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Lucky Prince: A Fake Fiance, Real Royal Wedding Romance by Eva Luxe, Juliana Conners (80)

Chapter 5 – Chrissy


It had been a week since my encounter with Adam at the bar, and the silence that followed was deafening.

At home, I’d been unable to do much besides fantasize about him. Lying in my bed, I’d let my fingers trail down to my pussy, which seemed perpetually wet and ready for him.

Why won’t he just come over and fuck me already? I couldn’t help but think.

I’d remember days spent trying to hang out with him when we were young, even though he’d prefer to play video games with my brother. I would watch him and then wish he would come give my first kiss.

Now, I realized my fantasies could actually come true. I wanted him to kiss me, take me over his knee and spank me, pull my panties to the side and put his finger in me, before finally putting his big cock in me… for my very first time.

The thought of it drove me wild, and I had spent way too much time masturbating while thinking of him. Rubbing my clit, I would wish my hand was his as I made myself cum by moaning his name.

But during the day, like now, I tried to keep myself busy. I’d been seeing a lot more of Raina than usual, just to keep my horny thoughts at bay.

“Why do you think he hasn’t called me?” I asked her now, as I took a bite of my pizza slice.

“I don’t know, probably because I puked everywhere and made a fool of both of us.” Raina rolled her eyes as she too took a bite of her sausage and olive pizza.

“Yeah, you really didn’t sell us very well, did you?” I grinned so she’d know I was only teasing her.

Raina gulped down a sip of her Sprite. “I mean, it’s not like you guys are actually dating or anything. Give him the benefit of the doubt. Maybe he’s busy.” She shrugged.

“I know, but I just have this feeling that there might actually be something between us.”

Raina rolled her eyes again. “Girl, I think it’s time you set your sights on a different type of summer fling. Stay away from Daddy’s Exciting New Employee.”

I laughed. “So that’s what we’re calling him these days?”

She shrugged. “If the shoe fits.”

I sighed dramatically and picked at a piece of pepperoni on my plate. Suddenly I wasn’t hungry anymore. I hadn’t yet told Raina about my close encounter with Adam and how heavily we had been making out that night in his car.

This was actually the first time I had seen her since that time because she’d snagged up a summer job at a local consignment shop and had started already. She had tons of hours to boost her cash fund and I couldn’t blame her for wanting to take the work.

I bit my lip and stared at her.

“Oh God, now what?” She blew out an exasperated puff of air and leaned back in her chair. She looked at me expectantly. “You are a fucking piece of work, Monroe, you know that?”

She smiled, giving me a hard time even though we both knew it was all in good fun. Since we were eating outside, there was tons of action going on near the busy street. A couple of rowdy teenage boys rolled past us on skateboards and whistled in our direction.

“Hey, sexy girls!”

“Oh please, you wish!” I yelled back, laughing. They all whooped and high-fived each other.

“Don’t make a scene,” Raina hissed. “You’ll only encourage them!”

“Well, there’s something I haven’t told you yet about that night.” I picked at my thumb nail and took a deep breath.

“Oh, dear God,” Raina responded. “What is it?”

“Well, things got a little…spicy in his car right before you came up to us and won the puke of the year performance.”

“Oh yeah?” She leaned forward in a “do-tell” pose.

“Yeah, we kind of…kissed.” I grimaced and tensed up, waiting for her reaction which would probably be a chew out lecture.

“You kissed? Are you serious?” Raina sat back up with a jot and slammed her hands against the table with a loud smack sound.

“Serious as a heart attack,” I admitted and grinned.

Raina’s eyes were as big as plates. “So, what do you mean by kissed? And how the hell could you have kept that from me for a whole week? No wonder you’re so upset about why he hasn’t called or texted you!”

“I know!” I exclaimed and threw my hands in the air. Finally, my best friend understood the point I was trying to get across. “And by kissed, I mean that things got pretty hot and heavy in the car.”

“Oh yeah? Like how hot and heavy?” Raina grinned and waggled her eyebrows.

“Well, at one point I wondered if we were actually going to fuck right there in the front seat or something.”

“Hot damn, girlfriend.” Raina exclaimed again as some people walking past looked at her funny. “Sorry if I was a cock blocker.”

“Well it probably wouldn’t have been a good idea anyway to have sex with him in a parking lot,” I admitted. “I mean, not the first time.”

“Yeah maybe not so much,” she agreed, wiping her hands with her napkin. “So what are you gonna do now?”

I sat back in my seat. “To be honest, I really have no fucking clue.”

“Maybe you should call him?” Raina suggested.

I winced. “You don’t think that would sound too desperate?”

Raina shrugged. “Maybe not after a week’s already past.”

“Okay, maybe.”

I pondered for a few minutes on the idea and we left in my car to go back to my house where Raina had parked to meet me earlier.

We got out in the driveway and Raina walked toward her car. “Don’t you want to come around the back for an evening swim?” I asked.

She shook her head and opened her car door. “Not tonight. I’ve got to make it an early night tonight. Work is going to be calling my name at eight o’clock sharp.”

I wrinkled my nose. “I’m definitely not jealous of that schedule.”

“Well if you do call him, let me know how it goes.” She gave me a wink and started her engine as I waved goodbye.

I raced inside and upstairs to my bedroom where my parents had left it exactly as it was before I left for college. They told me they wouldn’t change it until I was finished with college and moved out completely.

My sheets were soft and warm and smelled fresh. I thought about how close I’d come not only once, but twice when it came to fulfilling my deepest, sexiest, and most private fantasies of sleeping with Adam Gardner. I was so close I could taste it…and him.

I typed out a text to him. Hey, how’s it going? Would you like to maybe get together for lunch one day soon?

 I then reread the text five times. I took a deep breath and hit the send button before I could talk myself out of it. I clung to the hope that he would respond.

My wish came true, because not even five minutes later my phone buzzed. I dared to look up at the message and saw that it was from Adam. Hey, his message read. I’d love to get together and do lunch or something. Then he put a grinning emoji face at the end.

I beamed, smiling from ear to ear. Okay great, I wrote back.

How about Friday around 1? I can pick you up.

It’s a date, I said and squealed with delight. My plan worked after all.

I leaned back on my pillow, swooning with desire. This time, I was going to make sure I sealed the deal with him.