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Lark (Carter Family Book 1) by Roxanne Greening, R. Greening (4)








Chapter 6



Messy required setting up. Knocking out the banker I slowly lay thick plastic over the kitchen floor, walls and counters. Unfortunately, there was no neat way to make messy cleaner.

I could feel time ticking in its slow never-ending loop. The longer I was here the longer she was alone. It felt like a stone has settled into my abdomen. The idea she was defenseless and completely unprotected had adrenaline and need coursing together in a toxic mess.

I wanted to grab Jon and throw his overweight carcass on the floor in front of me and get to work. If I started, now I may finish and be back to them in two hours. Signing I continue the preparations.

Each job required a little something this was no different. Pausing, I take in the room. Plastic covered the walls, floors and counters. The kitchen was the easiest room to do my work in.

Jon didn’t have a kitchen table. Actually, Jon didn’t have much of anything. A fridge and a stove were the only big things in the room. I could see no smaller appliances. Something about this didn’t sit right.

This couldn’t be all he had. What did Jon do to warrant my presence in his life? It was a question that started to eat at me. Jobs like this were for the terrible the scum at the bottom of the chain this shady world had to offer.

These kinds of jobs were requested for the dirtiest most vile. Once again, I look at Jon. What did he do? This was something I needed to know before I continued. How much pain did Jon deserve?

Pulling out my phone I call the number that called me earlier. Burner phones only lasted so long.

“What crimes did Jon commit?”

The silence on the other end had my gut screaming.

“He like them young.”

That was all I needed to know. Jon was in for a more than I originally planned. Bethy seemed so far away now as the knowledge I would be here longer than planned sunk in. I didn’t know why I was sent to watch her nothing has happened to warrant my presence.

Yet I was thankful for it. It brought me to her to the one meant to be mine. It gave me my future. Turning I grab Jon by the throat and pick him up off the ground. His eyes open wide as his face changed from red to purple.

“You’ve been a very bad man Jon. Do you know who I am?”

His eyes showed the truth. He knew who I was and why I was here. The thought of him touching my Lilyanna had anger, trying to swallow my calm. I need that calm. Placing him in the middle of the floor I slowly let his feet touch the floor.

The moment I release my hold on him, he crumpled like the pile of shit he was. Taking a knife from the belt of sheaths strapped to my abdomen. I look him in the eyes as I sink the blade slowly into the side of his knee.

The muscles contracted as they protested. Keeping them knife just shy of his bone I let his screams surround me. I knew such noise as joyful as it was needed to be silenced. Releasing the knife handle I leave it in his knee.

Grabbing another knife from the sheath I take a handful of his stained shirt and cut a chunk of it. Looking at Jon I stuff the cloth into his mouth. His hand was wrapped around the knife in his flesh he wanted it out, but was too much of a pussy to pull it from his tender skin.

He was going to make this difficult. Cutting another chunk from his shirt I tie his hands together. Jon tried to stop me by pulling on his wrist. It was funny really his weak, pathetic attempts to stop me from binding his hands together.

“Jon there is no stopping this. I’m here to give you what you deserve a small taste of hell before I send you there.”

His eyes fill with tears. I can’t help but feel pleasure as his pitiful eyes told me how terrified he was. Taking the knife I used to cut pieces of his disgusting shirt I slowly sink it into his other knee.

The sensitive flesh, so full of nerves and muscle protested the intrusion. This could have been a swift slam of the knife, but the slow steady glide made it more painful. I wanted his pain to be unbearable.

I wanted him to squirm and scream behind his gag. Slipping a smaller knife into my palm, I look at his feet. The gaps between his bones begged for my blade. It wanted it to be there.

Looking in Jons face I drag the blade slowly down his leg not cutting into his bare flesh as I went. The scent of urine filled the room as Jon pissed in his boxers. The stench was something I was use to.

They all relived themselves at some point in the game. Pushing the knife into the center of his foot not scraping the bones my percision entrance was followed by a perfect exit. Jon jerked as scream poured from him.

“I wonder Jon how many of them screamed and pleaded? Before this is over I will have casrated you. I want you to know its coming Jon.”

His eyes became so large they looked ready to pop from his head. His struggles became more fierce as if he was a dying fish he flopped around. It was a sad attempted to free himself from his fate.

This was something all the others also attempted. Their beer gut giggling as they squirmed. Disgust filled me like it always does. They were all the same. Nasty over weight men who had the need to dominate in a pathetic way.

Removing the knife from his foot I do the same to the other. I have more than enough knives to leave them in place, but I liked to see the blood leaking from his wounds. It was a beautiful red that was impossible to duplicate.

His toes were next on my list. Slipping the blade under each nail I push until the tip touches the knuckle. Lifting with a slight pressure I watch as the nail slowly removes from the skin.

The flesh of his toe splits the more I lift. Each toe received the same treatment. When I finished with the last toe I placed the blade on the bottom of his foot. The tip pierced the skin.

A few layers deep I watch as it opened like butterfly wings. Tears soak Jons face as they continually poured from his eyes. Lifting his leg I keep the blade in his skin and make my way up to his knee. Slowly I place the knife of the plastic and wrap my fingers around the blade still skewering his flesh.

Applying a slow, steady pressure I pull the knife down. A slight twist had a hole opening in the back of his knee. I keep the pressure in a downward position until it spilt the flesh and the knife was free.

“I wanted to finish this quickly Jon I have other places to be. But your crimes earned you this. Who am I to turn away the need to see your pain. Your victims deserve this you deserve this.”

Once again, I let the tip press into his flesh and I continue my original journey up his body splitting his flesh as I went. This was such a mundane thing. I wanted my Bethy, I needed to see her beauty.

My world so full of pain and destruction. A place I wallowed and thrived needed her. I wanted to corrupt her drag her here with me. I was never coming out of this pit. She didn’t know it yet, but she belonged here with me.

Cutting into Jons shirt I use the knife to push it apart. The blank canvas was begging for my art to cover it. Placing the blades tip into his belly button I let it sink slowly inside. His back bowed causing my blade to sink deeper faster.

Tsking I pull it free.

“Jon that was a little faster than I wanted. I appreciate the help but I have my way of doing things and you need to let me work. Stay still Jon or I will cut your jewels from your body and feed them to you.”

I was going to do just that anyway, but not yet. We still had more work to do before I gave him that pleasure. I use the side of my blade already coated in his blood, to slice off each of his nipples.

Carving into his flesh over and over I take pieces like a turkey at thanksgiving. I was tiring of our game. My time was needed elsewhere and Jon was on the brink of his final fate.

Keeping my promise I remove his dick. Removing the gag I force it into his mouth slowly pushing it down his throat. His face purpled. His air supply was cut off by his own appendix.

A satisfying way to end our game. When his struggles ended and his body went limp I started the process of cleaning up my mess. Snapping a quick picture with a burner phone I send it to my client.

I wanted to show him it was messy and complete. Wrapping Jon in the plastic he was laying on I use zip ties connecting them until they were the right size to hold the plastic to his mangled body.

Once he was wrapped in all the plastic I used to cover the room, I slip him into the body bag. The black bag blended perfectly into the night. Opening my trunk I place the bag into it before closing it.

My meat freezer awaited him and Bethy awaited me.