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Lark (Carter Family Book 1) by Roxanne Greening, R. Greening (3)








Chapter 3



My neighbor has been a mystery to me. A small part of me was curious. I was so wrapped up in Joe I didn’t have time to let that curiosity roam free. Roast was on the menu for dinner tonight.

It was one of my favorite dishes. The smell of it cooking all day was a delicious torture. Sighing, I once again peek out the kitchen window. Lark moved in a few weeks ago. Bought the house in a quick sale right next door.

Joe was already gone at that point thank goodness. Lark was striking in his intensity. His lightly tanned skin, black buzzed hair and the way he looked in blue jeans and a black T-shirt was fantasy inducing.

Unfortunately, all that manliness was going to be suffocating in its closeness. I would have to sit across the table from him and pretend he didn’t have cylinders firing in a very embarrassing way.

Even now my cheeks pinking at the thought. I wasn’t so sure I was going to survive tonight. This was all so new to me. Men didn’t affect me this way not once in my twenty-three years has a man touched me in such a way.

What if Joe is coming home tonight? Oh, that would be a disaster of epic consequence. Fear skittered my spine at the thought, Joe would be back. His anger and hatred was becoming a living, breathing thing.

I knew one of these days he would force himself upon me. It was a feeling that had settled inside me right before he disappeared. I needed to get Lilyanna away from her. I knew he would never hurt her, but he was my husband in a sense.

“Auntie Bethy…”

Turning I gasp Lilyanna let our guest in. What kind of parent was I? I needed to stop thinking about me and make sure the house was more secure. I knew I would need to have another talk with her.

But it was like talking to a magic ball that always responded with why. It was both amusing and irritating. I could never get my point across with her.


My voice was full of disapproval. Something told me he was safe a haven I needed, but that was just silly. Lily’s beautiful face turned down as tears filled her eyes. I instantly felt guilt.

“Lily you really should be careful. Just because I’m your friend doesn’t mean I’m a nice person.”

Lark's deep, rich voice caressed my ears. I wanted to moan it was that sexy. I forced myself to keep my focus on Lily. Her sweet face crunched up in through.

“Okay Larky.”

He did something I have been struggling months to accomplish. Shock coursed through me as I stood there like a fool. Just make it through dinner Bethy, you can do it.

“Why don’t you have a seat and I’ll get dinner plated.”

Rushing to the stove, I start putting everything on plates. I could feel his amused glare from here. He knew and that was more embarrassing than anything I thought could be.

“Where’s uncle Joe auntie Bethy?”

She has asked me that question at every meal. Each time the answer remains the same.

“I’m not sure sweetheart.”

I didn’t know what else to say. Glancing at Lark was a mistake. His eyes had turned a darker shade of black. Both anger and determination simmered in them. I should have been terrified, but I wasn’t.

Slowly walking over to the table I set their plates in front of them before going to the fridge. Pulling a beer out for Lark I grab an apple juice for Lily. Once everyone was situated, I grabbed my plate and drink.

Dinner was consumed in silence. Forks scraped plates. Once Lily was finished I gathered her up and headed upstairs. It was time for a quick bath and then bed. Tonight, was a little more rushed than normal I still had that walking, talking fantasy sitting in my Living room.

“Goodnight Lily.”

Her eyes were already closed as she took deep even breaths. My bare feet padded silently down the stairs. It was time to face the man waiting for me.

“Thanks for humoring her.”

“She’s a sweet girl. So, it’s just the two of you?”

The question should have had alarm bells ringing. His voice had the opposite effect.

“Yes and no. Joe disappeared.”


“My husband.”

His eyes got so dark light didn’t even touch them.

“He’s my husband in name only.”

The words pour from me like I needed to appease him. I wanted him to relax. This was absolutely terrifying. He felt important to me. Crucial even. I feel like I’ve known him my whole life and yet we just met mere hours ago.

“Do you want him to come home?”

Such an odd question.

“Honestly no. I want this to be a bad dream. I want him to stay gone and for us to be safe.”

I was telling him things I haven’t wanted to admit fully to myself.

“It’s late and you need some rest.”

I wasn’t ready to say goodbye. I was afraid if he walked out that door he won’t walk back in it.


His nod had my feet moving closer to him. I wanted to feel his heat. I wanted to breathe him in. I wasn’t expecting his lips to press to mine in a demanding firm way. My knees buckle.

The feel of his arms around me had a moan slipping passed my lips. I wanted something I didn’t understand. I wanted to climb him like a tree. The need to tear his clothes from his body was overwhelming.

“I’ll see you in the morning.”

I wanted to cry as my body felt a loss that was almost painful. Letting him walk away was one of the smartest and dumbest things I’ve done.