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Lark (Carter Family Book 1) by Roxanne Greening, R. Greening (5)








Chapter 7



Sleep was allusive. My body ached in a way that made me feel old. My stiff muscles strained as I pulled myself from the bed. Lilyanna slept peacefully beside me. Indecisiveness filled me.

I wanted, no I needed a shower, but leaving her alone terrified me. Would I be a horrible mom if I stepped into the shower leaving her here? The heat would help with the tender skin and aching muscle.

Hunching over I shuffle my feet to the bathroom. Time was of the essence here. Turning the shower onto hot mixing in a little cold, I strip off my panties and tank top. The cold air brushed against my sensitive bare flesh.

Goosebumps erupted. I want to dive into the heat I knew awaited me in the shower. Just behind the snoopy shower curtain it sprayed its liquid warm all over the white glossy tiles.

I moved like my nana use two slow, uneven steps as my body protested each movement. The longer I lingered the less time I had under its divine spray. My feet sloshed the water in the tub as I slowly climbed in.

The drain was always slow to do its job something I have been meaning to call someone about. I couldn’t do that now, though I didn’t know who I could trust. Every molecule of my being screamed, I could trust Lark.

Closing my eyes, I let the water pour over my face as the spray hit the top of my head. Long strands of black hair pressed against my head and face. Slowly I turn around and let it hit my back.

I fight the scream that wanted to erupt. Every drop of water that was forced upon the sensitive flesh of my back was like needles stabbing into my skin. Each one hard enough to have blood welling. I knew there was no blood it was just water, but it felt like it.

Whimpers slipped out as tears filled my eyes. Sinking my teeth into my lip I press down hard. Still the pain fought to escape. The slamming of the door had everything instinct inside me running from the shower and diving for Lilyanna.

Only she wasn’t there. She wasn’t in my bed. Turning I run from the room and down the steps. Whoever was here had her and I wasn’t letting him get away with her. Arms wrapped around me as my feet hit the landing.

Sinking my teeth into the arm holding me, I struggled to get free. My baby needed me I wasn’t going to let her down.

“Shh Bethy.”

The voice sunk in deep past the fear past the anger past the desperation.


“Everything’s ok. Lilly was on the porch again and I heard your moans of discomfort….”

Slowly my body released its tension. We were safe everything was ok. The reality of my nakedness slapped me in the face. Embarrassment swamped me.

Slowly he lowered his arms and I quickly raised mine. I did everything I could to cover my girly bits. Lark slowly removed his black dress coat and slipped it over my shoulders. Grabbing the lapels, I pull them closed.

“She’s in the kitchen having breakfast.”

Running my fingers over the inside of his coat I felt this wetness coat my fingers. It was cold and dry in some places. I knew I was being silly here like every other woman in the horror movies I was going to go upstairs and let the killer run free in the house.

Not that Lark was my killer, but still. My nakedness was making itself known as cold started to settle in. The dampness of my body followed by cooler air on my skin had a shiver raking my body.

“Go get dressed I’ll get you something to eat.”

Without looking at him I do as he says. My back protested each step I took. He wanted me to put more clothes on? Was I that undesirable? Picking up the passé as more embarrassment bubbled within I rush to my room.

“Take it off Behty.”

Lark's cold voice startled me. Turning I look into his black eyes. There was anger dancing back at me. It radiated off of him in waves. I should have told him to get the fuck out of my room or better yet, out of the house but my body followed his dark command.

Slowly the jacket fell from my lifeless fingers.

“Turn around.”

Again, I was helpless to say no. turning I give him my back.

“Who did this to you?”

“I did.”

The growl I received had shivers dancing down my spine. Tingles erupted in my pussy.

“Don’t fucking lie to me Bethy.”

His voice grew louder as he closed the space between us. I could feel him even though I couldn’t see him. Fingers wrapped up in my hair pulling my head back. His eyes connect with mine.

“I’m not lying.”

Another tug. “Don’t ever lie to me Bethy.”

“I swear it’s the truth. There was a knife in the door. I pulled and pulled and when it finally released from the wood I was helpless to stop the momentum.”

Why was I telling him this? Why was I responding to him?