face, and deem tonight an utter disaster and mistake. Instead, she seemed to be encouraging him for round two.

He leaned down into her again, but this time playing with her breasts, enthralled with her contrasts of softness and muscle. “I love your body.”

“Yeah? Well, I love yours too. Would help if you moved a little faster though. No one-night stands for us.”


“Keep going past midnight, and that’ll definitely make it a two-nighter.”

“Or we both come again, take a short nap, then go at it again tomorrow. Maybe Monday, and again into next week,” he offered, praying she’d take him up on it. No way in hell he’d be done with her after one night.

She stopped stroking his shoulders, and he tensed, thickening inside her.

This, right now, was a turning point.

“So you want to keep hanging out and having sex?”

“Or, as your people call it, dating?”

“My people?”

“Yeah, womankind. Because my people are crude.” He shifted a bit, wondering if she’d notice, but he had to. God, she was so tight around him. “Dudes would be calling it all sorts of insulting things.”


He slid slowly out, then pushed back in. She bit her lip. He moaned and said hoarsely, “Like banging and balling. Riding the sweet shoot. Dining and dashing.”

“Wait. I know that one.” She gasped when he angled deeper inside her. “That’s about eating and taking off.”

He smiled.

She blushed. “Oh. We haven’t gotten to that yet.”

“The night’s still young.”

She stared up at him, searching. Then she pulled his head close and whispered in his ear, “Then what are you waiting for?” She stuck her tongue in his ear. An erogenous zone she’d homed in on with ease.

He slammed back home. This time he didn’t stop until after she’d cried out his name. In five long, howling syllables. Then, and only then, did he leave a little bit of himself behind.

Unfortunately, he had a bad feeling he’d left more than a physical piece of himself. He’d left an emotional one as well.




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