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Lucky Prince: A Fake Fiance, Real Royal Wedding Romance by Eva Luxe, Juliana Conners (14)



You know how sometimes you have a dream about something you didn’t even know you wanted but the dream is so amazing and great that you never want to wake up and have it end? That’s how this feels.

I never thought the next time I heard Pachelbel’s Canon in D played at a wedding, it would be my own. I never thought I would get married any time soon, even if it’s just a fake marriage.

But as I look at my handsome fake groom as he waits for me in front of the altar, I know this was meant to be. He has a few of his groomsmen by his side— obviously Kevin was nixed as his best man. And coming down the aisle before me and now waiting up there with them are my Aunt Ashley, Nikki and Sharon of course.

I look down at my bouquet, where Gregory had fastened the pumpkin pendent. I know my dad is with me in spirit and that he’s with my mom. Wherever they are, they’re happy together and they know that even though this is the craziest idea I’ve ever carried out, that it makes sense in some weird way.

Julie’s dress fits me perfectly, although Gregory says I look a lot better in it than she would have. Thanks to him I’ve come to love and appreciate my body and not compare it to anyone else’s, especially not my awful step sisters’.

When I get to the front I realize that no one noticed I’m not the same fiancée as the one he was with last night at the rehearsal dinner. Or maybe they do but no one says anything. As the ceremony begins and continues on, I note that the officiant doesn’t ask if anyone has any objections to this marriage. So maybe it’s just that they don’t have the chance to say, “I object on the basis that it’s a different bride.”

Gregory and I hadn’t had much time to talk on our way here but he told me that the officiant was a friend of the family and had been sworn to secrecy. This ceremony is just for show; no marriage certificate will be signed or filed. Once Gregory gets back to Ambrosia, he’ll figure out what to tell his mom and what to do about a substitute, longer term fake princess.

On our way here is also when Gregory finally found out what my name is. It’s funny how much you can experience with someone without him even knowing your name. I also told him about the situation with my stepmother and my father’s business. I have good credit so maybe I could get a loan and buy her out of her part of the business and then I’ll be free of her.

When it comes time to say our vows, Gregory surprises me by saying he wrote his own.

“I never thought I’d meet my bride in Denver of all places,” he says, but then, he meets his mom’s eyes and clears his throat. “I mean, that I’d be marrying you here.”

Oh yeah, I think. Julie is from Denver but he met her in Florida. No wonder his mom probably looked confused or suspicious.

“But life has a way of bringing two people together who are meant to be,” he says. “You are my fate, my destiny, the most real and genuine person I’ve ever met, and I’m so happy to be marrying you today.”

“Awww,” the guests say, and Gregory leans over to kiss me.

“Tsk tsk,” says the officiant, looking confused. I’m sure he’s wondering how those were such heartfelt vows if this is a fake wedding. He must think we’re really overdoing it. “Wait until I say you may kiss the bride.”

“Sorry,” Gregory says. “Just a little bit over eager.”

“And now you may repeat these vows back after I say them,” the officiant says, to me. “Unless you’ve also chosen to write your own.”

“Yes,” I say, surprising Gregory, my wedding party, and myself. I am not usually much for public speaking and I have crowd phobia and social anxiety. I’d usually rather be curled up at home with a book than saying anything at all in front of people. But I was touched by what he’d said, and wanted to return the gesture.

“I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you since the day I met you,” I say, winking, since it was last night. But I mean every word of it. “I’m completely spellbound and captivated by you. It’s like magic. I’m honored to be standing up here with you today, and I look forward to whatever our future holds.”

Now the wedding guests begin cheering and the officiant says, “Okay, you may kiss the bride.”

Gregory kisses me deeply, but I can tell he’s restraining himself. He wants to do more, soon. And so do I.

“By the power invested in me by the state of Colorado…”

The officiant hesitates here, obviously wondering if he could get in trouble for performing this part of the fake wedding ceremony.

“Well, you’re husband and wife,” he says. “Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you Prince Gregory and Princess Julie Carrington.”

Everyone cheers and claps. It’s not real, and it’s not even my name, but I don’t care. I feel great. It must be contagious because as we walk down the aisle Gregory holds our hands straight up into the air and shouts, “Yeah, we did it! We tied the knot,” as if he thinks it was real.

The wedding guests blow bubbles at us as we head towards a small gazebo where champagne is set up for the guests. Due to the extravagant party last night, there’s no reception.

Soon our wedding party joins us and a servant brings us champagne on trays. So far I’m really liking this whole being a fake princess thing.

“Cheers, to the prince and princess,” Nikki says.

Aunt Ashley gives me a hug. “I love you so much,” she says.

“I love you too.”

We all down our drinks after everyone toasts.

“So is there an after-wedding party or something?” Sharon asks. “Or no?”

“You guys are welcome to hang out in the Ballroom or the bar at our expense,” Gregory says. But I need to take my princess somewhere private. We just got married and I’m in a hurry to do everything that entails.”

He looks at me and swings me around, as we do our own little wedding day dance.

“Let’s go,” he tells me. “Our time together is short and I want to spend every second of it that I can devouring you.”

“Woah woah woah,” says Aunt Ashley, pretending to cover her ears. “We get your drift. Go get your room, you two.”

“Bye guys,” I say, blowing them kisses, as Gregory leads me to what I’ve been looking forward to the most: our room at the resort, where I’ll no longer be a virgin, for real.